Publisher: Barsotti & Polidori.
Languages: Italian with some English.
LC Holdings: Microfilm: 1881: Apr.3-1885: Dec.31,1886: Jan.9-June 22, 1886: July 7-Dec.26,1887 : Jan.1-1892: Dec.31, 1893: Feb.1-June 30,1893: July 9-Dec.26,1894: Jan.2-June 30,1894: July 15-1896: Dec.27, 1897: July 4-1898: June 22,1898:July 1-Dec.31,1899: Jan.5-June 20,1899: July 5-1900: June 30, 1900: July 22-Dec.23, 1901: July 4-1902: Dec.31,1903: Jan.13-June 28, 1905: Feb.19-Dec.31,1906: July 7-Dec.30, 1907: July 2-1916: June 30,1916: Oct.8-Dec.31, 1917: Apr.1-June 25,1917: July 1-1920: Mar.31, 1920: July 7-Dec.25,1921: Jan.1-Dec.31, 1922: Apr.2-June 25,1922: July 1-1923: Dec.31, 1924: Apr.1-1985: Oct.29,1987: Dec.20-1988: Mar.24, 1988: Apr.12-May31,1988: June2-Nov.24/25,Supplements: 1903: June 28. Newspaper 7002 in Miscellaneous American Newspapers recording the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, v. 9, no. 42.
LC Location: Newspaper & Current Periodical Reading Room.
Notes: Il Progresso Italo-Americano began as a weekly newspaper and then became a daily. It claimed to be the first daily newspaper in Italian in the United States and was founded by Carlo Barsotti. By 1921 the paper had 110,000 subscribers all over the country and attained a circulation of 175,000 at its peak. It mainly provided wide coverage of American news. It was overtly favorable to Mussolini when he gained power. One of its main foci, was raising funds to erect statues to Italian heroes like Garibaldi, Giuseppe Verdi, Giovanni da Verrazzano, and Dante. It also campaigned for Italians who were considered the victims of a miscarriage of justice. Finally, it championed Italian invention and creativity according to commonly held beliefs circulating among the Italian Americans.
Il Progresso was a prime example of the
prominenti (term used to identify powerful Italian Americans) press, which aimed to facilitate the integration of Italian Americans into American society. This newspaper was continued by
America oggi.
Bibliographic Sources: Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, NJ).
A Survey of the Italian Language Press in the United States. 1942. Cannistraro, Philip V. "The Duce and the Prominenti: Fascism and the Crisis of Italian American Leadership."
Altreitalie. Rivista Internazionale di Studi sulle Migrazioni Italiane nel Mondo (July-December 2005): 76-86. External Danky, James P. and Wayne A. Wiegand (Eds.).
Print Culture in a Diverse America. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1998. Kraut, Alan M. "Immigration, Ethnicity, and the Pandemic."
Public Health Reports (1974-)125 (2010): 123-33. External (from the subscription database JSTOR available onsite).