This section provides a list of gigs economy jobs with descriptions.
You can begin searching for gig jobs by visiting company websites such as Fiverr, ZipRecruiter, and Indeed. To find relevant jobs on these platforms, use appropriate search terms to filter out the type of work you seek, such as gig, temporary, freelance, part-time, and contract jobs. Also, use specific job titles based on your skills, such as writer, graphic designer, delivery driver, or virtual assistant. These platforms allow you to filter out the type of job you seek, whether full-time, part-time, or temporary. You can filter job types based on pay, shift, and schedule (weekday, weekend, or overnight). Updating your resumes and profiles on professional work platforms like LinkedIn is essential in the competitive gig economy.
It's important to keep in mind that the terminology used to describe gig work or classify gig workers can vary widely across different industry publications, trade journals, websites, and digital platforms. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), gig work is defined as an alternative or contingent arrangement. Other gig related terms such as independent worker, on-demand worker, self-employed, and temporary worker can be found in the BLS News Release. 1
Additional terminology relate to the gig economy industry to can be found in the sources below.
Understanding the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is essential when discussing the United States. NAICS is a standard classification system used by Federal statistical agencies to categorize business establishments to gather, analyze, and publish statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. NAICS uses a five- or six-digit numbering system to distinguish amongst industries. Using NAICS codes while searching for jobs in the gig economy can be challenging because workers are often classified under closely related sectors. Here are some examples of industry codes for gig workers. To understand more about NAICS, explore Doing Industry Guide.
Babysitting | 624410 |
Dog Walking | 812910 |
Food Delivery Services | 492210 |
Handyman | 811490 |
Musician | 711130 |
Photographer | 541920 |
Rideshare | 485310 |
1. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, News Release. Contingent and Alternative Employment Arrangements-May 2017 External June 7, 2018. Back to text
2. The Economic Times, News Release. What is Freelancer External March 15, 2024. Back to text