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Female Ancestors: Finding Women in Local History and Genealogy

Further Reading

African American woman reading book. Between 1890 and 1920. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

Use authorized subject headings to browse the Library of Congress Online Catalog for specific families, communities, and topics that may reveal the stories of female ancestors. Select any subject heading to see a list of titles. Click on any of those titles to access the bibliographic record. Step-by-step directions for searching the catalog are included on the Genealogy Basics page of this guide.

The possibilities are too numerous to list, but the following examples of related subject headings are intended to prompt brainstorming about the keywords and categories that might lead to more information about the women in our local and family history.

Selected Bibliography

Categorized pages throughout this guide delve deeply into a selection of specific record sets where we may find evidence of the lives lived by the women in our history. The resources in this selected bibliography provide broader context; historical references; and exceptional case studies that weave those clues together into conclusions.

The following titles link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Links to additional online content are included when available.

Articles included:

  • Freilich, Kay Haviland. “Was She Really Alice Fling? Righting a Wrong Identity.” Page 225.
  • Ingalls, Kay Germain. “Cherchez la Femme! Looking for Female Ancestors.” Page 165.
  • Lennon, Rachal Mills and Elizabeth Shown Mills. “Mother, Thy Name is Mystery! Finding the Slave Who Bore Philomene Dorat.” Page 201.
  • Little, Barbara Vines. “Teasing the Silent Woman from the Shadows of History: Mary Fitzhugh (Stuart) Fitzhugh of Virginia.” Page 179.