The checklist below comprises the foreign newspaper collection holdings in original print in bound volumes, from the 19th and 20th centuries. This inventory was compiled in Fall 1998.
City | Title | Control Number | Summary Holdings | Volume Count |
various titles | 3-X | various dates | 1 | |
Archangel Extracts From The Press | 3 | 7/1918-8/1919 | 1 | |
Argyro-Castro | Laiko Vema | 3 | 5/1945-5/20/1946; 5/24/1946-1/1947; 1/1956-12/29/1957; 10/2/1958-12/29/1960; 4/23-12/31/1961 | 6 |
Tirana | Luftetari | 7 | 1945-1949; 10/1954-12/1954; 1/1,30,4/3,7/1955 | 3 |
Tirana | Puna | 8 | 1945-1946; 1948-1949; 1950; 1951-1952; 1-3/1955; 1953-1954; 4/1955-12/1956; 1957; 1958; 1959; 1960; 1961 | 12 |
Tirana | Rinia | 9 | 1945-1948; 1950; 1951; 1952; 1953 | 5 |
Tirana | Sporti Popullor | 10 | 1/19/1955-12/1956 | 1 |
Tirana | Zeri i Rinise | 13 | 2/1954-12/1955; 1956-1957; 1958; 1959; 1960; 1961 | 6 |
City | Title | Control Number | Summary Holdings | Volume Count |
various titles | 14-X | various dates | 1 | |
Algiers | Republican | 14 | 10-12/1943; 1-6/21/1944; 6/22-12/1944; 5/17-11/21/1950; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952 | 6 |
Algiers | Algiers Courier de l'Algerie | 15 | 12/1861-12/1862 | 1 |
Algiers | La Depeche Algerienne | 16 | 1-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-12/1944 | 3 |
Algiers | Dernieres Nouvelles | 17 | 1-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7/1944-2/1945 | 3 |
Algiers | Dimanche Matin | 18 | 1956-1958; 1959-1960; 1/1-4/16/1961 | 3 |
Algiers | L'Echo D' Alger | 19 | 12/15/1941-1/15/1942; 7-12/1942; 1-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7/1945-6/1946; 2/18-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1951; 1/12-5/19/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955 | 19 |
Algiers | Journal | 20 | 5/17-11/21/1950; 1951; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958 | 7 |
Bone | La Depeche de L'est | 21 | 1-5/1943; 6-12/1943; 1/1944-6/1945 | 3 |
Constantine | Constatine Dépêche | 22 | 5-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7/1945-5/1946; 1-6/1954; 6/1946 | 8 |
Oran | L'Echo D'Oran | 23 | 10/1941-8/1942; 10-12/1942; 1-12/1943; 1-12/1944; 1945; 1-6/1946; 8/23/1946-5/1947; 6-11/7/1947; 11/8/1947-4/20/1948; 6-9/1952; 4/21-12/1948; 1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 10-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 7-12/1954 | 22 |
Oran | Echo Dimanche | 24 | 1956-58; 1959-60; 1961; 1/7-6/24/1962 | 4 |
Oran | Republicain | 25 | 7-12/1941; 1-8/1942; 10/1-12/31/1942; 1-4/1946; 1-6/1943; 7-12/1943; 1-12/1944; 1945; 5/17-11/20/1950; 1951; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953 | 12 |
City | Title | Control Number | Summary Holdings | Volume Count |
misc. | misc. | 26-X | various dates | 1 |
Luanda | O Comercio | 26 | 10-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1951; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953 | 6 |
Luanda | Diario de Lunda | 27 | 8/15/1950; 9/16-12/1951; 7-9/1952; 10-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 5/27-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-6,12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-11/1956; 1-3/1959; 4-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960 | 19 |
Luanda | A Provencia de Angola | 28 | 8/15,12/31/1949 & 8/15,12/31/1950; 9/17-12/1951; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-8/1953; 12/1953; 7/11/1954; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-11/1956; 1-3/1959; 4-6/1959; 7-12/1959 | 14 |
City | Title | Control Number | Summary Holdings | Volume Count |
St. John's | Antigua Magnet | 2583 | 4-9/1948; 7/1943-7/13/1945; 7/14-31/1945; 5-12/1952; 1-3/1947-1948; | 5 |
St. John's | The Antique Star | 2584 | 1944; 1947-1949; | 2 |
City | Title | Control Number | Summary Holdings | Volume Count |
misc. | misc. | 29-X | various dates | 3 |
Bahia Blanca | Nuevos Tiempos | 29 | 9-12/1937; 1/28-12/23/1938; 1/13-12/29/1939; 1/1940-12/1941; 1942-43 | 5 |
Buenos Aires | Argentinisches Wochenblatt | 31 | 7/5-12/27/1941; 1-6/1942; 11/9/1940-6/1941; 7-8/1942 | 4 |
Buenos Aires | Argentinos Lietuviu Balsas | 32 | 1954-57; 1958-59 | 2 |
Buenos Aires | Argentinske Novine | 33 | 1942-44 | 1 |
Buenos Aires | Armenia | 34 | 1942-43 | 1 |
Buenos Aires | Assalam | 35 | 1943 | 1 |
Buenos Aires | Azzaubaha | 36 | 1942-43 | 1 |
Buenos Aires | The British Packet, and Argentine News | 37 | 5/17/1828-5/28/1831; 2/1832-2/1845 | 2 |
Buenos Aires | Correo de Asturias | 38 | 9/11/1937-11/12/1938 | 1 |
Buenos Aires | Crisol | 39 | 12/1941-6/1942; 10-12/1942; 1-3/1943; 4-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 10-12/1943 | 6 |
Buenos Aires | Cronista Comercial | 40 | 11/1/1947 | 1 |
Buenos Aires | Demo cracia | 41 | 12/1952-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-12/1959; 1-4/1960; 5-7/22/1960; 9/7-12/16/1960; 3-4/1961; 5-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 | 28 |
Buenos Aires | Deutsche La Plata Zeitung | 42 | 4-6/1941; 7-9/1941; 10-12/1941; 1/1-3/1941; 1-3/1942; 4-6/1942; 7-10/1942; 10-12/1942; 2/4-4/21/1943 | 9 |
Buenos Aires | El Eco | 43 | 4/4/1942-12/19/1942 | 1 |
Buenos Aires | El Eco | 43 | 1-9/1943 | 1 |
Buenos Aires | Epoca | 44 | 4-6/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-3/1947; 4-6/1947; 7-9/1947; 10-12/1947; 1-3/1948; 4/1948; 5-6/1948; 7-9/1948; 10-12/1948; 1-3/1949; 4-6/1949; 7-9/1949; 10-12/1949; 1-3/1950; 4-6/1950; 7-9/1950; 10-12/1950; 1-3/1951; 7-9/1951; 4-6/1951; 10-12/1951; 4-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 9-12/1954; 2-3/1944 | 31 |
Buenos Aires | El Federal | 45 | 2-5/1944 | 1 |
Buenos Aires | Freie Presse | 46 | 12/1945-3/1946; 4-7/25/1946; 8-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-9/1947; 10-12/1947; 1-4/7/1948 | 7 |
Buenos Aires | Fronda | 47 | 3/20-4/1944; 5-6/1944; 7-8/1944; 9-10/1944; 11-12/1944; 1-3/1945; 4-6/1945; 7-9/1945 | 8 |
Buenos Aires | La Gaceta Mercantil | 48 | 8,11/1824; 4-5/1825; 2/17/1826; 4/1828-12/1829; 2/1830-4/1831; 11/1835-10/1836; 5/30-10/16/1838; 3/21-4/22/1840; 1844; 12/13,16,19/1845; 4/25-5/14/1846 | 10 |
Buenos Aires | Galicia | 49 | 8/5-12/14/1946; 2/1941-5/1942; 6/1942-12/1943; 12/28/1946-12/1948; 1949-1951; 8/30/1953-11/1958 | 6 |
Buenos Aires | La Hora | 50 | 12/1941-1/1942; 2-4/1942; 5-8/1942; 9/17-10/1942; 10/1942-6/1943; 12/22/1945-4/27/1944-1946; 5/25-8/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958 | 13 |
Buenos Aires | Hrvatski Domobran | 51 | 1941-43 | 1 |
Buenos Aires | La Plata Post | 52 | 1942;1943 | 2 |
Buenos Aires | Libre Palabra | 53 | 8/19-10/1940; 11-12/1940; 1-4/1941; 5-8/1941; 9-12/1941; 1-2/1942; 1-4/1943; 5-8/1943; 9-12/1943; 1-4/1944; 4-8/1/1944; 8/2-12/1944; 1-3/1945 | 13 |
Buenos Aires | Il Mattino D'Italia | 54 | 1/4-12/1942; 1943 | 2 |
Buenos Aires | Nacion Catalana | 57 | 10/8/1927-5/15/1930 | 1 |
Buenos Aires | Nacional | 58 | 8/12-9/1958; 10-12/1958; 1-3/1959; 4-5/1959 | 4 |
Buenos Aires | Nasa Sloga | 59 | 2-6/1942 | 1 |
Buenos Aires | La Nueva Espana | 60 | 2/16-12/26/1937; 1/27-11/1938 | 2 |
Buenos Aires | Oiga | 61 | 1942 | 1 |
Buenos Aires | El Pampero | 62 | 12/7-19/1940; 2-3/1941; 4-6/1941; 7-9/1941; 10-12/1941; 1-3/1942; 4-6/1942; 7-9/1942; 10-12/1942; 12/20/1942-4/1943; 5-8/1943; 9-12/1943 | 13 |
Buenos Aires | Prensa | 63 | 7-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 5-8/1954; 1-4/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/5/1955 | 9 |
Buenos Aires | Pueblo | 64 | 5-8/1952 | 1 |
Buenos Aires | Razon | 65 | 9/19-10/2/1940; 1-3/1957; 1-4/15/1957; 5/16-6/1957; 7-8/1957; 9-10/1957; 11-12/1957; 1-2/1958; 3-4/1958; 5-6/1958; 7-8/1958; 9-10/1958; 11-12/1958; 1-2/1959; 3-4/1959; 5-6/1959; 7-8/1959; 9-10/1959; 11-12/1959; 1-2/1960; 3-4/1960; 5-6/1960; 7-8/1960; 9/10/1960; 11-12/1960; 1-2/1961; 3-4/1961; 5-6/1961; 7-8/1961; 9-10/1961; 11-12/1961 | 31 |
Buenos Aires | Svitlo | 67 | 4/10-12/1942; 1-9/1943 | 2 |
Buenos Aires | Tribuna | 68 | 7/17-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 4-6/1946; 6/30-7/13/1946; 7/21-9/1946; 10-12/1946; 1-3/1947 | 8 |
Buenos Aires | Zeitung | 69 | 5-9/7/1945; 12/18/1944-4/1945 | 2 |
Cordoba | La Voz del Interior | 70 | 2/8-3/16/1942 | 1 |
Lucas Gonzalez | Der Russlanddeutsche | 71 | 1941-1942 | 1 |
Mendoza | El Tiempo de Cuyo | 73 | 5/25/1960; 3/1961 | 2 |
Rosario | La Capital | 74 | 9-10/1940; 11-12/1940; 1-2/1941; 3-4/1941; 5-6/1941; 7-8/1941; 9-10/1941; 11-12/1941; 1-2/1942; 3-4/1942; 5-6/1942; 7/7-8/1942; 9-10/1942; 11-12/1942; 7/27-9/1942; 10-12/1942; 1-6/1943; 7-8/1943; 9-10/1943; 11-12/1943; 1-2/1944; 3-4/1944; 5-6/1944; 7-8/1944; 9-10/1944; 11-12/1944; 1-2/1945; 3-4/1945; 5-6/1945; 7-8/1945; 9-10/1945; 11-12/1945; 1-2/1946; 3-4/1946; 5/1946; 6/1946; 7/1946; 8/1946; 9/1946; 10/1946; 11/1946; 12/1946; 1/1947; 2/1947; 3/1947; 4/1947; 5/1947; 6/1947; 7/1947; 8/1947; 9/1947; 10/1947; 11/1947; 12/1947; 1/1948; 2/1948; 3/1948; 4/1948; 5/1948; 6/1948; 7/1948; 8/1948; 9/1948; 10/1948; 11/1948; 12/1948; 4/1949; 3-4/1950; 5-6/11/1950 | 56 |
Democracia | 75 | 7/27-9/1942; 10-12/1942; 1-6/1943 | 3 | |
La Tierra | 76 | 1942-1943 | 1 | |
San Juan | Dirario de ouyo (Aren.) | 77 | 11/1958-4/1959;5-9/1959; 10-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4-6/1961; 7-9/1961 | 10 |
El Porvenir | 78 | 1942-1943 | 1 | |
Santa Fe | El Litoral | 79 | 2/8-3/16/1942 | 1 |
Santa Fe | Manana de Santa Fe | 80 | 1-2/1943; 3-4/1953; 5/2-6/12/1943; 6/13-8/1943; 9-10/1943; 11-12/1943; 1-3/1944; 4-5/1944; 6-7/1944; 8-9/1944; 10-12/1944; 1-3/1945; 4-6/1945; 7-9/1945; 10-12/5/1945; 1-3/1946; 5-6/1946; 7-9/1946; 1-3/1947; 5-9/1947; 2/10-7/1949; 8-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/9/1951; 12/11/1951-5/1952; 6-12/1952; 1953-1954; 1955-1956; 1957 | 18 |
Santa Fe | El Orden | 81 | 2/8-3/17/1942 | 1 |
City | Title | Control Number | Summary Holdings | Volume Count |
misc. | misc. | 82-X | various dates | 1 |
Adeliade | Advertiser | 82 | 1-3/26/1943; 3/27-6/1943; 7-12/1943; 1-4/1944; 5-6/1944; 7-8/1944; 9-10/1944; 11-12/1944 | 8 |
Adeliade | [Ednist] | 83 | 4/1954-5/1955 | 1 |
Brisbane | Couier-Mail | 84 | 1-6/1943; 7-12/1943; 1-4/1944; 5-6/1944; 7-8/1944; 9-10/1944; 11-12/1944 | 7 |
Melbourne | [Ednist] | 87 | 9-12/1955 | 1 |
Melbourne | The Illustrated Australian News for Home Readers | 88 | 1867-1873 | 1 |
Melbourne | Illustrated Melbourne Post | 89 | 1865-68 | 1 |
Melbourne | The Leader | 90 | 1-6/1900; 7-12/1900; 1-6/1901; 7-12/1901; 1-6/1902; 7-12/1902; 1-6/1903; 7-12/1903; 1-6/1904; 7-12/1904; 1-6/1905; 7-9/1905; 10-12/1905; 1-6/1906; 7-12/1906; 1-4/1907; 5-8/1907; 9-12/1907; 1-4/1908; 5-8/1908; 9-12/1908; 1-4/1909; 5-8/1909; 9-12/1909; 1-4/1910; 5-8/1910; 9-12/1910; 1-4/1911; 5-8/1911; 1/14,9/9,12/23/1933; 4/28,5/5,6/2,30/1934; 7-12/1934; 1-6/1935; 7-12/1935; 1-6/1936; 7-12/1936; 1-6/1937; 7-12/1937; 1-6/1938; 7-12/1938; 1-6/1939; 7-12/1939; 1-6/1940 | 43 |
Melbourne | The Sun | 91 | 2/16-12/1946; 1947; 1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950 | 7 |
Perth | The West Australian | 92 | 1-4/1943; 4/29-8/1943; 9-12/1943; 2/9-4/1944; 5-8/1944; 9-11/1944; 11/15/1946-1/1947; 2-4/1947; 5-6/1947; 7-9/1947; 10-12/1947 | 11 |
Sydney | Daily Teleghaph and daily news | 93 | 1-3/1943; 4-5/1943; 6-8/1943; 9-12/1943; 1-3/1944; 4-6/1944; 7-12/1944 | 7 |
Sydney | Sydney Farmer & Settler | 94 | 4/27-12/1945; 1-12/1946; 1947; 1948; 1/7-11/4/1949; 1/6-12/21/1950; 1951 | 7 |
Sydney | Meie Kodu | 95 | 1956-1958; 1959-1960; 10/8/1953-12/1955 | 3 |
Sydney | Sydney Sun | 96 | 1-3/1943; 4-5/15/1943; 5/17-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-12/2/1944 | 5 |
Sydney | Sydney Sunday News | 97 | 1-6/1920; 7-12/1920; 1-6/1921; 7-12/1921; 1-6/1922; 7-12/1922; 1-6/1923; 7-12/1923; 1-6/1924; 7-12/1924; 1-6/1925; 7-12/1925; 1-6/1926; 7-12/1926; 1-6/1927; 7-12/1927; 1-6/1928; 7-12/1928; 1-6/1929; 7-12/1929 | 20 |
Sydney | Sydney Vil'na Dymka | 98 | 1954-1955; 1956-1958; 1959-1960; 10/4-12/1953 | 4 |
City | Title | Control Number | Summary Holdings | Volume Count |
misc. | misc. | 100-X | various dates | |
Braunau | Branau Neue Warte Am inn | 100 | 10/1945-12/1946 | 1 |
Bregenz | Tageszeitung | 102 | 1-10/1946; 11-12/1946 | 2 |
Bregenz | Vorarlberger-Nachrichten | 103 | 4-12/1946; 6-7/1947; 8-9/13/1947; 9-11/15/1945; 1-3/1946 | 5 |
Bregenz | Voralberger Volksblatt | 104 | 7-12/1946; 1-9/1947; 11/16/1945-6/1946 | 3 |
Bruck | Murztaler Volkstimme | 105 | 2-12/1946 | 1 |
Graz | Donauzeitung | 106 | 10/17/1944-3/25/1945 | 1 |
Graz | Kleine Zeitung | 107 | 1944 | 1 |
Graz | Neue Steirische Zeitung | 108 | 10-12/1945 | 1 |
Graz | Neue Zeit | 109 | 11/1945-12/1946; 1-11/1947; 1948 | 3 |
Graz | Steirerblatt | 110 | 11-1945-12/1946 | 1 |
Graz | Sudost Tagespost | 111 | 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9/1955 | 3 |
Graz | Tagespost | 112 | 1/2-8/1919; 2/1-4/15/1938; 7-8/1938; 9-10/1938; 11-12/1938; 4-6/1942; 1-2/1939; 3-4/1939; 5-6/1939; 7-8/1939; 9-10/1939; 11-12/1939; 1-2/1940; 3-4/1940; 5-6/1940; 7-8/1940; 11-12/1941; 4-6/1942; 7-12/1942; 1-6/1943; 7-12/1943; 1-3/1942; 9-10/1940; 11-12/1940; 1-2/1941; 3-4/1941; 5-6/1941; 7-8/1941; 9-10/1941; 1-6/1944; 7-12/1944; 1-5/1945 | 31 |
Hainburg | Grenzbote | 113 | 1957-1958; 1959-1960 | 2 |
Innsbruck | Innsbrucker Nachrichten | 114 | 1938; 1943; 1944; 1945 | 4 |
Innsbruck | Neuste Zeitung | 115 | 1938; 10-6/1942-1943 | 2 |
Innsbruck | Tiroler Bauern-zeitung | 116 | 2-3/1938 | 1 |
Innsbruck | Tiroler Nachrichten | 117 | 1946 | 1 |
Innsbruck | Tiroler Neue Zeitung | 118 | 11/16/1945-10/1946 | 1 |
Innsbruck | Tiroler Tageszeitung | 119 | 6-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1947; 1-7/1948 | 5 |
Innsbruck | Vorarlberger Volkswille | 120 | 4-12/1946 | 1 |
Innsbruck | Volkszeitung | 121 | 11/15/1945-6/1946; 7-12/1946 | 2 |
Innsbruck | Wochenpost | 122 | 11/1945-12/1946 | 1 |
Klagenfurt | Karntner Zeitung | 123 | 10-12/1942; 1-4/1945 | 2 |
Klagenfurt | Neue Zeit | 124 | 5-10/1946 | 1 |
Klagenfurt | Volkszeitung | 125 | 11/11/1945-10/1946 | 1 |
Knittelfeld | Obersteirische Rundschau | 126 | 11-12/1945 | 1 |
Krems | Volksstimme | 127 | 9/1931-8/1932 | 1 |
Kufstein | Sonntagspost | 128 | 1946 | 1 |
Landau | Pfalzer Anzeiger | 129 | 7/1942-6/1943 | 1 |
Leoben | Obersteirisches Tagblatt | 130 | 5/10-7/24/1945 | 1 |
Linz | Linzer-Abendbote | 131 | 1864 | 1 |
Linz | Linzer Volksblatt | 132 | 4-6/1902; 10-12/1934; 1-3/1935; 4-6/1935; 10-12/1935; 4-6/1936; 7-9/1936; 10-12/1936; 1-3/1937; 4-6/1937; 7-9/1937; 10-12/1937; 1946 | 13 |
Linz | Linzer Volkstimme | 133 | 3/17/1923-12/1925; 1926-1927 | 2 |
Linz | Muhlviertler Bote | 134 | 2-9/1946 | 1 |
Linz | Die Neue Zeit | 135 | 10-12/1935; 1936 | 2 |
Linz | Neue Zeit | 136 | 10/27-12/15/1945; 1946; 1-6/1947 | 3 |
Linz | Oberdonau Zeitung | 137 | 1-3/1943; 4-6/1943; 1-5/1944; 6-10/1944; 1945 | 5 |
Linz | Oberosterreichische Nachrichten | 138 | 6-12/1945; 2-12/1946; 1-10/18/1947; 1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9/1955 | 17 |
Linz | Osterreichishe Nationalsozialist | 139 | 8/1927-12/1928 | 1 |
Linz | Tagblatt | 140 | 1-3/1918; 1937; 11/1-12/15/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-2/1947; 3-4/22/1947 | 7 |
Linz | Tages-post | 141 | 1-3/1940; 4-6/1940; 7-9/1940; 10-12/1940; 1-4/1941; 4-6/1941; 7-9/1941; 10-12/1941; 1-3/1942; 4-6/1942; 7-9/1942; 10-12/1942; 1-3/1943; 4-6/1943; 7-9/1943 | 15 |
Linz | Volksstimme | 142 | 4/19/1929-8/1931; 7-9/1939; 1-3/1940; 4-6/1940; 7-9/1940; 10-12/1940; 1-3/1941; 4-6/1941; 7-9/1941; 10-12/1941; 1-3/1942; 4-6/1942; 7-9/1942; 10-12/1942 | 14 |
St. Polten | Grenzmark-Zeitung | 143 | 1945 | 1 |
St. Polten | Volkswacht | 144 | 9-12/1918; 1919-1921; 1922-1924; 1925-1926; 1927-1929; 1930-1932 | 6 |
Salzburg | Demokrat | 145 | 7-8/1948 | 1 |
Salzburg | Demokratisches Volksvlatt | 146 | 10/25/1945-2/3/1946; 2/4-12/1946; 1-4/1947; 5-9/1947 | 4 |
Salzburg | Ogni | 147 | 11/1947-6/1948 | 1 |
Salzburg | Salzburger-Chronik | 148 | 11/1935-2/1936 | 1 |
Salzburg | Salzburger Landeszeitung | 149 | 10-11/15/1942 | 1 |
Salzburg | Salzburger Tagblatt | 150 | 10/25-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947 | 4 |
Salzburg | Salzburger Volksblatt | 151 | 1935-1936; 1938 | 2 |
Salzburg | Salzburger Volkszeitung | 152 | 10/23/1945-9/1946; 10/1946-6/1947 | 2 |
Salzburg | Salzburger Zeitung | 153 | 11/16-12/1942; 1945 | 2 |
Vienna | Der Abend | 154 | 1918-1933 | 1 |
Vienna | Die Abendpost | 155 | 4/1933 | 1 |
Vienna | Alldeutsches Tagblatt | 156 | 4-12/1903; 1-6/1904; 7-12/1904; 1-6/1905; 7-12/1905; 1-7/1/1906; 7/3-12/1906; 1-5/1907; 7-12/1907; 1-6/1908; 7-12/1908; 1-6/1909; 7-12/1909; 1-3/1910; 4-6/1910; 7-12/1910; 1-6/1911; 7-9/1911; 10-12/1911; 1-6/1912; 7-12/1912; 1-6/1913; 7-12/1913; 1-5/10/1914; 5/12-7/1914; 1-6/1918; 7-12/1918; 1-6/1919; 7-12/1919; 1-6/15/1920 | 30 |
Vienna | British morning news | 157 | 2-12/1946 | 1 |
Vienna | Deutsche Arbeiter-presse | 158 | 1914-1921; 1922-1923; 1924-1925 | 3 |
Vienna | Deutsche Presse | 159 | 8/19-12/1914; 1-6/1915; 7/1915-6/1916; 7-12/1916; 1-2/11/1917 | 5 |
Vienna | Deutsche Tageszeitung | 160 | 8-12/1920; 3/1921 | 2 |
Vienna | Deutsche Telegraf | 162 | 1938 | 1 |
Vienna | Deutsche Volksblatt | 163 | 1-3/1889; 4-6/1889; 7-9/1889; 10-12/1889; 1-3/1890; 4-6/1890; 7-9/1890; 10-12/1890; 1-3/1891; 4-6/1891; 7-9/1891; 10-12/1891; 1-3/1892; 4-6/1892; 7-9/1892; 10-12/1892; 1-3/1893; 4-6/1893; 7-9/1893; 10-12/1893; 1-3/1894; 4-6/1894; 7-9/1894; 10-12/1894; 1-3/1895; 4-6/1895; 7-9/1895; 10-12/1895; 4-6/1896; 7-9/1896; 10-12/1896; 1-3/1897; 4-6/1897; 7-9/1897 | 34 |
Vienna | Deutsche Volksblatt | 164 | 2/1935-12/1936; 1937 | 2 |
Vienna | Deutschosterreichische Tages-zeitung | 165 | 1921-1922; 7-12/1925; 1926; 7-9/1927; 1928-1930; 1931-1933 | 6 |
Vienna | Europa Kabel | 166 | 9/15/1944-3/1945 | 1 |
Vienna | Express | 167 | 3-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-12/1959; 1-4/1960; 5-8/1960; 9-12/1960; 1-4/1961; 5-8/1961; 9-12/1961 | 11 |
Vienna | Kleine Volks-Zeitung | 168 | 1-4/1943; 5-8/1943; 9-12/1943 | 3 |
Vienna | Kleine Volksblatt | 169 | 1937-1938; 8/5-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 6-12/1950; 1-2/1951; 3-10/1951; 2-6/1952; 7-8/1952; 9-10/1952; 11-12/1952; 1-2/1953; 3-4/1953; 5-6/1953; 7-8/1953; 9-10/1953; 11-12/1953; 1-2/1954; 3/2-16/1954 | 24 |
Vienna | Koroski Slovenec | 170 | 1932-1934 | 1 |
Vienna | Die Nachtfunk | 171 | 1933 | 1 |
Vienna | Die Nachtpost | 172 | 1933 | 1 |
Vienna | Der Neue Abend | 173 | 10/24,28-30/1918 | 1 |
Vienna | Neue Freie Presse | 174 | 8/21-30/1870; 1873; 12/8,10-28/1894 | 3 |
Vienna | Neue Tageszeitung | 175 | 3-6/1955 | 1 |
Vienna | Neue Weltpresse | 176 | 11/1957-3/1958 | 1 |
Vienna | Neue Wiener Tageszeitung | 177 | 1/15-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-2/1955 | 12 |
Vienna | Neues Oesterreich | 178 | 4/26-12/1945; 1946; 1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-9/1953; 9/8-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-10/1958; 11-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-6/1959; 7-8/1959; 9-10/1959; 11-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 | 45 |
Vienna | Neues Wiener Tagblatt | 179 | 9/1914; 10/1914; 11/1914;1/1915; 2/1915; 3/1915; 4/1915; 5/1915; 6/1915; 7/1-6/1915; 9/20-21/1915; 10/1915; 11/1915;
12/1915; 6/1918; 7/1918; 8/1918; 9/1918; 10/1918; 11/1918; 5/1931-1/2/1939; 1943-1944; 1945 |
24 |
Vienna | Neues Wiener Tagblatt Wochen-Augabe | 180 | 1940; 1941; 1944 | 1 |
Vienna | Neuigkeits Welt-Blatt | 181 | 1910-1940; 1-6/1941; 7/1941-3/1942 | 3 |
Vienna | Osterreichische Nationalsozialist | 182 | 11/13/1926-7/1927 | 1 |
Vienna | Osterreichische Neue Tageszeitung | 183 | 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955; 1-4/1956 | 3 |
Vienna | Osterreichische Zeitung | 184 | 5/20-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-7/1955 | 19 |
Vienna | Osterreichischer Beobachter | 185 | 1-3/1934; 4/1934 | 2 |
Vienna | Ostdeutsche Rundschau | 186 | 1890; 1891; 1892; 1-6/1893; 7-12/1893; 1-4/1894; 5-8/1894; 9-12/1894; 1-4/1895; 5-8/1895; 9-12/1895; 1-3/1896; 4-6/1896; 7-9/1896; 10-12/1896; 1-4/1897; 5-8/1897; 9-12/1897; 1-4/1898; 5-8/1898; 9-12/1898; 1-4/1899; 5-8/1899; 9-12/1899; 1-3/1900; 4-6/1900; 7-9/1900; 10-12/1900; 1-3/1901; 4-6/1901; 7-9/1901; 10-12/1901; 1-3/1902; 4-6/1902; 7-9/1902; 10-12/1902; 1-3/1903; 4-6/1903; 7-9/1903; 10-12/1903; 1918-1920 | 41 |
Vienna | Die Presse (Morgenblatt) | 187 | 10-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 | 38 |
Vienna | Presse | 188 | 1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1950; 1951; 1952; 1953; 1954; 1955 | 10 |
Vienna | Reichspost | 189 | 3/1910-5/1918; 6-8/1918; 9-12/1918; 1-3/1919; 4/1919; 5/1919; 6/1919; 7-11/1919; 1920-1924; 1925-1928; 1/1929-2/1933; 5/1933-6/1936; 7-9/1936; 10-11/15/1936; 11/16-12/1936; 3/1938 | 17 |
Vienna | Die Rote Fahne | 190 | 7/26-12/1919; 1920-1923; 1924-1926; 1927-1928; 1929; 1930; 1931-1933 | 7 |
Vienna | 6 Uhr Abendblatt | 191 | 1938-1939 | 1 |
Vienna | Soziale Revolution | 192 | 1/15-7/23/1919 | 1 |
Vienna | Vienna Herald and Austrian Advertiser | 193 | 1931 | 1 |
Vienna | Vienna Times | 194 | 8/21/1927-7/22/1929; 2/15/1930-1/1931 | 2 |
Vienna | Volkischer Beobachter Wiener Ausgabe | 195 | 3-4/1938; 5/1938; 6/1938; 7/1938; 8-10/1938; 11-12/1938; 1-2/1939; 3-4/1939; 5-6/1939; 7-8/1939; 11-12/1939; 1-2/1940; 3-4/1940; 5-6/1940; 7-8/1940; 9-10/1940; 11-12/1940; 1-2/1941; 3-4/1941; 5-6/1941; 7-8/1941; 9-10/1941; 11-12/1941; 1-3/1942; 4-6/1942; 7-9/1942; 10-12/1942; 1-6/1943; 7-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7/1944-3/1945 | 32 |
Vienna | Volks-Zeitung | 196 | 1927-1944 | 1 |
Vienna | Weckruf | 197 | 11/1918-1/11/1919 | 1 |
Vienna | Welt Am Abend | 198 | 10-12/1946 | 1 |
Vienna | Weltpresse | 199 | 9/18-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1/1947; 5-12/1947; 1948; 1-11/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954
1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-11/2/1957 |
28 |
Vienna | Wiener Abendpost | 200 | 1/2-2/18/1911; 1-6/1914; 7-12/1914; 1-6/1915; 7-12/1915;
1-5/1916; 9/1916; 10-12/1916; 1-6/1917; 7-12/1917; 1-6/1918; 7-9/1918 |
12 |
Vienna | Wiener Deutche Tageszeitung | 201 | 7/1920 | 1 |
Vienna | Weiner Kroren Zeitung | 202 | 1943-1944 | 1 |
Vienna | Wiener Kurier | 203 | 8/27-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-9/5/1953; 9/7-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-10/16/1954; 10/23-7/2/1954-1955 | 21 |
Vienna | Wiener Mittagausgabe | 204 | 1921-1923; 1924-1927; 1939 | 3 |
Wiener Neueste Nachrichten | 206 | 1925-1928; 1929-1932; 1933-1935; 1936-1938; 1-3/1939; 4-8/1939; 1943; 1-3/1944; 4-8/1944; 9/1945 | 10 | |
Wiener Tageszeitung | 207 | 1947; 6/27-12/1948; 1-9/1949; 1/1-14/1950 | 4 | |
Zeit | 208 | 6-9/1914; 10-12/1914; 1-2/1915; 3-4/1915; 5-6/1915; 7-8/1915;
9-10/1915; 11-12/1915; 12/6-12/1915; 1-3/1916; 4-6/1916; 7-9/1916; 10-12/1916; 1-3/1917; 4-6/1917; 7-9/1917; 10-12/1917; 1-3/1918; 3-5/1918; 6/1918; 7-9/1918; 10-12/1918; 1/1-10/1919; 1-4/1919; 5-8/1919 |
25 | |
Villach | Volkswille | 209 | 3-10/1946 | 1 |
Wels | Welser Wochenblatt | 210 | 10/18-12/1945-1946 | 1 |
City | Title | Control Number | Summary Holdings | Volume Count |
Baku | Edebiiiat ve Inchesenet | 3641 | 1955-1956; 1957; 1958; 1959-1960; 1961 | 6 |
City | Title | Control Number | Summary Holdings | Volume Count |
misc. | misc. | 212-X | various dates | 1 |
Nassau | Nassau Tribune | 212 | 6-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-12/1959; 1-4/1960; 5-8/1960; 9-12/1960; 1-4/1961; 5-6/1961; 7-8/1961; 9-10/1961; 11-12/1961 | 30 |
Nassau | Nassau Guardian | 213 | 1-11/18/1944; 11/24-11/28/1944-45 | 2 |
City | Title | Control Number | Summary Holdings | Volume Count |
misc. | misc. | 2891-X | various dates | 1 |
Dacca | Morning News | 2891 | 7-10/1950-1951; 3-6/1952; 8/31/-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-10/1953; 11-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955; 1-3/1956; 4-6/1956; 7-9/1956; 10-12/1956; 1-3/1957; 4-6/1957; 7-9/1957 | 19 |
Dacca | Pakistan Observer | 2892 | 4-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-9/1951; 12/16/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-4/1960; 3-8/1961; 9-12/1961 | 9 |
City | Title | Control Number | Summary Holdings | Volume Count |
misc. | misc. | 214-X | 1941-1942 | 1 |
Bridgetown | Barbados Advocate | 214 | 8/21-9/8/1945; 10-12/1945 | 2 |
City | Title | Control Number | Summary Holdings | Volume Count |
misc. | misc. | 229-x | various dates | 1 |
Antwerp | Avond Echo | 229 | 11-12/1945-1946; 1947 | 2 |
Antwerp | Gazet Van Antwerpen | 230 | 9/6/1944-2/8/1945; 2-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 4-7/1947; 1-3/1947; 1-6/1949; 7-9/1949; 10-12/1949; 1-3/1950; 4-6/1950; 7-9/1950; 10-12/1950; 1-3/1951; 4-6/1951; 7-9/1951; 10-12/1951; 1-3/1952; 4-6/1952; 10-12/1952; 7-9/1952 | 21 |
Antwerp | De Gazet | 231 | 2-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946 | 3 |
Antwerp | Het Handelsblad | 232 | 11/1945-4/1946; 5-8/23/1946; 8/24/1946-4/1947; 5-8/1947; 9-12/1947; 4/16-8/1953; 9-12/1953 | 7 |
Antwerp | Mercure d'Anvers journal du soir | 233 | 4/1817 | 1 |
Antwerp | Metropole | 234 | 11-12/1939; 1-2/1940; 3/1940; 4-5/9/1940; 10/1944-1/1946; 1-3/1945; 4-12/1945; 1946; 1-6/1947; 7/1947-1/1948; 1/31-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 | 53 |
Antwerp | De Nieuwe Gazet | 235 | 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947 | 3 |
Antwerp | Volk en Staat | 236 | 1944 | 1 |
Antwerp | Volksgazet | 237 | 10-6/1945-1946; 7-12/1946; 1-4/1947; 5-8/1947; 9-12/1947; 1-4/1948; 9-11/9/1948; 1/5,2/10/1949 | 8 |
Aubel | Journal d'Aubel | 238 | 1921-1922; 1924-1926; 1936 | 3 |
Aubel | Journal de Dolhem-Vise | 239 | 1888; 1921-1922; 1914; 1928 | 4 |
Aubel | Journal de Fexhe Slins | 240 | 1897 | 1 |
Aubel | Journal de Fleron et de Louveigne | 241 | 1894 | 1 |
Bruges | Journal de Bruges et de la province | 242 | 12/10/1944-2/1/1945; 7/22/1945-4/21/1946 | 2 |
Brussels | Brusseler Zeitung | 243 | 7-9/1940; 10-12/1940; 1-3/1941; 4-6/1941; 7-8/1941; 9-12/1941; 1-3/1942; 4-6/1942; 7-8/1942; 1-3/1943; 1-4/1944; 5-9/2/1944 | 12 |
Brussels | La Cite | 244 | 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952 | 6 |
Brussels | La Cite' Nouvelle | 245 | 6/1926; 8-9/1946; 1-7/1947 | 3 |
Brussels | Le Courrier de la bourse et de la banque | 246 | 10-12/1944-1/1945 | 1 |
Brussels | Le Courrier Des Pays-Bas | 247 | 8-10/1821; 1-12/1822; 1-12/1823; 1-12/1824; 1-12/1826; 1-9/1826; 1-3/1827; 12/1827; 2-5/1830; 6-10/1830 | 10 |
Brussels | Derniere Heure | 248 | 9/1944-6/1945; 7/1945-2/1946; 10-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 7-9/1954; 1-3/1954; 4-6/1954; 10-12/1954 | 10 |
Brussels | Drapeau Rouge | 249 | 1-12/1947; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 | 26 |
Brussels | Drapeau Rouge Dimanche | 249 | 10/1953-3/1954; 1-11/1956 | 2 |
Brussels | L'Echo de la Bourse | 250 | 10-12/1944 | 1 |
Brussels | Echo | 250 | 1-4/1946; 1950 | 2 |
Brussels | Echo | 250 | 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955; 1-3/1956; 4-6/1956; 7-9/1956; 10-12/1956; 1-3/1957; 4-6/1957; 7-9/1957; 10-12/1957; 1-3/1958; 4-6/1958; 7-9/1958; 10-12/1958;4-6/1959; 7-9/1959; 1-3/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 | 42 |
Brussels | Freies Deutschland | 251 | 1937; 7/28-11/10/1938 | 2 |
Brussels | Le Gaulois | 252 | 1-3/1946 | 1 |
Brussels | Gazette Generale Des Pays-Bas | 253 | 1-5/1816; 6-12/1815; 6-9/1816; 1-4/1817; 5-8/1817; 9-12/1817; 1-5/1818 | 7 |
Brussels | Bruxelles Gazette Des Pays-Bas | 253 | 2-4/1830; 5-8/1830; 8/26-9/1830 | 3 |
Brussels | Journal General Des Pay-Bas | 254 | 4-8/1820; 10-3/1819-1820 | 2 |
Brussels | Memorial Belge | 257 | 9-12/1832 | 1 |
Brussels | National Belge | 258 | 2-5/1922 | 1 |
Brussels | Nation Belge | 258 | 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-4/1954;5-8/1954 | 8 |
Brussels | Nieuwe Gids | 259 | 4-7/1947; 8-12/1947; 1-6/1948;7-12/1948 | 4 |
Brussels | Nieuwe Standard | 260 | 11-12/1944-1945; 12-6/1945-1946; 7-12/1946;1-4/1947 | 4 |
Brussels | Nieuws Van Den Dag | 261 | 5/28-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-9/1948; 10-12/1948; 10-12/1952; 2-5/1953; 6-9/1953;10-12/1953 | 11 |
Brussels | Le Nord | 262 | 4-6/1856; 7-12/1856; 1-5/1857; 6-10/1857; 1-6/1858; 7-12/1858; 1-6/1859; 7-12/1859; 1-6/1860; 7-12/1860; 1-6/1861; 7-2/1861; 1-6/1864; 7-12/1864; 1-6/1865; 7-12/1865; 1-6/1866; 7-12/1866; 1-6/1867; 7-12/1867; 1-6/1868; 7-12/1868; 1-6/1869; 7-12/1869; 1-6/1870; 7-12/1870; 1-6/1871; 7-12/1871; 1-12/1872; 1-6/1873; 7-12/1873; 1-6/1874; 7-12/1874; 1-6/1875; 7-12/1875; 1-6/1876; 7-12/1876; | 37 |
Brussels | Pays Reel | 263 | 1937; 10-12/1939; 1-5/1940; 8-11/1940; 3/1941 ; 4-7/1941; 8-12/1941; 1-6/1942;1-4/1943; 5-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-9/1944 | 12 |
Brussels | Le Peuple | 264 | 12-6/1899-1900; 7-12/1900; 1-12/1901; 1-12/1902 ;1-12/1903; 10-12/1904; 1-6/1905; 7-9/1905; 10-12/1905; 7-12/1906; 1-6/1907; 7-12/1907; 1-6/1908; 7-12/1908; 1-6/1909; 7-12/1909; 7-12/1911; 1-6/1912; 7-12/1912; 1-6/1913; 7-12/1913; 1-6/1914; 7-8/1914 | 23 |
Brussels | Peuple | 264 | 1-3/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952 | 15 |
Brussels | Roode Vaan | 265 | 1946; 9-12/1945; 1-2/1947; 3-5/1947; 5-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948 | 3 |
Brussels | Le Soir | 266 | 1-5/1919; 6/1919; 12-3/1943-1944; 3/25-7/14/1944; 9/12-30/1944 11-12/1944-1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1947 | 10 |
Brussels | La Voix du Peuple | 267 | 9-11/1939 | 1 |
Brussels | Het Volk | 268 | 9-12/1946; 1-4/1947; 5-8/1947; 9-12/1947; 1-4/1948; 5-7/1948; 8-9/1948; 10-12/19481-3/1949; 4-6/1949; 7-9/1949; 10-12/1949; 1-3/1950; 4-6/1950; 7-9/1950; 10-12/1950; 1-3/1951; 4-6/1951; 7-8/1951; 9-10/1951; 11-12/1951; 1-2/1952; 3-4/1952; 5-6/1952; 7-8/1952; 1-2/1953; 3-4/1953; 5-6/1953 | 28 |
Brussels | Le Vrai Liberal | 269 | 1-4/1818;1-3/1819; 1-5/1821; 6-7/1821 | 4 |
Charleroi | Journal de Charleroi | 270 | 11-1/1945-1946 | 1 |
Charleroi | La Nouvelle Gazette | 271 | 4-6/1953; 7-9/1953; 10-12/1953; 1-3/1954; 4-6/1954; 7-9/1954; 10-12/1954 | 7 |
Eupen | Eupener Zeitung | 272 | 1-3/1929; 1940; 6-12/1943 | 3 |
Ghent | De Gentenaar | 273 | 9-2/1944-1945 | 1 |
Ghent | De Gentenaar | 273 | 2-4/1945 | 1 |
Ghent | De Gentenaar | 273 | 7-9/1947;10-12/1947; 1-4/1948; 5-8/1948; 9-12/1948 | 5 |
Ghent | Nieuwe Gentenaar | 274 | 5-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947 | 4 |
Ghent | Weekpost | 277 | 3-12/1945-1946 | 1 |
Ghent | Het Volk | 275 | 12-4/1945-1946; 5-8/1946 | 2 |
Ghent | Vooruit | 276 | 9-12/1944-1945; 1-7/1946; 8-12/1946; 1-4/1947 | 4 |
Hasselt | Het Belang Van Limburg | 278 | 4-6/1953; 7-9/1953; 10-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954 | 6 |
Liege | Meuse | 279 | 11-1/1945-1946; 4-8/1953;9-12/1953 | 3 |
Tournai | L' Avenir du Tournaisis | 280 | 1/1947; 4-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954 | 6 |
City | Title | Control Number | Summary Holdings | Volume Count |
misc. | misc. | 357-X | various dates | 1 |
Belize City | The Daily Clarion | 357 | 3-12/1944; 1945; 1-4/1946 | 3 |
City | Title | Control Number | Summary Holdings | Volume Count |
misc. | misc. | 281-X | various dates | 1 |
Hamilton | Hamilton Bermuda Colonist | 281 | 1-12/1896 | 1 |
Hamilton | Mid-Ocean News | 282 | 1941 | 1 |
Hamilton | Royal Gazette | 283 | 1856-62 | 1 |
Hamilton | Royal Gazette | 284 | 1-3/1938; 4-6/1938; 7-9/1938; 1-3/1939; 4-6/1939; 7-9/1939; 10-12/1939; 1-3/1940; 4-6/1940; 7-9/1940; 10-12/1940; 1-3/1941; 4-6/1941; 7-9/1941; 10-12/1941; 1-3/1942; 4-6/1942; 7-9/1942; 10-12/1942; 1-3/1943; 4-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-4/1944; 5-8/1944; 9-12/1944; 1-3/1945; 4-6/1945; 7-9/1945; 10-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 4-6/1946; 7-9/1946; 10-12/1946; 1-3/1947; 4-6/1947; 7-9/1947; 10-12/1947; 1-3/1948; 4-6/1948; 7-9/1948; 10-12/1948; 1-3/1949; 4-6/1949; 7-9/1949; 10-12/1949; 1-3/1950; 4-6/1950; 7-9/1950; 10-12/1950; 1-3/1951; 4-6/1951; 7-9/1951; 10-12/1951; 1-3/1952; 4-6/1952; 7-9/1952; 10-12/1952; 1-3/1953; 4-6/1953; 7-9/1953; 10-12/1953; 1-3/1954; 4-6/1954; 7-9/1954; 10-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955; 1-3/1956; 4-6/1956; 7-9/1956; 10-12/1956; 1-3/1957; 4-6/1957; 7-9/1957; 10-12/1957; 1-3/1958; 4-6/1958; 7-9/1958; 10-12/1958; 1-3/1959; 4-6/1959; 7-9/1959; 10-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 | 94 |
Hamilton | Royal Gazette | 284 | 1/4-3/29/1959 | 1 binder |
City | Title | Control Number | Summary Holdings | Volume Count |
Kalimpong | Himalayan Times | 285 | 8/1950-12/1951; 1952; 1953; 1954; 1955; 1956; 1957; 1958; 1959; 1960; 1961 | 11 |
City | Title | Control Number | Summary Holdings | Volume Count |
Cochabama | El Imparcial | 286 | 9-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 1-9/1948 | 5 |
Cochabama | El Pais | 287 | 8/11-31/1945; 9-12/1945; 1-4/1946; 5-8/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-9/1948 | 8 |
Cochabama | Los Tiempos | 288 | 8-12/1945; 1-4/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-10/25/1953 | 14 |
La Paz | La calle | 289 | 6/8-26/1941; 12/24/1941-5/3/1942; 9-6/1944-45; 10/1944-6/1945; 7-12/1945 | 5 |
La Paz | El Diario | 290 | 4-8/1925; 9-12/1925; 6-12/1941; 1-6/1942 | 4 |
La Paz | La Epoca | 291 | 11/1845-9/1848 | 1 |
La Paz | La Esperanza | 292 | 11/26-12/18/1857 | 1 |
La Paz | Nacion | 293 | 10/1952/10/1953; 11/10/1953-2/1954; 3-6/1954; 7-9/1954; 10-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 1-3/1959; 4-6/1959; 7-9/1959; 10-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-4/1961; 5-8/1961; 9-12/1961 | 29 |
La Paz | Nacion | 294 | 10/14-25/1939 | 1 |
La Paz | La Noche | 295 | 6/4-7/7/1941; 1/15-7/4/1942 | 2 |
La Paz | El Norte | 296 | 10-12/1927; 6-8/1928; 9-12/1928; 1-3/1929; 4-6/1929; 7-9/1929; 10-12/1929; 1-3/1930; 4-6/1930 | 9 |
La Paz | Presencia | 297 | 1956-57; 1-6/15/1959; 6/16-11/1959; 12/6-5/1959-1960;
6-12/8/1960; 12/9/1960-3/1961; 4-7/1961 |
7 |
La Paz | Pueblo | 298 | 1955-1956; 1/1957-6/1958 | 2 |
La Paz | La Razon | 299 | 6/16/1941-10/1942; 1-4/1943; 6-8/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-4/1947; 5-8/1947; 9-12/1947; 1-4/1948; 5-8/1948; 10/20/1948; 9-12/1948; 1-3/1949; 4-6/1949; 7-9/1949; 10-12/1949; 1-3/1950; 4-6/1950; 7-9/1950; 10-12/1950; 1-3/1951; 4-6/1951; 7-9/1951; 10-12/1951; 1-4/9/1952 | 24 |
La Paz | La Reforma | 300 | 1871-1872; 1873-1874; 1874-1875; 1876 | 4 |
La Paz | La Republica | 301 | 12/25/1941-5/3/1942 | 1 |
La Paz | La Paz Tierra | 301A | 1/3-5/2/1942 | 1 |
La Paz | Sofia Naraden Sport | 302 | 1954 | 1 |
La Paz | Ultima Hora | 303 | 6/7-25/1941; 2/28-3/17/1942; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-6/1953; 1-6/3/1954; 6/7-12/1954 | 11 |
La Paz | The West Coast Leader | 304 | 3/1924 | 1 |
City | Title | Control Number | Summary Holdings | Volume Count |
Bechuanaland | Mafeking Mail | 216 | 11/1899-1900 | 1 |
City | Title | Control Number | Summary Holdings | Volume Count |
misc. | misc. | 305-X | various dates | 3 |
Bauru | Diairo de Bauru | 305 | 4-8/1941; 9/1941-3/1942 | 2 |
Bahia | Estado de Bahia | 306 | 4-6/1941; 7-9/1941; 10-12/1941; 2-3/1942 | 4 |
Bahia | O Imparcial | 307 | 4-6/1941; 7-9/1941; 10-12/1941; 2-3/1942 | 4 |
Bahia | A Tarde | 308 | 4-6/1941; 7-9/1941; 10-12/1941; 2/24-4/1942 | 4 |
Belem | Folha do Norte | 309 | 2/12-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-3/1953; 4-6/1953; 7-9/1953; 10-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955; 1-3/1956; 4-6/1956; 7-9/1956; 10-12/1956; 1-3/1957; 4-6/1957; 7-9/1957; 10-12/1957; 1-3/1958; 4-6/1958; 7-9/1958; 10-12/1958; 1-3/1959; 4-6/1959; 7-9/1959; 10-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-4/1961; 5-8/1961; 9-12/1961 | 43 |
Belo Horizante | Folha de Minas | 310 | 6-9/1941; 10-12/1941; 1-5/1942 | 3 |
Blemenau | Der Urwaldsborte | 311 | 4/26-12/1940; 1-9/1941 | 2 |
Campinas | Diario do povo | 312 | 4/13/1958 | 1 |
Joao Pressoa | Al Uniao | 313 | 8-12/1941; 1-6/1942; 7-12/1942; 1-4/1943; 5-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-8/1945; 9-12/1945; 1-4/1947; 5-8/1947; 9-12/1947; 1-4/1948; 5-8/1948; 9-12/1948; 1-4/1949; 5-8/1949; 9-12/1949; 1/8,10-14/1950 | 19 |
Joinvile | Kolonie-Zeitung | 314 | 6-8/1941 | 1 |
Meyaponte | A Matutina Meiapontense | 315 | 3/1830-5/1834 | 1 |
Porto Alegre | Correio do povo | 315 | 1-2/1944; 3-4/1944; 11-12/1954 | 3 |
Porto Alegre | Deutsches Volksblatt | 316 | 4/13-12/1940; 1-6/1941; 7-8/1941 | 3 |
Porto Alegre | Diario de noticias | 317 | 1-4/1944; 7-8/1945 | 2 |
Recife | Diario de pernambuco | 318 | 11/7/1925; 5-6/1950; 7-11/1950; 3-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 6-8/1952 | 7 |
Recife | Folha do Povo | 319 | 1-10/1957 | 1 |
Recife | Journal do Commercio | 320 | 7-9/17/1953; 10-12/1953; 1-4/8/1954; 11/13-12/1954; 1-2/1955; 3-4/1955; 5-6/1955; 7-8/1955; 9-10/1955; 11-12/1955; 1-2/1956; 3-4/1956; 5-6/1956; 7-8/1956; 9-10/1956; 11-12/1956; 1-2/1957; 3-4/1957; 5-6/1957; 7/1957; 8/1957; 9/1957; 10/1957; 11-12/1957; 1-2/1958; 3-4/1958; 5-6/1958; 7-8/1958; 9-10/1958; 11/1958; 12/1958; 1/1959; 2/1959 | 33 |
Rio de Janerio | Brasil Portugal | 321 | 4-7/1946; 8-12/1946; 1-4/1947; 5-8/1947; 9-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/5/1948 | 7 |
Rio de Janerio | Brazil Herald | 322 | 4/25-10/31/1946; 10-12/1946; 1-4/1947; 5-8/1947; 1-4/1948; 5-8/1948; 9-12/1948; 1-4/1949; 5-8/1949; 9-12/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-5/16/1952; 2/1,28/1953; 11/8-12/1953; 1-3/1954; 4-6/1954; 7-9/1954; 10-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-7/1959 | 38 |
Rio de Janeiro | Campeao Lusitano | 323 | 12/1883-12/1884 | 1 |
Rio de Janeiro | Correio da Manha | 324 | 7-9/1942 | 1 |
Rio de Janeiro | Deutsche Rio-Zeitung | 325 | 1941 | 1 |
Rio de Janeiro | Diario de Noticias | 327 | vol 1 numbers 100-103,105,107,108,11/27-12/1,3,6,7/1870 supplement number 96,98 | 1 |
Rio de Janeiro | Diretrizes | 329 | 5/29-6/1945; 7-10/1945; 11-12/1945; 1-2/1946; 3-4/1946; 5-6/1946; 7-9/1946; 10-12/1946; 1-3/1947; 4-6/1947; 7-9/1947; 10-12/1947; 1-7/1948; 8-12/1948; 1-4/1949; 5-8/1949; 9-12/1949; 1-4/1950 | 18 |
Rio de Janeiro | Imprensa Popular | 330 | 1-6/1953; 7-9/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1955; 1-6/1956; 7-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958 | 11 |
Rio de Janeiro | O Jornal | 331 | 11-12/1928; 1-2/1929; 3-4/1929; 5-6/1929; 7-8/1929; 9-10/1929; 11-12/1929; 1-2/1930; 3-4/1930; 5-6/1930; 7-8/1930; 4/17-6/23/1941; 7-8/1941; 1-4/1942; 5-8/1942; 9-12/1942 | 16 |
Rio de Janeiro | Jornal do Brazil | 332 | 4/29-8/12/1941; 4/1956; 5-6/1956; 7-8/1956; 9-10/1956 | 5 |
Rio de Janeiro | Jornal Do Commercio | 333 | 1827-32; 1833; 1834; 1835; 1836; 1837; 1838; 1839; 1840; 1841; 1-8/1842; 3-4/1949; 5-6/1949 | 13 |
Rio de Janeiro | A manha | 334 | 9/6-12/1942; 7-8/1945; 1-2/1946; 3-4/1946; 5-6/1946; 7-9/1946; 10-12/1946; 1-3/1947; 3-6/1947; 7-9/1947; 10-12/1947; 4-6/1948; 9-10/1949; 3-4/1950; 5-6/1950; 7-9/1950; 10-12/1950; 1-3/1951; 4-6/1951; 7-9/1951; 10-12/1951 | 21 |
Rio de Janeiro | O Mundo | 335 | 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953 | 2 |
Rio de Janeiro | O Paiz | 337 | 11/17-12/1929; 1-4/1930; 5-8/1930; 9/7-10/11/1930 | 4 |
Rio de Janeiro | Tribuna da Impresna | 338 | 8/16-31/1954; 11/16-12/1954; 1/10-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955 | 6 |
Rio de Janeiro | Tribuna Popular | 339 | 7-9/1945; 9-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-9/1947 | 4 |
Rio de Janeiro | Ultima Hora | 340 | 1/7-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955; 7-8/1959; 9-10/1959; 11-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 3-4/1960; 5-6/1960; 7-8/1960; 9-10/1960; 11-12/1960; 1-2/1961; 3-4/1961; 5-6/1961; 7-8/1961; 9-10/1961; 10-12/1961 | 19 |
Sao Paulo | Correio Paulistano | 341 | 11-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 10-12/1946; 4-6/1946; 7-9/1946; 1-3/1947; 4-6/1947; 7-9/1947 | 8 |
Sao Paulo | Diario De Sao Paulo | 342 | 1-4/1942; 5-8/1942; 9-12/1942; 2-11/1941 | 4 |
Sao Paulo | Folha Da S. Paulo | 345 | 11-12/1944; 1-2/1915; 7-8/1945; 7/17-8/1958; 9/1958; 10/1958; 11/1958; 12/1958; 1/1959; 2/1959; 3-4/1959; 5/1959; 6/1959; 7/1959; 8/1959; 9/1959; 10/1959; 11/1959; 12/1959; 1/1960; 2/1960; 3/1960; 4/1960; 5/1960; 6/1960; 7/1960; 8/1960; 9/1960; 10; 1960; 11/1960; 12/1960; 1/1961; 2/1961; 3/1961; 4/1961; 5/1961; 6/1961; 7/1961; 8/1961; 9/1961; 10/1961; 11/1961; 12/1961 | 43 |
Sao Paulo | A Gazeta | 346 | 9/12-11/1941; 12/1941-1/1942; 1-10/1943; 1-4/1944; 5-6/1944; 7-9/1944; 10-12/1944; 1-4/1945 | 8 |
Timbauba | A Serra | 347 | 9/1926-12/1928; 1/1929-9/1930 | 2 |
Victoria | A Gazeta | 348 | 1-3/1941 | 1 |
City | Title | Control Number | Summary Holdings | Volume Count |
Sofia | Nir | 400 | [1/5-3/28/1944]; 10/16-12/30/1944 | 2 |
Sofia | Narodna Mladezh | 405 | 6/11,29/1945 | 1 |
Sofia | La Parole Bulgare | 413 | 3/2-12/1936; 1-12/26/1937; 1/5-12/25/1938; 1/6-12/1939; 1/6-12/28/1940 | 5 |
Sofia | Slovo | 423 | 3/26,31,7/4,9/17,27/1941,1/12/1942; 10-12/1942; 1943; 1/3-6, 25-27,29,2/4,7,3/15,20-27,29/1944; 8/8,11,18-21,23,24/1944 | 5 |
City | Title | Control Number | Summary Holdings | Volume Count |
misc. | misc. | 453-X | various dates | 1 |
Rangoon | Exchange Gazette | 453 | 11/1923; 12/1923; 1/1924; 2/1-9/1924 | 4 |
Rangoon | Burma Star | 454 | 5/19-12/1954; 1955; 1-6/1956; 7-12/1956; 1-6/1957 | 5 |
Rangoon | Burmese Review | 456 | 5/20/1946-6/21/1948; 6/28/1948-12/1949; 1950-1951; 1952-1953; 1954-1955; 1/1956-10/1957 | 6 |
Rangoon | Businessman | 457 | 8-12/1945 | 1 |
Rangoon | Commentator | 458 | 5/17-10/27/1954 | 1 |
Rangoon | Guardian | 459 | 4-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958 | 7 |
Rangoon | Nation | 460 | 1-3/1960 | 1 |
Rangoon | New Times of Burma | 461 | 3-12/1946; 1-6/7/1947; 6/8-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955 | 20 |
Rangoon | Gazette | 462 | 2-4/1938-1939; 1-6/1905; 7-12/1905; 1-6/1906; 7-12/1906; 1-6/1907; 7-12/1907; 1-6/1908; 7-12/1908 | 9 |
Rangoon | Liberator | 463 | 5/13/1945-2/1946 | 1 |
Rangoon | Union Gazette | 464 | 8/23/1954-5/27/1955 | 1 |
City | Title | Control Number | Summary Holdings | Volume Count |
Bujumbura (Usumbura) | Chronique Congo laise | 227 | 7/1948-12/1949; 1950; 1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-10/17/1953; 10/21/1953-12/1954; 1-2/1955; 4/13-12/1957; 1-12/24/1958; 1959; 1960 | 11 |
Bujumbura (Usumbura) | Temps Nouveaux D'Afrique | 228 | 1/13-12/1960-1961 | 1 |