One of the most extensive collections of Presse Féminine External is digitized on Gallica by the Bibliothèque national de France. The full run of Femina from 1910-1914 can be consulted at the Bibliothèque de la Ville de Paris and at the Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand, which also houses the full run of La Vie Heureuse to that date. Both magazines can be consulted on microfilm at the Bibliothèque nationale de France. Femina issues from January 1910 to December 1912 are available on Gallica.
Modern scholars such as Siobhán McIlvanney (Figurations of the Feminine in the Early French Women's Press, 1759-1848 External ) have restored much-deserved respectability to these publications which had been overlooked or dismissed by scholars in the past as the magazine equivalent to "chick lit". For images like the one to the right, search the Library's digital collections using the search box dropdown menu for "Photos, Prints and Drawings" with the subject heading Posters--French--1890-1900.