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Franklin Book Programs, Inc., a private non-profit corporation, was established in 1952 and continued until 1978 as a joint-venture between the American Library Association's International Relations Committee and publishers from the American Book Publishers Council Foreign Trade Committee. The expressed purpose of the initiative was to "assist developing countries in the creation, production, distribution, and use of books and other educational materials ("Gift Aids Center For the Book," News from the Library of Congress Press Release, January 10, 1979). The program involved approximately fifteen countries and as many languages. Over the course of more than two decades, Franklin Book Programs helped facilitate the publication of approximately 3,000 titles in languages such as Arabic, Armenian, Bangla, Chinese, English, Hausa, Igbo, Indonesian, Malay, Persian, Pushtu, Urdu, and Yoruba.
The Arabic program is significant in the history of the Franklin Book Program because the first books published by the Franklin Book Program were published in Arabic. According to the original lists provided to the Library of Congress at the time of acquisition, 1,277 books were translated into Arabic between 1953 and 1977. The Library currently holds 1,297 items, with some being parts of multipart series, and some are duplicates with the same or different editions or publishers. Most of the items were published in Cairo, Egypt. Books were also published in Beirut, Lebanon and al-Fajjalah (Suez), Egypt. The list below is abbreviated to give the researcher an idea of the breadth of materials translated. For a complete list of the Franklin Book Program Arabic books, refer to the Library of Congress Catalog search provided here.
Multiple copies of a book may be available. Please check the catalog record or holding division for information about a particular title.
All Arabic materials including the items listed here may be accessed in the African and Middle Eastern Reading Room.
Book # | ALA-LC Romanized Title | Original English Title | Publication City | Year |
A1 | ʻAllamatni al-hayah | This I believe | Cairo | 1953 |
A2 | al-Hararah | Heat | Cairo | 1953 |
A3 | [no title given] | Animals we know | Evanston, Ill | 1955 |
A4R | al-Madhahib al-iqtisadiyah al-kubra | Ideas of the great economists | Cairo | 1953 |
A5 | al-Sharq al-awsat fi muʼallafat al-amrikiyin | Middle East in the writings of Americans | Cairo | 1953 |
A6 | Tilifunuka wa-kayfa yuʼaddi ʻamalah | Your telephone and how it works | Cairo | [1960?] |
A7 | Nisa' saghirat | Little Women | Misr [Egypt] | 1953 |
A9 | Daribat al-hubb wa gharam ʻanis | Ethan Frome | [Cairo] | [1954] |
A10 | Ifham nafsak | Self-understanding | Cairo | 1954 |
A11 | Tatawwur al-fikr al-siyasi | History of political theory | Cairo | 1954 |
A12 | al-Dubb al-akbar | Biggest bear | Cairo | 1954 |
A13 | al-Kahraba' | al-Kahraba' | Cairo | [1954] |
A14 | Amrika tahta al-maykruskub | America under the microscope | Cairo | 1954 |
A15 | al-Dawʼ | Light | Cairo | [1952?] |
A16 | Qahir al-muhit : mudhakkirat al-tayyar Lindbirj | Spirit of St. Louis | [Cairo] | [1954] |
A17 | Li-madha yanharif al-atfal ? | Why children misbehave | Cairo | 1954 |
A18 | Jisr al-mawt | Bridge of San Luis Rey | [Cairo] | [1960?] |
A19 | al-Fil al-majnun | Silly Willy Nilly | [Cairo] | [1954] |
A20 | al-Malayin al-arbaʻah : majmuʻat qisas qasirah | Four million | [Cairo] | [1960?] |
A21 | ʻIlm al-nafs al-tarbawi | Educational psychology | Cairo | 1954 |
A22 | Dhayl al-arnab | Robbut | Misr [Egypt] | [1950?] |
A23 | al-ʻIlm yadʻu lil-iman | Man does not stand alone | Cairo | 1954 |
A24 | Mawaqif hasimah fi tarikh al-ʻilm | Science and common sense | Misr [Egypt] | [1954] |
A25 | Alwan min al-qissah al-saghirah fi al-adab al-Amriki : naqd wa-namadhj mutarjamah min adab al-qissah | American Short Stories | [Cairo] | 1954 |
A26 | Fawqa jawad aghbar | Pale horse, pale rider | [Cairo] | [1954] |
A27 | Makhawif al-atfal | Fears of children | Cairo | 1954 |
A28 | al-Funun al-Islamiyah | Handbook of Muhammedan art | Misr [Egypt] | 1954 |
A29 | Shin : al-faris al-majhul | Shane | [Cairo] | [1954] |
A30 | ʻIlm al-nafs al-tarbawi | Educational psychology | Cairo | 1954 |
A31 | Nisa' saghirat | Little Women | Misr [Egypt] | 1953 |
A32 | Arbaʻ masrahiyat min al-adab al-Amriki | American plays | Cairo | 1954 |
A33 | Hayawanat ma qabla al-tarikh | Animals of yesterday | [Cairo] | [1954] |
A34 | Jismak wa-al-alah | You as a machine | Cairo | 1954 |
A35 | Dirasat fi al-adab al-amriki | Twentieth Century Literature in America, William O'Connor, Henry Regnery Co | Cairo | 1952 |
A36 | Tahiyat al-ajras | Bell for Adano | [Cairo] | [1954] |
A37 | Fann al-taʻlim | Art of teaching | [Cairo] | 1954 |
A39 | Kayfa tatakamal al-shakhsiyah | How personalities grow | Cairo | 1954 |
A40 | al-Kumidya al-insaniyah | Human comedy | [Cairo] | [1954] |
A41 | al-Ida'ah wa-kayfa tatawwarat | Stepping stones to light | Cairo | [1945] |
A42 | al-Tawjih al-mihani lil-shabab | Helping youth choose careers | Cairo | 1954 |
A43 | al-Alat al-Lati nastakhdimuha kulla yawm wa-kayfa tuʼaddi ʻamalaha | Everyday machines and how they work | Cairo | [1955?] |
A45 |
Idisun | Thomas Edison | Cairo | [1955] |
A46 | 34 yawman bayna al-amwaj | Raft | [Beirut] | [1955] |
A47 | al-Shiʻr al-ʻArabi fi al-mahjar | Captain Caution | Cairo | 1955 |
A48 | al-Mushkilat al-infiʻaliyah lil-namuw | Emotional problems of growing up | Cairo | 1955 |
A50 | Washinjtun | Washington | Cairo | 1955 |
A51 | Iktishaf muyul al-atfal | Exploring Children's Interests | Cairo | 1955 |
A52 | Rasid al-bank al-kabir | Mama's bank account | [Cairo] | 1955 |
A54 | al-Mamlakah al-ʻArabiyah al-Saʻudiyah wa-tatawwurat masadiriha al-tabiʻiyah | Saudi Arabia | Cairo | 1955 |
A55 | Ibn Firjinya | Virginian | Cairo | 1955 |
A57 | al-Tatawwur al-kabir : nisf qarn min al-hayah al-Amrikiyah | Big change | [Cairo] | 1951 |
A58 | al-ʻAlam min hawlak : kama yabdu li-awwal nazrah | All around you | [Cairo] | [1955?] |
A59 | alTtifl wa al-wirathah | Your children's heredity | Cairo | 1955 |
A60 | Taʻawun al-aba' wa-al-mudarisyin | Parents and teachers as partners | Cairo | 1955 |
A61 | Nisa' saghirat | Little Women | Misr [Egypt] | 1953 |
A62 | al-Nizam al-siyasi fi al-Wilayat al-Muttahidah | United States political system, and how it works | Cairo | 1955 |
A63 | al-Madinah al-faDilah ʻinda falasifat al-qarn al-thamin ʻashar | Heavenly City of the Eighteenth-Century Philosophers | Cairo | 1955 |
A64 | al-ʻAlam wa-Ainishtain | Universe and Dr. Einstein | Cairo | 1955 |
A65 | al-Tarbiyah al-ijtimāʻiyah lil-atfal | Guiding children's social growth | Cairo | 1955 |
A67 | Mayadin ʻilm al-nafs : al-nazariyah wa-al-tatbiqiyah | Fields of psychology (V.2) | Cairo | 1955-1956 |
A68 | al-Asas al-iqtisadi lil-haDarah al-Amrikiyah | American way | Cairo | 1955 |
A69 | Sihhat abnaik | You children's health | Cairo | 1956 |
A70 | al-Dunya watanuh wa-al-hurriyah rayatuh : surah qalamiyah lil-batal al-tha'ir | His country was the world, a life of Thomas Paine | Cairo | 1956 |
A71 | Kayfa tahill mushkilatk | How to solve your problems | Cairo | 1956 |
A74 | al-Thaqafah al-Islamiyah wa-al-hayat al-muʻasirah : majmuʻat al-buhuth allati quddimat li-muʼtamar Brinstun lil-Thaqafah al-Islamiyah | Colloquium on Islamic Culture in its Relation to the Contemporary World, September, 1953 | Cairo | [1956?] |
A75 | al-tifl wa al-umur al-jinsiyah | Helping children understand sex | Cairo | 1956 |
A77 | al-Dharrah al-yawm wa-ghadan | Atoms today & tomorrow | Cairo | [195-?] |
A78 | al-Amanah da'iman | What is honesty? | Cairo | 1960 |
A79 | Bawatiq wa-anabiq : qissat al-kimya | Crucibles | Cairo | [1960?] |
A80 | Ahlam al-muhandisin | Engineers' dreams | Cairo | [1956] |
A81 | Mabahij al-falsafah | Pleasures of philosophy | Cairo | 1955-1956 |
A82 | al-ʻAlam baina daffati kitab | Wonderful world of books | Cairo | 1956 |
A83 | Kayfa takunu aban najihan | Guide to successful fatherhood | Cairo | [1960?] |
A84 | Takwin al-ʻaql al-hadith | Making of the modern mind. | Beirut | [1956?] |
A85 | Iktashif shakhsiyatik | Exploring your personality | Cairo | [1960?] |
A86 | Fi maghib al-qamar | Moon is down | Cairo | 1956 |
A87 | Mayadin ʻilm al-nafs : al-nazariyah wa-al-tatbiqiyah | Fields of psychology (V.1) | Cairo | 1955-1956 |
A88 | Jabarut al-ʻaql | Man's unconquerable mind | Beirut | [1960] |
A89 | al-Takiyf al-ijtmāʻi lil-atfal | Helping children adjust socially | Cairo | [1955?] |
A91 | Kasb muhabat al-ghir | Getting along with others | Cairo | [1960?] |
A92 | Madha hadatha fi al-tarikh | What happened in history | Cairo | [1956?] |
A93 | Idarat al-nas fann | Supervising people | Cairo | [1958?] |
A94 | Nisa' saghirat | Little Women | Misr [Egypt] | 1953 |
A95 | al-Hadarah al-masriyah | Burden of Egypt | Cairo | 1957 |
A96 | Suqram : al-Rajul alladhi jaruʼa ʻala al-suʼal | Socrates, the man who dared to ask | Cairo | 1956 |
A97 | ʻUdwan al-atfal | Understanding hostility in children | Cairo | [1960?] |
A98 | Tanmiyat al-qudrah ʻala al-taʻlum ʻinda al-atfal | Improving children's learning ability | Cairo | [1960?] |
A99 | Tajdid fi al-falsafah | Reconstruction in philosophy | Cairo | [1950?] |
A100 | al-Shams wa-al-alah | More Power to you | Cairo | 1957 |
A101 | Kayfa yalʻab al-atfal : lil-mutʻah wa-al-taʻallum | How children play: for fun and learning | Cairo | [1960?] |
A102 | al-Mujtamaʻ | Society | Cairo | 1957-1971 |
A103 | Dustur al-umm | Common sense book of baby and child care | Cairo | [1960?] |
A104 | al-ʻAlam al-ʻArabi | Arab world | Cairo | [1953?] |
A105 | ara' Jifirsun al-hayyah | Living thoughts of Jefferson | Beirut | 1957 |
A106 | al-Tayfus wa-al-tarikh | Rats, lice, and history | Cairo | [194-?] |
A107 | Quduratak al-ʻaqliyah | You and your mental abilities | Cairo | [1960?] |
A109 | al-Ikhtibarat al-nafsiyah wa-dalalatuha | What tests can tell us about children | Cairo | [1960?] |
A110 | Sa'id al-ghizlan | Deerslayer | Cairo | 1957 |
A111 | al-Sawt | Sound | Cairo | [1957] |
A112 | Wara' al-ufuq : masrahiyah fi thalathat fusul | Beyond the horizon | Cairo | 1957 |
A114 | Tarikh al-ʻilm : al-ʻilm al-qadim fi al-ʻasr al-dhahabi lil-Yunan | History of science | Cairo | 1957 |
A115 | Ruwad al-istratijiyah al-hadithah : al-fikr al-ʻaskari min Mikafilli ila Hitlir | Makers of modern strategy | Cairo | 1957- |
A116 | Qadat al-ʻilm fi al-ʻalam al-jadid | Men of science in America | Cairo | 1957- |
A117 | al-Iliktrun wa-atharuhu fi hayatina | Electronics for young people | Misr [Egypt] | 1957 |
A118 | Dakhil Ifriqiya | Inside Africa | Cairo | [1957?] |
A119 | Kayfa tadur ʻajalat al-hayah : "kitab fi awwaliyat ʻilm al-tabiʻah" | What makes the wheels go round | Cairo | 1957 |
A120 | al-ʻAql al-nadij | Mature mind | Cairo | 1963 |
A121 | al-Jadhibiyiah al-arDyah | Gravity | Cairo | [1957] |
A122 | al-Ka'inat al-hiyyah | Living things | Cairo | 1957 |
A123 | Mawʻid maʻa al-shada'id aw al-Mamarr al-shamali al-Gharbi | Northwest passage | Cairo | 1957 |
A124 | Qudah wa-muhamun | Elogio dei giudici | [Cairo, Egypt] | 1957 |
A125 | Takwin al-ʻaql al-hadith | Making of the modern mind | Beirut | [1956?] |
A126 | Baldatuna : masrahiyah fi thalathat fusul | Our town | Cairo | 1957 |
A127 | Kayfa tatadhawwuq al-musiqa | What to listen for in music | Cairo | [1950?] |
A128 | Tabul ʻala al-Muhuwk | Drums along the Mohawk | Cairo | 1957- |
A130 | Wasa'il al-tanmiyah al-iqtsadiyah | Approaches to economic development | Cairo | 1958 |
A131 | al-Safar ila al-kwakib | Flight into space | Cairo | 1957 |
A133 | al-Sharah al-qurmuziyah | Scarlet letter | Cairo | 1958 |
A134 | al-Mushkilat al-infiʻaliyah lil-marad | Emotional problems of illness | Cairo | 1958 |
A135 | Falyaʻumm al-rakha' | Let there be bread | Cairo | 1958 |
A136 | al-Naqd al-adabi wa-madarisuh al-hadithah | Armed vision | Beirut | 1958-1960 |
A137 | Fi qabdat al-thuluj : masrahiyah dhat thalathat fusul | Icebound | Cairo | 1958 |
A138 | Qadat al-ʻilm fi al-ʻalam al-jadid | Men of science in America | Cairo | 1957- |
A139 | ʻIndama dakhalu al-tarikh | High moment | Beirut | 1958 |
A140 | al-Iqlim al-Suri wa-iqtisadiyatuh : Dirasah muqtabasah min taqrir waDaʻahu al-Bank al-Duwali lil-Insha' wa-al-Taʻmir bi-daʻawah min al-hukumah al-Suriyah | Economic development of Syria | [Cairo] | [1958] |
A141 | al-Tijarah al-dawliyah wa-al-tanmiyah al-iqtisadiyah | International trade and economic development | [Cairo] | [190-?] |
A142 | Mahaddish wakhid minha hajah : masrahiyah hazliyah fi thalathat fusul | You can't take it with you | Cairo | 1958 |
A143 | al-Maghnatisat | Magnet | Cairo | [1953] |
A144 | al-Ard al-zirāʻiyah | Soil | Cairo | 1958 |
A145 | Kayfa yanmu al-atfal | How children grow and develop | Cairo | [1960?] |
A146 | al-Dam al-masfuk | First blood | al-Fajjalah, Misr [Egypt] | [195-?] |
A147 | Rijal ghayyaru wajh al-ʻalam ; min qisas al-ikhtrāʻ wa-al-kashf | Men who changed the world | Cairo | 1958 |
A148 | Min alwah Sumar | From the tablets of Sumer | Baghdad | [1958] |
A149 | Wahid, Ithnan, thalathah...la nihayah | One, two, three, infinity | Cairo | 1958 |
A151 | Limadha sirtu tabiban: maqalat muʼallafah wa-mutarjamah | Why we became doctors | Cairo | 1958 |
A152 | Hadiyah min al-bahr | Gift from the sea | Cairo | [1955?] |
A153 | al-Ribat al-fiddi : masrahiyah fi thalathat fusul | Silver code | [Cairo] | 1958 |
A154 | Atfaluna al-mauhubun | Helping the gifted child | Cairo | 1960 |
A155 | Tabul ʻala al-Muhuwk | Drums along the Mohawk | Cairo | 1957- |
A156 | Tarbiat al-shuʻur bi-al-masʻuliyah ʻinda al-atfal | Developing responsibility in children | Cairo | 1958 |
A157 | al-ʻAlam min hawlana : ma narah minhu wa ma la narah | Many worlds seen and unseen | Cairo | 1958 |
A158 | Ruwad al-istratijiyah al-hadithah : al-fikr al-ʻaskari min Mikafilli ila Hitlir | Makers of modern strategy | Cairo | 1957- |
A159 | Wasa'il al-tanmiyah al-iqtsadiyah | Approaches to economic development | Cairo | 1958 |
A160 | Shajarat al-hadarah : qissat al-insan mundhu fajr ma qabl al-tarikh hatta bidayat al-ʻasr al-hadith | Tree of culture | [Cairo] | [1958]-1961 |
A161 | Mawsuʻat tarikh al-ʻalam | An encyclopaedia of world history | Cairo | [19--?] |
A162 | Kayfa nabhath ʻan ʻamal | How to get the job | Cairo | 1958 |
A163 | Rih al-Sharq wa-rih al-Gharb : Imrʼah sainaiyah tatahadath | East wind, west wind | Beirut | 1958 |
A164 | Dakhil Ifriqiya | Inside Africa | Cairo | [1957?] |
A165 | al-ʻArab wa-al-malahah fi al-Muhit al-Hindi fi al-ʻusur al-qadimah wa-awa'il al-qurun al-wusta | Arab seafaring in the Indian Ocean in ancient and early medieval times | Cairo | [1958] |
A166 | al-Muʼassasat al-iqtisadiyah wa ʻalaqatuha bi-al-rafah al-insani | Economic institutions and human welfare | Beirut | 1958 |
A167 | Fann al-sihafah : bi-qalam aʻlam al-sahafiiyn | Newsmen speak | Beirut | 1958 |
A168 | Harabna bi-jildina | Skin of our teeth | [Cairo] | 1958 |
A169 | Tarikh Suriya wa-Lubnan wa-Filastin | History of Syria | Beirut | 1958-1959 |
A170-171 | Dhahaba maʻ al-Rih | Gone with the wind | Beirut | [1958] |
A172 | Huqul al-Firdaws | Pastures of heaven | Beirut | 1958 |
A173 | Anna Kristi : masrahiyah fi arbaʻat fusul | Anna Christie | [Cairo] | 1959 |
A174 | Nisa' shahirat min al-Sharq wa-al-Gharb | Lives of girls who became famous | Cairo | 1959 |
A175 | Ummi....Uhibbuki | Mama, I love you | Cairo | 1958 |
A176 | al-ʻIlm fi hayatina al-yawmiyah | Science in everyday life | Cairo | 1959 |
A177 | Qissat al-tibb | Story of medicine | Cairo | 1959 |
A178 | Tarikh al-ʻilm : al-ʻilm al-qadim fi al-ʻasr al-dhahabi lil-Yunan | History of science | Cairo | 1957- |
A179 | ʻIlm al-nafs fi hayatina al-hadithah | Age of psychology | Beirut | 1959 |
A180 | Sukkan al-samawat | Citizen of the galaxy | Cairo | 1959 |
A181 | Zawjat Kirij : masrahiyah dhata thalathat fusul | Craig's wife | [Cairo] | 1959 |
A182 | al-ʻIlm bayna yadayk fi tajarib | Science experiences with home equipment | Cairo | 1959 |
A183 | al-Batal fi al-tarikh | Hero in history | Beirut | 1959 |
A184 | Azmat al-Insan al-hadith | Case for modern man | Beirut, Lebanon | 1959 |
A185 | Shajarat al-hadarah : qissat al-insan mundhu fajr ma qabl al-tarikh hatta bidayat al-ʻasr al-hadith | Tree of culture | [Cairo] | [1958]-1961 |
A186 | Habat al-Nil : tarikh Misr [Egypt] [Egypt]al-qadimah | Gift of the river | [Cairo] | [194-?] |
A187 | al-ʻIlm yazhafu | Science marches on | Cairo | 1959 |
A188 | al-Tih : masrahiyah fi thalathat fusul | Ah, wilderness! | [Cairo] | 1959 |
A190 | Dirasat fi al-adab al-ʻArabi | Selections of Arabic Literature | Beirut | 1959 |
A191 | al-Imbaratur Junz : masrahiyah fi fasl wahid | Emperor Jones | Cairo | 1959 |
A192 | Fi kaff al-ʻasifah | Let the hurricane roar | Cairo | 1959 |
A193 | al-Maruj al-khdar | Sea of grass | Beirut | 1959 |
A194 | Arnist Himinghway : dirasah fi fannihi al-qasasi | Hemingway, the writer as artist | Beirut | 1959 |
A195 | Qissat al-iktishafat al-tibbiyah al-kubra | The story behind great medical discoveries | Cairo | 1959 |
A196 | al-ʻIlm fi hayatina al-yawmiyah | Science in everyday life | Cairo | 1959 |
A197 | Qissat al-hadarah : al-nahDah | The Story of Civilisation : The Renaissance | [Cairo] | 1958- |
A198 | Tatawwr al-adab al-amriki : maqal fi al-naqd al-tarikhi | Cycle of American literature | Beirut | 1959 |
A199 | al-Qarah al-bayda' ard al-mughamarat : qissat al-qarah al-mutajammdah al-janubiyah | White land of adventure | Cairo | 1959 |
A200 | Mabadi al-iqtisad fi hayatana al-yawmiyah | Economics for living | Cairo | 1959 |
A201 | Marku Bulu : Mughamaratihi wa-Istikshafatihi | Adventures and discoveries of Marco Polo | Baghdad | 1959 |
A202 | Dirasat fi al-adab al-ʻArabi | Selections of Arabic Literature | Beirut | 1959 |
A203 | Fann kitabat al-masrahiyah | Art of dramatic writing | Cairo | 1964 |
A204 | al-Hurriyah wa-al-karamah al-insaniyah : majmuʻat aqwal | Anthology : Human Dignity and Freedom | Cairo | 1959 |
A205 | al-Twjih al-mhni li-dhwi al-ʻahat | Vocational counseling with the physically handicapped | Cairo | 1959 |
A206 | al-Qafilah : qissat al-sharq al-awsat | Caravan | Beirut | 1959 |
A207 | Tarikh Suriya wa-Lubnan wa-Filastin | History of Syria | Beirut | 1958-1959 |
A208 | al-Dawlah al-ittihadiyah : ususaha wa-dusturiha | The Federalist or, the new Constitution | Beirut | 1959 |
A209 | Manahij al-bahth fi ʻilm al-nafs | Methods of psychology | Cairo | 1959- |
A210 | al-Qawmiyah al-ʻArabiyah : fikratuha, nashʼatuha, tatawwuruha | Ideas of Arab nationalism | Beirut | 1959 |
A211 | Lubnan fi al-tarikh | Lebanon in history | 1959 | |
A212 | al-Biruqratiyah wa-al-mujtamʻ fi Misr [Egypt] [Egypt]al-hadithah : dirasat ʻan muwazzafi al-hukumah | Bureaucracy and society in modern Egypt | Cairo | 1959 |
A213 | al-Bayt dhu al-suquf al-sabʻah | House of the seven gables | Beirut | 1959 |
A214 | Sihhat al-tifl : amrad al-atfal -- aʻradiha -- ʻilajuha | Parents' guide to children's illnesses | Beirut | 1959 |
A215 | Kristufar Kulumbus : al-muktashif al-ʻazim | Christopher Columbus, mariner | Beirut | 1959 |
A216 | Shajāʻat al-saʻadah | Courage to be happy | Cairo | 1959 |
A219 | al-Dharrah al-ʻazimah | Mighty atom | Baghdad | 1959 |
A220 | Kayfa nuʻawin al-ikhwah wa-al-akhawat ʻala al-tafahum | Helping brothers and sisters get along | Cairo | 1959 |
A221 | Jifirsun, al-raʼis al-faylasuf min kitabatih | Jefferson himself | Cairo | 1959 |
A223 | Fajr al-hadarah fi al-sharq al-adna | Birth of civilization in the Near East | Beirut | 1960 |
A224 | Amriki fi uruba : du zurth | Dodsworth | Beirut | 1961 |
A225 | Kayfa nusāʻid al-atfal ʻala tanmiyat qiyamahum al-khuluqiyah | Helping children develop moral values | Cairo | 1959 |
A226 | Kayfa naʻish maʻa al-atfal | How to live with children | Cairo | 1965 |
A228 | al-Warathah : masrahiyah fi faslayn | Heiress | Cairo | [1950] |
A229 | al-Shams wa-al-ard wa-al-insan | Sun, earth, and man | Baghdad | [1960?] |
A230 | al-Tifl wa al-qira'ah al-jadidah | Helping children read better | Cairo | 1960 |
A231 | Kayfa nusāʻid al-atfal ʻala al-najah fi al-madrasah | Helping children get along in school | Cairo | [1960?] |
A232 | Lima qadar ʻala hadha? | Why did this have to happen | Cairo | 1960 |
A233 | Ruwad al-suwarikh fi triqaha ila al-fada' | Rocket pioneers on the road to space | Cairo | 1960 |
A234 | Mawʻid maʻa al-shada'id aw al-Mamarr al-shamali al-Gharbi | Northwest passage | Cairo | 1957 |
A235 | Hadhihi al-saghirah : wa-qisas ukhra | Reading for pleasure | Cairo | [1960] |
A236 | Qahir al-qutb al-janubi : rihlat al-Amiral Ritshard Bird | Alone | Cairo | 1960 |
A237 | Allah yatajalla fi ʻasr al-ʻilm | Evidence of God in an expanding universe | [Cairo] | [19--?] |
A238 | Dirasat Islamiyah | Simon Bolivar : the great liberator | Beirut | 1960 |
A239 | al-Jizyah wa-al-Islam | Conversion and the poll tax in early Islam | Beirut | 1960 |
A240 | Anta wa-al-ʻilm : min al-baramij al-ʻilmiyah lil-tilifizyun | Today's science and you | Cairo | [1960] |
A241 | al-Naqd al-adabi wa-madarisuh al-hadithah | Armed vision | Beirut | 1958-1960 |
A242 | Sihhat al-hamil | Expectant motherhood | Beirut | 1960 |
A243 | Musaʻadat al-tifl ʻala ijadat al-kalam | Helping children talk better | Cairo | 1960 |
A244 | al-Bahth ʻan al-hall : al-uslub al-riyadi min zawiyah jadidah | How to solve it | Beirut | 1960 |
A245 | al-tiflah alati la tanmu abadan | Child who never grew | Cairo | 1960 |
A246 | Kayfa natafaham maʻa al-walidain | How to live with parents | Cairo | 1960 |
A247 | Mihnatuk wa kayfa takhtaruha | Choosing your career | Cairo | 1960 |
A248 | Qissat al-dawrah al-damawiyah | Lifeline, the story of your circulatory system | Cairo | [1955] |
A249 | 10 Qisas Amrikiyah | 10 American short stories | Cairo | 1960 |
A250 | al-Fardiyah qadiman wa-hadithan | Individualism, old and new | Beirut | 1960 |
A251 | al-Bahhar al-wasim : Bili Badd | Billy Budd | Cairo | [between 1950 and 1959] |
A252 | al-Bahth ʻan al-yaqin | Quest for certainty | [Cairo] | 1960 |
A253 | al-Quwa al-bahriyah wa-altijariyah fi hawD al-Bahr al-Mutawassit (500-1100 م) | Naval power and trade in the Mediterranean, A.D. 500-1100 | Cairo | [1960] |
A255 | al-Radyu wa-al-tilifizyun | All about radio and television | Cairo | 1960 |
A256 | al-ʻAlam al-qadim wa-al-madinah al-hadithah | Ancient science and modern civilization | Cairo | 1960 |
A257 | Yawmiyat ... adam wa-hawwa' | Diary of Adam and Eve | Cairo | 1960 |
A258 | Qissat Firdinand : al-thawr al-ʻajib | Story of Ferdinand | Cairo | 1960 |
A259 | ʻAlam al-ghad | Shape of tomorrow | Cairo | [1960] |
A260 | al-Mantiq : nazariyat al-bahth | Logic | Cairo | 1960 |
A261 | Falsafat al-hayah al-ʻammah | Public philosophy | Cairo | 1960 |
A262 | Qamus Jun Diwi lil-tarbiyah : "mukhtarat min muʼallafatuh" | Dictionary of education | Cairo | 1964 |
A263 | Mughamarat al-afkar : ʻard falsafi ra'iʻ lil-afkar wa-al-hadarat | Adventures of ideas | Baghdad | 1960 |
A265 | Iʻraf mushkilatak | What are your problems? | Cairo | 1960 |
A266 | Musaʻadat al-atifal ʻala hall mushkilatihim | Helping children solve problems | Cairo | 1960 |
A267 | al-Dharrah fi khdmat al-salam | Peacetime uses of atomic energy | Cairo | [1960] |
A268 | Dustur al-umm | Common sense book of baby and child care | Cairo | [1960?] |
A269 | Nushuʼ al-Kunn | Creation of the universe | Cairo | 1960 |
A270 | al-ʻAql al-muntalaq | Mind goes forth | Beirut | 1960 |
A271 | Kayfa tastamtiʻ bi-waqt al-faragh | Enjoying leisure time | Cairo | 1960 |
A272 | Mushkilat sulukak | Your behavior problems | Cairo | 1960 |
A274 | Fajr al-hyah | Dawn of life | Cairo | 1960 |
A275 | Ma qabla al-falsafah : al-insan fi mughamaratih al-fikriyah al-ula | Before philosophy | Baghdad | 1960 |
A276 | ʻIlm al-iqtisad al-hadith | Modern economics | Beirut | 1957 |
A277 | Hayat rajul aʻmal fi Amrika | Rise of Silas Lapham | Beirut | 1960 |
A278 | Kayfa tukawwin falsafatak fi al-hayah | Building your philosophy of life | Cairo | 1960 |
A279 | Bitrul al-sahara' | Desert enterprise | Beirut | 1960 |
A280 | ʻIlm al-iqtisad al-hadith | Modern economics | Beirut | 1957 |
A281 | Marahil al-numuw al-iqtisadi | Stages of economic growth | Beirut | 1962 |
A282 | Tisiyr al-qira'ah | Streamline your reading | Cairo | 1960 |
A283 | Nahwa madaris afDal | Supervision for better school | Cairo | 1960 |
A284 | Hayat al-ruh fi Dūʼ al-ʻilm | Biology of the spirit | Cairo | 1960 |
A285 | al-Tanqib ʻan al-maDi, aw, al-kashf ʻan al-hadarat al-qadimah | Digging into yesterday | Cairo | 1960 |
A286 | al-Qudurat al-ʻaqliyah ʻinda al-atfal | Mental abilities of children | Cairo | 1960 |
A287 | al-Nafs al-munbathiqah fi al-madrasah wa-al-bayt | Emerging self in school and home | Cairo | 1960 |
A288 | Iktsab al-khbrat al-mihniyah | Getting job experience | Cairo | 1960 |
A289 | al-Bahth ʻan al-saʻadah : falsafah lil-hayʼah al-muʻasrah | Pursuit of happiness | Baghdad | 1960 |
A290 | al-Naqd al-adabi | Age of criticism | Beirut | 1960 |
A291 | Fi ghayahib al-majhul : qissat hayat thalathah min al-mustakshifiyn | Beyond adventure | [Cairo] | 1961 |
A292 | Tumas Wulf, 1900-1938 | Thomas Wolfe | Beirut | 1960 |
A293 | Tarikh al-ʻilm : al-ʻilm al-qadim fi al-ʻasr al-dhahabi lil-Yunan | History of science | Cairo | 1957 |
A294 | Sulayman al-Qanuni : sultan al-Sharq al-ʻazim | Suleiman, the Magnificent | Baghdad | 1961 |
A295 | Min maktabat jaddi | Invitation to learning (Radio program) | Cairo | 1961 |
A296 | Saykulujiyat al-muqabalah | How to interview | Cairo | 1961 |
A298 | Dustur al-umm | Common sense book of baby and child care | Cairo | [1960?] |
A299 | Nazarat fi al-thaqafah | Aspects of culture | [Cairo] | 1961 |
A300 | Saykulujiyat al-idarah | Psychology in management | Cairo | 1961 |
A301 | Mawarid al-taqah al-bashariyah fi al-iqlim al-janubi | Human resources for Egyptian enterprise | Cairo | 1961 |
A302 | Shajarat al-haDarah : qissat al-insan mundhu fajr ma qabl al-tarikh hatta bidayat al-ʻasr al-hadith | Tree of culture | [Cairo] | [1958]-1961 |
A303 | Dalil islah al-sayyarat : dalil li-malik al-sayyarah yashmal bayanat al-ikhtbar wa-al-tashkhis wa-aldabt li-jamiʻ al-tatawwurat alhadithah fi alsayyarat | Automobile trouble shooters' guide | Cairo | 1961 |
A304 | al-Nijarah al-ʻammah | General woodworking | Cairo | 1961 |
A305 | al-Fard wa-al-Mujtamaʻ | Invitation to learning (Radio program) | Cairo | 1961 |
A306 | al-ʻUlum al-siyasiyah | Political science | Baghdad | 1960- |
A307 | Mawlid al-hurriyah al-jadid | New birth of freedom | Beirut | [1959] |
A308 | al-ʻAlam fi al-qarn al-ʻashrin | The world in the twentieth century | Beirut | 1955 |
A309 | Hinry Jims, 1843-1916 | Henry James | Beirut | 1961 |
A310 | ʻAlam Shtaynbik al-rahib | Wide world of John Steinbeck | Beirut | 1961 |
A311 | Fann al-dirasah | How to study | Beirut | 1961 |
A312 | Rihlat Bintu | Pinto's journey | Cairo | 1961 |
A315 | al-Biruqratiyah fi al-mujtamaʻ al-hadith | Bureaucracy in modern society | Beirut | 1961 |
A316 | Madha bi-dakhil jasmi? | What's inside of me? | Cairo | 1961 |
A317 | Kayfa tusaʻidu abna'uka fi al-madrasah | How to help your child in school | Beirut | 1960 |
A318 | al-Bitrul : ʻIlm wa-sinaʻah | Oil, today's black magic | Cairo | 1961 |
A319 | Buhuth mumtiʻah lil-ʻUlama' al-sighar | Research ideas for young scientists | Cairo | 1961 |
A320 | Daʻna nafham mushkilat al-shabab | Let's listen to youth | Cairo | 1961 |
A321 | Arnist Himinghway | Ernest Hemingway | Beirut | 1961 |
A323 | al-Tariq ila al-tafkir al-mantiqi | Guide to logical thinking | Cairo | 1961 |
A324 | ʻAja'ib al-kimiya | All about the wonders of chemistry | Cairo | 1961 |
A325 | Mark Twin | Mark Twain | Beirut | 1961 |