Language of Publication: French
LC Location: General Collections
LC Has: Bound Volumes: 1889
Title Page:
Almanach français d’Ayer
Notes: Promotional almanac for Ayer’s Sarsaparilla and other patent medicines, printed in many languages to illustrate the scope of the brand. Along with
Hostetter’s Almanac, Ayer’s is composed primarily of testimonies and claims to cure all kinds of illnesses. The French version for 1889 is bound with various other volumes printed by Dr. J.C. Ayer, including multiple English editions calculated for different geographical locations (Canadian Maritime provinces, the provinces of Quebec and Ontario, the northern U.S., the middle U.S., the southern U.S., the Pacific Coast, Australia,South Africa, the East Indies, and Great Britain), Spanish editions (the Argentine Republic, Ecuador, Spain, Chile and Peru, and Central America), Portuguese editions (Brazil and Portugal), French editions (Canada and the U.S.), German editions (Canada, the northern U.S., the middle U.S., and the southern U.S.), Dutch (U.S. and South Africa), Swedish (U.S.), Norwegian-Danish (U.S.), Bohemian (U.S.), Welsh (U.S.), Italian (U.S.), Finnish (U.S.), as well as two English pamphlets (“Ayer’s Book of Emergencies” and “Ayer’s Handy Book”), and short examples of printing (“Specimens from Pamphlets in Turkish, Armenian, Greek, Bulgarian, Polish, Hawaiian, Gujarati (India), Burmese, Chinese”). Various English versions from 1854-1909 can be accessed digitally via HathiTrust: External