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Franklin Book Programs, Inc., a private non-profit corporation, was established in 1952 and continued until 1978 as a joint-venture between the American Library Association's International Relations Committee and publishers from the American Book Publishers Council Foreign Trade Committee. The expressed purpose of the initiative was to "assist developing countries in the creation, production, distribution, and use of books and other educational materials" ("Gift Aids Center For the Book," News from the Library of Congress Press Release, January 10, 1979). The program involved approximately fifteen countries and as many languages. Over the course of more than two decades, Franklin Book Programs helped facilitate the publication of approximately 3,000 titles in languages such as Arabic, Armenian, Bangla, Chinese, English, Hausa, Igbo, Indonesian, Malay, Persian, Pushtu, Urdu, and Yoruba.
The books translated into Chinese that were donated to the Library of Congress as a part of the Franklin Book Program Archives are, in fact, not books translated for the Franklin Book Program. The distinctive number pasted on the outer cover of the other titles in Arabic, Bengali, etc. is missing from the Chinese titles. There is no evidence of a Franklin Book Program office having ever existed or operated from mainland China or Taiwan. Taipei, Taiwan, China was the publication location of all of the Chinese translations listed below. Also missing from these books in Chinese is the statement placed on the copyright page: "Publication of this original book is sponsored by Franklin Publications, Inc. [city]." Printed in its stead is as follows: "Published in Chinese Translation by Committee for Translation and Compilation of College Textbooks Ministry of Education Taipei, Taiwan, China [year]." These Chinese translations appear to be part of a long-term and extensive translation program of English textbooks into Chinese. This translation program through the Ministry of Education in China (previously located in mainland China, transferred to Taipei in 1949) was meant to fill the need for textbooks in Chinese caused by the proliferation of Western-style educational institutions and hospitals.
Multiple copies of a book may be available. Please check the catalog record or holding division for information about a particular title.
All Chinese materials including the items listed here may be accessed in the Asian Reading Room.
Book # | ALA-LC Romanized Title | Original English Title | Publication City | Year |
C-1 | Jing ji si xiang shi | History of economic thought | Taipei | [1959] |
C-2 | Gong ye jiao yu gai lun | Essentials of industrial education | Taipei | [1959] |
C-3 | Zhong deng xue xiao fu dao gai lun | Guidance services in smaller schools | Taipei | [1959] |
C-4 | Xing zheng xue | Public administration | Taipei | [1959] |
C-5 | Xi yang si xiang shi | Ideas and men | Taipei | [1959] |
C-6 | Ying Mei fa zong lun | Outlines of the law | Taipei | [1959] |
C-7 | Nong yong ye yin ji | Tractors and their power units | Taipei | [1959] |
C-8 | Lao gong kang le huo dong | Industrial recreation | Taipei | [1959] |
C-9 | Tu rang xue | Nature and properties of soils | Taipei | [1959] |
C-10 | Zhi ye jiao yu de yuan li yu shi ji | Principles and practices of vocational education | Taipei | [1959] |
C-11, 12 | Meiguo shi yan jiu | Understanding the American past | Taipei | [1956-1957] |
C-13, 14 | She hui jing ji jie gou : jing ji xue dao lun | Social framework | Taipei | [1957] |
C-15 | Maikease de gu shi | Untold story of Douglas MacArthur | Taipei | [1958] |
C-16 | Meiguo jiao yu | Introduction to education in modern America | Taipei | [1958] |
C-17, 18 | Da xue kuai ji | Accounting for colleges and universities | Taipei | [1957] |
C-19, 20 | Xi'aote Luosifu zhuan | Theodore Roosevelt | Taipei | [1957] |
C-21, 22 | Meiguo zhong yang zheng fu gai lun | Fundamentals of American national government | Taipei | [1958] |
C-23, 24 | Zhe xue dao lun | Philosophy: an introduction | Taipei | [1958] |
C-25, 26 | Jia zheng jiao yu | Homemaking education in the high school | Taipei | [1958] |
C-27 | Xi yang zheng zhi si xiang shi | History of political theory | Taipei | [1958] |
C-28 | Linken zhuan | Lincoln | Taipei | [1958] |
C-29 | She hui xue yuan li | Principles of sociology | Taipei | [1958] |
C-30 | Jin gong xue | Machine shop technology | Taipei | [1955] |
C-31 | Meiguo xian dai wai jiao shi | Diplomatic history of the United States | Taipei | [1958] |
C-32 | Huo bi yin hang xue gang yao | Money and banking | Taipei | [1958] |
C-33 | Zhefeixun zhuan | Thomas Jefferson, the apostle of Americanism | Taipei | [1958] |
C-34 | Gong gong zhe xue | Public Philosophy | Taipei | [1958] |
C-35 | Jiao shi jian tu shu guan yuan shou ce | Teacher-librarian's handbook | Taipei | [1958] |
C-36 | Yidali de chong jian | Rebuilding of Italy, politics and economics, 1945-1955 | Taipei | [1957] |
C-37 | Shi jie ren kou yu zi yuan | Political and Economic Planning | Taipei | [1958] |