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NEA National Heritage Fellowship Awardees: Resources at the American Folklife Center

AFC Resources on the National Heritage Fellows

Photograph of Rufus White
Carl Fleischhauer, photographer. Rufus White, a 2014 National Heritage Fellowship recipient, during the 1983 Omaha Powwow in Macy, Nebraska. August 13, 1983. Library of Congress American Folklife Center.

The American Folklife Center is an important repository of information about recipients of the National Heritage Fellowship. For example, Fellowship awardees are featured in over 450 AFC collections. AFC staff have organized sixty concerts, eight lectures, and twenty-four oral history interviews with, as well as authored nineteen blog posts on, recipients of the National Heritage Fellowship.

The subpages on the left-hand column of your screen -- Collections, Concerts, Lectures, Oral History Interviews, and Blog Posts -- provide an overview of all the documentary material the American Folklife Center has in its archive regarding winners of National Heritage Fellowships. The "Collections" tab will take the researcher to information on the winners in each year for which we have cataloged material. The following tabs -- Concerts, Lectures, Oral History Interviews -- provide links to materials in those categories that were found among the cataloged items. And the final tab -- Blog Posts -- adds supplementary information on the Heritage Fellowship events and featured winners in our publication series.

All pages are organized by the year that artists received their National Heritage Fellowship. For a complete listing of the year that a particular artist received their National Heritage Fellowship, search the NEA's National Heritage Fellowship website.