Publisher: Italian-American Cultural Center.
Languages: Not identified.
LC Holdings: Bound Volumes: v.15: no.9-v.15: no.12 (1998: Oct.-1998: Dec.), v.16: no.2-v.16: no.4 (1999: Feb.-1999: Apr.), v.16: no.8-v.16: no.10 (1999: Aug.-1999: Nov.), v.17: no.1-v.17: no.3 (2000: Jan.-2000: Mar.), v.17: no.5-v.17: no.11 (2000: May-2000: Nov.), v.18: no.1 (2001: Jan.), v.18: no.4-v.18: no.7 (2001: Apr.-2001: July), v.18: no.9-v.19: no.1 (2001: Sept.-2002: Jan.) v.19: no.3-v.19: no.4 (2002: Mar.-2002: Apr.), v.19: no.7-v.19: no.8 (2002: July-2002: Aug.), v.19: no.10-v.19: no.12 (2002: Oct.-2002: Dec.), v.20: no.2-v.20: no.4 (2003: Feb.-2003: Apr.) v.20: no.8-v.21: no.2 (2003: Aug.-2004: Feb.), v.21: no.4-v.21: no.10 (2004: Apr.-2004: Oct.), v.21: no.12 (2004: Dec.), v.22: no.2-v.23: no.7 (2005: Feb.-2006: July) v.23: no.9-v.23: no.11 (2006: Sept.-2006: Nov.), v.24: no.1 (2007: Jan.), v.24: no.3-v.25: no.12 (2007: Mar.-2008: Dec.), v. 26: no.2-v.26: no.8 (2009: Feb.-2009: Aug.) v.26: no.10-v.26: no.12 (2009: Oct.-2009: Dec.), v.27: no.2-v.29: no.10 (2010: Feb.-2012: Oct.), v.29: no.12-v.31: no.3 (2012: Dec.-2014: Mar.), v.31: no.6-v.32: no.1 (2014: June-2015: Jan.) v.32: no.3-v.32: no.7 (2015: Mar.-2015: July), v.32: no.9-v.33: no.9 (2015: Sept.-2016: Sept.), v.33: no.11-v.33: no.12 (2016: Nov.-2016: Dec.), v.35: no.3 (2018: Mar.), v.35: no.9 (2018: Sept.), v.35: no.11 (2018: Nov.), v.36: no.1-v.36: no.2 (2019 Feb./Mar.-2019: Apr./May), v. 35, issue 3 (2019 June/July--vol. Misprint).
LC Location: Reference - American Folklife Center.
Notes: The
Newsletter of the Italian-American Cultural Center of Iowa is published to serve the Italian American community of Des Moines. The current president of its Board of Governors is Paolo Bartesaghi who oversees the production of the newsletter, alongside eleven other members in different roles including a secretary, treasurer, director, and various collaborators. The purpose of the newsletter is to announce a variety of events connected to traditional Italian American festivities as well as fund raisers and other activities of the local community.
Bibliography: Italian American Cultural Center of Iowa (website). External