Bain News Service, publisher. Bartholdi's "Liberty" -- Paris. 1860. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.
The Library of Congress collects and manages an extensive amount of material for the study and enjoyment of Francophone film, from the silent era to contemporary film.
Links to these films and books are included in this guide because of their significance in film history and the development of the cinematic art. This page provides links to resources outside the Library of Congress catalog which will be useful for researchers or anyone with an interest in the world of Francophone film.
As an example, Cahiers du Cinéma, a key part of film history, is linked below, the magazine having served as an introduction to the film world for scores of directors, writers, and critics. In the pages of Cahiers, François Truffaut published arguably the most important film essay in history, "Une certaine tendance du cinéma français/A Certain Tendency of the French Cinema," in 1954. Leading film festivals such as FESPACO are also linked.
The Library of Congress collection is representative of the very wide geographic range of Francophone cinema, from Europe to the Caribbean, from Southeast Asia to North America. The links in the tabs below are intended as complements to the Library's collection.
Furthermore, the breadth of film genres is represented by everything from romantic comedies and film noir, to New Wave classics and satire.
Below are links to sources for further information outside the Library, including film news, websites for festivals, film reviews, and key institutes and organizations in the Francophone film world.
Note that many sites are in both French and English.
Additionally, the France in America Collection presents digitized items from the Library of Congress collection originally made available as the France in America digital library project, a part of the Global Gateways initiative. Conceived in partnership with the Bibliothèque nationale de France, France in America/France en Amérique was launched as a bilingual digital library made available by the Library of Congress. It explores the history of the French presence in North America from the first decades of the 16th century to the end of the 19th century. The original site was completed in fall 2006. Many of the items in this digital collection were digitized specifically for this partnership. To access materials from the Bibliothèque nationale de France, explore the Gallica External digital library platform.
In addition to this guide to French and Francophone Film, staff of the Library of Congress have produced several other detailed guides on French and Francophone resources. They are linked below.