The materials on this page link to selected resources about international currency in the Library's collection, on the internet, and in articles.
This material includes selected general sources on the history of international currency, including online and print resources, and also provides links to relevant subject searches in the Library of Congress online catalog. These resources are intended to be just a starting point — there are many more items in the Library's collections.
While the selected resources below include items related to issues such as exchange rates and more technical and theoretical issues such as the gold standard External or collecting money (numismatics), these topics are not the focus of the guide and are not covered in depth.
You can find more reading related to Cryptocurrency in the Fintech: Financial Technology Research Guide. The following print resources link to fuller bibliographic information about each item in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. In some cases, full-text electronic versions are available. Search the catalog for additional resources.
This is only a selection of articles that may be of interest with an emphasis on cryptocurrencies.