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Foreign Newspaper Collections at the Library of Congress

Pakistan to Syria

The checklist below comprises the foreign newspaper collection holdings in original print in bound volumes, from the 19th and 20th centuries. This inventory was compiled in Fall 1998.

Select a Country

City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 2891-X various dates 1
Karachi The Civil & Military Gazette 2893 2-4/1949; 5-8/1949; 9-10/1949; 11-12/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 1-3/1951; 4-6/1951; 7-9/1951; 10-12/1951; 1-3/1952; 4-6/1952; 7-9/1952; 10-12/1952; 1-3/1953 16
Karachi The Daily Gazette 2894 4-8/1944; 9-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-8/1945; 9-12/1945; 1-4/1946; 5-8/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1/1949 13
Karachi Dawn 2895 11/13-16/1947; 11/26/1947-3/9/1948; 3/29-8/1948; 1-4/1949; 5-8/1949; 9-12/1948; 9-12/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951 12
Karachi The Sind Observer 2896 4-8/1944; 9-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-8/1945; 9-12/1945; 1-4/1946; 5-8/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-4/1949; 5-12/1949 14
Karachi The Times of Karachi 2897 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-12/1959 10
Lahore The Eastern Times 2899 10/11/1942-4/7/1943; 1-4/1944; 5-11/1944; 12/1944-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1/1947-4/9/1948 8
Lahore The Pakistan times 2900 2/20-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-4/1949; 5-8/12/1949; 8/13-12/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-4/1952;5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 25
Lahore The Tribune 2901 10-12/1942; 1-6/1943; 7-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 1-4/1946; 5-8/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7/1-25/1947; 7/26-8/14/1947 13
Peshawar Khyber Mail 2902 4-12/1944; 1945; 1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1948; 1949; 1950; 1951; 1952; 1953; 1954; 1955; 1956; 1957; 1958; 1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 21
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 2903-X various dates 1
Panama City La Estrella de Panama 2904 2-12/1905; 1906-1907; 1/1908-12/1909 4
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Port Moresby Papuan Courier 2909 4/18-7/4/1930; 7/2/1937-3/25/1938; 4/1938-4/1940; 6/14-12/1940 4
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 2910-X various dates 1
Asuncion La Capital 2910 1-6/1908; 7-9/1908; 10-12/1908; 1-3/1909; 4-6/1909; 7-12/1909 6
Asuncion El Civico 2911 5-10/1907; 11-12/1907; 1-3/1908; 4-6/1908 4
Asuncion El Diario 2912 5-8/1907; 9-12/1907; 1-4/1908; 5-6/1908; 7-9/1908; 10-12/1908; 1-3/1909; 4-6/1909; 7-9/1909; 10-12/1909; 1933-1934; 1935-1936; 9/1935-3/1936; 13
Asuncion Edicion Dominican 2912 1933-1935 1
Asuncion El Enano 2913 11/1901-2/5/1905; 2/12/1905-4/1907; 1-8/1908 3
Asuncion La Evolucion 2914 3-6/1909; 7/1909-2/1910 2
Asuncion La Accion 2915 7-12/1909 1
Asuncion El Grito Del Pueblo 2916 5/1903-12/1905 1
Asuncion Hoy 2917 1935-1936 1
Asuncion La Igualdad 2918 9/1907-3/1908 1
Asuncion Industrias 2919 2/1924-8/1927 1
Asuncion La Ley 2920 5-12/1907; 1-4/1908; 5-6/1908; 7-10/1908 4
Asuncion Asuncion Liberal 2921 7/1933-2/1936 1
Asuncion La Nacion 2922 9-11/1908 1
Asuncion El Orden 2923 4-10/1927; 11/1927-6/1928; 7-12/1928; 1-6/1929; 7-12/1929; 1-6/1930; 7-12/1930; 1-6/1931; 7-9/24/1931; 9/25/-12/1931; 1933; 1-12/1934; 1-10/1935 13
Asuncion El Pais (Paraguay) 2924 1935-1936; 5/6-6/6/1941; 2/9-9/23/1942; 1943; 8-9/1944; 10-12/1944; 1-3/1945; 4-6/1945; 7-9/1945; 10-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 4-8/9/1946; 8/12-10/2/1946; 10-12/1946; 1-4/1947; 5-8/1947; 9-12/1947; 1-4/1948; 5-8/1948; 8-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 36
Asuncion El Paraguayo 2925 9/29-12/1942; 1-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-3/1944; 4-6/1944; 7-9/1944; 10-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-8/1945; 9-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 4-6/1946; 7-9/8/1946 14
Asuncion La Patria 2926 5-9/1907; 10-12/1907; 1-3/1908; 5-7/1908; 8-10/1908 5
Asuncion La Presna 2927 1934-1936 1
Asuncion Los Principios 2928 9/1908-6/1909 1
Asuncion Rojo y Azul 2930 3/1906-12/1908 1
Asuncion Los Sucesos 2931 5-8/1907 1
Asuncion La Tarde 2932 5-7/1904; 8-10/1904; 11-12/1904; 1-8/1905 4
Asuncion El Tiempo 2933 6/20-12/1941; 1-5/1942; 6-11/7/1942; 3
Asuncion La Tribuna 2934 1933-1935; 6/10-23/1941 2
Asuncion La Union Latina 2936 1906-1907; 1-6/1908; 7/1908-6/1909 3
Asuncion La Verdad 2937 9-12/1908; 1-3/1909; 4-6/1909; 7/1909-3/1910 4
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 2938-X various dates
Arequipa Noticias 2938 1/21-4/26/1942; 1-7/1943; 8/1943-1/1944; 9/3-10/13/1941; 1/6/1952 5
Callao El Callao 2940 4/27/-9/12/1941; 7-12/1943; 1-4/1944; 6-8/1944; 9-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-8/1945; 9-12/1945; 1-4/1946; 5-8/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 10/11/18,21,22,24-26,29,29,30,12/2-17,19-30/1949; 1-2/1950; 3-5/1950 17
Callao La Sancion 2941 4/1941-6/1942
Huancayo La Prensa 2942 6/9-8/29/1941 1
Lima La Cronica 2944 8-10/1927; 11/1927-1/1928; 2-4/1928; 5-7/1928; 8-10/1928; 1/18/1935; 1/11/1936; 12/9/1938; 10/18-25/1940; 2/17-28/1941; 3/1941; 4/1941; 5/1941; 6/1941; 7/1941; 8/1941; 9/1941; 10/1941; 11/1941; 12/1941; 1/1942; 2/1942; 3/1942; 4/1942; 5/3-30/1942; 6/4/-16/1942; 8/27-9/11/1942; 3/29/1942-4/26/1944; 9/1942; 4-5/1943; 6/1943; 7/1943; 8/1943; 9/1943; 10/1943; 11/1943; 12/1943; 1/1944; 2/1944; 3/1944; 5/1944; 6/1944; 7/1944; 8/1944; 9/1944; 10/1944; 11/1944; 12/1944; 1-2/1945; 3-4/1945; 5/1945; 6/1945; 7/1945; 8-9/1945; 10/1945; 11/1945; 12/1945; 1-2/1946; 3-4/1946; 5-6/1946; 7-8/1946; 1/1947; 2/1947; 5/1947; 6/1947; 1-2/1948; 3-4/1948; 5-6/1948; 8/1949; 9/1949; 1/1950; 2/1950; 3/1950; 4/1950; 5/1950; 6/1950; 7/1950; 8/1950; 9/1950; 10/1950; 11/1950; 12/1950; 1/1951; 2/1951; 3/1951; 4/1951; 86
Lima La Cronica 2944 5/1951;6/1951; 7/1951; 8/1951; 9/1951; 10/1951; 11/1951; 12/1951; 1/1952; 2/1952; 3/1952; 4/1952; 5/1952; 6/1952; 7/1952; 8/1952; 9/1952; 10/1952; 11/1952; 12/1952; 1/1953; 2/1953; 3/1953; 4/1953; 5/1953; 6/1953; 7/1953; 8/1953; 9/1953; 10/1953; 11/1953; 12/1953; 1/1954; 2/1954; 3/1954; 4/1954; 5/1954; 6/1954; 7/1954; 8/1954; 9/1954; 10/1954; 11/1954; 12/1954; 1/1955; 2/1955; 3/1955; 4/1955; 5/1955; 6/1955; 7/1955; 8/1955; 9/1955; 10/1955; 11/1955; 12/1955 56
Lima La Cronica 2944 1/1956; 2/1956; 3/1956; 4/1956; 5/1956; 6/1956; 7/1956; 8/1956; 9/1956; 10/1956; 11/1956; 12/1956; 1/1957; 2/1957; 3/1957; 4/1957; 5/1957; 6/1957; 7/1957; 8/1957; 9/1957; 10/1957; 11/1957; 12/1957; 1/1958; 2/1958; 3/1958; 4/1958; 5/1958; 6/1958; 7/1958; 8/1958; 9/1958; 10/1958; 11/1958; 12/1958; 1/1959; 2/1959; 3/1959; 4/1959; 5/1959; 6/1959; 7/1959; 8/1959; 9/1959; 10/1959; 11/1959; 12/1959 48
Lima La Cronica 2944 1/1960; 2/1960; 3/1960; 4/1960; 5/1960; 6/1960; 7/1960; 8/1960; 9/1960; 10/1960; 11/1960; 12/1960; 1/1961; 2/1961; 3/1961; 4/1961; 5/1961; 6/1961; 7/1961; 8/1961; 9/1961; 10/1961; 11/1961; 12/1961 24
Lima El Diario 2945 11/2-12/1961 1
Lima Expreso 2946 10/25-12/1961 1
Lima Mercurio Peruano 2947 8-12/1827; 1-6/1828; 7-12/1828; 1-8/1829; 1-3/1830; 12/1830; 1-6/1831; 7-12/1831; 1832-1834 9
Lima La Nacion 2948 7/28-9/1953; 10-12/1953; 1-3/1954; 4-6/1954; 8-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955; 1-2/1956; 3-4/1956; 5-7/1956 12
Lima La Noche 2950 6/18-9/1941; 9-11/1944; 12/1944-4/1945 3
Lima La Presna 2951 1-3/1926; 4-8/1926 2
Lima El Telegrafo de Lima 2952 4/1827-3/1828; 1-3/1829; 10/1833-2/1834; 6/1834-2/1835; 1836-1838 5
Lima Tribuna 2953 9-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 4-6/14/1946; 6/15-8/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-12/1959; 1-6/1947; 7-9/1947; 10-12/1947; 1-4/1948; 5-7/1948; 8-10/3/1948; 1-4/1958; 5-8/1958; 9-12/1958; 1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 25
Lima Ultima Hora 2954 1/16-3/1950; 4-6/1950; 8-9/1950; 10-12/1950; 1-3/1951; 4-6/1951; 7-9/1951; 10-12/1951; 1-3/1952; 4-6/1942; 7-9/1952; 10-12/1952; 1-3/1953; 4-6/1953; 7-9/1953; 10-12/1953; 1-3/1954; 4-6/1954; 7-9/1954; 10-12/1054; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955; 1-3/1956; 4-6/1956; 7-9/1956; 10-12/1956; 1-3/1957; 4-6/1947; 7-9/1957; 10-12/1957; 1-3/1958; 4-6/1948; 7-9/1958; 10-12/1958; 1-3/1959; 4-6/1959; 7-9/1959; 10-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10/1961; 11-12/1961 49
Lima Universal 2955 3/20,21,23/25,30/1941; 4/14-5/8/1941; 5-6/1941; 5-6/1941; 7-8/1941; 8-10/1941; 11-12/1941; 1-2/1942; 3-4/1942; 5-6/19/1942; 8/12-9/10/1942; 4-6/1943; 7-8/1943; 9-10/1943; 11-12/1943; 1-3/1944; 4-6/1944; 7-9/1944; 10-12/1944; 1-3/1945; 4-7/1945 20
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Tacloban Leyte-Samar Free Phillipines 3042 10/29-3/18/1944-1945 1
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Warsaw Warsaw Trybuna Mazowicka 3051 1-6/1951; 7-12/1961 2
Cracow Dziennik Literacki 3060 1949-1950; 3-12/1947-1948 2
Gdynia Gdynia Rdansk 3078 10/1945; 11-12/15/1945; 2-3/1946; 4/1946; 5/6/-6/30/1946; 7/1-13/1946 6
Katowice Oberschlesische Zeitung 3082 1-6/1943; 6/1945 2
Lodz Polska Zbrojina 3100 3-8/1945; 10-12/1945; 1-3/1946 3
Lodz Polska Zbrojna 3104 1/1945 1
Poznan Ostdeutscher Beobachter 3115 11-12/1939; 1-2/1940 2
Warsaw Dziennick Lodowy 3130 1938-1939; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 9
Warsaw Nashe Slovo 3143 1964; 1955-1966; 1967; 1968; 1969; 1970 6
Warsaw Polska Zbrojna 3144 5-8/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-4/1949; 4/29/-12/1949; 1-7/21/1950 9
Warsaw Robotnik 3145 1-3/1939; 12/6-31/1945; 1-2/1946; 1-3/1946; 4-6/1946; 7-9/1946; 10-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-4/1948; 5-8/1948; 9-12/1948 9
Warsaw Rzeczpospolita 3147 7/13-30/1945; 7/13-19,26-31/1945; 8-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 4-6/1946; 7-9/1946; 10-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7/1948-1/15/1949; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950 14
Warsaw Wola Ludu 3155 3-11/1950-1951; 7-12/1952; 1-5/1953 3
Wroclaw Breslauer Nueste Nachrichten 3158 1941; 10-12/1942; 2-6/1943; 7-2/1943-1944 3
Wroclaw Schesische Tageszeitung 3160 1-6/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-9/1943; 7/1944 4
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 3165-X various dates 1
Angra de Heroismo A Uniao 3165 1941-1942; 1942-1943 2
Arganil A Comarca de Arganil 3166 1941-1942 1
Beja Diariode Alentejo 3167 5/20/-12/11/1943; 12/13/1943-11/17/1944 2
Braga Correio do Minho 3168 5/23/-12/12/1943; 12/14/-11/18/1943-1944; 1/18-23/1945 3
Coimbra Diario de Coimbra 3169 12/1942-1/5/1943; 1943; 1944; 1945; 6/20/-7/6/1945 3
Horta Correio de Horta 3170 1-12/1943 1
Horta A Horta Desportiva 3171 1943 1
Horta O Telegrafo 3172 1943 1
Lajes O Dever 3173 1943 1
Lisbon Diario Lisbonense 3176 5/1811 1
Lisbon Novidades 3179 6/21/-7/1945 1
Lisbon O Seculo 3180 1-12/1918 1
Lisbon Telegrafo O Portuguez 3181 1-6/1814 1
Ponta Delgada Acores 3182 10/29/-12/1944-1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1960; 1961 26
Ponta Delgada Correio dos Acores 3183 1-12/1942; 1-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1950; 1951; 1952; 1953; 1954; 1955; 1956; 1957; 1958; 1959; 1960; 1961 19
Ponta Delgada Diario dos Acores 3184 1-12/1943; 1-8/1944; 8/31/1944-8/1945; 1-6/1946; 9-11/1945; 3-12/1957 8
Setubalanese Setubalanese 3185 12/13/1943-11/8/1944; 5/19/-12/11/1943 2
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
St. Denis Le Peuple 3188 1956; 1957; 1/7-5/6/1958 3
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc misc 3202-x various dates  
Arad Flacara Rosie 3202 1-4/1957; 5-8/1957; 9-12/1957  
Bacau Steagul Rosu 3204 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1961 4
Baia Mare Pentru Socialism 3205 1-6/1958; 7/29-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1961; 1957; 1960 7
Bragov Drum Nou 3206 9/10-12/9/1944; 1960; 1961 3
Bucharest Actiunea 3207 7/1943-8/1944 1
Bucharest Adeverul 3208 7-12/1950; 1-6/1950; 1-3/1951 3
Bucharest Albina 3209 1953-1954; 1955-1956; 1957-1958 1
Bucharest Ardealul 3210 1-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 12/10-23/1944 1
Bucharest Argus 3211 11/6,12/1935-1/1936; 2-4/20/1936; 1-6/1941; 2-6/1943; 7-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1947; 1-8/1948; 9/1948 14
Bucharest Aurora 3212 4/1946-4/5/1947 1
Bucharest Bilete de Papagal 3213 12/18/1944-2/15/1945 1
Bucharest The Bucharest Herald 3214 9/28/1944-8/15/1945 1
Bukarester Bukarester Tagblatt 3215 9/1917 1
Bucharest Curentul 3217 11-12/1939; 1-3/1940; 4-6/1940; 7/1940; 8/1940; 9/1940; 10/1940; 11/1940; 12/1940; 1-2/1941; 3-4/1941; 5-6/1941; 7-8/1941; 9-10/1941; 11-12/1941; 1-2/1942; 3/1942; 9/13-12/1942; 1/28-4/15/1943; 4/16-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-4/1943; 1-3/1944; 4-8/23/1944 24
Bucharest Curentul nou 3218 8/31-9/2,4/1944 1
Bucharest Curierul 3219 9/18/1944-1/1945 1
Bucharest Democratia 3220 10/1944-7/1945 1
Bucharset Dimineata 3221 11-12/1935; 1-2/1936; 3-4/1936 3
Bucharest Drapelul 3222 12/17/1944-9/1945; 4-12/1946; 1-9/13/1947; 9/14/1947-5/23/1948 4
Bucharest Dreptatea 3223 12/18/1935-3/1/1936; 11-12/1944; 8-10/1944; 1-3/1/1945; 2-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-7/1947 7
Bucharest Dreptatea Noua 3224 10/1,5 & 11/4,21,22,24-28 & 12/25-26/1945; 6/21-9/1945; 2/6&6/10,24,29 & 7/7 & 9/4 & 10/5/1946; 8/8-10/31/1947; 3/18-4/4/1947 5
Bucharest Dreptatea Noua 3224 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959 2
Bucharest Elore 3225 3-7/1956; 7-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 2-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 10
Bucharest Era Noua 3226 3-9/1945 1
Bucharest Excelsior 3227 10/19-12/28/1935; 1/4-2/1936; 3/7-6/6/1936; 1-10/1940 4
Bucharest Fapta 3228 11-12/1944; 7-11/1945; 1-6/1945 3
Bucharest Finate Si Industrie 3229 1-9/1945; 9-12/1944; 9/15-30/1945 3
Bucharest Frontul Plugarilor 3230 2-5/6/1945; 5/10/-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 6/1950-3/1953 12
Bucharest Graiuil Nou 3231 11-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-3/1948 8
Bucharest L'Independance Roumanie 3232 9-12/1944; 11/6/1935-4/21/1936; 1-9/1945 4
Bucharest Industrie si Comert 3233 1946/1947 1
Bucharest Informatia Bucurestiului 3234 8-12/1953; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 15
Bucharest L'Information Internationale 3235 10/1944-3/6/1945; 3/17-6/4/1945 2
Bucharest International News 3236 1946-1947 1
Bucharest Jurnalul de Dimineata 3237 11/13/1944-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-7/10/1947 5
Bucharest Kurier Polski 3238 11/12/1939-8/23/1940 1
Bucharest Liberalul 3239 2-6/1946; 7-11/1947; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947 4
Bucharest Momentul 3240 2-12/1945 1
Bucharest Nor Ghiank 3241 1954-1957; 2 & 3 & 5/1958 2
Bucharest Novyi Vik 3241 1963-1966; 1967-1968 2
Bucharest Patria 3242 12/21/1935-2/25/1936 1
Bucharest Porunca Vremii 3243 4-8/1941; 4-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-8/1944; 1-3/1943 5
Bucharest Semnalul 3244 10-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-9/1945; 10-12/1945; 1-3/1946;4-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-10/4/1948 11
Bucharest Sportul Popular 3245 1952; 1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-12/1956 7
Bucharest Teatru si Sport 3246 2-4/1945 1
Bucharest Timpul 3247 4/15-6/1940; 7-11/23/1940; 12/24/1940-4/2/1941; 5-8/1941; 9-12/1941; 1-6/1942; 7-12/1942; 1-3/2/1943; 3-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-3/1944; 4-8/23/1944; 9-10/1944; 11-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-9/1945; 10-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 4-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-5/1/1948 24
Bucharest Torta 3248 1-3/1945 1
Bucharest Transilvania Noastra 3249 12/1944-3/1945 1
Bucharest Tribuna Poporului 3250 9/1944-2/1945 1
Bucharest Ultima Ora 3251 11-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 10/1945-2/1947; 7-9/1945 4
Bucharest Unirea 3252 3/23-8/1941 1
Bucharest Universul 3253 3-7/1921; 8-12/1921; 11/10-12/1935; 1-2/1936; 3/2-4/7/1936 5
Bucharest Viata 3254 6-9/1943 1
Bucharest Viata Eyreeasca 3255 10/26/1944, 1/25-2/7,11,14,23-3/17,31,4/14-6/2/23/1945 1
Bucharest Viata Noua 3256 1952 1
Bucharest Victoria 3257 11-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-12/1945 3
Bucharest Ziarul Poporul 3259 2-6/1946 1
Bucharest Viitorul 3258 11/1944-2/1945 1
Bucharest Ziarul Poporul 3259 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-2/2/1948 4
Cluj Faclia 3261 1-7/1956; 8/10-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 4-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961 11
Cluj Igazsag 3262 1956 1
Constanta Dobrogea Noua 3263 1-7/1956; 8/11-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 4-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1960; 1961 9
Craiova Inainte 3264 1956; 1/16-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1960; 1961 9
Deva Drumul Socialismului 3265 1-6,10-11/1956; 7/1954; 1-6/1957; 7-8,12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1960; 1961 10
Galati Viata Noua 3266 4-12/1958; 1959; 1960; 1961 4
Iasul Flacara Iasului 3267 1-3/1956; 4-7/1956; 8/11-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 4-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 13
Oradea Crisana 3268 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 4-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1960; 1961 7
Pitesti Secera si Ciocanul 3270 1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1960; 1961 5
Ploesti Flamura Prahovei 3271 1-5/1957; 4-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1960; 1961 6
Resita Flamura Rosie 3272 1956; 4/1958-12/1959; 1960-1961 3
Sibiu Romania Viitoare 3274 1-4/1945 1
Sibiu Volks-bote 3275 3/10-8/25/1934 1
Stalin Drum Nou 3276 1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 4-12/1958; 1-8/21/1959; 8/22-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1961 6
Stalin Kronstadler Zeitung 3277 1900 1
Sucava Zori Noi 3278 2-12/1955; 1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1961 5
Tirgu-Jiu Gorjul Liber 3279 3-8/1952 1
Tirgul- Mures Steaua Rosie 3280 3/1958-12/17/1959; 1-12/1960; 12/21/1960-12/1961 3
Timisoara Drapelul Rosu 3281 1-7/1956; 8/10-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 4-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 11
Timosoara Extrapost 3282-A 5/20/-6/30/1932; 7-12/1932; 1933; 1-6/1934; 4-6/1937; 7-9/1937; 4-8/1944  
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Leningrad Dielo Naroda 3826 3-7/1917; 10/1917-4/1918 2
Leningrad Edinstvo 3830 3-11/1917 1
Leningrad Izvestiiia (loca) 3837 1918-1919; 1920-1921 2
Leningrad Montagsblatt der St Petersburger Zeitung 3856 10/1905-12/1908 1
Leningrad Novaia Zhizn 3869 1917-1918 1
Leningrad Novostii Binahevaia Gazeta 3872 1890 1
Leningrad Rabochaia Gazeta 3892 3-11/1917 1
Leningrad St. Petersburger Zeitung 3899 1805-1806; 1904-1905; 1907; 1913 4
Leningrad St. Peterburgskiia Viedomosti 3898 8/10/-12/1854 1
Leningrad Volia Naroda 3914 4-7/1917; 10/22-24/1917; 10-12/1917 3
Moscow Bednota 3960 1918-1920; 1921; 1-6/1922; 7-12/1922; 1-6/1923; 7-12/1923; 1-6/1924; 7-12/1924; 2-6/1925; 7-12/1925; 1-6/1926; 7-12/1926; 1-6/1927; 7-12/1927; 1-6/1928; 7-12/1928; 1-6/1929; 7-12/1929; 1-6/1930 17
Moscow Deutsche Zeitung 3967 1926; 1927; 1-9/22/1929; 9/27/-12/1929; 1-6/1930; 7-12/1930; 1-3/14/1931; 3/18/-6/1931; 7-9/1931; 10/1931; 11/1931; 12/1931; 1-2/1932; 3-4/1932; 5-6/1932; 7-8/1932; 9-10/1932; 11-12/1932; 1/1933; 2-3/1933; 4/1933; 1934-1936; 7-9/1937; 11/1937; 6/1938-2/23/1939; 3/3/-7/12/1939 26
Moscow Izvestiia 1937A 1918;1-12/1919; 1-12/1920; 1-12/1921; 1-6/1922; 6-9/1922; 10-12/1922; 1-6/1923; 6-12/192; 1-3/1924; 4-6/1924; 6-9/1924; 10-12/1924; 1-3/1925; 4-6/1925; 6-9/1925; 10-12/1925; 1-6/1926; 6-9/1926; 10-12/1926; 1-6/1927; 7-12/1927; 1-6/1928; 7-12/1928; 1-6/1929; 7-12/1929; 1-6/1930; 7-12/1930; 1-6/1931; 7-12/1931; 1-6/1932; 7-12/1932; 1-6/1933; 7-12/1933; 1-6/1934; 7-12/1934; 1-6/1935; 7-12/1935; 1-6/1936; 7-12/1936; 1-6/1937; 7-12/1937; 1-6/1938; 7-12/1938; 1-4/1939; 6-12/1939; 1-6/1940; 6-12/1940; 1-6/1941; 6-12/1941; 1-4/1942; 5-8/1942; 9-12/1942; 1-6/1943; 6-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 6-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 6-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 4-6/1946; 6-9/1946; 10-12/1946; 1-4/1947; 1-3/1948; 6-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 6-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 6-12/1950
Moscow Kino 3982 1929; 1934-1936; 1/24/-5/9/1941 3
Moscow Komsomolskaia Pravda 3987 4-8/1928; 9-12/1928; 1-6/1929; 7-12/1929; 1-6/1930; 7-12/1930; 1-6/1931; 7-12/1931; 1-6/1932; 7-12/1932; 1-6/1933; 7-12/1933; 1-6/1934; 7-12/1934; 1-6/1935; 7-12/1935; 1936; 1937; 1938; 1-10/1939; 11-12/1939; 1940 22
Moscow Komsomolskaia Pravda 3987 1-9/12/1941; 9-12/1941; 1-6/1942; 7-12/1942; 1-6/1954 5
Moscow Pravda 1975A 3-6/1917; 10-12/1917; 3-12/1918; 1-12/1918; 1-12/1919; 1-12/1920; 1-6/1922; 6-12/1923; 1-6/1923; 6-12/1923; 1-6/1924; 6-12/1924; 1-6/1925; 1-6/1926; 6-12/1926; 1-6/1927; 10-12/1927; 1-6/1928; 6-12/1928; 6-12/1929; 1-6/1930; 6-12/1930; 1-6/1931; 6-12/1931; 1-6/1932; 6-12/1932; 1-6/1933; 6-12/1933; 1-6/1934; 6-12/1934; 1-6/1935; 6-12/1935; 1-6/1936; 6-12/1936; 1-6/1937; 6-12/1937; 1-6/1938; 6-12/1938; 6-12/1939; 1-6/1940; 6-12/1940; 1-6/1941; 6-12/1941; 1-4/1942; 5-8/1942; 9-12/1942; 1-6/1943; 6-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 6-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 6-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 4-6/1946; 6-9/1946; 10-12/1946; 1-3/1947; 4-6/1947; 6-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 6-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 6-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 6-12/1950  
Moscow Prodovol'stvennaia Gazeta 4031 1921-1922 1
Moscow Russkoe Slovo 4046 7-12/1906; 1917 2
Moscow Sovetskii flot 4056 3/15/1953 1
Moscow Svobodone Slovo 4065 1918 1
Moscow Zhizn i Svoboda 4089 2-3/1906 1
Moscow Zhizn i Svoboda 4090 1918-1922 1
Leningrad Duma 5525 5-6/1906 1
Leningrad Izvestiia Krestianskikh Deputatov 5531 5/17-30/1906 1
Leningrad Journal de St Petersburg 5533 1825; 1-10/9/1826; 6/14-28/1827; 9-11/1828; 1-7/2/1829; 7/4-11/7/1831; 3/24/1832; 7-12/1832; 1833; 1834; 1835; 1-9/1836; 7/1841-9/12/1843; 9/1843-8/25/1845; 2/23-8/1846; 1854; 2/1855-10/1856 18
Leningrad Molva 5541 12/1905-1/1906 1
Leningrad Myol' 5542 7/3-19/1906 1
Leningrad Narodyni Viestnik 5546 5/30-6/13/1906 1
Leningrad Petrograd Oko 5550 8/19-11/13/1906 1
Leningrad Sievernaia Pchela 5560 1826; 1827; 1828; 1831; 1838; 1-6/1839; 7-12/1839; 1-6/1840; 7-12/1840; 1841; 1-6/1842; 7-12/1842; 1-6/1843; 7-12/1843; 1-6/1845; 7-12/1845; 1850; 1851; 1853; 1-6/1853; 7-12/1853; 1-6/1854; 7-12/1854; 1-6/1855; 7-12/1855; 7-12/1856; 1857; 1-3/1858; 4-12/1858 26
Leningrad Syn Otechestva 5566 8/3-12/9/1866 1
Leningrad Volna 5570 4/26-5/25/1906 1
Leningrad Vpered 5571 5/26-6/9/1906 1
Moscow Parus 5586 2/13-27/1907 1
Moscow Svobodnaia Zhini 5594 7/16/-8/11/1906 1
Moscow Moscow Vieche 5596 9-12/1906 1
Moscow Moscow Viek 5597 1906 1
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Dakar Paris-Dakar 2619 11-12/1941; 1-3/1942; 4-7/1942; 8-10/1942; 11/1942-12/1943; 1944; 9-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 7-12/1954; 1/1955 7-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 8-12/1958 23
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Kuching Sarawak Tribune 3296 5/1947-3/1948; 4-7/1948; 8-12/1948; 1-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1956; 1957
Victoria Le Seychellois 3297 10/1956-12/1957; 1958; 1959; 1960 4
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 3298-X various dates 1
Freetown The Daily Guardian 3298 9-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 1-5/1946; 6-10/1946; 1-5/1947; 6-12/1947; 1-5/1949; 6-12/1949; 1950; 1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1953; 1954 15
Freetown Daily Mail 3299 2/18-6/1956; 7-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 3/13-6/1958 4
Freetown Daily Mail 3299 7-8/1957; 3/10/-12/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-4/1960; 6/18-8/1960; 9-12/1960; 1-4/1961; 5-8/1961; 9-12/1961 11
Freetown Sierra Leone Daily Mail 3300 1-12/1944; 1945-1946; 1947-1948; 1949 4
Freetown Sierra Leone Weekly News 3301 1945-1946; 1943-1944; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1950 7
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 3302-X various dates
Singapore Indian Daily Mail 3302 10/28-12/30/1947;10/1946-12/1947;1-2/1948; 3-12/1948;1-6/1949;7-12/1949;1-6/1950;7-12/1950; 1-6/1951;7-12/1951;1-6/1952;7-12/1952;1-6/1953; 7-12/1953;1-6/1954;7-12/1954;1-6/1955;7-12/1955;
Singapore The Overland Singapore Free Press 3303 1/1855-3/1856 1
Singapore Singapore Chronicle and Commercial Register 3304 1834-1835;1836;1837 3
Singapore The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser 3305 1837-1838;1/1839-10/15/1840;10/22/1840-12/1841; 1842;1843;1844;1845;1846 9
Singapore The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser Weekly Mail 3306 1-2/1899 1
Singapore The Singapore Free Press 3307 8/2/1898;2/12/1942 2
Singapore The Singapore Herald 3308 11/17/1941 1
Singapore The Straits Times 3309 2/12-14/1942 1
Singapore Tiger Standard 3311 7-9/1950;10-12/1050;1-2/1952;10-12/1953 4
Singapore The Straits Budget 3312 1-9/1906;9-12/1906;1-6/1907;7-12/1907;1-12/1908; 6-12/1909;1-11/1910;1-12/1911;1-6/1912;5/22/1930; 8/8-12/1946;1947;1948;1949;1950;1951;



City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc 708-X various dates 1
Banska Bystrica Smer 710 1-12/20/1961 1
Bratislava Pressburger Zeitung 723 1841;1844;1845;1846;2-8/1849;1854;1-6/1863; 1-6/1864;1-6/1866;7-12/1866 10
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 4410-X various dates 1
Ljubljana Ljubljana Pravica 4471 3-8/1945 (scattered issues); 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1951; 1952; 1-5/1953; 6-12/1953; 6/1954; 1-4/1956; 5-9/1956; 10-12/1956; 1-3/1957; 4-8/1957; 9-12/1957; 1-3/1958; 4-6/1958; 7-9/1958; 10-12/1958; 1-4/1959 23
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 3532-X various dates
Bloemfontein The Friend 3532 9-12/1942; 1-7/1943; 11-12/1944 3
Cape Town Cape Standard 3533 10/21/1941-8/1942; 9/1942-11/1943; 12/1943-5/1/1945; 8/21/-12/1945-1946; 5/9/-8/14/1945; 1-11/1947
Bloemfontein Die Volksblad 3534 7-9/1953; 10-12/1953; 5/21/-8/1955; 1-3/1954; 4-5/1954; 10-12/1954; 1-5/20/1955 7
Bloemfontein Vrystater 3535 7-12/1949 1
Cape Town The Cape Argus 3537 3-7/1944; 8-12/1944 ;4-6/1945; 7-9/1945; 10-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-3/1947; 4-6/1947; 7-9/1947; 10-12/1947; 1-3/1948; 4-6/1948; 7-9/1948; 1-2/1959; 3-4/1959; 5-6/1959; 7-10/1959; 11-12/1959; 1-2/1960; 3-4/1960; 5-6/1960; 7/1960; 8/1960; 9/1960; 10/1960; 11/1960; 12/1960; 1-2/1961; 3/1961; 4/1961; 5/1961; 6/1961; 7/1961; 8/1961; 9/1961; 10/1961; 11/1961; 12/1961; 12/27/1899-6/1900; 7-12/1900; 1-6/1901; 7-12/1901; 1-6/1902; 7-12/1902; 1-6/1903; 7-12/1903; 1-6/1904; 7-12/1904; 1-6/1905; 7-12/1905; 1-3/1906; 4-6/1906; 7-12/1906; 1-4/1907; 5-12/1907; 1-12/1908; 1-4/1909; 5-8/1909; 9-12/1909; 1-4/1910; 5-8/1910; 9-12/1910; 1-4/1911; 5-9/1911; 1912; 1913; 1914; 1915; 1916; 1-12/1917; 1-12/1918; 1-12/1919; 1-12/1920; 1-12/1921 75
Cape Town The Cape Argus 3537 1-4/1922; 7-12/1922; 1-6/1923; 7-12/1923; 1-6/1924; 7-12/1924; 1-6/1925; 7-12/1925; 1-6/1926; 7-12/1926; 1-6/1927; 7-12/1927; 1-6/1928; 7-12/1928; 1-6/1929; 7-12/1929; 1-6/1930; 7-12/1930; 1-6/1931; 7-12/1931 20
Cape Town The Cape Argus 3538 1-6/1932; 7-12/1932; 1-6/1933; 7-12/1933; 1-6/1934; 7-12/1934; 1-6/1935; 7-12/1935; 1-6/1936; 7-12/1936; 1-6/1937; 7-12/1937; 1-6/1938; 7-12/1938; 1-6/1939; 7-12/1939; 1-6/1940; 7-12/1940; 1-6/1941; 7-12/1941; 1-12/1942; 3-12/1944; 4-8/1946; 10-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958 44
Juhannesburg Sunday Times 3538 1958 1
Cape Town Cape Times 3539 5-8/1942; 9-12/1942; 2-4/1945; 7-8/1945; 10-12/1945; 1-4/1946; 5-8/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-4/1947; 5-8/1947; 9-10/1947; 11-12/1947; 1-2/1948; 3-4/1948; 5-6/1948; 7-8/1948; 9-10/1948; 11-12/1948 18
Cape Town Cape Times(w) 3540 11/1899-4/1900; 5/1900-2/1901 2
Cape Town The Cape Town Mail and Mirror of Court and Council 3541 not on shelf 1
Cape Town Guardian 3542 10/1841-6/1843 1
Cape Town Die Landstem 3543 7/1950-5/19/1951; 10/20/1951-12/1952; 1953; 1-3/1954 4
Cape Town New Age 3544 10/28/1954-12/1956; 1957-1958; 1959-1960; 1961 4
Cape Town People's Word 3545 9-10/1952 1
Cape Town The South African Advertiser and Mail 3546 1863-1864 1
Cape Town The Sun 3547 11/1941-12/1942; 1944; 1/1945-1/1947; 12/1950; 1951; 1952; 1953; 1-9/1954 8
Dundee Northern Natal Courier 3548 1948-1949; 1950-1951 2
Durban Ilanga Lase Natal 3549 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1950; 1951; 1952; 1953; 1954 10
Durban Natal Mercury 3550 11/13/-12/1941; 1-2/1942; 3-4/1942; 5-6/1942; 7-9/1942; 10-12/1942; 1-6/1943 7
Eshowe The Zululand Times 3551 5/1943-12/1944; 1945-1947; 1948-1949; 1950-1951; 1952-1953; 1954-1955; 1956 7
Pietermaritzlburg Natal Witness 3567 1954 1
Greytown The GreytownGazette 3552 1946-1949; 1950-1952 2
Johannesburg The Bantu World 3553 10-12/1941; 1942; 1943; 1-6/1944 4
Johannesburg Dagbreek en Sandagnuus 3554 8-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9/1950; 11-12/1954; 1-6/1951; 7-9/1951; 1/6,13,6/29/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1954; 1-3/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 10-11/1958; 1959 17
Johannesburg South African Jewish Times 3556 9/1941; 2/8/-6/27/1952; 7/13/-8,10/1951; 7-11/1952; 1-7/1953 5
Johannesburg The Star 3557 2-4/1945; 1/25/-3/1951; 9-10/1951; 11-12/1951; 1-2/1952; 3-4/1952; 5-6/1952; 7-9/1952; 10-12/1952; 1-3/1953; 4-6/1953; 9-10/1956; 11-12/1956; 1-2/1957; 3-4/1957; 7-8/1957; 9-10/1957; 11-12/1957; 1-2/1958; 3-4/1958; 5/1958; 6/1958; 7/1958; 8/1958; 9/1958; 10/1958; 11/1958; 12/1958; 1/1959; 2/1959; 3/1959; 4/1959; 5-6/1959; 7-8/1959; 9/1959; 10/1959; 11-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-2/1961; 3-4/1961; 5-6/1961; 7-8/1961; 9-10/1961; 11-12/1961 44
Johannesburg Sunday Times 3558 5-12/1942; 2-12/1951; 3-12/1952; 1953; 1954; 1-5/1959 6
Johannesburg Die Transvaler 3559 8/1952; 1/26/-4/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-3/1953; 4-6/1953; 7-9/1953; 10-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955 12
Johannesburg Umteteli Wa Bantu 3560 10/1941-6/1943; 3/24/1945-12/1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1950; 1951; 1952; 1953; 1954; 1955 11
Johannesburg Die Vaderland 3561 10/14/-11/4,12/1944; 1945; 1-3/1946; 4-6/1946; 7-9/1946; 10-12/1946; 1-3/1947; 4-5/1947; 8-9/1947; 10-12/1947; 1-3/1948; 4-6/1948; 7-9/1948; 10-12/1948; 1-3/1949; 4-6/1949; 7-8/1949 17
Johannesburg The World 3562 6-12/1957-1958; 1/17/-12/24/1959-1960; 1-12/2/1961 3
Newcastle The Newcastle Advertiser 3565 1-2/1946-1947; 3-10/1947; 11-8/1947-1948; 9-12/1948-1949; 1950-1951; 1952; 1953; 1958; 1/2/-2/13/1959 9
Newcastle Newcastle Morning Herald & Miners Advocate 3566 5/11/1961 1
Pietermaritzburg The Natal Witness 3567 1-12/1951; 1952; 1953; 1955; 1956; 1957; 1-5/3/1958; 5/10/-12/1958; 1959; 1960; 1961 11
Port Elizabeth Eastern Province Herald 3568 9-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-8/1945; 9-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 4-6/1946; 7-9/1946; 10-12/1946; 1-3/1947; 4-6/1947; 7-9/1947; 10-12/1947; 1-3/1948; 4-6/1948; 7-9/1948; 10-12/1948; 1-3/1949; 4-6/1949; 7-9/1949/10-12/1949; 1-3/1950; 4-6/1950; 7-9/1950; 10-12/1950; 1-3/1951; 4-6/1951; 7-9/1951; 10-12/1951; 1-3/1952; 4-6/1952; 7-9/1952; 10-12/1952; 1-3/1953; 4-6/1953; 7-9/1953; 10-12/1953; 1-3/1954; 4-6/1954; 7-9/1954; 10-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955; 1-2/1956; 4-6/1956; 7-9/1956; 10/1956 48
Port Elizabeth Ons Land 3569 1946; 1-2/7/1947-1948; 2/4/-12/1948; 1949 4
Pretoria Die Volksten 3570 10-12/1942; 1-7/1943 2
Springs The Springs & Brakpan Advertiser 3571 2-12'1943 1
Umtata Territorial News 3572 1944-1945; 1946-1947; 1948-1949; 1952; 1953; 1954; 1955-1956; 1-8/1957-1958 6
Umtata Umthunywa 3573 1946-1947; 1948-1949; 1952-1953; 1944-1945; 1950-1951; 1952-1953 5
Durban Natal Mercury 5650 1-12/1901; 1902; 1-6/1903; 7-12/1903; 1-6/1904; 7-12/1904; 1-5/1906; 6-12/1906; 1-6/1907; 7-12/1907; 1-6/1908; 7-12/1908; 1-6/1909 12
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 3322x various dates 1
Albacete Albacete 3322 7-12/1943; 1-4/1944; 5-8/1944; 9-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-9/1945; 4/17,18,22,24; 5/2,3/1946 6
Alicante Informacion 3323 10/20,21,11/7,25-28,12/3,7,8,12, 13,21,22/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-9/1945; 2/28,3/1,10,12,21,22,26,30,4/9,10,12, 17,18,24,5/3,4/1946 4
Avila El Diario de Avila 3324 11/2,3,10,23,25,30,12/1, 4,5,14,16,22,23/1944; 3/13,14,22-25,27,4/8,9,11,16,23, 27,5/3,4/1946; 5/3,4/1946; 1-5/1945; 6-9/1945 4
Badajoz Hoy 3225 9-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-9/1945; 1-4/1944; 5-8/1944; 3/1943; 6-8/1943; 9-12/1943; 3-4/1946; 11/1941; 6-8/1942; 10-12/1942; 1/1943; 2/1943; 3-5/1946 14
Barcelona La Batalla 3326 1936-1937 1
Badajoz El Correo Catalan 3327 1-4/1945; 5-9/1945; 9-12/1943; 5-8/1944; 1-4/1944; 9-12/1944; 3-5/1946; 1-3/1940; 7-8/1941; 4-12/1951; 8/17/1941-9/26/1943; 4-12/1939 11
Barcelona Diario de Barcelona 3328 8,10-12/1936
Barcelona Diario de Barcelona de Avisos y Noticias 3329 10/26/1941-5/19/1942; 9-12/1944; 1-2/1943; 3/1943; 4-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 7-8/1944; 1-4/1944; 5-6/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-7/1945; 8-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 3-4/1946; 4-5/1946; 4/1953; 9/1953; 10/1953; 1-2/1949; 3-5/1949; 6-8/1949; 9-10/1949; 11-12/1949; 1-2/1950; 3-4/1950; 5-6/1950; 7/1950; 8/1950; 9-10/1950; 11-12/1950; 1-2/1951; 3-5/1951; 7-8/1951; 9-10/1951; 11-12/1951; 1-2/1952; 3/1953; 7-8/1953; 11-12/1953; 1/1954; 3/1952; 2/1954; 6-8/1954; 3/1954; 4/1954; 5/1954; 9/1954; 10/1954; 11/1954; 12/1954 45
Barcelona Frente Rojo 3330 12/1937-2/1938 1
Barcelona El Mundo Deportivo 3331 8/1-7/1942; 2-6/1944; 7-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-11/1945; 1-5/1946 6
Barcelona El Noticiero Universal 3332 1-6/1938; 7-11/1938; 12/1938; 1/31-6/29/1940; 7-11/29/1940; 1-3/1941; 4-5/1941; 8/1941; 10-11/1941; 1/1942; 4-5/1942; 7-12/1942; 1-5/1943; 7-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-3/1944; 4-6/1944; 7-9/1944; 10-12/1944; 1-3/1945; 4-6/1945; 7-9/1945; 10-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 4-6/1946; 7-9/1946; 10-12/1946; 4-6/1947; 1-3/1947; 7-9/1947; 10-12/1947; 1-3/1948; 4-8/1948; 9-12/1948; 1-4/1949; 5-8/1949; 9-12/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-3/1952; 4-6/1952; 7-9/1952; 10-12/1952; 1-3/1953; 4-6/1953; 7-9/1953; 10-12/1953; 1-3/1954; 4-6/1954; 7-9/1954; 10-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955; 1-3/1956; 4-6/1956; 7-9/1956; 10-12/1956; 1-3/1957; 4-6/1957; 7-9/1957; 10-12/1957; 1/1958 68
Barcelona La Prensa 3333 7/22/1941; 6/1-17,19,20,23-29,10/6,11/11/1942; 45/1942; 3,7,8,/1943; 9-12/1943; 1-4/1944 ;5-8/1944; 9-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-10/1945; 2,3,4,5,/1946 11
Barcelona Solidaridad Nacional 3334 2/16-6/1939; 7-12/1939; 1-3/1940; 1,2,3/1942; 10,11,12,1942; 1/1943; 2/1943; 3/1943; 5-7/1943; 8-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-3/1944; 4-6/1944; 7-9/1944; 10-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-9/1945; 9-11/1945; 2-3/1946; 3/23-8/1950; 1-7/14/1951; 7/17-9/1951; 9-12/1950; 10-12/1951; 1/1952 23
Barcelona Solidaridad Obrera 3335 10/1937-2/1938; 3/17-4/1938; 10/1936-7/1937; 5-9/1938; 10/1938-1/14/1939 5
Barcelona La Vanguardia Espanola 3336 7/30-9/1936; 10-12/1936; 1-3/1937; 4-6/1937; 7-9/1937; 10/1937-1/1938; 2-4/1938; 5-8/1938; 1/1942; 4-6/1942; 7-9/1942; 10-12/1942; 1-3/1943; 4-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-3/1944; 4-6/1944; 7-9/1944; 10-12/1944; 1-3/1945; 4-6/1945; 7-9/1945; 10-12/1945; 1-2/1946; 3-4/1946; 5-6/1946; 7-8/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-2/1947; 3-5/1947; 6-8/1947; 9-10/1947; 11-12/1947; 1-4/1948; 5-6/1948; 7-9/1948; 1-3/1949; 10-12/1948 39
Bilbao El Correo Espanol El Pueblo Vasco 3337 8-10/1941; 2-10/1942; 1-5/1943; 4,5/1944 4
El Correo Espanol Pueblo Vasco 3337 6-11/1943; 6/19/1960 2
Bilbao La Gaceta del Norte 3338 1942-1943; 1-6/1943; 7-12/1943; 1944; 1-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 2-5/1946; 3-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 6-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 1-4/1956; 5-8/1956; 9-12/1956; 1-6/1957 26
Bilbao Hierro 3339 2-5/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 6-12/1952 4
Caceres Extremadura 3340 3/1946 1
Cadiz Diario Mercantil de Cadiz 3341 12/1873-11/1824 1
Cordoba Cordoba 3342 3/1946 1
Corunna El Ideal Gallego 3343 11-12/1941; 3/9,10/1943; 3-9/1945; 3,6,8/1942; 2-5/1946 5
Corunna Noroesto 3344 11/20,27,12/11/1953 1
Granada Ideal 3345 1-3,9/1939; 3-12/1938; 3,10,11/1940; 1941; 4/1/1948 11/1940; 1941; 1942-1944 6
Granada Patria 3346 1-9/1945; 2,3,4,5/1946,4/1/1948 2
Jaen Jaen 3347 2-3/1943; 6-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-12/1944; 1-9/1945; 2/27,3/1,16,22,30,31,4/9,11,18,21,23,24,30/1946 6
JEREZ DE LA Frontera Ayer 3348 3-4/1946 1
Las Palmas La Provincia 3349 3-6/1938; 7-9/1938; 10/1938-1/15/1939 3
Lerida Acracia 3350 3/19/1937-2/12/1938 1
Lugo El Progreso 3351 1941-1942; 1-3/1943; 4-11/1943; 10-12/1944; 1-9/1945; 2-5/1946 6
Madrid ABC 3352 5-8/1918; 9-10/1918; 11-12/1918; 1-2/1919; 3-4/1934; 7/24-8/1936; 9-10/1936; 11-12/1936; 1-2/1937; 3-4/1937; 5-7/1937; 8-10/1937; 11-12/1937; 5-7/1938; 1-4/1938; 1-3/1939; 8/24,12/2,3,20,21,24/1939,5/19/1940; 3-9/1941; 8-12/1938; 10-12/1941 21
Madrid ABC Edicio Semanal Aerea 3353 1950; 1952; 1953; 1-6/1954; 12/1949; 1-10/1951 6
Madrid El Alcazar 3354 7/23-28,30-8/11/1941; 8/18/-11/18/1941; 5-8/1943; 9-12/1943; 1-4/1944; 5-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-11/10/1945; 11/12-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 4-5/1946; 4/1/1947; 7/8-31/1947; 9-10/1947; 11-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-9/1948; 10-12/1948; 1-6/1049; 7-12/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-7/1950; 8-10/18/1950; 6/11-12/24/1942; 1-4/1943; 10/20-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-4/1952 29
Madrid Arriba 3355 11/15-12/5/1940; 1/21/-2/1941; 8-12/1941; 1-6/1942; 7-12/1942; 1-6/1943; 9-12/1943; 3-7/1941; 7-8/1943; 1-3/1944; 4-6/1944; 7-9/1944; 10-12/1944; 1-3/1945; 4-6/1945; 7-9/1945; 10-12/1945; 1-4/1946; 5-8/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7/1950-1/17/1951; 1/18/-2/1951; 3-4/1951; 5-6/1951; 7-8/1951; 9-10/1951; 11-12/1951; 1/1952; 2/1952; 3-4/1952; 1-2/1953; 3-4/1953; 5-6/1953; 7-8/1953; 9-10/1953; 11-12/1953; 1-2/1954; 3-4/1954; 5-6/1954; 7-8/1954; 9-10/1954; 11-12/1954; 1-2/1955; 3-4/1955; 5-6/1955; 7-8/1955; 9-10/1955; 11-12/1955; 1-2/1956; 3-4/1956; 5-6/1956; 7-8/1956; 9-10/1956; 11-12/1956; 1-2/1957; 3-4/1957; 5-6/1957; 7-8/1957
Madrid Arriba 3355 9-10/1957; 11-12/1957; 1-2/1958; 3-4/1958; 5-6/1958; 7-8/1958; 9-10/1958; 11-12/1958; 1-2/1959; 3-4/1959; 5-6/1959; 7-8/1959; 9-10/1959; 11-12/1959; 1-2/1960; 3-4/1960; 5/1960; 6/1960; 7-8/1960; 9-10/1960; 11-12/1960; 1-2/1961; 3-4/1961; 5-6/1961; 7-8/1961; 9-10/1961; 11-12/1961 27
Madrid Diario de Madrid 3356 1805; 1814; 1-6/1817; 7-12/1817; 1-6/1818; 7-12/1818 6
Madrid Digame 3357 6/23-9/1942; 3/1943-11/7/1944 2
Madrid Domingo 3358 8/1941-4/1942; 6/1942-2/1943; 3-12/1943; 1944; 1945; 1946 5
Madrid La Epoca 3359 6-8/1899 1
Madrid Frente Libertario (Italian ed) 3360 6/8/1937-2/10/1939 1
Madrid Frente Libertario (Spanish ed) 3361 10/13/1936-4/4/1939 1
Madrid Hoja Del Lunes 3362 7/1942-12/1943; 1/1944-10/1945; 2/25/1946-12/1947; 5-10/1951 4
Madrid Informaciones 3363 10-12/1943; 4-9/1943; 1-5/1944; 6-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-11/1945; 2/25-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-3/1956; 4-6/1956; 7-9/1956; 10-12/1956; 1-3/1957; 4-6/1957; 7-9/1957; 10-12/1957; 1-3/1958; 4-6/1958; 7-9/1958; 10-12/1958; 1-3/1959; 4-6/1959; 7-9/1959; 10-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 34
Madrid La Libertad 3364 4-12/1928; 1-6/1929; 7-12/1929; 1-6/1930; 7-12/1930; 1-6/1931; 7-12/1931; 1-6/1932; 7-12/1932; 1-6/1933; 7-12/1933; 1-4/1934; 5-8/1934; 9-12/1934; 1-4/1935; 5-8/1935; 9-12/1935; 1-4/1936; 5-8/1936; 9-12/1936; 1-6/1937; 7-12/1937; 1/1938-3/3/1939 23
Madrid Madrid 3365 1/21-12/1942; 1-3/25/1943; 4-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-3/1944; 4-8/1944; 9-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 1-5/1946; 7-12/1947; 1-11/1948; 3/31,6/2,8/13,15,27/1949,2/17,3/29, 31,8/18,27/1950; 9-12/1950; 5-8/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 8/8,11,11/7,1953 21
Madrid Marca 3366 1/5,5/11,8/27-31/1943; 9-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-12/1944; 1/1-19/1945 5
Madrid Pueblo 3367 1/22-12/1942; 1-6/1943; 7-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-12/1944; 1945; 1-5/1946; 1-6/1950; 7-9/1950; 10-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-3/1952; 4-6/1952; 7-9/1952; 10-12/1952; 1-3/1953; 4-6/1953; 7-9/1953; 10-12/1953; 1-3/1954; 4-6/1954; 7-8/1954; 9-10/1954; 11-12/1954; 1-2/1955; 3-4/1955; 5-6/1955; 7-8/1955; 9-10/1955; 11-12/1955; 1-2/1956; 3-4/1956; 5-6/1956; 7-8/1956; 9-10/1956; 11-12/1956; 1-2/1957; 3-4/1957; 5-6/1957; 7-8/1957; 9-10/1957; 11-12/1957; 1-2/1958; 3-4/1958; 5-6/1958; 7-8/1958; 9-10/1958; 11-12/1958; 1-2/1959; 3-4/1959; 5-6/1959; 7-8/1959; 9-10/1959; 11-12/1959; 1-2/1960; 3-4/1960; 7/1960; 8/1960; 9-10/1960; 11-12/1960; 1-2/1961; 3-4/1961; 5-6/1961; 7-8/1961; 9-10/1961; 11-12/1961 68
Madrid Redencion 3368 1940; 1940-1943; 1944-1946 3
Madrid Signo 3369 8/4,25/1941,2/14,4/25,5/23,6/13,20, 7/4-8/15,29,9/26,10/3-11/14,12/5/1942, 1/23,3/6,27,8/21,28/1943; 2/1944-12/1945 2
Madrid Spanish American Courier 3372 2-4/1954-1955; 5-7/1955 2
Madrid Ya 3373 9-12/1941; 1/23-8/1942; 9-12/1942; 1-3/1943; 4-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-4/1944; 5-10/1944; 11-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 2/26-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 2-3/1948; 3-8/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955; 1-3/1956; 4-6/1956; 7-9/1956; 10-12/1956; 1-3/1957; 4-6/1957; 7-9/1957; 10-12/1967; 1-3/1958; 4-6/1958; 7-9/1958; 10-12/1958; 1-3/1959; 4-6/1959; 7-9/1959; 10-12/1959; 1-2/1960; 3-4/1960; 5/1960; 6/1960; 7/1960; 8/1960; 9/1960; 10/1960; 11/1960; 12/1960; 1-2/1961; 3/1961; 4/1961; 5/1961; 6/1961; 7/1961; 8/1961; 9/1961; 10/1961; 11/1961; 12/1961 75
Malaga 3374 2/9-5/9/1937; 5/11-12/1937; 3-5/1938; 6-9/1938; 11/1938-1/1939; 5/2/1939-1/1940 6
Malaga Hoja Oficial del Lunes 3375 2/1937-1/1939; 5/1939-3/35/1940; 4/14,6/3-24,9/30/1940,4/28,6/16/1941 3
Malaga Sur 3376 3-8/1937; 9-12/1937; 9/1940,3-9/1941; 10-12/1941,3/1942; 7-9/1943; 1-4/1944; 2/4,9,5/23,31,7/19/1945,2/27,3/26,4/9, 11,23,24,27,5/5/1946 8
Malaga La Tarde 3377 3/1940; 6/17-29/1940; 1943; 1944; 1945; 3-9/1941; 12/1941,3/1942 7
Murcia Linea 3378 1,10,11,12/1944; 2-5/1946; 6-11/1942; 1-9/1945 4
Orense La Region 3379 1943-1944; 1945-1946 2
Oviedo La Nueva Espana 3380 4-5/1939; 6-10/1942,4/4-10/1943 2
Oviedo Region 3381 12/7/1939; 8-12/1942; 3-7/1942; 1,2,6/1943 4
Oviedo Voz 3382 5-9/1942; 10-12/1942; 1-8/1943 3
Palma Correo de Mallorca 3383 3/1946 1
Palma de Mallorce Panama de Mallorca La Ultima Hora 3384 12/1941-5/1942; 5/29-6/1,3-26,29,30/1942; 7-12/1942; 1-6/14/1943 4
Pamplona Arriba Espana 3385 1/4-2/16/1940; 2/1942;7/1942 3
Pamplona Diario de Navarra 3386 8/23-12/1941; 1-3/1942; 4-6/1942; 7-9/1942; 10-12/1942; 1-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-2/1944; 3-6/1944; 1-3/1945; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7/1-7/1951 20
Pamplona El Pensamiento Navarro 3387 7-19-12/1936; 1-6/1937; 7-12/1937; 1-5/1/1938; 5/10-8/1938; 9/1938-4/2/1939; 1941-1943 7
Salamanca El Adelanto 3388 11-12/1944;1-9/1945;2-5/1946 3
Salamanca La Gaceta Regional 3389 10-12/1944; 1945; 1,3,4,5/1946 3
San Sebastian El Diario Vasco 3390 11/11/1941-6/1942; 7-12/1942; 1/15-4/3/1943; 4-12/1943; 1-3/1944; 4-6/1944; 7-9/1944; 10-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-8/1945; 9-12/1945 11
San Sebastian Unidad 3391 1-2/1940 1
San Sebastian La Voz de Espana 3392 8,10,11/1941; 1-5/1942; 6-11/1942; 3-7/1943; 8-11/1943; 1-5/1944; 1-9/1945; 1-2/1943 8
San Sebastian La Voz de Espana 3392 2,3,4,5/1946 1
Santa Crua de Teneriffe El Dia 3393 11-12/1941; 1-6/1942; 7-12/1942; 1-6/1943; 7-8/1943; 9-12/1943; 1-4/1944; 5-7/1944; 8-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 1-5/18/1946; 5-8/1957 13
Santa Crua de Teneriffe La Tarde 3394 12/15/1941-6/1942; 7-12/1942; 1-6/1943; 7-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 1-6/1946 9
Santander Alerta 3395 1942-1943 1
Santander El Diario Montanes 3396 [11/1941; 6/1942; 2/7/1943] 1
Santiago de Compostela Correo 3397 1943; 1944; 1945; 12/3,9/1941,9/15,12/27/1942 5
Santiago de Compostela El Correo Gallego Eco de Santiago 3397 1946 2
Segovia El Adelantado de Segovia 3398 3/13/1942,4/9,11,15,18,23,25,29,5/1/1946 2
Seville A.B.C. 3399 9-10/1936; 11-12/1936; 1-2/1937; 3-4/1937; 5-6/1937; 7/1937; 8/1937; 9/1937; 10/1937; 11/1937; 12/1937; 1-6/1938; 7-9/1938; 10-12/1938; 1/1939; 2-4/1939; 2-3/1942; 4/1942; 5/1942; 7-12/1942; 1-2/1943; 3/1943; 4-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-3/1944; 4-6/1944; 7-8/1944; 9-12/1944; 1-3/1945; 4-6/1945; 7-11/1945; 2-5/1946 33
Seville El Correo de Andalucia 3400 2-5,10/1942; 6-12/1943; 1944; 1945; 1-5/1946 4
Seville F.E. 3401 9-12/1936; 1-4/1937; 9-12/1937; 5-8/1937; 1-6/1943; 7-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 7-12/1943; 1-6/1944 10
Seville El Liberal 3402 2-3/1927; 1-6/1933; 7-12/1933; 1-6/1934; 7-12/1934; 1-8/1935; 9-12/1935; 1-4/1936; 5-7/18/1936 9
Seville El Noticiero Sevillano 3403 7-12/1926; 1-6/1927; 7-12/1927; 1-6/1928; 7-12/1928; 1-6/1929; 7-12/1929; 1-6/1930; 7-11/22/1930 9
Seville Sevilla 3404 1,3,4/1942,1,3/1943; 3-5/1945; 1/28,2/16/1946; 6-9/1945 4
Teruel Lucha 3405 3/1946 1
Valencia Adelante 3406 12/1937-5/1938 1
Valencia La Correspondencia de Valencia 3407 11/1936-10/1937; 11/1-24/1957; 12/1937-5/1938; 6-12/1938 4
Valencia Fragua Social 3408 12/1937-6/1/1938 1
Valencia Levante 3409 3/1946 1
Valencia El Mercantil Valenciano 3410 1-3/1936; 4-6/1936; 7-12/1936; 1-5/1938; 7-12/1937; 1-6/1937 6
Valencia Nosotros 3411 2/11-9/23/1937 1
Valencia Las Prouincias 3412 3,4,9,1942; 2-3/1943; 6-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-12/1944; 1-5/1945; 6-9/1945; 2-5/1946 8
Valencia Verdad 3413 8-9/1937; 12/1936-1/1937; 2-3/1938 3
Valladolid Diario Regional 3414 1-7/1945; 7/1945-5/1946; 10-12/1944 3
Valladolid Libertad 3415 3/7-8/1939; 1941-1942; 1-4/1943; 2-5/1946 4
Valladolid El Norte de Castilla 3416 1942; 10-12/1944; 1945; 1-5/1946 4
Vigo Faro de Vigo 3417 11/26-30,12/3/1941,7/25/1942; 1/27-6/1943; 7-12/1943; 1-9/1944; 10-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 1-5/1946 8
Vigo El Pueblo Gallego 3418 4/6-8/21/1943; 11/6/1942-3/1943 2
Zaragoza Amanecer 3419 9,11/1942,1/1943 1
Zaragoza Heraldo de Aragon 3420 3/1946 1
Zaragoza El Noticiero 3421 7-9/1936; 10-12/1936; 1-4/1937; 5-8/1937; 9-12/1937; 1-4/1938; 5-8/1938; 9-12/1938; 1-3/14/1939; 8,10/1941; 1-5/1942; 7-10/1942; 11-12/1942; 1-2/1943; 3-5/1943; 7-8/1943; 9-11/1943; 1-3/1944; 4-12/1944; 1-5/1945; 6-11/1945; 1-5/1946 22
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Columbo Ceylon Leader 525 4-6/1928;7-9/1928;10-12/1928;1-3/1929; 4-6/1929;7-9/1929;10-12/1929;1-3/1930;4-6/1930; 7-9/1930;10-12/1930;1-3/1931;4-6/1931;7-8/5/1931 14
Columbo Ceylon News (d.) 526 3/9-31/1944; 4-6/1944; 7-9/1944; 10-12/1944; 1-3/1945; 4-6/1945; 7-9/1945; 10-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 4-6/1946; 7-9/1946; 10-12/1946; 1-3/1947; 4-6/1947; 7-9/1947; 10-12/1947; 1-3/1948; 4-6/1948; 7-9/1948; 10-12/1948; 1-3/1949; 4-6/1949; 7-9/1949; 10-12/1949; 1-3/1950; 4-6/1950; 7-9/1950; 10-12/1950; 1-3/1951; 4-6/1951; 7-9/1951;10-12/1951; 1-2/1956; 3-4/1956; 5-6/1956 35
Columbo Ceylon News 527 7-11/1938-9/16/1940; 1/26/1941-1/26/1942; 2/9/1942-7/5/1943; 7/19/1943-12/1945; 1946-1947; 1948-1949; 1950; 1951; 1952; 1-10/1953; 11/1953-10/7/1954 11
Columbo Ceylon Observer 528 8-9/1959;10-12/1959 2
Columbo Times 529 6/30-12/1947; 1-4/1948; 5-8/1948; 9-12/1948; 1-7/12/1949; 7/7-12/5/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-10/1954; 6-7/1959 9
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 3282-A various dates 8
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Basseterre St. Kitts-Nevis Daily Bulletin 2582 9-10/1944; 11/27/1944-8/27/1945; 10/1945-1/1946; 3/19-12/1946; 1-12/11/1947; 12/12/1947-5/12/1948; 5/13-9/10/1948; 9/11-6/1948-1949; 7-12/1949; 1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1953 15
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 4402-X various dates 1
Castries Voice of St. Lucia 4402 1943-1945; 1946; 5/29-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 10/1948-6/1949; 7-12/20/1949; 1950; 1951 7
Castries West Indian Crusader 4403 5-11/1946; 5-12/2947; 1-6/1948; 4/7,21,28,7/14,28-8/25, 9/8-11/3,17,12/1-22/1951; 1954-1955 5
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 4402-X various dates 1
Kingstown Vincentian 4404 12/9/1944,4/7/-7/7,8/4,18/-9/15/1945,12/1946; 1948-1949; 1950; 1-9/15/1951 4
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Khartoum Morning News 3423 1958; 1959 2
Khartoum Sudan Daily 3424 12/1960-8/1962; 9-12/1962; 9-12/1962 3
Khartoum Sudan Star 3425 9-12/1950; 1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7/1953-1/1954 6
Khartoum The Sudan Daily Times 3426 4-10/1956 1
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 2793-X various dates 1
Paramaribo Het Nieuws 2793 5-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-12/1945 3
Paramaribo Suriname 2794 1907-1909 1
Paramaribo Suriname 2794 1-12/1910-1911; 1-12/1912-1913; 1-12/1914-1915; 1-12/1916-1917; 5-12/1944-1945; 1946; 1947; 4-10/1948; 1949; 1-6/1950-1952 10
Paramaribo De Surinamer 2795 1808-1811 1
Paramaribo De Surinamer 2795 2-12/1912 1
Suriname De Surinamer 2795 1-3/1913; 11-12/1914 1
Paramaribo De West 2796 10/1909-12/1910; 1-12/1911-1912; 1-12/1913-1914; 1-12/1915-1916; 1-8-1917; 4-12/1944; 1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1-12/1950; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 8/22/-12/1960; 1-2/3/1961 22
Paramaribo De West-Indier 2797 1866; 1867; 1868 3
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
Mbabane Times of Swaziland 3427 1943; 2-12/1944; 1-10/1945; 8-12/1946; 7-11/1948; 1949-1952; 12/1955-12/1957; 1958-1959; 1960 9
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 3428-x various dates
Luiea Norrskens-Flammen 3430 7/30/-12/1948; 1-4/1949; 5-8/1949; 9-12/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-7/13/1950; 1-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951; 1-4/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-4/1953; 5-8/1953; 9-12/1953; 1-3/1954; 4-6/1954; 7-9/1954; 10-12/1934; 1/1955 20
Stockholm Aftonbladet 3434 1830; 1831; 1832 3
Stockholm Arbetaren 3435 1/1943; 2/1943; 3/1943; 4-6/1943; 8-11/1943; 6/1945; 8-12/1945 7
Stockholm Dagsposten 3437 7-8/9/1942; 8/10/-10/1943; 12-5/1941-1942; 1-3/1944; 4-6/1944; 7-9/1944; 10-1/1944-1945 7
Stockholm Eesti Post 3438 1/25/-3/31/1953-1955; 1958-1959 2
Stockholm Folkets Dagblad 3440 7-9/1943; 10-11/1943 2
Stockholm Latvju Vards 3441 2/21/1952,2/19/1953
Stockholm Ny Dag 3443 8-10/1942; 11-1/1942-1943; 2/1943; 3-5/1943; 6-8/1943; 9-11/1943; 8/1944,3/1945; 6-7/1945; 8-12/1945; 4-6/20/1946; 8-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 1-2/1951; 3-4/1951; 5-6/1951; 7-8/1951; 9-10/1951; 11-12/1951; 1-2/1952; 3-4/1952; 5-6/1952; 7-8/1952; 9-10/1952; 11-12/1952; 1-2/1953; 3-4/1953; 5-6/1953; 7-8/1953; 9/1-23/1953; 9/24/-10/1953; 11-12/1953; 1-2/1954; 3-4/1954; 5-6/1954; 7-9/1954; 10-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955; 7-9/1955; 10-12/1955; 1 3/1956; 8-12/1956; 1-3/1957; 4-6/1957; 7-9/1957; 10-12/1957; 1-3/1958; 4-6/1958; 7-9/1958; 10-12/1958; 1-3/1959; 4-6/1959; 7-9/1959; 10-12/1959; 1-3/1960; 4-6/1960; 7-9/1960; 10-12/1960; 1-3/1961; 4-6/1961; 7-9/1961; 10-12/1961 66
Stocholm Nya Daglit Allehanda 3444 2-3/1942; 4-5/1942; 6-7/1942; 8-9/1942; 10/1942; 11/1942; 12/1942; 1/1943; 2-3/1943; 4/1943; 8/1943; 11/1943; 1-2/1944; 3-4/1944; 5-6/1944
Stockholm Social-Demokraten 3445 5/1942; 6/1942; 7/1942; 8/1942; 9/1942 5
Stockholm Stockholms-Tidningen 3446 6-9/1941 1
Stockholm Svenska Dagbladet 3447 11/1943; 12/1943; 1/1944; 2-3/1944; 4/1944; 6-8/1944; 9/1944; 10/1944; 11/1944; 12/1944 10
Stockholm Svenska Morgonbladet 3448 1-2/1943; 3/1943; 4-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 10-11/1943; 4-6/1950; 7-9/1950; 10-12/1950; 2/20/-4/1951; 5-8/1951; 9-12/1951 11
Stockholm Vart Land 3449 3/1890; 1-3/1895 2
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 3450-X various dates 1
Basel Basellandschaftliche Zeitung 3450 1943 1
Basel Basel Nachrichten 3451 1-3/1953; 4-6/1953; 7-9/1953; 10-12/1953; 1-3/1954; 4-6/1954; 7-9/1954; 10-12/1954; 1-3/1955; 4-6/1955 10
Basel Vorwarts 3453 11/8-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 4-9/1946; 1947; 1952; 1953; 1954; 1955; 1956; 1957-58; 1959 11
Bern Berner Tagblatt 3454 6/11/1942-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-8/1945; 9-12/1945; 3-4/1946; 5-8/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-4/1947; 5-8/1947; 9-12/1947 10
Bern Tagwacht 3455 6-12/1942; 1-4/1943; 4/17/-7/20/1944; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-4/1954; 5-8/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-4/1955; 5-8/1955; 9-12/1955; 12/1956-2/1957 18
Bern Deutsche Zeitung 3456 1941; 1944; 1945  
Bern Die Freie Zeitung 3457 4-12/1917; 1918-1919 2
Disentis Gasetta Romontscha 3458 9-12/1929-1930 1
Ebnat-Kappel Toggenburger Nachrichten 3459 1943  
Frauenfeld Thurgauer Zeitung 3460 10-12/1939; 1-6/1940; 7-12/1940; 1-6/1941; 7-12/1941 5
Geneva Journal de Geneve 3461 9-12/1918; 9-12/1938; 1-4/1939; 5-8/1939; 9-12/1939; 1-4/1940; 5-8/1940; 9-12/1940; 1-4/1941; 5-8/1941; 9-12/1941; 1-4/1942; 5-7/1942; 8-9/1942; 10-12/1942; 1-3/1943; 4-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-9/1945; 10-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 4-6/1946; 7-9/1946; 10-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-13/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948 32
Geneva Journal des Nations 3462 5-12/1937; 1-10/1938; 11/16/1939-5/9/1940  
Geneva Journal des Nations 3462 5-12/1937; 1-10/1938; 11/16-5/9/1939-1940; 9-12/1942; 1-3/1943; 4-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-9/1945; 10-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 4-6/1946; 7-9/1946; 10-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-9/1948 21
Geneva Suisse 3463 (missing all volumes) 6/22-12/1942; 1/7-6/1943; 6/8-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-9/1948; 10-12/1948; 1-2/1949; 4-6/1949; 7/1/1949; 9-11/1949; 2/26/-11/1950; 6/1952; 1-6/1953; 5-9/1/1959 14
Geneva La Tribune de Geneva 3464 1-4/1943; 5-8/1943; 9-12/1943; 1-3/1943; 4-6/1944; 7-9/1944; 9/13-12/18/1944; 12/1944-4/1945; 5-8/1945; 9-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-4/1947; 5-8/1947; 9-12/1947; 1/1-16/1948; 9-12/1948; 1-4/1949; 5-8/1949 18
Geneva Voix Ouvriere 3465 1/5-3/30/1946; 4/6-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954 19
Geneva Vorwarts 3466 3/29/-11/1/1951 1
Hallau Klettgauer Zeitung 3467 1943 1
Lausanne Gazette delausanne et journal suisse 3469 1/1919 1
Heiden Appenzeller Anzeiger 3468 4-7,10/1943 1
Lausanne Gazette de Lausanne et Journal Suisse 3469 1-6/1918; 7-12/1918; 1-6/1940; 7-12/1940; 1-6/1941; 7-12/1941; 1-2/1942; 5-8/1942; 8-12/1942; 1-6/1943; 7-12/1943; 1-5/1944; 5-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 9-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 5-8/1945; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1949; 1950; 1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 8-12/1956; 2-6/1957 30
Lausanne Tribune de Lausanne 3470 2-4/1940; 5-8/1940; 10-12/1939; 9-4/1940-1941; 5-8/1941; 12-1/1941-1942 6
Lucerne Vaterland 3471 6-10/8/1942 1
Lugano Corriere del Ticino 3472 1-12/1945; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947 3
Lugano Libera Stampa 3473 1-6/1944; 7-12/1944; 1-6/1945; 7-12/1945; 6-12/1946; 2-5/1949 6
Schiers Prattigauer Zeitung and Herrschaftler 3474 1943 1
St. Gallen Die Ostschweiz 3475 1943; 1945 2
St. Gallen St. Galler Tagblatt 3476 1-3/1940; 4-6/1940; 10-12/1940; 1-3/1942; 4-6/1942; 7-9/1942; 10-12/1942; 1-3/1943; 5-7/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-4/1944; 5-6/1944; 7-9/1944; 10-12/1944; 1-2/1945; 3-4/1945; 5-6/1945; 7-8/1945; 9-10/1945; 11-12/1945; 1-4/1946; 5-8/1946; 9-12/1946; 1-3/1947; 4-6/1947; 7-9/1947; 10-12/1947; 1-10/1951 28
Schwyz Bote der Urshweiz 3477 1943 1
Thun Geschaftsblatt 3478 1941-1942 1
Winterthur Neues Winterthurer tagblatt 3479 6,12/1945  
Zurich The Central European Times 3480 2/15/1931-10/1935 1
Nue Zurich Neue Zurcher Zeitung 3481 7-8/1914; 9-10/1914; 11-12/1914; 1-2/1915; 3-4/1915; 5-6/1915; 7-8/1915; 9-10/1915; 11-12/1915; 1-2/1916; 3-4/1916; 5-6/1916; 7-8/1916; 9-10/1916; 11-12/1916; 1-2/1917; 3-4/1917; 5-6/1917; 7-8/1917; 9-10/1917; 11-12/1917; 1-2/1918; 3-4/1918; 5-6/1918; 7-8/1918; 9-10/1918; 11-12/1918; 3/1920-3/1921; 1919-1922; 1-2/1922; 3/1922; 7-8/1925; 9-10/1925; 11-12/1925; 1-2/1926; 3-4/1926; 5-6/1926; 7-8/1926; 9-10/1926; 11-12/1926; 1-2/1927; 3-4/1927; 5-6/1927; 7-8/1927; 9-10/1927; 11-12/1927; 1-2/1928; 3-4/1928; 5-6/1928; 7-8/1928; 9-10/1928; 11-12/1928; 1-2/1929; 3-4/1929; 5-6/1929; 7-8/1929; 9-10/1929; 11-12/1929; 1-2/1930; 3-4/1930; 5-6/1930; 7-8/1930; 9-10/1930; 11-12/1930; 1-2/1931; 3-4/1931; 5-6/1931; 7-8/1931; 9-10/1931; 11-12/1931; 1-2/1932; 3-4/1932; 5-6/1932; 7-8/1932; 9-10/1932 81
Zurich Neue Zurcher Zeitung 3481 11-12/1932; 1-2/1933; 3-4/1933; 5-6/1933; 7-8/1933; 9-10/1933; 11-12/1933; 1-2/1934  
Zurich Neue Zurcher Zeitung 3481 3-4/1934; 5-6/1934; 7-8/1934; 9-10/1934; 11-12/1934; 1-2/1935; 3-4/1935; 5-6/1935; 7-8/1935; 9-10/1935; 11-12/1935; 1-2/1936; 3-4/1936; 5-6/1936; 7-8/1936; 9-10/1936; 11-12/1936; 1-2/1937; 3-4/1937; 5-6/1937; 7-8/1937; 9-10/1937; 11-12/1937; 1/12/1955 24
Zurich Tages-Anzeger fur stadt und Kanton Zurich 3482 6/25/-7/1953 1
Zurich Die Tat 3483 1-3/1940; 4-6/1940; 7-9/1940; 10-12/1940; 1-3/1941; 4-6/1941; 7-9/1941; 10-12/1941; 1-3/1942; 4-6/1942; 7-9/1942; 10-12/1942; 1-4/1943; 4-6/1943; 7-9/1943; 10-12/1943; 1-3/1944; 4-6/1944; 7-8/1944; 9-12/1944; 1-4/1945; 5-8/1945; 9-12/1945; 1-3/1946; 4-6/1946; 7-9/1946; 10-12/1946; 1-4/1947; 5-8/1947; 9-12/1947; 1-4/1948; 5-8/1948; 9/1948; 1/20,2/6-7,3/2,4/7/-8/1949; 9/15-30/1949; 10-12/1949; 1-4/1950; 5-8/1950; 9-12/1950; 1-3/1951; 4-6/1951; 7-9/1951; 10-12/1951; 1-3/1952; 4-6/1952; 5-8/1952; 9-12/1952; 1-3/1953; 4-6/1953; 7-9/1953; 10-12/1953 49
City Title Control Number Summary Holdings Volume Count
misc. misc. 3485-x various dates 1
Damascus Los Echos de Syrie 3486 1944 1