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Franklin Book Program Collection at the Library of Congress

Persian Franklin Books

Please Note: The Library of Congress transcribes non-Roman script languages according to the LC Romanization Tables. The Persian table is accessible here. To allow users greater ease in searching the non-English Franklin titles, the diacritic marks have been removed in the lists below. The spelling according to the Romanization tables, however, remains the same. For fully transcribed titles with diacritic marks, please refer to the catalog record for each item. For assistance searching for a particular title in a specific language, please contact the appropriate reading room for assistance through Ask a Librarian.
Please Note: Links to titles on this page will retrieve fuller bibliographic information from the Library of Congress Online Catalog.

Franklin Book Programs, Inc., a private non-profit corporation, was established in 1952 and continued until 1978 as a joint-venture between the American Library Association's International Relations Committee and publishers from the American Book Publishers Council Foreign Trade Committee. The expressed purpose of the initiative was to "assist developing countries in the creation, production, distribution, and use of books and other educational materials" ("Gift Aids Center For the Book," News from the Library of Congress Press Release, January 10, 1979). The program involved approximately fifteen countries and as many languages. Over the course of more than two decades, Franklin Book Programs helped facilitate the publication of approximately 3,000 titles in languages such as Arabic, Armenian, Bangla, Chinese, English, Hausa, Igbo, Indonesian, Malay, Persian, Pushtu, Urdu, and Yoruba.

According to the original lists provided to the Library of Congress at the time of acquisition, 850 books were translated into Persian between 1954 and 1975. While most books are translated from English works into Persian, a number of items are republications of classical Persian literature, such as works by Rumi and Sa'di. A few other items are translated from other languages in the Islamicate world such as Arabic. The Library currently holds 989 Franklin items in Persian, with some being parts of multipart series, and some are duplicates with the same or different editions or publishers. Some of these are parts of multipart series and some of duplicates with the same or different editions or publishers. Most of the items were published in Tehran, Iran. Books were also published in Kabul, Afghanistan and Tabrīz, Iran. The list below is abbreviated to give the researcher an idea of the breadth of materials translated. For a complete list of the Franklin Book Program Persian books, refer to the Library of Congress Catalog search provided here.

Multiple copies of a book may be available. Please check the catalog record or holding division for information about a particular title.

All Persian materials including the items listed here may be accessed in the African and Middle Eastern Reading Room.

Book # ALA-LC Romanized Title Original English Title Publication City Year
P2 Sharh-i hal va afkar va ʻaqayid-i filsuf-i buzurg-i Yunani Suqrat Socrates, the man who dared to ask Tehran [1954]
P3 Kumidi-i insani, ya, Payk-i marg va zindagi Human comedy Tehran [1954]
P4 Rushd-i shakhsiyat How personalities grow Tehran [1954/1955]
P5 Hayavanati ra kih mishinasim Animals we know [Tehran] [1955?]
P6 Pul-i marg Bridge of San Luis Rey Tehran [195-?]
P8 Hararat Heat Tehran [1954 or 1955]
P9 Majaraha-yi Marku Pulu Adventures and discoveries of Marco Polo [Tehran] [1960]
P10 Nur Light Tehran [1954 or 1955]
P11 Hayavanat-i guzashtah Animals of yesterday [Tehran] [1955]
P12 Chira atfal badʹakhlaq va badʹraftar bar miyayand Why children misbehave Tehran [1955]
P14 ʻAqayid-i buzurgtarin ʻulama-yi iqtisad Ideas of the great economists [Tehran] [1954]
P15 Barq Electricity Tehran [1955?]
P16 Raz-i afarinish-i insan Man does not stand alone Tehran [1956]
P17 Istiʻdad-i amuzish-i atfal Improving children's learning ability Tehran [1960]
P18 Madar va bachchah Common sense book of baby and child care Tehran [1955]
P19 Mah pinhanast Moon is down [Tehran] [between 1950 and 1955]
P20 Timur Lang Tamerlane [Tehran] [1955]
P21 Chigunah pidar-i khubi bashid? Guide to successful fatherhood [Tehran] [195-?]
P22 Sarguzasht-i ʻilm Life of science Tehran [1955]
P23 Ava-yi vahsh Call of the wild [Tehran?] [1955]
P24 Shadkami Personal problems [Iran] [1955]
P25 Jahan va Aynshtayn Universe and Dr. Einstein Tehran [1955 or 1956]
P26 Nazari bi-hunar-i naqqashi Pictures to grow up with [Tehran] [1955]
P27 Tars-i atfal Fears of children Tehran [1960]
P28 Durustkari-i atfal What is honesty [Tehran] [195-?]
P29 Dastan-i bashar Story of mankind Tehran [1955]
P30 Dagh-i nang The scarlet letter [Tehran?] [1955]
P31 Afsanahʹha-yi raz va khayal / az Idgar Alan Paw Short stories. Selections : Edgar Alan Poe [Tehran?] [1955]
P32 ʻAql-i kamil Mature mind Tehran [1955]
P33 Chamanzarharha-yi bihisht Pastures of heaven Tehran [1955]
P34 Azmayishha-yi ʻilmi Real book of science experiments Tehran, Iran [1955]
P35 Fath-i Qutb-i Shimal va Janub, sarguzasht-i Piri (Peary) va Bird Conquest of the North and South poles Tehran [1956?]
P36 Akhlaq va shakhsiyat Human nature and conduct [Tehran?] [1955 or 1956]
P37 Fann-i idarah-ʼi umur-i ʻumumi Public administration Tehran [195-?]
P38 ʻIlm-i qadim va tamaddun-i jadid : mushtamil bar Uqlidus va zaman-i u, Batlamiyus va zaman-i u, payan-i ʻilm va frhang-i Yunani Ancient science and modern civilization Tehran [1955 or 1956]
P39 Fann-i idarah Administration [Tehran] [1956]
P40 Jandaran Living things Tehran [1957?]
P41 Fann-i idarah-ʼi umur-i ʻumumi Public administration [Tehran] [1956]
P42 Nazariyat va mabahisi dar fann-i idarah-ʼi umur-i ʻumumi Part 1, The Meaning and Method of "Public Administration", from Ideas and Issues in Public Administration [Tehran] [1956]
P43 Azmayishha-yi atumi bara-yi hamah Atomic experiments for boys Tehran [1952?]
P44 Musiqi : chigunah az musiqi lizzat bibarim What to listen for in music. Shahabad [1955]
P45 Usul-i sazman-i idari Elements of administration [Tehran] [1956]
P46 Darya-yi sabz Sea of grass [Tehran?] [1956]
P47 Kapitan-i Muhtat va duzdan-i daryaʼi Captain Caution Tehran [1956 or 1957]
P48 Bahdasht-i atfal Your children's health Tehran, Iran [1956]
P49 Mashinha-yi khanagi : chigunah kar mikunid Everyday machines and how they work Tehran 1956
P50 Mardan-i khudʹsakhtah Lives of poor boys who became famous Tehran [1956]
P51 Muʻallim va shagird Art of teaching [Tehran] [1956]
P52 Afsanahʹha-yi naw : bihtarin qissahʹha bara-yi kudakan az abyat-i khariji American folk and fairy tales [Iran] [1956]
P53 Qahramanan-i tamaddun Heroes of civilization Tehran [1956]
P54 Sazman-i sanʻati va idarah-ʼi an Industrial organization and management [Tehran] [195-?]
P55 Atum dar khidmat-i bashar : imruz va farda-yi atum Atoms today and tomorrow [Tehran] [1956?]
P56 Antuniya-yi man My Ántonia Tehran [1956 or 1957]
P57 Taskhir-i napazir Unvanquished Tehran [1956 or 1957]
P58 Safari bih sarzamin-i dilavaran Grass [Tehran?] [1955]
P59 Nishan-i surkh-i daliri Red badge of courage Tehran [195-?]
P60 Jihad dar Urupa Crusade in Europe [Iran] [1956]
P62 Mushkilat-i ruhi-i atfal Emotional problems of growing up [Tehran] [195-?]
P63 Madar va bachchah Common sense book of baby and child care Tehran [1955]
P64 Insan-i mubariz Man against nature [Tehran?] [195-?]
P65 Ijtimaʻat-i hasharahʹha Insect societies Tehran [195-?]
P66 Funun-i zindagi Arts of living [Tehran] [195-?]
P67 ʻIlm va mardum Science and common sense [Tehran] [1956 or 1957]
P68 Sawt Sound [Tehran] [1958?]
P69 Iran az nazar-i khavarshinasan Iran in the writing of U.S. writers Tehran [1956 or 1957]
P70 Jang va sulh dar Islam War and peace in the law of Islam [Tehran] [1956]
P71 Paydayish va takamul-i mawjudat Meaning of evolution Tehran [1957?]
P72 Insan dar takapu-yi tamaddun Man's great adventure Tehran [1957]
P73 Mayl va raghbat-i atfal Exploring children's interests Tehran [195-?]
P74 Nujum bara-yi hamah Stars for Sam [Tehran] [1957]
P76 Iskandar-i Maqduni Alexander of Macedon Tehran [1957]
P77 Quvvah-ʼi jazibah Gravity Tehran [195-?]
P78 Sazgari-i atfal ba ijtimaʻ Helping children adjust socially Tehran [1957]
P79 Tilifun-i shuma : chigunah kar mikunad Your telephone and how it works [Tehran?] [195-?]
P80 ʻArus-i iran Nur Mahal Tehran [195-?]
P82 Paydayish va marg-i khurshid Birth and death of the sun [Tehran] [1957]
P83 Parvarish-i masʼuliyat dar atfal Developing responsibility in children [Tehran] [1957?]
P84 Muntakhabi az bihtarin ashʻar-i Amrikaʼi : az 25 shaʻir-i maʻruf-i Amrika, az qarn-i hafdahum ta imruz Anthology of American poetry Tehran [1957]
P85 Tarikh-i falsafah The story of philosophy Tehran [1957]
P86 Khanah, madrasah va kudak Parents and teachers as partners Tehran [1957]
P87 Chira charkh micharkhad What makes the wheels go round Tehran [1957]
P88 Fann-i namayishnamahʹnivisi Art of creative writing Tehran [1957]
P90 Tufan mighurrad Let the hurricane roar Tehran [1957]
P92 Yak, du, sih, binihayat One, two, three, infinity [Tehran] [1957]
P93 Ibn Khaldun va Timurlang Ibn Khaldun and Tamerlane Tehran [195-?]
P94 Amuzish-i jinsi-i atfal Helping children understand sex Tehran [1952?]
P95 Huquq dar Islam Law in the Middle East [Tehran?] [1957?]
P96 Tarikh-i ʻArab Arabs, a short history [Tehran] [195-?]
P97 Salamat-i ruh Mind alive Tehran [1957 or 1958?]
P98 Tarikh-i ʻilm : ʻilm-i qadim ta payan-i dawrah-ʼi talayi-i Yunan History of science Tehran [1957]
P99 Jahanʹha-yi didah va nadidah Many worlds [Tehran] [196-?]
P100 Ru-yi zamin va zir-i zamin Up above and down below Tehran [1957?]
P102 Ahval va asar-i Faranklin Biography of Benjamin Franklin Tehran [1956]
P104 Rushd-i akhlaqi-i atfal Helping children develop moral values Tehran [1957]
P105 Rahnama-yi sanayiʻ-i Islami Handbook of Muhammadan art Tehran [1957 or 1958 ]
P107 ʻUmar Khayyam Omar Khayyam [Tehran] [1957?]
P108 Kashtiʹshikastahʹha Short stories [Tehran] [195-?]
P109 Tarikh-i jahan bara-yi khurdsalan Child's history of the world Tehran [1957?]
P110 Karvan Caravan Tehran [195-]
P111 Mah-i masnuʻi Earth satellite Tehran [1957 or 1958 ]
P112 Ahanʹruba Magnets [Tehran] [1957?]
P113 Tarikh-i mukhtasar-i huquq-i bayn al-milal Concise history of the law of nations [Tehran] [1958 or 59]
P114 Bazi-i atfal How children play: for fun and learning [Tehran] [1958]
P115 Sazgari-i atfal dar khanah Helping brothers and sisters get along [Tehran] [1958]
P116-P117 Tarikh-i nazariyat-i siyasi History of political theory Tehran [195-?]
P118 Sarguzasht-i tamaddun Story of civilization [Kabul] [195-]
P119 Badan-i insan Science book of the human body [Tehran] [1958]
P120 Sarguzasht-i zamin Biography of the earth [Tehran] [1958]
P121 Hamrah-i aftab : afsanahʹha va dastanha-yi milli-i kishvarha Ride with the sun Tehran [1958]
P122 Bunyad-i naw dar falsafah Reconstruction in philosophy Tehran [1958]
P123 Mashriqʹzamin : gahvarah-ʼi tamaddun Our Oriental heritage Tehran [1958-1959]
P124 Tarikh-i fann-i jang Makers of modern strategy Tehran 1958-
P125 Khak Soil Tehran [196-?]
P126 Kitabhaʼi kih dunya ra taghyir dadand Books that changed the world Tehran [1958]
P127 Mashriqʹzamin : gahvarah-ʼi tamaddun Our Oriental heritage Tehran [1958-1959]
P128 Radiyu va tiliviziyun All about radio and television [Tehran] [1958]
P129 Jughrafi-i jahan bara-yi khurdsalan Child's geography of the world Tehran [1958]
P130 Tarikh-i Khavar-i Miyanah Middle East in world affairs Tehran [1958]
P131 Bar bad raftah Gone with the wind Tehran [1958-1959]
P132 Bahar-i zindagi As the earth turns Tehran [1958]
P133 Jughrafiya-yi panjum-i dabistan The golden geography Tehran [1958]
P134-P135 Rahnama-yi pisaran-i pishahang : nashriyah-i Shura-yi Milli-i Pishʹahangi-i Amrika Handbook for Boys Tehran [1958]
P136 Falsafah-ʼi ijtimaʻ, maqalati darbarah-ʼi, inhitat va ihya-yi jamiʻah-ʼi Gharb Public philosophy Tehran [1958]
P137 Dinusurha, janavaran-i pish az tarikh All about dinosaurs [Tehran] [1958]
P138 Darya : diyar-i ʻajayib All about the sea [Tehran] [1958]
P139 Shahzadah va gada Prince and the pauper [Tehran?] [1958]
P140 Atlas-i tarikh-i Islami Atlas of Islamic history Tehran [1954?]
P141 Musiqi-i sinfunik Adventures in symphonic music Tehran [1958]
P142 Majara-yi Pintu Pinto's journey Tehran [1958]
P143 ʻIsyan Caine mutiny Tehran [1958]
P144 Hikmat-i adyan Wisdom of the living religions Tehran [1958]
P145 Fann-i parastari Basic nursing Tehran [1958]
P146 Sulayman-i fatih Suleiman, the Magnificent Tehran [1958]
P147 Atashfishan va zalzalah All about volcanoes and earthquakes [Tehran] [1959]
P148 Sayr-i tamaddun Tree of culture Tehran [1959]
P149 Bihtarin ashʻar-i Hinri Lang Filu Selected poems of Henry Longfellow Tehran 1959
P150 Nukhustin ruzʹha-yi jahan First days of the world [Iran] [1959]
P151 Nukhustin mardum-i jahan First people in the world Tehran [1959]
P152 Armaghan-i darya Gift from the sea Tehran [1959]
P153 Bar bad raftah Gone with the wind Tehran [1958-1959]
P154 Shahkarʹha-yi hunar-i iran Masterpieces of Persian art Tehran [1959]
P155 Rahha-yi pishraft-i iqtisadi Approaches to economic development Tehran [1959-1960]
P156 Mashʻal-i sangin Lamp is heavy [Tehran?] [1959]
P157 Rahha-yi pishraft-i iqtisadi Approaches to economic development Tehran [1959-1960]
P158 Jadugar-i Shahr-i Zumurrud Wizard of Oz Tehran [1959]
P159 Kristuf Kulumb Christopher Columbus, mariner Tehran [1959]
P160 Falsafah-ʼi ʻilmi Philosophers of science Tehran [1961]
P161 Daryanavardi-i ʻArab dar Darya-yi Hind : dar ruzgar-i bastan va dar nukhustin Arab seafaring in the Indian Ocean in ancient and early medieval times Tehran [1959]
P162 Tarikh-i tamaddun-i Gharb va mabani-i an dar Sharq History of civilization Tehran [1959-1961]
P163 Pizishkan-i buzurg Men of medicine Tabriz [1959]
P164 Dushmani-i atfal Understanding hostility in children [Tehran] [1959]
P165 Mashriqʹzamin : gahvarah-ʼi tamaddun Our Oriental heritage (V.3) Tehran [1958-1959]
P166 Aʼin-i mudiri dar idarat va bungahha Supervising people [Tehran?] [1959]
P167 ʻUqab dar tufan High and the mighty Tehran [1959]
P168 ʻIlm va zindagi Science in everyday life Tehran [1959]
P169 Jughrafiya-yi iqtisadi Introductory economic geography Tehran [1959]
P170 Chigunah atfal rushd mikunand How children grow and develop [Tehran] [1959]
P171 Inirzhi-i atumi On nuclear energy Isfahan [1960]
P172 Amal-i tarbiyat Aims of education Tabriz [1959]
P173 Adamiyan-i nukhustin First men in the world [Tehran] [1960]
P174 ʻIlm-i imruz va shuma Today's science and you Tabriz [1960]
P175 Pishrawan-i mushakʹsazi Rocket pioneers on the road to space Tehran [1960]
P176 Shigiftiʹha-yi shimi All about the wonders of chemistry Tehran [1960]
P177 Dar intizar-i madar shudan Expectant motherhood Tehran [1960]
P178 Suz-i zindagi : majara-yi zindagi-i Vinsan van Gug naqqash-i Hulandi Lust for life Tehran [1960]
P179 Majara-yi Qutb-i Janub White land of adventure Tehran [1960]
P180 Nukhustin sal-i zindagi-i kudak Baby's first year Tehran [1960]
P181 Khashm va hayahu Sound and the fury [Tehran] [1959]
P182 Sayyarah-ʼi zamin Planet earth [Tehran] [1960]
P183 Kudakan-i ba istiʻdad Helping the gifted child Tehran [1960]
P184 Azadi va haysiyat-i insani Human dignity and freedom Tehran [1960]
P185 Azadi-i fard va qudrat-i dawlat : bahs dar ʻaqayid-i siyasi va ijtimaʻi-i Habz, Lak, Istuart Mil : ba tarjumah-ʼi guzidahʹi az nivishtahʹha-yi anan World's great thinkers/The philosophers of science - Vol.1 Tehran [1959]
P186 Bihtarin ashʻar-i Rabirt Firast Selected poems - Robert Frost Tehran 1960
P187 Bashar va abzar-i karash Man and his tools Tehran [1960]
P188 Bihtarin ashʻar-i Valt Vitman Leaves of grass. Selections Tehran 1960
P189 Majaraha-yi Hakil Biri Fin Adventures of Huckleberry Finn [Tehran] [1960]
P190 Sakinan-i kahkishan Citizen of the galaxy Tehran [1960]
P191 Sarguzasht-i andishahʹha Adventures of ideas Tehran [1960]
P192 Afarinish-i jahan Creation of the universe Tabriz [1960]
P193 Ab va hava All about the weather [Tehran] [1959]
P195 Bimari₋i atfal va mushkilat-i ruhi-i anha Emotional problems of illness Tehran [1960]
P196 Changiz Khan Genghis Khan and the Mongol horde [Tehran] [1960]
P197 Jangʹha-yi salibi Crusades [Tehran] [1960]
P198 Vaykingʹha Vikings [Tehran] [1960]
P199 Suqut-i Qustantaniyah Fall of Constantinople [Tehran] [1960]
P200 Shahkarha-yi muhandisi Engineers did it Tabriz [1960]
P201 Mushkilat-i sukhan guftan-i atfal Helping children talk better Tehran [1960]
P202 Iskandar-i kabir Alexander the Great [Tehran] [1960]
P203 Ikhtiraʻ-i havapayma Wright brothers [Tehran] [1960]
P204 Majaraha-yi Marku Pulu Adventures and discoveries of Marco Polo [Tehran] [1960]
P205 Dar kiranah-ʼi shab Edge of darkness [Tehran] [1960]
P206 Gurg-i darya Sea wolf Tehran [1960]
P207 Rah inast This is the way Tehran [1960]
P208 Mazhillan Ferdinand Magellan, master mariner [Tehran] [1960]
P209 Ikhtiraʻ-i tilifun Mr. Bell invents the telephone [Tehran] [1960]
P210 Siyah-i mubariz George Washington Carver Tehran [1960]
P211 Vilyam Shikaspir Will Shakespeare and the Globe Theater [Tehran] [1960]
P212 Piruzi bar tab-i zard Doctors who conquered yellow fever [Tehran] [1960]
P213 Az jan guzashtagan Winter at Valley Forge Tehran [1960]
P214 Bardah-ʼi azadiʹbakhsh Slave who freed Haiti [Tehran] [1960]
P215 Kapitan Kuk : kashif-i Australiya Captain Cook explores the South Seas Tehran [1960]
P216 Taʻlim va tarbiyat-i jadid dar madaris-i rustaʼi Modern education in the small rural school Tabriz [1960]
P217 Farda chih khvahad shud Shape of tomorrow Tabriz [1960]
P218 Firanklin Ruzivilt Story of Franklin D. Roosevelt Tehran [1960]
P219 Liʼunardu Davinchi Leonardo da Vinci Tehran [1960]
P220 Biyabanha-yi jahan All about the desert [Tehran] [1960]
P221 Ghul-i daryaha All about whales [Tehran] [1960]
P222 Rahi bih kishvar-i aftab Commodore Perry and the opening of Japan Tehran [1960]
P223 Panj safar-i purʹkhatar-i ʻilmi Famous scientific expeditions [Tehran] [1960]
P224 Zindagi-i giyahi Plant life [Tehran] [1960]
P225 Murghan Birds Tehran [196-?]
P226 Nazdiktarin hamsayah-ʼi zamin Earth's nearest neighbor Tehran [196-?]
P227 Gul, mivah, tukhm Flowers, fruits, seeds Tehran [196-?]
P228 Karʹafrazʹha : (mashinʹha) Machines Tehran [196-?]
P229 Qamarha-yi masnuʻi va safinahʹha-yi faz̤aʼi All about satellites and space ships [Tehran] [1960]
P230 Ansu-yi manzumah-ʼi shamsi Beyond the solar system Tehran [196-?]
P231 Qarn-i Darvin : nazariyah-ʼi takamul va mardi kih bi-kashf-i an tawfiq yaft Darwin's century Tehran [1960]
P232 Payvand-i du uqyanus Panama Canal [Tehran] [1960]
P233 Albirt Shvaytzir Story of Albert Schweitzer [Tehran] [1960]
P234 Garibaldi Garibaldi; father of modern Italy [Tehran] [1960]
P235 Azadi va istiqlal-i dunya-yi naw Our independence and the Constitution Tehran [1960]
P236 Utumubil Early days of automobiles [Tehran] [1960]
P237 Qahraman-i azadi Thomas Jefferson, father of democracy Tehran [1960]
P238 Simun Bulivar Simon Bolivar, the great liberator [Tehran] [1960]
P239 Jahan-i janavaran All about animals and their young Tehran [1960]
P240 Jangalʹha-yi jahan All about the jungle [Tehran] [1960]
P241 Jahan-i hasharat All about the insect world [Tehran] [1960]
P242 Jahan-i gulha All about our flowering world [Tehran] [1960]
P243 Tawsan-i badpa King of the wind Tehran 1960
P244 Iskatland Yard Story of Scotland Yard Tehran [1960]
P245 Malikah Ilizabit-i avval Queen Elizabeth and the Spanish Armada [Tehran] [1961]
P246 Sima-yi shujaʻan Profiles in courage Tehran [1960 or 1961]
P247 Shish bal : mardan-i ʻilm dar Runisans Six wings Tehran [1960]
P248 Gizinufun: bazgasht-i dah hazar Yunani Exploits of Xenophon [Tehran] [1961]
P249 Binjamin Firanklin Ben Franklin of old Philadelphia Tehran [1960]
P250 Martin Lutir Martin Luther [Tehran] [1961]
P251 Napilʼiun Napoleon and the Battle of Waterloo [Tehran] [1961]
P252 Manshur-i buzurg Magna charta [Tehran] [1961]
P253 Marzʹha-yi nujum Frontiers of astronomy Tehran [1960]
P254 Artur Shah va bahaduran-i miz-i gird King Arthur and his knights [Tehran] [1961]
P255 Bin Hur Ben Hur Tehran [1961]
P256 Gharnishinan-i pish az tarikh All about prehistoric cave men [Tehran] [1961]
P257 Jurj Vashingtan George Washington Tehran [1960]
P258 Katrin-i Kabir Catherine the Great [Tehran] [1961]
P259 Malikah-ʼi Vikturiya Queen Victoria [Tehran] [1961]
P260 Zhanʹdark Joan of Arc [Tehran] [1961]
P261 Abraham Linkuln Abe Lincoln, log cabin to White House Tehran [1960]
P262 Mari antivanit Marie Antoinette [Tehran] [1961]
P263 Isbat-i vujud-i khuda Evidence of God in an expanding universe Tabriz [1961]
P264 Hamrahi ba atfal Getting along with others Tehran [1961]
P265 Sarzaminha-yi yakhbandan All about the Arctic and Antarctic [Tehran] [1961]
P266 Muqaddimahʹi bar falsafah-ʼi amuzish va parvarish, ya, Dimukrasi va amuzish va parvarish Democracy and education Tabriz [1961]
P267 Marzʹha-yi danish Frontiers of knowledge in the study of man Tehran [1961]
P268 Panj rud All about great rivers of the world [Tehran] [1961]
P269 Dunya-yi sitaragan All about the stars [Tehran] [1961]
P270 ʻIlm bara-yi javanan ʻIlm bara-yi javanan Tabriz [1961]
P271 Havaʼi, gawhar-i Uqyanus-i aram Havaʼi, gawhar-i Uqyanus-i aram [Tehran] [1961]
P272 Jabhah-ʼi Duvvum Story of D-day [Tehran] [1961]
P273 Sun Yat Sin Man who changed China Tehran [1961]
P274 Khak-i khub Good earth Tehran [1961]
P275 Abshar-i Niyagara General Brock and Niagara Falls [Tehran] [1961]
P276 Chihrahʹha-yi dirakhshan-i tarikh Illustrated minute biographies Tehran [1961]
P277 Juyandagan-i tala California gold rush Tehran [1961]
P278 Kristuf Kulumb Voyages of Christopher Columbus [Tehran] [1961]
P279 Nabard-i Guvadal Kanal Guadalcanal diary [Tehran] [1961]
P280-P282 Yunan-i bastan Life of Greece Tehran [1961]
P283 Rah-i iftikhar Robert E. Lee and the road of honor Tehran [1961]
P284 Sipidʹdandan White fang Tehran [1961 or 1962]
P285 Kudakistan Kindergarten for Nebraska boys and girls Tabriz [1961]
P286 Parvanahʹha va shabʹparrahʹha All about moths and butterflies [Tehran] [1961]
P287 Balbūʼa, yakkahʹsavar-i fatih Balboa, swordsman and conquistador [Tehran] [1961]
P288 Nabard-i Baritaniya Battle of Britain [Tehran] [1961]
P289 Dastan-i dustan Fun with story friends Tehran [1961]
P290 Danishmandan-i buzurg-i jahan-i ʻilm Lives in science Shahabad [1961]
P291 Dayvi Kirakit : marzban-i dilavar Davy Crockett Tehran [1961]
P292 Kashtiʹha-yi badbani Clipper ship days Tehran [1961]
P293 Sangha va sakhrahʹha All about our changing rocks Tehran [1961]
P294 Falsafah-ʼi ʻilmi Philosophers of science Tehran [1961]
P295-P296 Tarikh-i jahan-i naw History of the modern world Tehran [1961]
P297 Kudakan-i dabistani ra chigunah bishinasim Gaining an understanding of elementary school children Tehran [1961]
P298 Tarikh-i tamaddun-i Gharb va mabani-i an dar Sharq History of civilization Tehran [1959-1961]
P299 Kurush-i Kabir Cyrus the Great [Tehran] [1961]
P300 Az havashinas bupurs Ask the weatherman Tehran [196-?]
P301 Sarguzasht-i dinʹha-yi buzurg How the great religions began [Tehran] [1961]
P302 Alvah-i Sumiri From the tablets of Sumer [Tehran] [1961]
P303 Tarikh-i shahanshahi-i Hakhamanishi History of the Persian Empire [Tehran] [1961]
P304 Buzurgmardan-i tarikh Lives of destiny Tabriz [1961]
P305 Khanah-ʼi haft shirvani House of the seven gables Tehran [1961]
P306 Bagh-i asrarʹamiz Secret garden [Tehran] [1961]
P307 Niru-yi atumi Scientific American. Atomic power. Tehran [1961]
P308 Niru-yi barq All about electricity [Tehran] [1961]
P309 Falsafah-ʼi tarikh Poetry of history [Tehran] [1961]
P311 Tarikh-i mardumʹshinasi From ape to angel [Tehran] [1962]
P312 Jughrafiya-yi ʻumumi-i jahan : manatiq-i muhimm-i jughrafiyaʼi Regional geography of the world [Tehran] [1962]
P313 Jizyah dar Islam Conversion and the poll tax in early Islam Tabriz [1962]
P314 Tarikh-i sinama Liveliest art Tehran [1962]
P315 Tarikh-i pizishki Story of medicine Tabriz [1962]
P316 Havadis-i buzurg-i tarikh History's hundred greatest events [Tehran] [1962]
P317 Alvah-i Babil They wrote on clay Tehran [1962]
P318 ʻUlum bara-yi dabistanha Science for Nebraska elementary school children Tabriz [1962]
P319 Mivahʹha-yi khurd Small fruits [Tabriz] [1962]
P320 Sazman-i Milal-i Muttahid   Tehran [1973]
P321 Qasr va azhdaha Castles and dragons [Tehran] [1963]
P322 Sarguzasht-i Muzart Story of Mozart [Tehran] [1962]
P323 Baba Lingʹdiraz Daddy-Long-Legs Tehran [1966 or 1967]
P324 Maqalat-i ʻilmi-i Aynshitayn Ideas and opinions. Selections. [Tehran] [1962]