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Primary Sources for Latin American Composers at the Library of Congress

Walter Correa-Luna (1893-1969)

The date range of primary sources in the Music Division for Uruguayan composer Walter Correa-Luna is 1933 and undated.

The links in the Location/Call Number column link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog or Music Division finding aids for special collections.

Holograph Scores

Work Title Dates Location/Call Number
A las orillas de un río, canción 1933 Lauro Ayestarán Collection, Box 23
¿Abuelita qué horas son? undated Lauro Ayestarán Collection, Box 23
¿Adonde va la reina coja? undated Lauro Ayestarán Collection, Box 23
Andelito, canción undated Lauro Ayestarán Collection, Box 23
Ave Maria undated Lauro Ayestarán Collection, Box 23
¡Ay que lindo pasar por aquí!, canción 1933 Lauro Ayestarán Collection, Box 23
¡Buenos días su Señoría!, canción undated Lauro Ayestarán Collection, Box 23
El Gofio, ranchera undated Lauro Ayestarán Collection, Box 23
Himno al Pan undated Lauro Ayestarán Collection, Box 23
La Joyeuse Bergère (La jovial pastora) undated Lauro Ayestarán Collection, Box 23
¡Juera perro! undated Lauro Ayestarán Collection, Box 23
¡La Torre en Guardia!, canción undated Lauro Ayestarán Collection, Box 23
María V. de Muller, melopea undated Lauro Ayestarán Collection, Box 23
Martín Pescador undated Lauro Ayestarán Collection, Box 23
Ofelita, barcarola undated Lauro Ayestarán Collection, Box 23
San Sererín del Monte, canción undated Lauro Ayestarán Collection, Box 23
Yo no soy buena moza..., canción undated Lauro Ayestarán Collection, Box 23