*25. ספר השורשים / Sefer ha-Shorashim [The Book of Roots] by David KimhiCall Number: PJ4825 .K54 1491 Incun Coll Vollbehr Coll (Copy 1); PJ4825 .K54 1491 Hebr Cage (Copy 2)
Published/Created: Naples: [Joshua ben Solomon Soncino for Isaac ben Judah ben David] known as ben Catorze [or Quatorzi?], Thursday, Rosh Hodesh Adar 5251 [Feb. 10, 1491].
Hebraic Section. 2°
Rare Book and Special Collections Division. 2°
Goff: Heb–40; Hain: 6034; Offen: 106; Iakerson: 59; ISTC: id00102740
The Library of Congress has two copies. The copy in the Hebraic Section is bound in green velvet, heavily worn. Missing fol. 1; fols. 2-8 are given in manuscript, as are fols. 123, 127, and 130. This copy has been censored twice: Domenico Irosol[imitano] 1597; Dominico Carretto, 1618 (and cf. Popper, p. 140, no. 61). Inscription of ownership on the end leaf: יצחק אוריג׳ה בן אדוניה. The colophon in this book (167v) is known for having two different versions, one which gives the printer’s name and one which does not. Both copies in the Library of Congress belong to the second group, like the copy termed “59b” in Iakerson, Vol. I, pp. 289-290.
The copy in the Rare Book and Special Collections Division is complete and in excellent condition, though some of the leaves are rather wrinkled, particularly at the beginning. It is bound in camel-colored leather which does not, however, close entirely shut. The beautiful ornamental border (missing in the Hebraic Section copy) has some changes unique to this copy. It has the usual two winged and naked cherubs, or putti, in the lower part of the border, but the third cherub is missing from its usual place in the upper right-hand corner, as the paper here is torn. This tear has been carefully taped over with a piece of paper on which a figure is lightly sketched in, depicting a naked crouching man (his left leg modestly drawn forward) with a full beard, a pleasant expression, and what appears to be a turban around his head. The round medallion between the two winged cherubs, which was left empty by the printer and intended for the owner’s name or coat-of-arms, is here filled in with a somewhat roughly hand-drawn flower in orange-colored pencil or crayon. There are two owners’ (?) signatures in Hebrew and various scribblings on this same leaf (1r), but otherwise very few hand-written notes (e.g., 40r; and 166v in Italian). Like the copy of this book in the Hebraic Section, the colophon does not contain the printer’s name (see above), and has been censored twice: Domenico Irosolimitano 1597; Dominico Carretto, 1618.