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Latinx and Latin American Collections: Resources in the American Folklife Center

Digital Collections

The Library of Congress has been digitizing unique primary source collection materials since the 1990s. The following digital collections focus on ethnographic documentation of Latinxs and the Latin American diaspora from the perspective of traditional arts and culture.

Selected Digital Collections

Special Presentation

Story Maps at the Library of Congress are immersive web presentations that tell the incredible stories of the Library’s collections through narrative, multimedia, and interactive maps. The American Folklife Center publishes Story Maps that provide curated access to our online collections.

The below Story Map, Self-Publishing from Brazil's Margins: Literatura de Cordel in the Library of Congress, published by the Hispanic Division, highlights the American Folklife Center’s Literatura de cordel Brazilian chapbook collection (AFC 1970/002). The latter two Story Maps, published by the AFC, draw upon archival documentation of Latinx cultural traditions found throughout our collections. Raíces y Rutas highlights performance traditions, audiovisual recordings, song text, and photographs to provide a window into the astonishing diversity, cultural dynamics, and geographical spread of Hispanic cultural traditions throughout the nation. In Tonada del País: The American Folklife Center's Juan B. Rael Collection, readers can follow Juan B. Rael's recording trip in the Northern Rio Grande region, listening to religious hymns, songs from folk dramas and weddings, and dance tunes along the way.