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This subject index presents the categories assigned in the 1940s to make it possible to browse the FSA/OWI photographs by what they depict. The agency used a decimal number classification scheme. This section of the subject index presents the categories by their classification numbers. The classification numbers retrieve photos that are filed under the classification number in the FSA/OWI file of photographic prints. An alphabetical listing of the words associated with the classification numbers is also available.
Classification # | Subject |
.8 | Medicine Health, Safety |
.802, .803, .804, .805, .806 | Sick People, Maternity, Cripples |
.8065 | Pediatrics |
.807 | First Aid |
.8075 | First Aid Instruction |
.808 | Military Medicine |
.81 | Physicians |
.814 | Nurses |
.816 | Hospitals |
.8169 | Elizabeth Kenny Institute |
.818 | Clinic |
.82 | Dentistry |
.823 | Insane Asylum |
.826 | Drug Stores, Pharmacies |
.8263 | Patent Medicine |
.827 | Veterinary Medicine |
.83 | Sanitation, Public Health |
.835 | Safety |
.8366 | Safety on Farms |
.8372 | Safety in Industry |
.84 | Religion |
.841 | Family Prayers |
.842 | Church Buildings |
.8422 | Churches, Details |
.8423 | Church Furniture |
.843 | Religious Services, Meetings |
.8436 | Catholic Services |
.8437 | Jewish Services |
.8438 | Negro Church Services |
.845 | Services |
.846 | Going To and Leaving Church |
.847 | Parochial Duties of the Clergy |
.848 | Clergy |
.85 | Revival Meetings |
.8507 | Salvation Army |
.85073 | Missions |
.8508 | Itinerant Missionizing |
.851 | Sunday Schools, Bible Class |
.853 | Ceremonies, Processions |
.8548 | Funerals |
.855 | Religious Signs |
.86 | Science, Education Records, Press Art |
.861 | Science and Research |
.86248 | Meteorology |
.8627 | Bacteriology |
.865 | Education |
.866 | University, College Buildlings |
.8662 | Campus Life |
.8665 | Classes |
.86655 | Laboratories |
.868 | Adult Education |
.8683 | Special Adult Training Projects |
.8686 | Education Opportunities Tour |
.86983 | Exhibit and Display Technique |
.87 | Museums and Archives |
.872 | Libraries |
.874 | Photography |
.875 | Information |
.876 | Newspapers |
.8765 | Radio News |
.878 | Publicity Campaign, Posters |
.8785 | Uses of Photos |
.8798 | Editorial Work |
.884 | Art, Folk Art |
.886 | Decorative Arts and Crafts |
.88683 | Weaving and Spinning |
.893 | Hobbies |
.894 | Photography as a Hobby |
.896 | Flirtation, Love-Making, Courtship |