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Foreign Newspaper Collections at the Library of Congress

Cambodia to Ethiopia

The checklist below comprises the foreign newspaper collection holdings in original print in bound volumes, from the 19th and 20th centuries. This inventory was compiled in Fall 1998.

Select a Country

City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Phnom-Penh Cambodge 465 3/15-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953;1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955;7-12/1955 11
Phnom-Penh La Depeche du Cambodge 466 9-11/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959 3
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Douala Presse du Cameroun 468 1955;1-6/1956; 7-12/1956;1957;1958;1-6/1959; 7-12/1959;1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 11
Yaounde Cameroun Libre 469 1951-1955 1
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc misc 470-X various dates 2
Edmonton Ukrainian News 475 1944-1945;1946 2
Fredericton Royal Gazette 476 12/1836-10/1838 1
Fredericton Head Quarters 5060 10/12/1853-12/26/1855; 01/02/1861-12/24/1862 2
Halifax Acadian Recorder 477 1847;1848;1851;1852-1853 4
Halifax Morning Post 479 10/1842-9/1843;10/1843-9/1844 2
Halifax Morning Herald 480 1-6/1880 1
Halifax Halifax 481 1840 1
Halifax Halifax Times 482 1839; 1840; 1841; 1842; l843;1 844; 1845; 7
Montreal Montreal Herald 490 1-6/1865; 7-10/1865;1 /10/1925 3
Montreal Nepriklausoma Lietuva 493 1959; 1960; 1961; 1962; 1963-1964; 1965-1966; 1967-1968; 1969-1970 8
Niagara Falls Evening Review 495A 1942 1
New Glasgow Eastern Chronicle 495 11/9/1944-12/1945 1
Ottawa Citizen 496 3-6/1898;7-12/1898; 1-6/1899;7-12/1899;1-6/1900;
7-12/1900; 1-6/1901;7-12/1901;
1-6/1902; 7-12/1902;1-6/1903;7-12/1903;1-6/1904;
Ottawa Citizen 496 1-2/1930;3-4/1930;5-6/1930;7-8/1930;9-10/1930;
Ottawa Citizen 496 1-2/1940;3-4/1940;5-6/1940;7-8/1940;9-10/1940;
9-10/1942;11-12/1942;1-2/1943;3-4/1943; 5-6/1943; 7/1943;
7-8/1944;9-10/1944;11-12/1944; 1-2/1945;
3-4/1945; 5/1945; 6/1945;7 /1945;8 /1945; 9 /1945;
10/1945; 11/1945; 12/1945; 1/1946; 2/1946;
3/1946; 4/1946; 5/1946;6 /13-7/1946; 8/1946;
9/1946; 10/1946; 11/1946; 12/1946;1/1947;
2/1947;3/1947; 4/1947; 5/1947; 6/1947;7-8/1947;
9-10/1947; 11-12/1947; 1-2/1948;3-4/1948;
5-6/1948; 7-8/1948;9/1948; 10/1948;11/1948;
12/1948;1/1949; 2/1949;3/1949; 4/1949;5/1949;
6/1949;7/1949; 8/1949;9/1949; 10/1949; 11/1949;
Ottawa Citizen 496 1/1950;2/1950; 3/1950;4/1950; 5/1950;6/1950;
7/1950;8/1950; 9/1950;10/1950; 11/1950;12/1950;
1/1951;2/1951; 3/1951;4/1951; 5/1951;6/1951;
7/1951;8/1951; 9/1951;10/1951; 11/1951;12/1951;
1/1952;2/1952; 3/1952;4/1952; 5/1952;6/1952;
7/1952;8/1952; 9/1952;10/1952 11/1952; 12/1952;
Port Union Fishermen's Advocate 497 5/14/1943-12/1944;1945 2
Toronto Toronto Star 512 10/1940;11/1940;12/1940;1/1941;2/1941;3/1941;
Toronto Toronto Star 512 1/1947;2/1947;3/1947;4/1947;5/1947;6/1947;
Winnipeg Hauaiski Glas 519 4-12/1957-1959 1
Winnipeg Kanadai Magyar Ujsag 520 1958-1959 1
Winnipeg Kanadai Magyar Ussag 520 1960 1
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Guernsey Deutsche Guernsey-Zeitung 530 1942; 7-12/1942; 1-6/1943; 7-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-12/1944; 1-5/1945 7
Guernsey Guernsey Press 531 1940; 1942; 1943; 1-4/1944; 4/17-21/1944; 5/21-23/1945; 4/24/1944-5/1945 7
Guernsey Star 532 7-12/1940; 1941; 1942; 1943; 1-4/1944; 4-5/1944; 5/17,19/1945; 2-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-2/12/1947; 2/13-3/14/1947; 3/14-4/1/1947 12
Guernsey Weekly Press 533 1945; 2-12/1946; 1947-1948; 1949-1950; 1951-1952; 1953-1954; 1955-1956; 1957-1958; 1/7-5/6/1959; 5/19/1959-12/1960; 1961 11
Jersey Chroniques De Jersey 534 1940-1941; 1942-1943;1944-1945 3
Jersey Deutsche Inselzeitung 535 1941 1
Jersey Evening Post 536 6/28-12/1940; 1-6/1941; 7-12/1941; 1-6/1942; 7-12/1942; 1-6/1943; 7-12/1943; 1944; 1-7/1945; 3/8-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7/1947; 8/1947; 9/1947 15
Jersey Weekly Post 537 5-6/1945;3/16-12/1946;1/4-9/27/1947 4
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc misc. 538-X various dates 1
Antofagasta El Abece 538 5/14-6/1941; 7-9/1941; 10-12/1941; 1-3/1942; 4-6/1942; 7-9/1942; 10-12/1942; 1-6/1943; 7-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 1-2/1946; 3-5/1946; 6-8/1946; 9-12/1946;1-3/1947 15
Antofagasta El Mercurio de Antofagasta 539 5/13-6/1949; 7-9/1941; 10-12/1941; 1-4/1942; 5-8/1942; 9-12/1942; 1-4/1943; 5-8/1943; 9-12/1943; 1-4/1944; 1-2/1946; 3-5/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-3/1947 14
Antofagasta La Opinion de Antofagasta 540 12/15-31/1942; 1-6/1943; 7-12/1943 3
Antofagasta El Popular 541 10/14-12/1942; 1-6/1943; 7-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 1-5/1945; 7-9/1945; 11/1945-2/1946; 3-5/1946; 6-12/1946; 1-3/1947 10
Arica Arica El Pacifico 542 1-13-6/23/1928 1
Concepcion Concepcion Sur 543 2/1953; 3-4/1953; 5-6/1953; 7-8/1953; 9-10/1953; 11-12/1953; 1-3/1954; 4-6/1954; 7-9/1954; 10-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955 14
Copiapo Amigo Del Pais 544 10/1945; 11/1945-5/1946; 6/1946-4/1947 3
Curico Prensa 545 1-3/1944 1
Iquique El Tarapaca 546 6-8/1941; 9-12/1941; 1-3/1942; 8-11/1942; 1-4/1943; 5-8/1943; 9-12/1943; 6/7-12/1946 8
Osorne La Presna 547 1/4-2/22/1942 1
Santiago El Chileno 548 8/7-10/31/1941; 11/1941-2/1942; 9-12/1942; 1-3/1943; 4-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 5/1944; 9/1944; 1-4/1945; 11/1945-2/1946 11
Santiago La Critica 550 8-10/1941; 11-12/1941; 1-2/1942; 10/14-26/1942 4
Santiago Defensa 551 10/1919; 3-12/1941; 1-10/1942 3
Santiago Democracia 552 8-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-10/24/1952 3
Santiago Diario Aleman Para Chile 553 1942 1
Santiago La Hora 555 6/25/1939; 3/2-29/1941; 8/7-30/1941; 9-10/1941; 11-12/1941; 1-2/1942; 6-9/1942; 10/8-25/1942; 12/1942; 1-3/1943; 4/1943; 5/1943; 6/1943; 7-9/1943;2-3/1944; 9-10/1944;11-12/1946; 3-4/1947;10/1947; 11-12/1947;1-2/1948; 3-4/1948;5-6/1948; 7-8/1948;9-10/1948; 11-12/1948;1-2/1949; 3-4/1949;5-6/1949; 7-8/1949;9-10/1949; 11-12/1949;1-2/1950; 3-4/1950;5-6/1950; 7-8/1950;9-10/1950; 11-12/1950;1-5/1951; 6-10/1951 40
Santiago Mundo Libre 558 3-6/1956 1
Santiago La Nacion 559 12/12/1928 1
Santiago Noticias De Ultima Hora 560 10-12/1943 1
Santiago Noticias Graficas 561 2-4/1944; 5-7/1944; 8-10/1944 3
Santiago La Opinion 562 3-12/1941; 1-10/1942; 12/1942; 1-2/1943; 4-6/1943; 7/1943; 9-10/1943; 11-12/1943; 1-2/1944; 5/1944; 8-9/1944; 6-8/1947; 1-4/1948; 5-8/1948; 9-12/1848; 1-4/1949; 5-8/1949; 9-12/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-11/21/1941 24
Santiago El Radio-Expreso 563 4-11/1941; 12/1941-6/1942; 7-12/1942; 1/4-18,20-22/1943 4
Santiago La Segunda 564 9-12/1942;1-3/1943;4-6/1943 3
Santiago El Siglo 565 1-3/1941; 8/7-10/1941; 11/4/1941-2/25/1942; 6/23-10/1942; 11-12/1942; 1-3/1943; 4-6/1943; 8-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-3/1944; 4-6/1944; 7-9/1944; 10-12/1944; 1-3/1945; 4-6/1945; 7-9/1945; 10-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 4-6/1946; 7-9/1946; 10/25-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953;1-4/1954; 7/20-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/2/1957; 5-7/1957; 10-12/1957; 1-2/1958; 3-4/1958; 5-7/1958; 8-10/1958; 11-12/1958; 1-3/1959; 4-6/1959;7-9/1959;10-12/1959;1-2/1960;3-6/1960;7-8/1960;9-10/1960;11-12/1960;1-4/1961;5-8/1961;9-12/1961 52
Santiago Las Ultimas Noticias 567 9/21/1925;8/1941-10/1942;11/14-12/1942;1-3/1943;4-6/1943;8-9/1943;10-12/1943;1-2/1944;3-4/1944;5-6/1944;7-8/1944;9/1944;11-12/1944 13
Tacna El Pacifico 568 8-12/1925;1-4/1926; 5-8/1926;9/1926-3/5/1927; 3/6-4/1927;5-12/1927; 6/24-12/1928;1-8/1929 8
Valparaiso Deutsche Nachrichten 570 8-12/1893 1
Valparaiso La Estrella 571 1-4/1921;10-12/1922;7-9/1939; 10-12/1939;1-3/1940 5
Valparaiso Mercurio 572 9/12/1827;3-6/1943; 9-10/1944 3
Valparaiso La Union 573 7-8/1941;9-10/1941;11-12/1941;1-2/1942; 3/1942; 4/1942; 5-6/1942; 7-8/1942; 9-10/1942; 11-12/1942; 1-2/1943; 3-4/1943; 11-12/1943 13
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. 574-X various dates 2
Canton Canton Press 575 9/1835-9/3/1836;7/22/1837 2
Canton Commercial Price Current 577 12/12/1835 1
Chungking Chungking Reporter 578 3-12/1944;1945-1946 2
Chungking National Herald 579 10-12/1942; 1/1943;1943;1944;1/1945-3/1946 5
Chungking Shanghai Post 580 10/31-6/24/1943-1945 1
Harbin Russian Daily News 581 1918-7/1919;8-11/1922;8-9/1924;11-12/1926;10-11/1927 5
Harbin Harbin Nash Put' 582 4-8/1934 1
Hong Kong China Mail 583 2/20/1845-2/12/1846;2/19/1846-2/11/1847; 2/18-12/1847;1848; 1849; 1850; 1851; 1852; 1853; 1854; 1855; 1856; 1857; 1858; 1859; 1860 16
Hong Kong China Overland Trade Report 584 1860;1861 2
Hong Kong The Daily Press 585 1857-1859 1
Hong Kong Daily Press 586 9-10/1934;11-12/1934;1-2/1935;3-4/1935;5-6/1935;7-8/1935;9-10/1935;11-12/21/1935 8
Hong Kong Hong Kong News 588 2/16,17,5/31,6/28,12/25/1942;2/18/1944;6/8-8/20/1944;8/22-12/1944;1-8/17/1945 5
Hong Kong Register 589 1-12/1844;1-12/1845/1-12/1846;1847;1853 5
Hong Kong Friend of China 590 1844;1845-1848 2
Hong Kong Hong Kong Telegraph 591 1-4/1948;5-8/1948;9-12/1948;1-4/1949;5-8/1949;9-12/1949;1-4/1950;5-8/1950;9-10/1950;11/1950-3/1951 10
Hong Kong Weekly Press 593 8-12/1918;1-6/1919;7-12/1919;1-6/1920;7-12/1920;1-6/1921;7-12/1921;1-6/1922;7-12/1922;1-6/1923;7-12/1923;1-6/1924;7-12/1924;1-6/1925;9-12/1925;1-6/1926;7-12/1926;1-6/1927;7-12/1927;1-6/1928;7-12/1928;1-2/1937;3-5/14/1937 23
Hong Kong Overland China Mail 594 1853-1859;1860-61;7/1899-12/1900;1901-1902;1-12/1903;1-6/1904;7-12/1904;1-6/1906;7-12/1906;1-6/1907;7-12/1907;1-6/1908;7-12/1908;1-6/1909 14
Hong Kong Overland Register and Price Current 596 1847-1857 1
Hong Kong South China Post 597 10-12/1946;1-2/1948;3-4/1948;5-6/1948;7-8/1948;9-10/1948;11-12/1948;1-2/1949;3-4/1949;5-6/1949;7-8/1949;9-10/1949;11-12/1949;1-2/1950;3-4/1950;5-6/1950;7-8/1950;9-10/1950;11-12/1950;1-2/1951;3-4/1951;5-6/1951;7-8/1951;9-10/1951;11-12/1951;1-2/1952;3-4/1952;5-6/1952;7-8/1952;9-10/1952;5-6/1955;7-8/1955;9-10/1955;11-12/1995 34
Hsinking Manchuria News 598 1-5/15/1941;5/16-7/15/1944;7/16-10/1941 3
Macao A Aurora Macaense 599 3/2/1844 1
Macao China Canton Press 600 10/1841-3/1844 1
Peiping Druzhba 602 5-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-9/1957 5
Peiping Peking Leader 603 5/29-9/1925;10/1925-2/12/1926;2/18-6/1926;7-9/1926;10-12/1926;7-9/1927;10-12/1927;6-8/1929;9-12/1929;1-4/1930;5-8/1930;9-12/1930;1-4/1931;5-8/1931;9/1931-1/1932 15
Peiping The Peiping Chronicle 604 2-6/1945;1-7/1946;8-11/1946;7/18/1947-12/1948 4
Shanghai China Courier 606 6-9/1927;10-12/1927 2
Shanghai China Press 607 1-2/1925;3-4/1925;5-6/1925;7-8/1925;9-10/1925;11-12/1925;1-2/1926;3-4/1926;5-6/1926;7-8/1926;9-10/1926;11-12/1926;1-2/1927;3-4/1927;5-6/1927;7-8/1927;9-10/1927;11-12/1927;1-2/1928;3-4/1928;5-6/1928/7-8/1928;9-10/1928;11-12/1928;1-2/1929;3-4/1929;5-6/1929;7-8/1929;9-10/1929;11-12/1929;1-2/1930;3-4/1930;5-6/1930;7-8/1930;9-10/1930;11-12/1930;1-2/1931;3-4/1931;5-6/1931;7-8/1931;9-10/1931;11-12/1931;1-2/1932;3-4/1932;5-6/1932;7-8/1932;9-10/1932;11-12/1932;1-2/1933;3-4/1933;5-6/1933;7-8/1933;9-10/1933;11-12/1933;1-2/1934;3-4/1934;5-6/1934;7-8/1934;9-10/1934;11-12/1934;1-2/1935;3-4/1935;5-6/1935;7-8/1935;9-10/1935;11-12/1935 66
Shanghai China Press 607 1-2/1936;3-4/1936;5-6/1936;7-8/1936;9-10/1936;11-12/1936;1-2/1937;3-4/1937;5-6/1937;7-8/1937;9-10/1937;11-12/1937;1-2/1938;3-4/1938;5-6/1938;7-8/1938;9-10/1938;11-12/1938;1-2/1939;3-4/1939;5-6/1939;7-8/1941;9-10/15/1941;10/16-12/6/1941 24
Shanghai Shanghai Press 607 10-12/1945 1
Shanghai China Press 607 1-4/1946;5-6/1946;7-8/1946;9-10/1946;11-12/1946;1-2/1947;3-6/1947;7-9/1947;10-12/1947;1-3/1948;4-6/1948;7-9/1948;10-12/1948;1-3/1949 13
Shanghai The Daily News 608 3-4/1946 1
Shanghai Daily War News 609 6-11/6/1943 1
Shanghai Kitaisko-Russkaia Gazeta 610 8/1947-10/1948 1
Shanghai Nash Put' 611 9/14,21,10/5/1941 1
Shanghai North-China Herald 613 10/22-11/19/1941; 8/3/1950 1
Shanghai Novaia Zhizn' 614 12/1945-1/1946;8-12/1947;1-6/1948;8/17-12/1948;1-5/19/1949;9-12/1949;1-6/1950;7-12/1950;1-6/1951;7-12/1951;1-2/1952 11
Shanghai Novosti dnia 615 2-3/1945;12/1945-1/1946;7/1946;4-5/1947;6/1947;8/22-12/1947;1-6/10/1948;1-5/19/1948;6/1948;8/17-12/1948;1-5/1949;5-20/1949-2/1950 11
Shanghai Ostasiatische Lloyd 616 6/17-10/25/1940 1
Shanghai Echo 617 9/25/1946-6/1947;7-12/1947;1-6/1948;7-12/1948;1-2/1949;3-5/1949 6
Shanghai Post and Hercury 618 12/1941-7/1942;1-4/1946 2
Shanghai Herald 619 9/23-12/1945;1-4/17/1946 2
Shanghai Mercury 620 5/17-23/1879;6/20-7/1925;4-10/1927;4/17/1929;10-12/1929 5
Shanghai China Tribune 622 4/21-7/1946;8/28-12/1946;1-4/1947;5-8/1947;9-12/1947;1-4/1948;5-8/1948;9-12/1948;1-4/1949;5/1949 10
Shanghai Shanghai Times 623 3/27/1941;11-121941;1-6/1942;7-12/1942;1-6/1943;7-12/1943;1-6/1944;7-12/1944;4/11,14,16,18-20,22,23,25-30/1944;1-9/22/1945 10
Taipei China Post 625 9/1952-7/1953;5-6/1954;9-11/1954;4-7/21/1955;9-12/1955;1-6/1956;7/1956;8-12/1956;2-6/1957;7-12/1957;1-6/1958;7-12/1958;1/12-6/30/1961;7-12/1961 14
Tientsin China-English Intelligence 626 6-12/1950;1-10/25/1951;11/21-12/7/1951 3
Tienstin Far Eastern Times 627 2-5/1926;6-9/7/1926 2
Tienstin Peking and Tientsin Times 628 9-4/6/1900-1901 1
Tienstin Peking and Tientsin Times 629 5/29-6/1925;7-8/1925;9-10/1925;11-12/1925;1-2/1926;3-4/1926;5-6/1926;7-8/1926;9-10/1926;11-12/1926;7-8/1927;9-10/1927;11-12/1927;1-4/1928 14
Tsingtao Shanting News 630 3/14,5/8/1942 1
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 631-X various dates 1
Barranquilla Presna 631 1-4/22/1941;9/25-10/1/1941;8/13-31/1953;9-10/1953;11-12/1953;1-3/1954;4-6/1954;7-9/1954;10-12/1954;1-3/1953;4/1-16/1955 11
Bogota El Espectador 633 7-12/1926;1-6/1927;8-12/1927;1-3/1928;4-6/1928;7-12/1928;1-4/1929;5-8/1929;9-12/1929;1-3/1930;4-5/1941; 11
Bogota El Liberal 634 1941;1-2/1942; 3-4/1942; 5-6/1942; 7-8/1942; 9-10/1942; 11-12/1942; 1-2/1943; 3-4/1943; 5-6/1943; 1-2/1944; 3-4/1944;5-6/1944;9-10/1944;7-8/1946;9-10/1946;11-12/1946;1-3/1947;4-6/1947;7-9/1947;10-12/1947;1-3/1948;4-6/1948;7-9/1948;10-12/1948;1-3/1949;4-6/1949;7-9/1949;10-12/1949;1-3/1950;4-6/1950;7-9/1950;10-12/1950;1-3/1951;4-6/1951;7-9/1951;10-12/4/1951 37
Bogota Republica 635 4/12-6/1955;7-8/1955; 9-10/1955; 11-12/1955; 1/1956; 6/1956;7-8/1956;9-10/1956;11-12/1956;1-2/1957;3-4/1957;5-6/1957;7-8/1957;9-10/1957;11-12/1957;1-3/1958;4-6/1958;7-8/1958;9-10/1958;11-12/1958;1-2/1959;3-4/1959;5-6/1959;7-8/1959;9-10/1959;11-12/1959 26
Bogota El Siglo 636 5/7,8,11,12,14/1941; 12/16-31/1941; 1-3/1942; 4-6/1942;7-9/1942; 10-12/1942;1-3/1943; 4-6/1943;1-3/1944; 4-6/1944;7-9/1946; 10-12/1946;1-3/1947; 4-6/1947;7-9/1947; 10-12/1947;1-3/1950; 4-6/1950;7-9/1950; 10-12/1950;1-3/1951; 4-6/1951;7-9/1951; 10-12/1951;1-3/1952; 4-6/1952;7-9/1952; 10-11/15/1952; 11/16-12/1952; 1-2/1953; 3-4/1953;5-6/1953; 7-9/1953;1-2/1960; 3-4/1960;5-6/1960; 7-8/1960;9-10/1960; 11-12/1960;1-2/1961; 3-4/1961;5-6/1961; 7-9/1961;10-12/1961 44
Cali Diario Del Pacifico 637 12/1940-5/27/1941 1
Cali Relator 638 1/21-5/23/1941 1
Cartagena Diario de La Costa 639 4/4-5/1941;4-7/1944;8-11/1944 3
Cartagena El Figaro 640 4/7-5/1941 1
Cucuta Comentarios 641 4/2-6/20/1941 1
Manizales La Patria 642 1/27-5/26/1941 1
Medellin Colombiano 643 3-4/1941;5/7-6/1941; 7-8/1941;9/6-10/1941; 11/5-12/24/1941;1-2/1956; 3-4/1956;5-6/1956; 7-8/1956;9-10/1956; 11-12/1956;1-2/1957; 3-4/1957;5-6/1957; 7-8/1957;9-10/1957; 11-12/1957 17
Medellin El Correo 644 1-4/1956;5-8/1956;9-12/1956;1-4/1957;5-8/1957;9-12/1957; 6
Medellin La Defensa 645 4/30-7/1941; 8/5-10/1941; 11/5-12/22/1941; 3
Medellin El Heraldo De Antioquia 647 11/18-12/1929;1-4/1930; 5-8/1930;9-12/1930; 1-4/1931;5-8/1931; 9-12/1931;1-4/1932; 5-8/1932;9-12/1932; 1-2/1933;5/28-8/1941; 9-10/1941;11/6-12/27/1941 14
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Brazzaville Equateur 648 3/1902-12/1903; 1/1904-7/1905 2
Brazzaville Equateur 648 3-7/1952; 5/11/1952 2
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 217-X various dates 1
Bukavu (Costermansville) Centre Afrique 217 9/1944-12/1945; 1946; 1947; 1948 4
Bukavu (Costermansville) L'Echo Du Kivu 218 1945; 1/1946-9/1947; 10/1947-12/1948; 1949-1950; 1951; 1952 6
Lubumbashi (Elisabethville) L'Echo du Katanga 219 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1959; 6-8/1960; 10-12/1960; 1/3-6/10/1961 29
Kinshasa (Leopodlville) L'Avenir 222 5-8/1944; 1-4/1944; 9-12/1944; 1-3/1945; 4-6/1945; 7-9/1945; 10-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 4-6/1946; 7-9/1946; 9-12/1946; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 10/11,13,21,22,26,31/1954; 1-6/1955;7-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-3/20/1956; 1-6/1955 32
Kinshasa (Leopoldville) Courier d'Afrique 223 2/15-6/1943; 7-12/18/1943; 12/19,20-31/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948;7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955 32
Kinshasa (Leopoldville) Nsango ya bisu 224 10/1950-5/1952 1
Kisangani (Stanleyville) De Stan L'Echo 225 1-3/1944; 4-6/1944; 7-9/1944; 10-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 2/24-12/1945; 1946; 1/1946-3/1947; 4-6/1947; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1952; 1-8/16/1953 19
Kisangani (Stanleyville) Le Stanleyvillois 226 12/20-12/1950-1951; 1952; 1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954;

1-6/1955; 7-11/19/1955; 11/21/1955-6/1956; 7-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957;

1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7/1960

City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 651-X various dates 2
San Jose Republica 654 5-6/1956;7-8/1956;9-10/1956;11-12/1956;1-2/1957;
San Jose La Tribuna 655 1-6/1926;7-12/1926; 1-5/1927;6-10/1927;
4/22-5/1941;6-7/1941; 8-9/1941;10-11/1941; 12/4-25/1941;1-2/1942;3/12-4/1942
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 4410-X various dates 1
Zagreb Deutsche Zeitung in Kroatien 4524 12/1941; 1-4/1942; 5-7/1942; 8-9/1942; 10/1942; 11/1942-3/1943; 4-8/1943; 9-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-3/1944-1945 10
Zagreb Hrvatski Dnevnik 4526 9/1939; 10/1939; 11/1939; 12/1939; 1/1940; 2/1940; 3/1940; 4/1940; 5/1940; 6/1940; 7/1940; 8/1940; 9/1940; 10/1-15/1940; 10/16-31/1940; 11/1940; 12/1940; 1/1941; 2/1941; 3/1941; 4/1-5/1941 20
Zagreb Hrvatski Narod 4527 1-3/1942; 6/10/-8/1942; 9-10/1942; 11-12/1942;1 -4/1943; 5-8/1943; 9-12/1943; 1-4/1944 7
Zagreb Hrvatsko Gospodarstvo 4528 9/2,7,14,16,18,19/1941 1
Zagreb Morgen 4530 7-9/1924; 10-12/1924; 1-3/1925 3
Zagreb Nova Hrvatska 4534 3/19-6/1942; 7-9/1942; 10-12/1942;1-3/1943; 4-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-3/1944; 4-7/1944; 8/1-11/1944; 9/1944-2/25/1945; 3/20-22/1945 12
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Cienfuegos La Correspondencia 656 4/1941;5-8/1941;9-12/1941;1-4/1942;5-8/1942;
8-11/1943; 12/1943-3/1944; 4-6/1944; 7-9/1944;
Havana Ahora 658 10-11/15/1933; 11/16-30/1933; 12/1-15/1933;
Havana Alerta  659 11/1941-12/1942;1-12/1943;1-12/1944;1945 4
Havana Alma Mater 660 9/30-12/1933 1
Havana El Avance Criollo 661 3-4/26/1941 1
Havana EL Avance Revolucionario 662 1/18-4/30/1960 1
Havana Calle 663 1-3/1961;11/1961 2
Havana El Crisol 664 11/14-12/1941;1-4/9/1942; 5/7-7/23/1942;8/1942 4
Havana Nueva En Accion 665 10-11/1939;1-8/1940;9-12/1940;1-4/1941;
1-2/1942; 2-5/1942;6-7/1942; 8-9/1942
Havana Diario de La Marina 667 9/15/1957  1
Havana La Discusion 668 4-7/1900;7/1900-3/1901;4/1901-5/1902;
Havana Finanzas 669 10/10/1952 1
Havana P.M. 671 7/10-10/1940;11-12/1940;1-2/1941;
Havana Post 672 5/1900-6/1901;7-9/1901;10-12/1901;
Havana Herald De Cuba 673 5/20/1927;5/20/1928;5/20/1929;8/18-9/1932;
Havana Informacion 674 1-4/1931;5-8/1931;9-12/1931;1-4/1932;
Havana La Lucha 675 9-12/1899 1
Havana El Mundo 676 11-12/1906;1-3/1907; 4-6/1907;7-9/1907;
11-12/1907;1-3/1908; 5-7/1908;8-9/1908;
3/4-27/1941;4/1941; 5/1941;6/1941;1/1942;
Havana Noticias De Hoy 677 6-8/1938;9-12/1938;2-6/1939;7-9/1939;
Havana Noticiero Mercantil 678 1939;1-8/1940;9-12;1940;1-3/1941 4
Havana Noticioso y Lucero 679 12/1832-2/1833;1-12/1835;1-12/1836;
Havana El Pais 680 8/1-14/1931;8/15-31/1931;
9-11/1933 (incomplete); 1939-1940
Havana Prensa Libre 681 6-8/1951;9-12/1951;1-4/1952;5-8/1952;
5-8/1955;9-12/1955;1-3/1956; 4-6/1956;7-9/1956;10-12/1956;4-6/1957;
7-9/1957; 10-12/1957;1-3/1958;1-2/1961;
6/21-8/31/1961; 9/1-10/31/1961
Havana Tiempo 682 1/1941; 2/1941; 3-4/9/1941 3
Havana Tiempo 683 6/20-12/1950;1-6/1951;7-12/1951;
1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952;
1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953;
1-3/1955;4-6/1955;7-9/1955; 10-12/1955;1-3/1956;4-6/1956;
7-9/1956;10-12/1956; 1-3/1957;
4-6/1957; 7-9/1957; 10-12/1957;
1-3/1958; 4-6/1958; 7-9/1958;
Havana El Triunfo 684 1-12/1881; 1/1882-1/1883 2
Havana La Voz De Cuba 685 7/24-12/1870; 1871;1872; 1873;
1874; 1875; 1876; 1877; 1878;
Matanzas Aurora del Yumuri 686 2-6/1833 1
Matanzas El Yumeri 687 2-4/26/1842 1
Sagua Comercio 688 2-6/1877 1
Santiago Sierra Maestra  689 6/13-11/16/1961 1
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 690-X various dates
Limassol  Parateretes 690 1951-1954 1
Nicosia Aletheia 691 1952-1953 1
Nicosia Anexartetos 692 4-12/1948;1-5/1949;5/31-12/1949;1951-1955 4
Nicosia Cyprus Mail 693 3/1955;3-4/1956;5-8/1956;9-12/1956;1-4/1957;
Nicosia Cyprus Post 694 1-8/1942 1
Nicosia (Demokrates) 695 1-3/1949 1
Nicosia Eleftheria 696 1949;1-6/1950;7-12/1950;1-6/1951;7-12/1951;
Nicosia Ergatike fone 697 7-12/1954 1
Nicosia Ethnos 698 4-11/1950;7-9/1951;1952;1/17-6/1953;7-12/1953;
Nicosia Halkin Sesi Weekly English Edition 699 1954;1956-1958 2
Nicosia Hesperine Protevousa 700 1-7/21/1949 1
Nicosia Hur soz 701 6/16-12/1948;1949;


Nicosia Kypros 702 1954 1
Nicosia Neos Demokrates 703 4-12/1949;1/15-4/1950; 4/16-12/1950;1951; 1-6/1952;7-12/1952; 1-6/1953;7-12/1953; 1-6/1954;7-12/1954; 1-6/1955;7-12/1955 12
Nicosia Neos Kypriakos Phylax 704 5/25-12/19/1950 1
Nicosia Phone Ton Agroton 705 1951-55 1
Nicosia Phos 706 5/5-6/6/1950 1
Nicosia Protevousa 707 7/4-12/19/1949 1
Nicosia Times of Cyprus 4563 10/3-11/28/1959,1/1960 1
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 708-X various dates 1
Prague  Lidove' Noviny 789 5/9-8/1948;9-12/1948;1-6/1949;7-12/1949;1-6/1950;
he a7-12/1950;1-6/1951;7/1951-2/8/1952
Prague Prager Tagblatt 803 3/23,24/1939 1
Prague  Svobodne noviny 815 7-12/1945;1-6/1946;7-12/1946;1-6/1947;7-12/1947;
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Misc 836x various dates 1
Aabenraa Hejmdal 836 1/21-4/1942; 5-8/1942; 9/1942; 10/1942; 11-12/1942; 1/1943; 2/1943; 3/1943; 4-6/1943; 7-8/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-4/1944; 5-8/1944; 9-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-7/10/1945 16
Aabenra Nordschleswigsche Zeitung 837 3/31-4/4/1941; 4-8/1944; 9-12/1944; 1-7/2/1945 4
Aalborg Aalborg Stiftstidende 838 1/22-3/1942; 4-6/1942; 7-8/1942; 9-10/1942; 11/1942; 12/1942; 1/1943; 2/1943; 3-4/1943; 5-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 1-3/1945; 4-6/1945 13
Aarhus Amtstidende 839 3-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-3/1944; 4-6/1944; 7-9/1944; 10-12/1944; 1-6/1945 8
Aarhus Stiftstidende 840 2/19-6/1945 1
Aarhus Jyllands Posten 841 1941; 2/20-7/23/1945; 8/1945; 9-10/1945; 11-12/1945; 1-3/1946 6
Copenhagen Aftenbladet 842 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-5/1951; 6-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-9/7/1955; 9/8-10/1955; 11-12/1955; 1-3/1956; 4-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-3/1957; 4-6/1957; 7-9/1957; 10-12/1957; 1-3/1958; 4-6/1958; 7-9/1958; 10-12/1958; 1-2/25/1959 27
Copenhagen B.T. 844 1-3/1945; 4-6/1945 2
Copenhagen Berlingske Aftenavis 845 1-6/1945 1
Copenhagen Berlingske Tidende 846 3/17-31/1941; 5/1942; 6/1942; 7/1942; 9/1942; 10/1942; 11/1942; 12/1942; 1/1943; 2/1943; 4/1944; 5-6/1944; 7-8/1944; 9-10/1944; 11-12/1944; 1-3/1945; 4-5/1945; 8-9/1945; 10-11/1945; 12/1945; 1-2/1946; 3-4/1946; 5-6/1946; 7-8/1946; 9-10/1946; 11-12/1946; 1-2/1947; 3-8/1947; 9-10/1947; 11-12/1947; 1-2/1948; 3-4/1948; 5-6/1948; 7-8/1948; 9-10/1948; 11-12/1948 36
Copenhagen Borsen 847 6/1939; 1/20-3/1942; 3-6/1942; 7-9/1942; 10-12/1942; 1/1943; 2-4/1943; 5-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 7-10/1944; 12/1944-4/1945; 5-7/1945; 8-12/1945; 1-4/1946; 5-8/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-8/1947; 9-12/1947; 1-4/1948; 5-8/1948; 9-12/1948; 1-4/1949; 5-8/1949; 9-12/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953 35
Copenhagen Borsen 847 9-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; -8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 27
Copenhagen Ekstrabladet 848 1-6/1944; 7-12/1944; 1-6/9/1945 3
Copenhagen Faedrelandet 849 6-10/1944; 12/1944-5/4/1945 2
Copenhagen Foedrelandet 850 1/21-3/1942; 4-6/1942; 7-9/1942; 10-11/1942; 12/1942; 1/1943 6
Copenhagen Information 851 1-2/1947; 3-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 42
Copenhagen Kristeligt Dagblad 852 1/21-3/1942; 4-6/1942; 7-9/1942; 10/1942; 11/1942-1/1943; 2/2-28/1943; 3-4/1943; 5-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 11/1943; 7/5-9/1944; 10-12/1944; 1-3/1945; 4-6/1945; 1-6/1950; 7-9/1950; 10-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-12/1959; 1-4/1960; 5-8/1960; 9-12/1960; 1-4/1961; 5-8/1961; 9-12/1961 47
Copenhagen Kritisk Ugerevue 853 9/1942-1/1943 1
Copenhagen Land og Folk 854 1-3/1954; 4-6/1954; 7-9/1954; 10-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955; 1-3/1956; 4-6/1956; 7-9/1956; 10-12/1956; 1-3/1957; 4-6/1957; 7-9/1957; 10-12/1957; 1-3/1958; 4-7/1958; 8-12/1958; 1-3/1959; 4-6/1959; 7-9/1959; 10-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 31
Copenhagen National Socialisten 855 1942-1944; 1-5/4/1945 2
Copenhagen National Tidende Morgen Udgraue 856 5-6/1919; 6/1919; 3/1/1939; 2-3/1942; 4-5/1942; 6-7/1942; 8-9/1942; 10-11/1942; 12-1/1942-1943; 2-3/1943; 4-5/1943; 6-7/1943; 8-9/1943; 10-11/1943; 12-1/6/1943-1944; 1/26-4/15/1944; 5-6/1944; 7-9/1944; 10-12/1944; 1-3/1945; 4-5/1945; 6-10/1945; 11/10-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 4-7/1/1946; 5/28-8/20/1948 26
Copenhagen Villabyernes blad 859 1-6/1945 1
Esbjerg Vestkysten 860 1-6/1945 1
Hillerod Frederiksborg Amts Avis 861 2/18-6/1945 1
Frederikshavn FrederiksHavn Avis 862 2/21-6/1945 1
Holbaek Amtstidende 863 4-6/1945 1
Holsteboro Holstebro Dagblad 864 2/19-6/1945 1
Horsens Horsens Avis 865 4-6/1945 1
Kolding Jydske Tidende 866 2/21-6/1945 1
Maribo Lollands Posten 867 1-7/23/1945 1
Naestved Sydsjaellands Social Demokrat 868 1-7/2/1945 1
Nykobing Lolland Falstersters Venstreblad 869 1-6/1945 1
Odense Fyens Stiftstidende 870 7-8/1943; 9-10/1943; 1-3/1945; 4-6/1945 4
Odense Fyns Tidende 871 2/21-6/1945; 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-10/1950; 11-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-10/1953; 11-12/1953; 1-3/1954; 4-6/1954; 7-9/1954; 10-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955; 1-3/24/1956; 4-6/1956; 7-9/1956; 10-12/1956; 1-3/1957; 4-6/1957; 7-9/1957; 10-12/1957; 1-3/1958; 4-6/1958; 7-9/1958; 10-12/1958; 1-3/1959; 4-6/1959; 7-9/1959; 10-12/1959; 1-2/1960; 3-4/1960; 5-6/1960; 7-8/1960; 9-10/1960; 11-12/1960; 1-2/1961; 3-4/1961; 5-6/1961; 7-8/1961; 9-10/1961; 11-12/1961 51
Odense Svendborg Avis 872 4-6/1945 1
Randers Folket 873 2/21-7/16/1945 1
Ringkobing Amtstidende 874 1-4/1942; 5-7/1942; 8/1942; 9-10/1942; 11-12/1942; 1/1943; 2-5/1943; 6-8/1943; 10/1943; 3/7-7/20/1945 10
Ronne Bornholms Social Demokrat 875 1-6/1945; 8-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 6/28-12/1946 4
Rudkobing Langeland Avis 876 1-7/1945 1
Skive Folkeblad 877 1-6/1945 1
Slagelse Soro Amtstidende 878 9/20-26/1941; 5-7/1942; 8-10/1942; 11-12/1942; 1-2/1943; 3-5/1943; 6-8/1943; 9-11/1943; 1-3/1945; 4-7/3/1945 10
Sonderborg Sonderjyden 879 2/19-6/1945 1
Thisted Social Demokraten 880 1-6/1945 1
Viborg Stikts Folkebald 881 4-6/1945 1
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 882-X various dates 1
Azua De Compostela Hora 882 7-2/9/1945-47 1
Ciudad Trujillio Diario del Comercio 883 5-6/1938; 7-12/1938; 1-2/1939; 7-12/1939; 1-6/1940; 7-12/1940; 1-2/1941; 3-6/1941; 7-9/1941; 10-11/1941 10
Cuidad Trujillo Nacion 884 4-6/1945; 7-8/1945;9/1945 3
Cuidad Trujillo Nuevo Domingo 885 1952-1954 1
Cuidad Trujillo La Opinion 886 7-9/1941; 10-12/1941; 2
Santiago El Diario 887 7-12/1927; 1-6/1928;7/31-8/29/1928 3
Santiago La Informacion 888 1-4/1926; 5-8/1926;9-12/1926; 1-4/1927;5-8/1927;9-11/1927;2/13-5/4/19281-4/1929;5-8/1929;9-12/1929;1-4/1930; 5-8/1930; 9-12/1930; 1-5/1931;11-12/1931;1-4/1932;5-8/1932;9-11/1932; 1-4/1945; 5-8/1945; 9-12/1945; 1-4/1946; 5-8/1946; 9-12/1946; 7/27-12/19511-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-9/1953; 10-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 40
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Misc 889-X various dates 1
Bahia De Caraquez El Globo 889 1-9/1942 1
Guayaquil Diario Illustrado 890 1-3/1918; 1-3/1920; 7-9/1920 3
Guayaquil Grito Del Pueblo 891 1-6/1900 1
Guayaquil Guante 892 1-3/1920; 7-9/1921; 7-9/1922; 10-12/1922 4
Guayaquil Nacion 893 9-10/1950; 11-12/1950; 1-3/1951; 4-6/1951; 7-9/1951; 10-12/1951; 1-3/1952; 4-6/1952; 7-9/1952; 10-12/1952; 1-3/1953; 4/1-25/1953; 10-12/1953; 1-3/1954; 4-6/1955; 7-10/1955; 11-12/1955; 1-2/1956; 3-4/1956; 5-6/1956; 7-8/1956; 9-10/1956; 11-12/1956; 1-2/1957; 5-6/1957; 7-8/1957; 9/1957; 11-12/1957; 1-2/15/1958 29
Guayaquil La Prensa 894 12/1/1928; 3-4/1942; 6/1942; 9/1942 4
Guayaquil Telegrafo 895 1-3/1920; 1-3/1923; 2/16/1924; 9/1957; 9-10/1961 5
Guayaquil Universo 896 1-3/1951;4-6/1951; 7-9/1951; 10-12/1951; 1-2/1952; 3-4/1952; 5-6/1952; 7-8/1952; 9-10/1952; 11-12/1952; 1-2/1953; 3-4/1953; 5-6/1953; 7-8/1953; 9-10/1953; 11-12/1953; 1-2/1954; 3-4/1954; 5-6/1954; 7-8/1954; 9-10/1954; 11-12/1954; 1-2/1955; 3-4/1955; 5-6/1955; 7-8/1955; 9-10/1955; 11-12/1955; 1-2/1956; 3-4/1956; 5-6/14/1956; 7/13-8/1956; 9-10/1956; 11-12/1956; 1-2/1957; 5-6/1957; 7-8/1957; 9/1957; 11-12/1957; 1-2/1958; 3-4/1958; 5-6/1958; 7-8/1958; 9-10/1958; 11/1958; 12/1958; 1/1959; 2/1959; 3/1959; 4/1959; 5/1959; 6/1959; 7/1959; 8/1959; 9/1959; 10/1959; 11/1959;12/1959 58
Guayaquil Universo 896 1/1960; 2/1960; 4/1960; 5/1960; 6/1960; 7/1960; 8/1960; 9/1960; 10/1960; 11/1960; 12/1960; 1/1961; 2/1961; 3/1961; 4/1961; 5/1961; 6/1961; 7/1961; 8/1961; 9/1961; 1/15-30/1961;12/1961 22
Quito El Comercio 897 1-4/1931; 5-8/1931; 9-12/1931; 1-4/1932; 5-8/1932; 9-12/1932; 1-4/1933; 5-8/1933; 9-12/1933; 1-4/1934; 5-8/1934; 9-12/1934; 1-4/1936; 5-8/1936; 9-12/1936;1-4/1937; 5-8/1937;9-12/1937; 1-4/1938;5-8/1939; 9-12/1938;1/5-2/19/1939; 5/23-8/13/1939; 9/7-12/1939; 5-6/1945; 7-9/1945; 10-12/1945; 1-2/1946; 3-4/1946; 5-6/1946; 7-8/1946; 9-10/1946; 11-12/1946; 1-2/1947;3-4/1947; 5-6/1947; 7-8/1947; 9-10/1947; 11-12/1947 39
Portoviejo Diario Manabita 898 4/11-10/2/1942 1
Quito Combate 899 7-8/1953; 1-3/1954; 4-6/1954; 7-9/1954; 10-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955; 1-3/1956; 4-6/1956; 7-8/1956 12
Quito El Debate 900 11-12/1940; 1-4/1941; 5-8/1941;9-12/1941; 1-2/1942; 4-5/1942; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948 8
Quito El Dia 901 1-4/1941; 5-8/1941; 9-12/1941;1-4/1942; 5-8/1942; 9-12/1942; 1-4/1953; 5,11-12/1953; 8
Quito Diario del Ecuador 902 12/20-3/1955-1956; 4-6/1956; 7-9/1956; 10-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-9/1957; 11-12/1957 7
Quito Ley 903 7-12/1903; 1-3/1904; 4-8/1904;9-12/1904; 1-6/1905; 5
Quito Nacional 904 9-12/1947; 4/8-8/1948; 9-12/1948; 3- /1950; 7-9/1950; 10-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 11
Quito Sol 905 1/21,23-31,4/5/1951; 7/21-9/1951;10-12/1951; 1-3/1952; 4-6/1952; 7-9/1952; 10-12/1952;1-3/1953;4-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 10
Quito Tiempo 906 1-3/1904; 4-6/1904 2
Quito Tierra 907 7-12/1947;1948;1949; 1950; 1951; 1-6/1952;1953;1-3/1954; 4-12/1955; 1956; 1957; 1-4/1958-1959 12
Quito Ultimas Noticias 908 2/18-3/4/1950;4-6/1950; 7-9/1950; 10-12/1950; 1/2-23/1951; 1/24-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-7/1952 10
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Misc 909-X various dates 1
Alexandria Anatole 909 5-8/1949;9-12/1949;1950 3
Alexandria La Gazette d'Orient 910 1946-1948 1
Alexandria Le Journal d' Alexandria 911 4-9/1951;1-6/1952;1-6/1952; 7-12/1952;
Alexandria Journal du Commerce 912 1944-1946;1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948;
7-12/1948; 1-6/1949;7-12/1949;1-6/1950;
Alexandria Phare Egyptian 913 2-6/1952;7-12/1952 2
Alexandria Reforme 914 2/16-6/28/1952;7-12/1952 2
Alexandria Tachydramos 915 6-10/1944;5-6/1949;7-12/1949;9-12/1950;
Cairo La Bourse Egyptienne 916 12/12-4/1929-1930;5-8/1930;9-12/1930;
Cairo Deutsche Orient Zeitung 917 2/1953-3/1954; 1
Cairo Echos 918 1950;5/1951;1952-1953 3
Cairo Egyptain Mail 919 1945;1946;1947;1948;1949-1950;1951-1952;
Cairo Egyptain Standard 920 3-7/1907;8-12/1907;1-4/8/1908; 3
Cairo Etendard Egyptien 921 3-7/1907;8-12/1907;1-4/1908;5-8/1908;
Cairo Journal d'Egypte  922 1944-1945;1-6/1946;7-12/1946;1-6/1947;
Cairo Journal egyptien 923 1-6/1897 1
Cairo Jugoslovenski Glasnik 924 8/23/1941-6/20/1942; 1
Cairo L'Obersvateur 925 1-6/1953;7-10/1951;1-6/1952;7-12;1952;
Cairo Progres egyptien 927 7-12/1948;6-7/1949;7-12/1951;1-6/1952;
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 3283-X various dates 1
San Salvador Combate 3283 11/7/1953-6/1954 1
San Salvador El Diario del hoy 3284 9/1942;12/6,13/1942; 1-9/1943; 1944; 7/10-15/1945;7-12/1947; 1-6/1948;7-12/1948; 1-6/1949;3-4/1950; 5-6/1950;7-8/1950; 9-10/1950;11-12/1950; 1-3/1951;9-10/1952; 11-12/1952;1-2/1953; 3-6/1953; 7-8/1953 20
San Salvador Diario Latino 3286 10/1908-6/1909;7-12/1909; 1-6/1910;7-12/1910; 4-6/1941;7-12/1941; 1/26-5/25/1942;6-7/1946; 1-4/1956;5-8/1956; 9-11/1956 11
San Salvador Diario Nuevo 3287 2/16-5/28/1935;4-5/1941; 6-7/1941;8-12/24/1941; 1/28-5/25/1942;10-11/1943;1-3/1944 7
San Salvador La Epoca 3288 6-12/1930;1-6/1931 2
San Salvador El Gran Diario La Nacion 3289 2/5-8/1946;7-12/1947;1-5/1948;6-12/1948 4
San Salvador Noticiero 3291 1/1833;11/13/1944-2/1945 2
San Salvador La Prensa Grafica 3292 7/4/1946;7-9/1947; 10-12/1947;1-4/1948; 3-8/1948;9-12/1948;1-4/1949;3-4/1950;5/1950;7-9/1950;10-12/1950; 1-3/1951;1-2/1952;3-4/1952;5-6/1952;7-9/1952;10-11/1952;12/1952; 1-2/1953;3-4/1953;5-6/1953;7-8/1953;9-10/1953;11-12/1953;1-2/1954; 3-4/1954;5-6/1954;8/1954;9-10/1954;11-12/1954;1-2/1955;9-10/1955; 3-4/1955;5-6/1955;7-8/1955;11-12/1955;1/1956;2/1956;3/1956;4/1956; 5-6/1956;7-8/1956;9/1956; 10/1956; 11/1956; 12/1956; 1/1957; 2/1957; 3/1957; 4/1957; 5-6/1957;7-8/1957; 9/1957; 10/1957; 11/1957; 12/1957 55
San Salvador La Prensa Grafica 3292 1-2/1958; 3/1958; 4/1958; 5/1958; 6/1958; 7/1958; 8/1958; 9/1958;10/1958; 11/1958;12/1958; 1/1959; 2/1959; 3/1959; 4/1959; 5/1959; 6/1959; 7/1959; 8/1959;9/1959;10/1959; 11/1959;12/1959; 1/1960; 2/1960; 3/1960; 4/1960; 5/1960; 6/1960; 7/1960; 8/1960; 9/1960;10/1960; 11/1960;12/1960; 1/1961; 2/1961; 3/1961; 4/1961; 5/1961; 6/1961; 7/1961; 8/1961; 9/1961;10/1961; 11/1961; 12/1961 47
San Salvador La Tribuna 3293 4-8/1946 1
San Salvador Tribuna Libre 3294 8-11/1950;1-3/1951;4-6/1951;7-12/1951;1-6/1952;7-12/1952; 1-6/1953;7-12/1953;1-6/1954;7-11/3/1954;11/5-12/1954;1-3/1955; 4-6/1955;7-9/1955;10-12/1955;1-3/1956;4-6/1956;7-9/1956;10-12/1956 19
Sunta Ana Diario de Occidente 3295 5-12/1928;1-4/1929 2
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 928-X various dates 1
Asmara Eritrean News 928 12/23-12/1944-1945;1/18-4/1944;1-2/1946;1-10/1947 4
Asmara Quotidiano Eritreo 930 12/28/1944-12/1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1950; 1951; 1952; 1953; 9-12/1954; 1-11/1955; 1956 12
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Addis Ababa Corriere dell'lmpero 932 1937;1-7/13/1938 2
Addis Ababa The Ethiopian Herald 933 [1943];1944;1-3/1945-1947;4-6/1947-1949;7-12/1949-1951;1952-1955 6
Addis Ababa Voice of Ethiopia 934 1957;1-11/1958;1-6/1959 3