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Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information (FSA/OWI) Collection: Subject Index Information

Classification Number .8: Health; Religion; Intellectual and Creative Activity; Social and personal activity

This subject index presents the categories assigned in the 1940s to make it possible to browse the FSA/OWI photographs by what they depict. The agency used a decimal number classification scheme. This section of the subject index presents the categories by their classification numbers. The classification numbers retrieve photos that are filed under the classification number in the FSA/OWI file of photographic prints. An alphabetical listing of the words associated with the classification numbers is also available.

  • The categories and the words used to describe them are products of their era and have not been altered for this presentation.
  • Not all numbers retrieve descriptions and images, either because the information has not yet been added to the description, or because the originating agency never applied the number to any photographs.
  • For more information, view the introduction to this list.

Classification Number .8 through .896

Classification # Subject
.8 Medicine Health, Safety
.802.803.804.805.806 Sick People, Maternity, Cripples
.8065 Pediatrics
.807 First Aid
.8075 First Aid Instruction
.808 Military Medicine
.81 Physicians
.814 Nurses
.816 Hospitals
.8169 Elizabeth Kenny Institute
.818 Clinic
.82 Dentistry
.823 Insane Asylum
.826 Drug Stores, Pharmacies
.8263 Patent Medicine
.827 Veterinary Medicine
.83 Sanitation, Public Health
.835 Safety
.8366 Safety on Farms
.8372 Safety in Industry
.84 Religion
.841 Family Prayers
.842 Church Buildings
.8422 Churches, Details
.8423 Church Furniture
.843 Religious Services, Meetings
.8436 Catholic Services
.8437 Jewish Services
.8438 Negro Church Services
.845 Services
.846 Going To and Leaving Church
.847 Parochial Duties of the Clergy
.848 Clergy
.85 Revival Meetings
.8507 Salvation Army
.85073 Missions
.8508 Itinerant Missionizing
.851 Sunday Schools, Bible Class
.853 Ceremonies, Processions
.8548 Funerals
.855 Religious Signs
.86 Science, Education Records, Press Art
.861 Science and Research
.86248 Meteorology
.8627 Bacteriology
.865 Education
.866 University, College Buildlings
.8662 Campus Life
.8665 Classes
.86655 Laboratories
.868 Adult Education
.8683 Special Adult Training Projects
.8686 Education Opportunities Tour
.86983 Exhibit and Display Technique
.87 Museums and Archives
.872 Libraries
.874 Photography
.875 Information
.876 Newspapers
.8765 Radio News
.878 Publicity Campaign, Posters
.8785 Uses of Photos
.8798 Editorial Work
.884 Art, Folk Art
.886 Decorative Arts and Crafts
.88683 Weaving and Spinning
.893 Hobbies
.894 Photography as a Hobby
.896 Flirtation, Love-Making, Courtship