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Primary Sources for Latin American Composers at the Library of Congress

Pedro José Saralegui (1880-20th c.)

The date range of primary sources in the Music Division for Uruguayan composer Pedro José Saralegui is 1906 and undated.

The links in the Location/Call Number column link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog or Music Division finding aids for special collections.

Holograph Scores

Work Title Dates Location/Call Number
La Educación y la escuela, cantata infantil undated Lauro Ayestarán Collection, Box 93

Other Manuscripts

Work Title Dates Location/Call Number
E l'amo ancora!, romanza 1906 Lauro Ayestarán Collection, Box 93

Copyist Manuscripts

Work Title Dates Location/Call Number
Felicidad!, 4º vals Boston undated Lauro Ayestarán Collection, Box 93
¡Sin pretensión!, vals undated Lauro Ayestarán Collection, Box 93