When looking for listings of smaller towns in former Yugoslavia, keep in mind that most telephone directories from the country feature a main city, but also include listings for other towns in the telephone district. Therefore, a researcher should consult a map to locate a large city nearest to the desired town, and then use the directories for the larger city. Regarding the microfilm sets, a list of all localities covered on a reel appears at the very beginning of each reel.
Telephone directories for former Yugoslavia are located in three possible places in the Library of Congress -- Deck 5S of the closed stacks in the Adams Building for uncataloged directories; -- in the Microform and Electronic Resources Center (MERC) for the titles in the microfilm set; or in the general collections for cataloged directories. For uncataloged items in the general collections or MERC, a researcher must request the items by completing a call slip. The finding aid designates these two locations as MRR/GC or MERC. All volumes held on Deck 5S are filed under Yugoslavia, not under the names of the subsequent countries.
Year | Title | Type | Notes | Location |
1935 | Skupni imenik telefonskih pretplatnika Kralj. Jugoslavije: po ABCedi i struci. | Both | "1. XII 1935." "Annuaire general des abonnes au telephone du Royaume de Yougoslavie." The first half of the directory covers Beograd, Zagreb, Novi Sad, Split, Skopje, Niš, Cetinje, Banja Luka, Ljubljana, Sarajevo. The second half covers smaller towns throughout the country. | MRR/GC |
1936 | Telefonski imenik svih pretplatnika Kraljevine Jugoslavije. | Both | Entries are arranged by major city: Beograd, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Novi Sad, Sarajevo, Split, Skopje, Cetinje. Part of the directory is in the Cyrillic alphabet and part in the Latin alphabet. Numerical index. Certain major city sections contain listings for smaller towns as well. | MRR/GC |
1955 | Adresar inostranih firmi zastupljenih u Jugoslaviji, konsignacionih stovarišta i preduzeća za zastupanje inostranih firmi. | Org. | Saveza Spoljnotrgovinska Komora. Entries are arranged by company and then by country. Included in the microfilm set Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 2. | MERC |
1955 | Imenik sedišta Narodne banke FNRJ i drugih banaka i štedionica. | Org. | "Po stanju na dan 15 decembra 1955 god." Entries organized by republic. Included in the microfilm set Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 2. | MERC |
1957 | Adresar i telefonski imenik za Jugoslaviji i Austriju. | Org. | "Adress-und telephon-Buch für Österreich und Jugoslawien." Entries are arranged by subject like "yellow pages," but the subjects are given only in German. | MRR/GC |
1960 | Telefonski imenik FNR Jugoslavije. | Both | Arranged by major city: Beograd, Ljubljana, Niš, Novi Sad, Priština, Rijeka, Sarajevo, Skopje, Split, Titograd (Podgorica), Zagreb. The listings also include smaller nearby towns. | MRR/GC |
1962 | Muzeji Jugoslavije 1962. | Both | Although this directory has the word "museums" in the title, it also has listings for individuals by profession, such as miners, millers, etc. Included in the microfilm set Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 2. | MERC |
1963 | Telefonski imenik FNRJ. | Both | "Poslednje unošenje izvršeno 17. II 1963." Arranged by capital city and then republic. Vojvodina has its own section, but Kosovo is included under Serbia. | MRR/GC |
1964 | Privredni adresar SFRJ = Trade directory of Yugoslavia. | Org. | Organized by type of business with an index by place. | MRR/GC |
1966 | Telefonski imenik SFRJ. | Both | "Poslednje unošenje izvršeno 1. IV 1966." Organized by capital city and republic. Vojvodina and Kosovo appear as part of Serbia. | MRR/GC |
1968 | Telefonski imenik SFRJ. | Both | "Rukopis izrađen na osnovu zvaničnih podataka Zajednice JPTT sa stanjem 1. IV 1968." Arranged by capital city of a republic and then by other cities in a republic. Vojvodina and Kosovo appear as part of Serbia. Included in the microfilm set Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 6. | MRR/GC/MERC |
1969 | Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Izmenje i dopune za 1969. | Both | "Rukopis izrađen na osnovu zvaničnih podataka Zajednice JPTT. Sa stanjem 5. IV 1969." Arranged by capital city of a republic and then by other cities in a republic. Included in the microfilm set Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 6. | MRR/GC/MERC |
1970 | Promjene kod pretplatnika nastale za vrijeme štampanja imenika. | Both | "Stanje na dan 1.X 1970." Supplement to the telephone directory of Yugoslavia, changes which occurred since the publication of the directory as of October 1, 1970. Vojvodina listings appear under Serbia. No listings for Kosovo. LC holds 2 copies of this title. | MRR/GC |
1971 | Telefonski imenik SFRJ. | Both | "Poslednje unošenje izvršeno je 1. X 1970." Arranged by capital city and then republic. Kosovo and Vojvodina are listed under Serbia. Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 9; and Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). | MERC |
1972 | Telefonski imenik elektroprivrednih organizacija SFR Jugoslavije. | Org. | Includes various color maps and charts related to the electrical system in Former Yugoslavia. LC holds 2 copies of this title. | MRR/GC |
1972 | Jugoslovenski poslovni telefonski imenik radnih organizacija. | Org. | Separate sections for each republic and autonomous province. | MRR/GC |
1973 | Telefonski imenik SFRJ. | Both | "Poslednje unošenje izvršeno je 1. X 1972." Arranged by capital city and then republic. Kosovo and Vojvodina each have their own sections. Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 14; and Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). | MERC |
1974 | Jugoslovenski poslovni telefonski imenik radnih organizacija. | Org. | Separate sections for each republic and autonomous province. | MRR/GC |
1975/76 | Telefonski imenik SFRJ. | Both | Arranged by republic or autonomous province. Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reels 22 and 23; and Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). | MERC |
1979 | Jugoslovenski poslovni telefonski imenik radnih organizacija. | Org. | Separate sections for each republic and autonomous province. | MRR/GC |
1983/84 | Jugoslovenski poslovni telefonski imenik radnih organizacija. | Org. | Separate sections for each republic and autonomous province. | MRR/GC |
1985/86 | Jugoslovenski poslovni telefonski imenik radnih organizacija. | Org. | Separate sections for each republic and autonomous province. | MRR/GC |
1985/86 | Yu-Tel: poslovni telefonski imenik. | Org. | Organized by city. | MRR/GC |
1988 | Jugoslovenski poslovni telefonski imenik radnih organizacija. | Org. | LC holds Knjiga 1 only, covering B&H, Montenegro, Croatia, North Macedonia. | MRR/GC |
1990/91 | Jugoslovenski poslovni telefonski imenik. I knjiga. Bosna i Hercegovina, Crna Gora, Hrvatska, Makedonija. | Org. | Arranged by republic. | MRR/GC |
1991 | YU telefax '91: telefax imenik SFRJ = Annuaire telefax SFRJ. | Org. | Arranged by city. | MRR/GC |
1995 | YU-Tel: poslovni telefonski imenik. Band 1-2. | Org. | Included in the microfilm set Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 93. | MERC |