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Foreign Newspaper Collections at the Library of Congress

Iceland to Luxembourg

The checklist below comprises the foreign newspaper collection holdings in original print in bound volumes, from the 19th and 20th centuries. This inventory was compiled in Fall 1998.

Select a Country

City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 2234-x various dates 1
Reykjavik Morgunbladid 2235 11-12/1941; 1-6/1942; 7-12/1942; 1-5/1943; 6-8/1943; 9-12/1943; 1-5/5/1944; 1-3/1950; 4-6/1950; 7-9/1950; 10-12/1950; 1-3/1951; 4-6/1951; 7-9/1951; 10-12/1951; 1-3/1952; 4-6/1952; 7-9/1952; 10-12/1952; 1-3/1953; 4-6/1953; 7-9/1953; 10-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 4-6/1954; 7-9/1954; 10-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955; 1-3/1956; 4-6/1956 33
Reykjavik Thyothvilyinn 2236 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956;1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 5-8/1959; 1-4/1959; 9-12/1959; 1-4/1960; 5-8/1960; 9-12/1960; 1-4/1961; 5-8/1961; 9-12/1961 32
Reykjavik Timinn 2237 3/27-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954 5
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 2238X various dates 1
Allahabad Amrita Bazar Partika 2238 10/16-12/1944; 1-2/1945; 3-5/1945; 1-6/1945; 9-12/1945; 1-4/1946; 5-8/1946; 9-12/1946 8
Bombay Bharat 2240 9-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-9/1950; 10-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-9/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952 9
Bombay Bharat Jyoti 2241 4-12/1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1950; 1951; 1952; 1953; 1954; 1955; 1956; 1957; 1958; 1959; 1960; 1961 18
Bombay Chronicle 2242 3/16-12/1930; 1-6/1931 2
Bombay Chronicle 2243 8/17-12/1942; 1-6/1942; 7-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-12/1944; 1-3/1945; 4-6/1945; 7-9/1945; 10-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 4-6/1946; 7-9/1946; 10-12/1946; 1-3/1947; 4-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 1-4/1959 48
Bombay Courier 2244 1818 1
Bombay Gazette 2245 1818-1819 1
Bombay Bombay Gazette 5232 1-12/1900;1-12/1901;1-12/1902;1-12/1903; 1-12/1904;1-6/1905;7-12/1905;1-6/1906;7-12/1906; 1-6/1907;7-12/1908;1-6/1909;7-12/1908;1-6/1908 14
Bombay Sentinel 2246 3-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-5/1948 6
Bombay Times 2247 1842-1844; 1844-1847 2
Bombay Commercial India 2248 3/10-12/1945-1946 1
Bombay Economic Times 2249 5/30-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 3
Bombay Financial Express 2250 8/17-12/1961 3
Bombay Sunday Standard 2254 4/16-12/1944; 1945; 1-4/1946; 5-12/1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1950; 1951; 1952; 1953; 3-12/1954; 1955; 1956; 1957; 1958; 1959; 1960; 1961; 19
Bombay Times of India 2255 1-3/1931; 4-6/1931; 7-9/1931; 10-12/1931; 1-3/1932; 4-6/1932; 7-9/1932; 10-12/1932; 1-3/1933; 4-6/1933; 7-9/1933; 10-12/1933; 1-3/1934; 4-6/1934; 7-9/1934; 10-12/1934; 1-3/1935; 4-6/1935; 7-9/1935; 10-12/1935; 1-3/1936; 4-6/1936; 7-9/1936; 10-12/1936; 1-3/1937; 4-6/1937; 7-9/1937; 10-12/1937; 1-3/1946; 4-6/1946; 7-9/1945; 10-12/1946; 32
Calcutta Advance 2257 1-4/1946; 5-12/1946; 1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1951; 1952; 1953; 8
Calcutta Amrita Bazar Patrika 2258 8/1923-8/1924; 11/20-12/1941; 1-3/1942; 7-9/1942; 10-12/1942; 1-3/1943; 4-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-4/1944; 5-6/1944; 7-8/1944; 9-10/1944; 11-12/1944; 1-2/1945; 3-4/1945; 5-6/1945; 7-8/1945; 9-10/1945; 11/1945; 12/1945; 1-2/1946; 3-4/1946; 5-8/1946; 9-2/1946-1947; 3-4/1947; 5-8/1947; 9-12/1947; 1-4/1948; 5-8/1948; 9-12/1948; 1-4/1949; 5-8/1949; 9-12/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-3/1954; 4-6/1954; 7-9/1954; 10-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955; 1-3/1956; 4-6/1956; 7-9/1956; 10-12/1956; 1-3/1957; 4-6/1957; 7-9/1957; 10-12/1957; 1-3/1958; 4-6/1958; 7-9/1958; 10-12/1958; 66
Calcutta Amrita Bazar Patrika 2258 1-3/1959; 4-6/1959; 7-9/1959; 10-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 12
Calcutta Asiatic Mirror 2259 6-4/21/1805-1819; 4/28-6/9/1819 2
Calcutta Bongal Chronicle 2260 1828 1
Calcutta Bengal Hurkaru 2261 1819-1834 1
Calcutta The Calcutta Exchange and Daily Advertiser 2262 3/11/1854; 1845; 1949 3
Calcutta Journal 2263 9/1820 1
Calcutta Telegraph 2264 1806-1808 1
Calcutta Times 2265 1818-1819 1
Calcutta The Englishman 5234 1-12/1900;1-12/1901;11-12/1902;1-12/1903; 1-12/1904;1-12/1905;1-6/1905;7-12/1905;7-12/1906; 1-6/1907;7-12/1907;1-6/1908;7-12/1908;1-6/1909; 7-12/1909;1-6/1910;7-12/1910;1-6/1911;7-12/1911; 1-6/1912;7-12/1912;1-6/1913;7-12/1913;1-6/1914; 7-12/1914;1915;1-12/1916;1-12/1917;1-12/1918; 1-12/1919;1-12/1920;1-12/1921;1-12/1921;1-12/1922; 1-12/1923;1-12/1924;12/1925;6-12/1926;1-1/1927-1928 39
Calcutta The Englishman and Military Chronicle 2266 10/1848 1
Calcutta Forward 2267 4-8/1924; 9-12/1924; 1-4/1925; 5-8/1925; 9-12/1925; 1-4/1926; 5-8/1926; 9-12/1929; 1-4/1927; 5-8/1927; 9-12/1927; 1-4/1928; 5-8/1928; 9-12/1928; 1-4/1929 15
Calcutta Forward 2268 11-12/1933; 1-4/1934; 5-8/1934; 9-12/1934; 5-8/1935; 9-12/1935; 5-11/16/1936; 1/11-12/6/1937; 1/2-23/1939; 1/28-7/15/1939; 7/22/1939-6/1940 11
Calcutta Friend of India 2269 4/24-12/1875; 1-6/1876; 7-12/1876; 1-6/1877; 7-12/1877; 1-6/1878; 7-12/1878; 1-6/1879; 7-12/1879; 1-6/1880; 7-12/1880; 1-6/1881; 7-12/1881; 1-5/22/1883 14
Calcutta Hindushan Standard 2270 8/9,11-16,28-31/1946 1
Calcutta Indian Daily News 5235 1-8/1914;0-12/1914;1-4/1915;5-8/1915; 9-12/1915;1-4/1916;5-8/1916;9-12/1916; 1-4/1917;5-8/1918;9-12/1918;1-4/1919; 5-8/1919;9-12/1919;1-4/1920;5-8/1920; 9-12/1920;1-4/1921;5-8/1921;9-12/1921; 1-4/1922;5-8/1922;9-12/1922;1-4/1923; 5-8/1923;9-12/1923;1-4/1924;9-6/1912-1913; 7-12/1913 29
Calcutta Indian Daily News bi-weekly 5236 1-5/1914;9/12-6/1913;7-12/1913 3
Calcutta Indian Gazette 2271 1801-1828 1
Calcutta Liberty 2272 5-8/1929; 9-12/1929; 1-5/1/1930; 7-12/1930; 1-4/1931; 5-8/1931; 9-12/1931; 1-4/1932; 5-8/1932; 9-12/1932; 1-4/1933; 5-8/1933 12
Calcutta Nation 2273 1-4/1949; 5-8/1949; 9-12/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 6
Calcutta Nationalist 2274 4/9-8/1945; 9-12/1945 2
Calcutta New Foward 2275 5/1-3/1929 1
Calcutta Post 2276 1806-1808 1
Calcutta Statesman 2279 9/16-10/1943; 10/26-12/1943; 1-4/1944; 5-8/1944; 9-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-8/1945; 9-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 1-4/1947; 5-8/1947; 9-12/1947; 1-4/1948; 5-8/1948; 9-12/1948; 1-4/1949; 5-8/1949; 9-12/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951 23
Calcutta Statesman 2280 2-12/1928; 1-12/1929; 1-12/1930; 1-12/1931; 1-12/1932; 1-12/1933; 1-12/1934; 1937; 1/4-12/19/1940; 1-12/1941; 1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1949-1950; 1-9/12/1951-53 21
Calcutta The Telegraph 2281 1803 1
Cochin Malabar Herald 2282 4-12/1944-46; 1947-48; 1949-50; 1951-52; 1953-54; 1955-56; 1957-58; 1959; 1960-61; 9
Cuttack New Orissa 2283 4/9-9/5/1944; 9/6-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7/1945-3/2/1946; 8/1948-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1950; 1-4/1951 8
Delhi Express 2284 12-4/1951-52; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-6/1953 4
Delhi Express 2285 7-9/1953; 10-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 28
Delhi Indian News Chronicle 2286 4-7/1947; 8-12/1947; 1-4/1948; 5-8/1948; 9-12/1948; 1-4/1949; 5-8/1949; 9-12/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-11/1951 14
Delhi Jang Ki Khabren 2287 11/1943-9/1945 1
Delhi National Call 2288 4-8/1944; 9-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-8/1945; 9-12/1945; 1-4/1946; 5-8/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-3/1947; 4-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-4/1949; 5-8/1949; 9-11/8/1949 14
Dhanbad Coalfield Times 2289 10/9-12/1949-50; 1951; 1952; 1953; 1/1954-4/1955; 4/15-12/1955; 1956; 1957; 1958; 1959; 1960; 1961 12
Indore Central India Times 2291 9/5-12/26/1934; 1-9/11/1935; 1/22-12/23/1936 3
Jammu Kashmir Post 2292 1958-59; 1960; 10/10/1960; 1961 4
Lucknow National Herald 2293 11/30/1945-4/1946; 5-8/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-4/1949; 5-8/1949; 9-12/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8;/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957;9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 47
Lucknow Pioneer 2294 1-3/1946; 4/10-6/1945; 7-8/1945 3
Madras The Hindu 2296 5/17-6/1941; 7-9/1941; 1-2/1943; 3-7/1943; 8-12/1943; 1-4/1944; 5-8/1944; 9-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-8/1945; 9-12/1945; 1-4/1946; 5-8/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-4/1948; 5-8/1948; 9-12/1948; 1-4/1949; 5-8/1949; 9-12/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-3/1954; 4-6/1954; 7-9/1954; 10-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-6/1955; 40
Madras The Hindu 2297 10-12/1941; 1-3/1942; 4-6/1942; 7-9/1942; 10-12/1942; 1-4/1943; 5-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 5-8/1944; 9-12/1944 10
Madras The Hindu 2298 2-12/1907; 1-12/1908; 1-6/1909; 7-12/1909; 1-6/1910; 7-12/1910; 1-6/1911; 7-12/1911; 1-6/1912; 7-12/1912; 1-6/1913; 7-12/1913; 1-6/1914; 7-12/1914; 1-6/1915; 7-12/1915 16
Madras Hindu Weekly Review 2300 11/1953-12/1955; 1956-59 2
Madras Indian Express 2301 1/26/1950; 8/18-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-3/15/1952; 3/16-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955; 1-3/1956; 4-6/1956; 7-9/1956; 10-12/1956; 1-3/1957; 4-6/1957; 7-9/1957; 10-12/1957; 1-3/1958; 4-6/1958; 7-9/1958; 10-12/1958; 1-3/1959; 4/1959 32
Madras Republic 2302 1/20-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5/1-13/1953 11
Madras Madras Mail 2303 4-5/1945; 6-8/1945; 9-12/1945; 1-4/1946 4
Madras Sunday Times 2304 4/1944-12/1946; 1947-48; 1949-50; 1/1951-9/1952 4
Madras United India 5237 1-12/1904 1
New Delhi Hindustan Times 2306 10/11-12/1943; 1-4/1944; 5-8/1944; 9-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-8/1945; 1-4/1946; 5-8/1946; 9-10/1946; 1-4/1947; 5-8/1947; 9-12/1947; 1-4/1948; 5-8/1948; 9-12/1948; 1-3/1949; 4-6/1949; 7-10/1949; 10-12/1949; 1-3/1950; 4-6/1950; 7-9/1950; 10-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-6/1953; 7-9/1953; 10-12/1953; 1-3/1954; 4-6/1954; 7-9/1954; 10-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955; 1-3/1956; 4-6/1956; 7-9/1956; 10-12/1956; 1-3/1957; 4-6/1957; 7-9/1957; 10-12/1957; 1-3/1958; 4-6/1958; 7-9/1958; 10-12/1958; 1-3/1959; 4-6/1959; 7-9/1959; 10-12/1959 10
New Delhi Overseas Hindustan Times 2307 1953-1954; 1955-1956; 1957-1958; 2/26-12/28/1959-1961 4
New Delhi Statesman 2308 10-12/1956; 1-3/1957 2
New Delhi Patna Searchlight 2310 4-8/1944; 9-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-8/1945; 9-12/1945; 1-4/1946; 5-8/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-4/1948; 5-8/1948; 9-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-9/1950; 10-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953 27
Nova Goa (Pangim) Heraldo 3187 12/12,14-31/1944; 1945; 1946; 1947 4
Seramore Friend of India 2311 1-12/1843; 1/1844-12/1844; 1-12/1845; 8-11/1872; 1-7/15/1873; 7/23-12/1824; 1-4/15/1875 7
Sylhet Assam Herald 2312 4/1944-12/1946; 1-4/1947 2
Sylhet Chronicle 2313 5-7,8,9,10,11/1944; 11-12,1-6/1945; 7-8,9-10,12/1945-2/1946 3
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 2314-X various dates 2
Bandung Algemeen indisch dagblad De Preangerbade 2314 1-2/1947; 9-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948 4
Bandung Algemeene Bandoengsch dagblad De Courant 2315 11-12/1946 1
Bandung Sipatahoenan 2316 9/1953-12/1954; 1/3-2/4,7-19/1955 2
Jakarta Abadi 2317 10/1952-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956 7
Jakarta Batauiaasch Nieuwsblad 2318 1/1950 1
Jakarta Berita Indonesia 2319 4-5/1948; 1-3/1948; 11-12/1947; 8-10/1947 4
Jakarta Het Dagblad 2320 10/1945-3/8/1946; 3-12/1948; 1/1949-9/24/1949 3
Jakarta Harian Rakjat 2321 1959; 1-6/1960 2
Jakarta Independent 2322 12/1945-5/20/1946 1
Jakarta Indonesian Raya 2323 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1954; 1-6/1953; 1950-1951; 7-12/1953 8
Jakarta Indonesian Raya 2323 7/1954-12/1954; 1955 2
Jakarta Indonesian News bulletin 2324 9-11/1945 1
Jakarta Indonesian Observer 2325 8,9,10/1955 1
Jakarta Indonesian Observer 2325 2-12/1958 1
Jakarta Java Bode 2326 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 9-12/1949; 1950; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 1-10/1955; 7-12/1953; 1954 10
Jakarta Javasche Courant 2327 1835; 1836 2
Jakarta Keng Po 2328 1948 1
Jakarta Keng Po 2328 1/1949-2/21/1950; 2/22-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-12/1956; 7/1957-2/17/1958 15
Jakarta Keng Po 2328 1-6/1957 1
Jakarta Masa Indonesia 2329 8-12/1947 1
Jakarta Merdeka 2330 10/1945-3/1946; 10-12/1947; 1948; 1-5/1949; 6-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1966; 7-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960 26
Jakarta Merdeka 2330 7-12/1960 1
Jakarta Mimbar Indonesia 2331 1953; 1-2/1954 2
Jakarta HET Nieuwsblad 2332 5-6/1946; 3-7/1947 2
Jakarta Nieuwblad Voor Indonesia 2333 2-12/1950 1
Jakarta Nieuwblad Voor Indonesia 2333 1951 1
Jakarta Niewblad Voor Indonesie 2333 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-10/1953 3
Jakarta Nieuwsgier 2334 4-5/15/1948; 5/19-7/1948; 8/16-10/15/1948; 10/16/1948-12/1949; 1949; 1950; 1-6/1951; 1-5/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-12/1956; 1-11/1957 18
Jakarta Pandji Ra'jat 2335 1948 1
Jakarta Pantjawarta 2336 2-6/1960 1
Jakarat Pedoman 2337 1-6/1951; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1954;1955; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 7-11/1957; 3-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1/1961; 13
Jakarta Ra'jat 2339 1/1945-1946; 8/1946; 1-3/1946 3
Jakarta Sin Po 2340 10-3/1945-1946; 12/21/1946-12/1947;1 -3/1948; 4-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-4/1949; 6-12/1949; 2-12/1950; 2-3/1951-1952; 4-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1/3-28/1956; 3-6/1959; 7-12/1959 17
Jakarta Soember 2341 5-9/1947 1
Jakarta Suara Rakjat 2342 9-10/1947 1
Jakarta Suluh Indonesia 2343 2-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960 3
Jakarta Warta dagang 2345 2-7/1947 1
Jakarta Nasional 2346 3-7/1947; 1-6/1851 2
Koetaradja Semangat Merdeka 2347 2/1946 1
Macassar Makassaarse Courant 2348 1/1947; 2-12/1947; 9-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951 5
Macassar Makassaarse Courant 2348 1/1951-6/1952 1
Macassar Oost-Indonesie bode 2349 7-10/1951; 3/1949 2
Macassar Pedoman Rakjat 2350 1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-4/1953 4
Malang Malang Post 2351 5-11/1952 1
Manado Pikiran Rakjat 2352 6/24-28,30-7/2,10/8,9/1954, 4/29,6/2-6/1955 1
Medan Deli Courant 2353 6-9/1941 1
Medan Kerakjatan 2354 4/1946 1
Medan Bulletin 2355 1-3/1948; 4-6/1948 2
Medan Het Nieunsnblad voor sumatra 2356 7-9/1948; 10-12/1948; 1-12/16/1949; 3-12/1950; 1951; 1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955 12
Medan Pewarta deli 2357 2-3/1946 1
Medan Sumatra 2358 1-3/1927; 4-6/1927; 7-9/1927; 10-12/1927; 1-2/1930; 3-4/1930; 5-6/1930; 11-12/1930; 12/1930 9
Medan Waspada 2359 1-3/1949; 1951; 1952; 4-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-5/8/1956 9
Padang Herian Penerangan 2360 5-8/1952; 6-10/1953 2
Palembang Suara rakjat Sumatera 2361 2-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1954; 1954; 1-9/1955 6
Pontianak Pembangunan 2362 3/1956 1
Samarinda Masjarakat Bara 2363 2-3/1956 1
Semarang Locomotief 2364 1948; 1-6/1953; 7/1953; 2/1941; 4/1941; 5/1941; 6/1941 7
Semarang Locomotief 2365 8/1941; 9/1941; 10/1941; 11/1941 4
Semarang Sin Min 2366 3/1949; 11-12/1947 2
Solo Murba 2367 7/14,15/1948 1
Surabaja Harian Umum 2368 8/13-9/16,18-10/1957 1
Surabaja Pewarta Soerabaia 2371 10/24/1957 1
Surabaja Soerabaiasch Handelblad(Java) 2372 1-6/1941; 7-12/1941; 1-2/1942 3
Surabaja Suara Rakjat 2373 4-8/1952 1
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Tehran Journal de Teheran 2374 5/23-12/1935; 1-12/1936; 1-12/1937; 1-12/1938; 1-12/1939; 1-9/1940; 10-12/1940; 1-6/1941; 7-10/1941; 12/20-31/1941; 1-6/1942; 7-12/1942; 2-6/1943; 7-12/1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1949; 1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1952; 1953; 1954; 1/1955-3/28/1956; 3/30-12/1956; 1957 30
Tehran Novosti dnia 2375 5-12/1944; 1-10/1945; 3-7/1946; 1/7/1947 4
Tehran News 2376 9/21,26,28/1944 1
Tehran Tehran Journal 2377 5/1954; 1/30-12/1955; 2-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959 5
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Baghdad Iraq Times 2378 1-3/1953; 4-6/1953; 7-9/1953; 10-12/1953; 1-3/1954; 4-6/1954; 7-9/1954; 10-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7/14/1953 11
Basra Times of Mesopotamia 2379 1-6/1923; 7-12/1923; 1924; 1-6/1925; 7-12/1925; 1-6/1926; 7-12/1926; 1-6/1927; 7-12/1927; 1-6/1928; 7-12/1928; 1-6/1929; 7-12/1929; 1-6/1930; 7-12/1930; 1-6/1931; 7/17-12/1931; 1-6/1932; 7-12/1932; 1-2/24/1933 20
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 2380x various dates 1
Cork Examiner 2380 4/1892-12/1893; 8/1926 2
Dublin Catholic telegraph 2381 1865-1866 1
Dublin Freeman's Journal 2382 1-3/1910; 7-9/1922; 10-12/1922; 1-3/1923; 4-6/1923; 7-9/1923; 10-12/1923; 1-3/1924; 4-6/1924; 7-9/1924; 10-12/1924 11
Dublin Irish Independent 2383 5-8/1949; 9-12/1949; 1-3/1950; 4-6/1950; 7-9/1950; 10-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 1-3/1954; 4-6/1954; 7-9/1954; 10-12/1954 18
Dublin Irish Pictorial 2384 1-3/1958 1
Dublin Irish Press 2385 1-2/1937; 3-4/1937 2
Dublin Irish Independent 2387 1947-1948; 1949-1950 2
Dublin Pictorial 2388 1956; 1957 2
Dublin Standard 2390 9/1941-1/1942; 2/13/1942-6/18/1943; 1947-1948; 1/1949-7/1950; 8/1950-3/1951 5
Dublin Times Pictorial 2391 12/1941-12/1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947-1948; 1949-1950; 1951; 1952; 1953; 1954; 1955 12
Dublin Weekly Irish Times 2392 7-12/1900; 1901; 1902; 1-6/1903; 7-12/1903; 1-6/1904; 7-12/1904; 1-6/1905; 7-12/1905; 1906; 1907; 1908; 1909; 1910; 1-7/1/1911; 1913; 1-6/1914; 7-12/1914; 1916; 1917; 1918-1919; 1920-1921; 1922; 1923; 1924-1925; 1926; 1927; 1928; 1929; 1930; 1931; 1932; 1933;1934; 1935;1936; 1938; 1939; 1940; 1-9/1941; 10-11/1941 44
Belfast Irishman 5238 1820-1822 1
Dublin Mail 5239 2-7/1823 1
Dublin The Nation 5240 10/29/1842-10/7/1843; 10/14/1843-10/5/1844; 10/12/1844-10/4/1845; 10/11/1845-10/3/1846; 10/10/1846-1847; 1/5-8/24/1850; 8/1850-8/1851; 9/6/1851-9/4/1852; 9/11/1852-9/3/1853; 9/10/1853-9/9/1854; 9/16/1854-9/1/1855; 9/8/1855-8/30/1856; 9/1856-8/1857; 9/1857-8/1858; 9/1858-1859; 9/3/1859-8/18/1860; 9/1860-8/1861; 8/1861-8/1862; 8/1862-8/1863; 8/29/1863-8/20/1864; 8/1864-8/1865; 8/26/1865-8/18/1866; 8/1866-8/1867; 8/1867-8/1868; 8/1868-8/1869; 8/28/1869-1870; 1/6-12/28/1872; 1/4-12/27/1873; 1/3-12/26/1874; 1/2-12/25/1875; 1-12/1876; 1/6-12/29/1877; 1/5-12/28/1878; 1/4-12/27/1879 34
Dublin The Nation 5240 1/17-12/25/1880; 1881; 1/7-12/30/1882; 1/6-12/29/1833; 1884; 1885; 1886; 1/1/1887-2/4/1888 8
Dublin Saunders News-letter & daily advertiser 5241 1-6/1823; 7-12/1823; 1-6/1824; 7-12/1824; 1-6/1830; 7-12/1830; 1-6/1831; 7-12/1831; 1-6/1832; 7-12/1832; 1-6/1833; 7-12/1833; 1-6/1834; 7-12/1834; 1-6/1835; 7-12/1835; 1-6/1835; 7-12/1835; 1-6/1836; 7-12/1836; 1-6/1837; 7-12/1837; 1-6/1838; 7-12/1838; 1-6/1839; 7-12/1839; 1-6/1840; 7-12/1840; 1-6/1841; 7-12/1841; 1-6/1842; 7-12/1842; 1-6/1843; 7-12/1843; 1-6/1844; 7-12/1844; 1-6/1846; 7-12/1846; 1-6/1847; 7-12/1847; 1-6/1848; 7-12/1848; 1-6/1849; 7-12/1849; 1-6/1850; 7-12/1850; 1-6/1851; 7-12/1851; 1-3/1852; 4-6/1852; 7-9/1852; 10-12/1852; 1-3/1853; 4-6/1853; 7-9/1853; 10-12/1853; 1-3/1854; 4-6/1854; 7-9/1854; 10-12/1854; 1-3/1855; 4-6/1855; 7-9/1855; 10-12/1855; 1-3/1856; 4-6/1856; 7-9/1856; 10-12/1856; 1-3/1857; 4-6/1857; 7-9/1857; 10-12/1857; 1-3/1858; 4-6/1858; 7-9/1858; 10-12/1858; 76
Dublin Saunders News-letter & daily advertiser 5241 1-3/1859; 4-6/1859; 7-9/1859; 10-12/1859; 1-3/1860; 4-6/1860; 7-9/1860; 10-12/1860; 1-3/1861; 4-6/1861; 7-9/1861; 10-12/1861; 1-3/1862; 4-6/1862; 7-9/1862; 10-12/1862; 1-3/1863; 4-6/1863; 7-9/1863; 10-12/1863; 1864; 1-6/1864; 1-3/1865; 4-6/1865; 7-9/1865; 10-12/1865; 1866; 1-6/1866; 7-12/1866; 1-6/1867; 7-12/1867; 1868; 1-6/1868; 7-12/1868; 1-6/1869; 7-12/1869; 1869; 1-6/1870; 7-12/1870; 1870; 1-6/1871; 7-12/1871; 1871; 1872; 1-6/1872; 7-12/1872; 1-6/1873; 7-12/1873; 1873; 1-6/1874; 7-12/1874; 1874; 1-6/1875; 7-12/1875 53
Dublin Weekly Freeman 5242 1-12/1900; 1-12/1901; 1-12/1902; 1-12/1903; 1-12/1906; 1-12/1907; 1-12/1908; 1/1909-6/1910 8
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 2393x various dates 1
Jaffa Falastin 2393 9/1929-12/1931 1
Tel-Aviv Echo D'Israel 2397 1950-1952; 1953; 3-12/1954 3
Tel-Aviv Naroden Glas 2399 4/1949-2/1952 1
Tel-Aviv Narodno delo 2400 4/1950-2/1951 1
Tel-Aviv Neuste Nachrichten 2401 2-12/1949; 1950; 1951; 3/1954-7/1955 4
Tel-Aviv Uj Kelet 2402 2-12/1952; 1-3/1953; 8-12/1953; 1954 4
Tel-Aviv Yedioth Hayom 2403 1954; 1955 2
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 2404 various dates 4
Ancona Ricostruzione 2405 9/6/-2/7,8/1944-1945; 2/10,11/-5/1945 2
Bari La Gazetta del Mezzogiorno 2406 1940; 7/25/-9/15/1943; 9/16/-12/1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954 19
Bergamo Bergamo Repubblicana 2407 1-4/1945 1
Bergamo L'Echo di Bergamo 2408 4/23/-7/20/1945; 5/4-7/15/1946-1947 2
Bologna L'Avvenire d'Italia 2409 11/11/-9/7/1942-1943 1
Bologna Corriere dell'Emilia 2410 4-6/1945 1
Bologna Il Resto del Carlino 2411 2-3/1959; 4-6/1959; 7-9/1959; 10-12/1959; 1-4/1960; 5-6/1960; 7-8/19609-12/1960; 1-4/1961 8
Bolzano Bozner 2412 4-5/13/1944; 5/15/-6/1944 2
Bolzano Landeszeitung 2413 9/15-18/1943 1
Cagliari L'Unione Sarda 2414 5-12/1944 1
Catania Corriere di Sicilia 2415 10/30/-12/1943; 1944; 1-3/1945 3
Catania Giornale dell'Isola 2416 1-6/1952; 7-10/1952 2
Catania La Sicilia 2417 3/15-25/1945 1
Cosenza Corriere del Sud 2418 12/1944-12/1946 1
Cremona Il Regime Fascista 2419 1937-1939; 4-12/1940; 1-6/1941; 7-12/1941; 1-11/8/1942; 11/10/1942-7/25/1943 6
Florence L'Alba 2420 12/1847-6/1848; 6/1848-12/1848; 12/1848-4/1849 3
Florence Il Conciliatore 2421 1848-1849 1
Florence Corriere del Mattino 2422 10/25/1944-6/16/1945 1
Florence Corriere di Firenze 2423 8/23/-10/24/1944 1
Florence Gazzetta del Popolo 2425 4-12/1861; 1-9/1862 2
Florence Il Mattino dell' Italia Centrale 2426 1/1948; 2-7/1947 2
Florence Monitore Toscano 2427 1848-1849; 1849-1850 2
Florence La Nazione 2428 1-6/1903; 7-12/1903; 1-6/1904; 7-12/1904; 1-6/1905; 7-12/1905; 1-6/1906; 7-12/1906; 1-6/1907; 7-12/1907; 1-6/1908; 7-12/1908; 1-6/1909; 7-12/1909; 1-8/1942; 9-12/1942; 1943 17
Florence La Nazione del Popolo 2429 8/11/-6/1944-1945; 6-12/1946-1947 2
Florence Il Nuovo Corriere 2430 1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/7/1956 19
Florence Il Popolano 2431 12/1848-5/1849 1
Genoa Corriere Ligure 2432 5-6/1945 1
Genoa Corriere Mercantile 2433 1-12/1900; 1-6/1901; 7-12/1901; 1-12/1902; 1-12/1903; 1-12/1904; 1-12/1905; 1-6/1906; 7-12/1906; 1-6/1907; 7-12/1907;1-12/1908; 1-4/1909; 7-12/1909; 1-12/1910; 1-6/1911; 7-12/1911; 1-6/1912; 1-6/1913; 7-12/1913; 1-6/1914; 7-12/1914; 1-6/1915; 1915; 1-2/1916-1917; 4-8/1917; 1918; 1-6/1919; 7-12/1919; 1-6/1920; 7-12/1920; 1-6/1921; 7-12/1921; 1-4/1922; 5-6/1922; 7-9/1922; 10-12/1922; 1-3/1923; 4-6/1923; 7-9/1923; 10-12/1923; 1-3/1924; 4-6/1924; 7-9/1924; 2/13/-6/1924; 10-12/1924; 7-12/1924; 1-6/1925; 1-3/1925; 4-6/1925; 7-9/1925; 10-12/1925; 7-12/1925; 1-4/1926; 5-8/1926; 9-12/1926; 7-12/1926; 1-6/1927; 7-12/1927; 1-6/1928; 7-12/1928; 1-6/1929; 7-12/1929; 1-6/1930; 7-12/1930; 1-7/1931; 8-12/1931; 1-6/1932; 7-12/1932; 1-6/1933; 7-12/1933
2433 1-6/1934; 7-12/1934; 1-6/1935; 7-12/1935; 1-6/1936; 7-12/1936; 1-6/1937; 7-12/1937; 1-6/1938; 7-12/1938; 1-6/1939; 7-12/1939; 1-6/1940; 7/17/-12/27/1940; 1/6/-2/5/1941; 6-7/1941; 1-8/1942; 8/18-12/1942-1943; 1-4/1945; 2-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-3/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955 29
Genoa Giornale 2434 1-8/1942; 9-7/1942-1943 2
Genoa Italia Libera 2435 1945 1
Ivrea La Sentinella del Canavese 2436 9-10/1955-1958 1
Leghorn Il Telegrafo 2437 2-9/1/1942; 9/2/1942-3/1943 2
Milan Avanti 2438 4/26/-8/1945; 9/1/-11/16/1945; 1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954 16
Milan Corriere de la Sera 2439 7-12/1939; 1-6/1921; 7-12/1921 3
Milan Giornale Lombardo 2440 5-7/1945 1
Milan Il Giorno 2441 3-6/1959; 7-11/1959 2
Milan L'Italia Libera 2442 4-6/1945; 7-10/1945 2
Milan Il Lavaro 2443 2/25/-4/22/1945 1
Milan Popolo 2445 1/19/-10/7/1946; 4/26/-11/16/1945 2
Milan Repubblica Fascista 2447 12/17/1944-4/24/1945 1
Milan Il Secolo la Sera 2448 1-6/1927; 7-12/1927; 1-6/1928; 7-12/1928; 1-6/1929; 7-12/1929; 1-6/1030; 7-12/1930; 1-6/1931; 7-12/1931; 1-6/1932; 7-12/1932; 1-6/1933; 7-12/1933; 1-6/1934; 7-12/1934; 1-6/1935; 7-12/1935; 1-6/1936; 7-12/1936; 1-6/1937; 7-12/1937; 1-6/1938; 7-12/1938; 1-6/1939; 7-12/1939; 1/7,15,17/1941 27
Milan Il Sole 2449 7-11/9/1937; 7-12/1939; 1-5/1940; 6-12/1940; 6/18/-12/1938; 1-6/1939; 1-12/1941; 1/11/-5/1942; 5/1931/-6/13/1942; 6/17/-8/15/1942; 8/18/-12/1942; 1-8/1943; 9-12/1943-1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-12/1959; 1-4/1960; 5-8/1960; 9-12/1960; 1-4/1961; 5-8/1961; 9-12/1961 52
Milan L'Umanita 2450 3-7/1947; 7/31/-12/1948; 1949; 1/1-25/1950 4
Milan L'Unita 2451 4-12/1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6;1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4/29/-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 39
Milan Ventiquattro Ore 2452 9-12/1946; 1957; 1948; 1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954 14
Naples L'Azione 2453 3/30/-6/1944-1945; 7-12/1945 2
Naples Bolettino di Notizie 2454 2-6/1944 1
Naples Corriere di Napoli 2455 1806; 1807; 1808; 1809; 1810 5
Naples Il Domani D'Italia 2456 11/30/-12/1944-1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1-7/1949 5
Naples Il Giornale 2457 9/14/-12/1944; 1-10/1945; 1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954 21
Naples Il Mattino 2458 2-12/1942; 1-8/1943 2
Naples Roma 2460 1-6/1938; 7-12/1938; 1-6/1939; 7-12/1939; 1-6/1940; 7-12/1940; 1-6/1941; 7-12/1941; 1942; 1-9/1943; 7-12/1945; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 4/22/-6/1958; 7-9/1958; 9-12/1958; 10-12/1958 21
Naples La Voce 2461 7-12/1945; 8-1/1944-45; 1-6/1945; 1-6/1946; 1947; 1-6/1948 5
Palermo Giornale di Sicilia 2462 1940; 6-10/1941; 1942-1943; 6-9/1944; 10-12/1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1-7/1948; 8-12/1948; 1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 54
Palermo Sicilia Liberata 2463 8/1943-6/11/1944 1
Rome Avanti! 2464 6/1944-12/1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 4-12/1954 15
Rome La Capitale 2465 1946; 4/23/-12/1945 2
Rome Corriere della Nazione 2466 4-12/1955 1
Rome Corriere di Roma 2467 6-12/1944; 12/12/1944 2
Rome L' Epoca 2468 1/2-14/1945; 2-12/1945; 1-2,3/1/1946 3
Rome Il Giornale D' Italia 2469 7-12/1941 1
Rome Giornale del Lunedi 2470 11/1945-11/1946 1
Rome Giornale del Mattino 2471 1/17-12/1945; 1-4/1946 2
Rome Il Giornale della Sera 2472 1947; 1948; 1-6/1/1950; 10/30/-12/1945-46 4
Rome Il Giornale di Roma 2473 5/1945-2/1946 1
Rome La Giustizia 2474 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961 21
Rome Il Globo 2475 2-12/1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-3/1949; 4-6/1949; 7-9/1949; 10/1949; 11/1949; 12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-2/1950; 3-4/1950; 5-6/1950; 7-8/1950; 9-10/1950; 11-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-4/1960; 5-8/1960; 9-12/1960; 1-4/1961; 5-8/1961; 9-12/1961 42
Rome Indipendente 2476 2-12/1945; 1946 2
Rome L'Italia Libera 2477 6-12/1944; 1945; 1946 3
Rome Italia Nuova 2478 1946; 1/1947-5/1948 4
Rome L'Itaila Socialista 2479 1/10/-61947; 7-2/1948-49 2
Rome L'Italie 2480 12-6/1899-1900; 7-12/1900; 1-6/1901; 7-12/1901; 1-6/1902; 7-12/1902; 1-6/1903; 7-12/1903; 1-6/1904; 7-12/1904; 1-6/1905; 7-12/1905; 1-4/1906; 5-8/1906; 9-12/1906; 1-4/1907; 5-8/1907; 9-12/1907; 1-6/1908; 7-12/1908; 1-6/1909; 7-12/1909; 1-6/1910; 7-12/1910; 1-6/1911; 7-12/1911; 1-6/1912; 7-12/1912; 1-6/1913; 7-12/1913; 1-6/1914; 7-12/1914; 1-6/1915; 7-12/1915 34
Rome Il Lavoro 2481 1/24/-12/1945; 1-6/1946 2
Rome Il Lavoro Fascista 2482 3-4/1940; 10-12/1941; 5-6/1940; 7-8/1940; 11-12/1940; 9-10/1940; 1-4/1941; 5-6/1941; 7-9/1941; 1-4/1942; 5-8/1942; 9-12/1942 12
Rome Libera Stampa 2483 2/13/-4/1/1945; 4/4/-3/10/1945-46 2
Rome La Liberta 2484 1874-75 1
Rome La Liberta d'Italia 2485 11-9/1948-49 1
Rome Il Messaggero 2486 9/16/-12/1939; 1-3/1940; 4-6/1940; 7-9/1940; 10-12/1940; 1-3/1941; 4-6/1941; 7-12/1941; 1-6/1942; 7-12/1942; 1-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 9/8/-12/1943; 1-6/8/1944; 4/21/-12/1946; 1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-10/1957; 11-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 56
Rome Il Momento 2488 1/28/-12/1945; 1946; 1947; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954 3
Rome Il Mondo 2489 11/1945-1/1946 1
Rome Il Nuovo Giornale d' Italia 2490 1946; 1-7/1947; 4-12/1948 3
Rome L'Ora D' Italia 2491 3/13/-5/16/1947-48 1
Rome Il Piccolo 2492 9-12/1943 1
Rome Il Popolo 2493 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-12/1959; 1-4/1960; 5-8/1960; 9-12/1960; 1-4/1961; 5-8/1961; 9-12/1961 35
Rome Il Popolo 2494 10/29/-6/1949-50; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954 9
Rome Il Popolo D'Italia 2495 1-5/1925 1
Rome Il Popolo di Roma 2496 10-12/1925; 1-3/1926; 5-6/1926; 9-12/1939; 1-7/15/1940; 8-12/1940; 1-3/1943; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1/1-18/1955; 1-6/1954 14
Rome Il Quotidiano 2497 6-12/1944-45; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-12/1959; 1-4/1960; 5-8/1960; 9-12/1960; 1-4/1961; 5-8/1961; 9-12/1961 38
Rome Il Reporter 2498 10-12/1944 1
Rome Ricostruzione 2499 6-12/1944; 1945; 1-6/15/1946 2
Rome Risorgimento Liberale 2500 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1-10/20/1948 5
Rome Rome Daily American 2501 3/17/-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 6-9/1951; 10-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-4/4954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-12/1959; 1-4/1960; 5-8/1960; 9-12/1960; 1-4/1961; 5-8/1961; 9-12/1961 42
Rome Il Secolo XX 2502 2/14/-12/1945; 1-6/1946 2
Rome Il Tempo 2503 1944-1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958 27
Rome Il Tempo 2503 4-6/1958; 7-9/1958; 10-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 14
Rome La Tribuna del Popolo 2504 2/6/-12/1945; 1-12/1/1946 2
Rome L'Umanita 2505 1/18/1947-7/1948 1
Rome L'Unita 2506 6/6/-12/1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-3/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954 16
Rome La Voce d'Italia 2507 1-9/6/1943; 9/7-8,11/2-3,12/28-29/1941; 1-6/1942; 7-12/1942 5
Rome Voce Partigiana 2508 1945 1
Rome La Voce Repubblicana 2509 1/10-12/1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961; 29
Rome La Volonata d' Italia 2510 7/31/1927; 1928-1931 2
Rome Weekly News 2511 2-5/1932; 1-5/1940 2
Salerno Il Corriere 2512 7-8/1944-1945; 3-7/1944 2
Salerno L'Ora del Popolo 2513 12/1943-9/1944 1
Trento Trentino 2514 9-11/1943 1
Trieste Il Corriere di Trieste 2515 12/31/-2/1/1949-1950; 10-12/1949; 2-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-10/1955 15
Trieste Delo 2516 1949-1955 1
Trieste Demokracija 2517 1949-1953; 1957 2
Trieste Giornale Alleato 2518 6-7/1945 1
Trieste Giornale de Lunedi 2519 1/1950; 12-1/1950-1950 2
Trieste Giornale di Trieste 2520 12-2/1949-1950; 1-12/10/1949; 2/17/-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-8,11-12/1953; 10
Trieste Glas Zavenikov 2521 7/1945 1
Trieste Il Lavoratore 2522 5-7/1945; 7/1947-5/1948; 8-12/1949; 1950-1953 3
Trieste Il Progresso 2524 3/30/-12/1950-1952; 1-6/1953 2
Trieste La Prera 2525 1950-1953 1
Trieste Slovenski Porocevalec 2526 5/11/,7/19/1944,5/8/-12/1945 1
Trieste La Ultime Notizie 2527 10-12/10/1949; 12/30/-1/1949-1950; 2/17/-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-4/1953 8
Turin La Voce di Trieste 2528 1950 1
Turin Corriere del Piemonte 2529 5-7/1945
Turin Gazzetta del Popolo 2530 1-7/1941; 8-10/1941; 11-12/1941; 1-3/1942; 11-12/1942; 1-9/10/1943; 1944; 1945 8
Turin Nuova Gazzetta del Popolo 2531 1947; 1948; 10/1952-6/1953 3
Turin La Nuova Stampa 2532 7,9,10/1945; 1-7/1947; 5-12/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-2/5/1948; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-6/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958 26
Turin L'Opinione 2533 1856; 1857; 1858(vol1); 1858(vol2); 1861; 1866; 1869; 1871; 1872(vol1); 1872(vol2); 1873(vol1); 11
Turin Il Riscargimento 2534 8-11/1849-1849; 12-3/1847-1848 2
Torino La Stampa 2535 6-12/1939; 1-5/1940; 6-12/1940; 1-6/1941; 7-12/1941; 1/1942; 2-4/1942; 4-9/1/1942; 9/2-12/1942; 1-9/10/1943; 9-12/1943; 11-7/1944-1945; 9-12/1959; 5-8/1959; 1-4/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 23
Udine Messaggero Vento 2536 10-12/1949; 1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1953 7
Varese La Prealpina 2537 1946; 1947; 1948 3
Venice Il Libero Italiano 4552 3/29-6/12/1848 1
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire 1263 11-4/1945-1946 1
Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire 1263 1952; 1953; 9/14/1949-12/1951; 1-11/12/1954 4
Abidjan La Cote d'Ivoire 1264 8/1955 1
Abidjan Abidjan Matin 1265 7-12/1955; 1-6/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-10/10/1957; 10/11-12/1957-1958 7
Conakry Guinee Francaise 1266 3-12/1950; 1951; 1952; 1953; 1-6/5/1954 5
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 2538-X various dates
Kingston Gleaner 2538 6/4-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 5-6/1956; 7-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 1958-1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960 19
Kingston Jamaica Dispatch 2539 1-8/1833-1834; 6-9/1838-1839; 12/1841-7/1842; 7-11/1842 3
Kingston Royal Gazette 2540 4/1818 1
Kingston Voice 2541 1957-1959 1
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Kobe Japan Chronicle 2542 7/1926-5/1927; 7/24-12/1938; 1-6/1939; 7-12/1939; 1-2/23/1940; 2/24-6/1940; 7-12/1940; 1-4/1941; 5-6/1941; 7-10/16/1941; 12/1941-1/1942 11
Nagasaki Volia 2544 6-7/1906 1
Osaka Mainichi 2545 9-10/21/1941; 1-3/1941; 4-6/1941; 7-8/1941; 12/9-14,23/1941; 1-11/1944; 1943; 1-6/1945; 7-8/1945 9
Tokyo Asahi Evening News 2546 1954; 1958-1960 2
Tokyo The Chugai Shogyo Shimpo 2547 5/23/1925 1
Tokyo Japan Mail 2548 1-6/1916; 7-12/1916; 1-6/1917; 7-12/1917 4
Tokyo Japan News 2549 4/10-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 2/22-6/1952; 6/1952; 7-12/1952; 3-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954 10
Tokyo Japan News Week 2550 12/14/1940-9/13/1941 1
Tokyo Japan Times & Mail 2551 1-4/1918; 5-12/1918; 1-6/1919; 7-10/4/1919; 10/6-12/1919; 1-4/1920; 5-8/1920; 9-12/1920; 1-4/1921; 5-8/1921; 9-12/1921; 1-3/1922; 9/15-12/1923; 1-4/1924; 6-8/1924; 10-12/1924; 1-4/1925; 5-8/1925; 9-12/1925; 1-4/1926; 5-8/1926; 9-12/1926; 1-4/1927; 5-8/1927; 9-12/1927; 1-4/1928; 5-8/1928; 9-12/1928; 1-4/1929; 5-8/1929; 9-12/1929; 1-4/1930; 5-8/1930; 9-12/1930; 1-4/1931; 5-8/21/1931; 9/27-12/4/1932; 1-4/1933; 5-8/1933; 9-12/1933; 1-4/1934/5-8/1934; 9-12/1934; 1-4/1935; 5-8/1935; 9-12/1935; 1-4/1936; 5-8/1936; 9-12/1936; 1-4/1937; 5-8/1937; 9-12/1937; 1-4/1938; 5-8/1938; 9-12/1938; 1-4/1939; 5-8/1939; 9-12/1939; 1-4/1940; 5-8/1940; 9-11/9/1940 61
Tokyo Evening News 2553 1/1953-1/19/1954 1
Yokohoma Japan Mail 2554 1873-1875; 1879-1880 2
Yokohoma Japan Weekly Advertiser 4588 1/6-12/29/1900; 1901 2
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Alma Ata Kazakhstanskaia Pravda 3608 1-6/1949 1
Alma Ata Uchitel Kazakhstana 3617 1-7,12/1958; 1961 2
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Eldoret Uasin Gishu Adertiser 2555 1945-1946; 1947-1948 2
Mombasa Kenya Mail 2556 2/1944-4/1945; 4-7/1946; 8-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-9/1947; 10-12/1947; 1-5/1948; 6-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-11/1953; 7-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960 25
Nairobi Colonial Times 2557 4-12/1949; 1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1953; 1954; 7-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-5,7-12/1958; 1959; 1960; 1961; 1-6/1962 16
Nairobi Chronicle 2558 2/7-12/1950; 1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952 4
Nairobi East African Standard 2559 11/1942-6/1943; 8-11/1943; 1-8/1944; 9-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-3/1948; 4-6/1948; 7-9/1948; 10-12/1948; 1-4/1949; 5-8/1949; 9-12/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-7/19/1952; 7/21-9/1952; 10-12/1952; 1-3/1953; 4-6/1953; 7-9/1953; 10-11/1953; 1-4/1958; 5-6/1958; 7-9/1958; 10-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-10/1959; 12/31/1959 40
Nairobi Goan Voice 2560 7/9-11/1949; 1950-1951; 1952-1955; 1-8/1956 4
Nairobi Sauti ya Kanu 2561 8/23-12/29/1961 1
Nairobi Sunday Post 2562 10-12/1942; 1943; 1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 8-11/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-12/1956; 1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1959; 1960; 1961 28
Nakuru Central Africa Review 2563 9-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956 5
Nakuru Kenya Weekly News 2564 1/22-12/1943; 1944; 1-11/1945; 1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-4/1948; 5-8/1948; 9-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-3/1950; 4-6/1950; 7-9/1950; 10-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-7/1953; 1/6-4/27/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 4-6/1957; 7-9/1957; 1-3/1957; 10-12/1957; 1-3/1958; 4-6/1958; 7-9/1958; 10-12/1958; 1-3/1959; 4-6/1959; 7-9/1959; 10-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 44
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 2565-X various dates 1
Pusan Korea Times 2565 1/17-12/1951; 1952; 1953 3
Seoul The Korea Times 2566 9/5/1945 1
Seoul Korea Times 2567 9/22/1953-3/12/1954; 11/1950-1/1/1951 2
Seoul Korean Republic 2568 8/15-12/1953; 8/15-12/9/1953; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-9/1958; 10-12/1958; 1-3/1959; 4-6/1959; 7-9/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-7/9/1960 16
Seoul Seoul News 2569 4-6/1950 1
Seoul Seoul Press 2570 7/1926-12/1927; 1-11/1928; 2-12/1931; 1-12/1932; 1933; 1934; 1935; 1936; 1-5/30/1937 9
Seoul Seoul Times 2571 2/1946-12/1947; 1-11/1948; 5/10,13,16-19/1949 3
Seoul The Union Democrat 2572 1948-1949 1
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Riga Rigas Balss 4153 1957-1959 1
Riga Rigasche Rundschau 4155 2-12/1921; 1-8/1922; 1920; 1939 4
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 2574-X various dates 1
Beirut Commerce du Levant 2574 3/1955-4/1957; 5/1957-12/1958; 1959 3
Beirut Star 2575 6/1952-12/1953; 1955; 1-6/1954; 6-12/1954 4
Beirut Eastern Times 2576 9/28/1941-4/1942; 5-12/1942; 1-6/1944; 1-12/1943; 1-6/1945 5
Beirut Le Jour 2577 1943-1944; 1945; 1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955 20
Beirut L'Orient 2578 9-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-4/1961; 6-8/1961; 9-12/1961 33
Beirut Le Soir 2579 1948;1-9/1949; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956 5
Beirut Syrie et L'Orient 2580 7/7/1942-10/28/1943 1
Beirut Syrie et Proche-Orient 2581 1939; 1940; 1/1941-7/4/1942; 10/29/1943-1/28/1944; 1/29-12/1944; 7/17-22/1945 6
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Misc Misc 2585-X 1/1926-9/1954 1
Monrovia African Nationalist 2585 1942-1943; 1944-1950 2
Monrovia The Daily Times 2587 10/4/1950-12/14/1950 1
Monrovia The Friend 2588 1/10-7/10/1953 1
Monrovia Liberia Herald 2589 5/10/1930 1
Monrovia Liberian Age 2590 5/1946-11/1949; 1950-1951; 1952-1953; 1954-1955 4
Monrovia Liberian News 2591 1/1925-4/1926 1
Monrovia Weekly Mirror 2593 1943-1947 1
Monrovia Whirlwind 2594 1943-1945 1
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Benghazi Cyrenaica Observer 2595 6/1949-12/1951 1
Tripoli Corriere di Tripoli 2596 1-4/1943; 5-12/1943; 1-4/1944; 5-12/1944; 1945; 1946; 8/1947-10/1947; 1948; 1949; 1/1950-10/1950; 1951; 1952; 9/9/1952-12/1953; 1954; 1955; 1-6/1956; 7-12/1956; 12/1956;1957; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959 11
Tripoli L'Ora di Triploi 2597 8/28/1950-8/17/1953 1
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 2598-X various dates 1
Vaduz Liechtensteiner Volksblatt 2598 1957; 1958 2
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Vilnius Gazeta Codzienna 4299 3-8/1940 1
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Misc 2599-X various dates 1 portfolio
Esch-Alzette Tageblatt 2599 1-4/1952;5-8/1952;
Luxemburg Letzeburger Journal 2600 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953;
Luxemburg Luxemburger Wort 2601 2-5/1941;7-12/1943;
Luxemburg Nationalblatt 2602 1-6/1941 1
Luxemburg D'Unio'n 2603 12-3/1946-1947;4-7/2947 1
Luxemburg Wochen-Zeitung vum Letzeburger Vollek 2604 1953 1
Luxemburg Zeitung 2605 4-12/1948;1-5/11/1949;