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Doing Historical Company Research: A Resource Guide

Go Beyond the Library

map of the United States
United States. 2000. Central Intelligence Agency. Library of Congress Geography & Map Division.

Many of the print and subscription-based electronic resources mentioned throughout this guide are available at the Library of Congress. However, if you can't come to the Library to use them, you may be able to access some of them locally.

Many universities limit access to students but if they are more open see what they may have. Local and state historical societies, local history collections at public libraries, and State Libraries and Archives have knowledge of their state and local areas. These institutions will have collections that are geographically focused and will often have other material that will not be available anywhere else including:

  • local papers
  • local directories/telephone books
  • oral histories
  • uncatalogued and ephemeral materials
  • personal papers and records

The staffs of the local institutions will know the history of the area, its quirks, history, industries, people, business, etc. That knowledge will be key to getting what you want and maybe getting more than you thought. So tap into those that know.

Below are a number of resources for you to identify local collections.