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Franklin Book Programs, Inc., a private non-profit corporation, was established in 1952 and continued until 1978 as a joint-venture between the American Library Association's International Relations Committee and publishers from the American Book Publishers Council Foreign Trade Committee. The expressed purpose of the initiative was to "assist developing countries in the creation, production, distribution, and use of books and other educational materials" ("Gift Aids Center For the Book,' News from the Library of Congress Press Release, January 10, 1979). The program involved approximately fifteen countries and as many languages. Over the course of more than two decades, the Franklin Book Program helped facilitate the publication of approximately 3,000 titles in languages such as Arabic, Armenian, Bangla, Chinese, Hausa, Igbo, Indonesian, Malay, Persian, Pushtu, Urdu, and Yoruba.
The Franklin Book Program established a field office in Kuala Lumpur under the direction of Ghazali Yunus in 1960 to publish Malay-language books. The Library of Congress holds 65 Malay titles from the Franklin Book Program, all of which are translations of English-language titles. Books from this collection were published in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore through the combined efforts of at least nine publishing houses. Titles from the Malay collection cover a variety of topics and subjects including: Childcare, Juvenile Fiction, Juvenile Science, and Fiction. The Franklin Book Program operated in Kuala Lumpur for eight years before being terminated in 1968.
Field Office Leadership
Ghazali Yunus served as director of the field office in Kuala Lumpur from 1960 to 1968. Previously a journalist and magazine editor, he was also a founder and President of the Malay Book Publishers Association from 1968 to1972.
In the summer of 2022, the Asian Division’s Junior Fellow Andrea Decker worked on a project to identify and inventory the Franklin Book Program’s Indonesian and Malay titles. You can read about some research conducted with this collection in Andrea’s post on the Library’s 4 Corners of the World blog: “Franklin Book Program Titles in Indonesian and Malay: Book Publishing through Geopolitical and Linguistic Shifts.” In addition, please see Andrea’s video for more information on this junior fellow project.
Multiple copies of a book may be available. Please check the catalog record or holding division for information about a particular title.
All Malay materials including the items listed here may be accessed in the Asian Reading Room.
Book # | ALA-LC Romanized Title | Original English Title | Publication City | Year |
M1 | Menchari dan memelihara persahabatan | Making and keeping friends | Kuala Lumpur | 1960 |
M1R | Menchari dan memelihara persahabatan | Making and keeping friends | Kuala Lumpur | 1965 |
M2 | Bergaul dengan orang lain | Getting along with others | Kuala Lumpur | 1960 |
M2R | Bergaul dengan orang lain | Getting along with others | Kuala Lumpur | 1965 |
M3 | Magnet | Magnets | Kuala Lumpur | [1961] |
M4 | Harimau di-lĕmbah pahit | Tiger of bitter valley | Kuala Lumpur | 1961 |
M5 | Binatang-binatang purbakala | Animals of yesterday | Kuala Lumpur | 1961 |
M5R | Binatang-binatang purbakala | Animals of yesterday | Kuala Lumpur | 1965 |
M6 | Mutiara | The pearl | Kuala Lumpur | 1962 |
M7 | Binatang-binatang yang kita kenal | Animals we know | Kuala Lumpur | 1962 |
M8 | Atom yang amat kuat | The mighty atom | Kuala Lumpur | 1962 |
M9 | Panas | Heat | Kuala Lumpur | 1962 |
M10 | Bersama sang surya | Ride with the sun | Kuala Lumpur | 1962 |
M11 | Perjalanan Si Pinto | Pinto's journey | Kuala Lumpur | 1963 |
M12 | Bumi bertuah | The good earth | Kuala Lumpur | 1962 |
M13 | Bunyi | Sound | Kuala Lumpur | 1963 |
M14 | Letrik | Electricity | Kuala Lumpur | 1963 |
M15 | Gayaberat | Gravity | Kuala Lumpur | 1963 |
M16 | Panggilan ka-alam bebas | Call of the wild | Kuala Lumpur | 1963 |
M17 | Akhir-nya ayer-lah yang berkuasa | And the waters prevailed | Kuala Lumpur | 1963 |
M18 | Biar-lah badai mengamok | Let the hurricane roar | Kuala Lumpur | 1963 |
M19 | Ibu yang ku-kenang | Mama's bank account | Kuala Lumpur | 1963 |
M20 | Roboh-nya jembatan San Luis Rey | The bridge of San Luis Rey | Kuala Lumpur | 1963 |
M21 | Bergembira dengan badan yang sehat | Health can be fun | Kuala Lumpur | 1963 |
M22 | Kesah pengembaraan Marco Polo | Adventures and discoveries of Marco Polo | Kuala Lumpur | 1963 |
M23 | Benda-benda hidup | Living things | Kuala Lumpur | 1963 |
M24 | 'Ilmu mĕngajar | The art of teaching | Kuala Lumpur | 1963 |
M25 | Chahaya | Light | Kuala Lumpur | 1963 |
M26 | Angin Timor, angin Barat | East wind, west wind | Kuala Lumpur | 1964 |
M27 | Kita sa-bagai misin | You as a machine | Kuala Lumpur | 1964 |
M28 | Jatoh-nya Konstantinopel | Fall of Constantinople | Kuala Lumpur | 1964 |
M29 | Kesah hidup Thomas Alva Edison | Thomas Alva Edison | Kuala Lumpur | 1964 |
M30 | Buku-buku yang merobah dunia | Books that changed the world | Kuala Lumpur | 1964 |
M31 | Kuda merah | The red pony | Kuala Lumpur | 1964 |
M32 | Si-awang labu | Robert Francis Weatherbee | Kuala Lumpur | 1964 |
M33 | Masharakat serangga | Insect societies | Kuala Lumpur | 1964 |
M34 | Tanah | Soil | Kuala Lumpur | 1964 |
M35 | Napoleon dalam pertemporan Waterloo | Napoleon and the battle of Waterloo | Kuala Lumpur | 1964 |
M36 | Sopan santun | Where are your manners | Kuala Lumpur | 1965 |
M37 | Wanita2 terkemuka | Lives of girls who became famous | Kuala Lumpur | 1964 |
M38 | Lima puloh chĕrita tĕladan | Fifty famous stories retold | Kuala Lumpur | 1965 |
M39 | Mari kita ka-perpustakaan | Let's go to the library | Kuala Lumpur | 1966 |
M39R | Mari kita ka-perpustakaan | Let's go to the library | Kuala Lumpur/Singapore | 1967 |
M41 | Anak kambing bernama Gurun | Gordon the goat | Kuala Lumpur | 1966 |
M42 | Serba sadikit kisah dinosaurus | The true book of dinosaurs | Kuala Lumpur | 1966 |
M43 | Rama tukang gunting | Billy the barber | Kuala Lumpur | 1966 |
M44 | Si aman dengan ikan emas-nya | Plenty of fish | Kuala Lumpur | 1966 |
M45 | Dari zaman batu ka-zaman roket | From rocks to rockets | Kuala Lumpur | 1966 |
M46 | Dari-hal laut | All about the sea | Kota Bharu | [1966] |
M47 | Membantu anak2 maju dalam pelajaran | Helping children get along in school | Kota Bharu | [1966] |
M48 | Ayam katek berwarna chokelat | The little brown hen | Kuala Lumpur | 1966 |
M49 | Satelit bumi | The earth satellite | Kuala Lumpur | 1966 |
M50 | Gurun | Deserts | Kuala Lumpur | 1967 |
M51 | Siti Sarah gadis berani | The courage of Sarah Noble | Kuala Lumpur | 1967 |
M52 | Pergeseran | Friction | Kuala Lumpur | 1967 |
M53 | Perchubaan2 sains dengan alat-alat yang terdapat di-rumah | Science experiences with home equipment | Kuala Lumpur | 1967 |
M54 | Kisah hidup anak2 miskin yang menjadi mashhor (volume 1) | Lives of poor boys who became famous | Kuala Lumpur | 1967 |
M55 | Kisah hidup anak2 miskin yang menjadi mashhor (volume 2) | Lives of poor boys who became famous | Kuala Lumpur | 1967 |
M56 | Menjaga tingkah laku | Manners can be fun | Kuala Lumpur | 1967 |
M57 | Sayang... si-hitam | The black stallion | Kuala Lumpur | 1967 |
M58 | Apa ada dalam tuboh binatang? | What's inside of animals? | Kuala Lumpur | 1967 |
M59 | Rukun dan bahagia | Three promises to you | Kuala Lumpur | 1967 |
M60 | Seronok tahu membacha | Reading can be fun | Kuala Lumpur | 1967 |
M61 | Bagaimana menjaga kelakuan dan mengapa | How to behave and why | Kuala Lumpur | 1967 |
M62 | Perchubaan2 sains dengan alat-alat yang murah (volume 1) | Science experiences with ten-cent store equipment | Kuala Lumpur | 1967 |
M63 | Perchubaan2 sains dengan alat-alat yang murah (volume 2) | Science experiences with ten-cent store equipment | Kuala Lumpur | 1967 |
M64 | Johan bin Haji Daud | John Henry Davis | Kuala Lumpur | 1967 |
M65 | Kolam chita-chita | The wishing pool | Kuala Lumpur | 1967 |
M66 | Sa-kali peristiwa | Once-upon-a-time story book | Kuala Lumpur | 1967 |