The following links to government and non-government websites provide access to free online legal resources related to executive materials regarding Antarctica.
(Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty)
Antarctica does not have an executive branch. Under Article X of the treaty, parties to the treaty do hold administrative powers: “Each of the Contracting Parties undertakes to exert appropriate efforts, consistent with the Charter of the United Nations, to the end that no one engages in any activity in Antarctica contrary to the principles or purposes of the present treaty.”
(Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty)
This database provide access to all recommendations, measures, decisions and resolutions adopted during the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ACTM), an annual meeting of the Consultative Parties administered under Article IX of the treaty "for the purpose of exchanging information, consulting together on matters of common interest pertaining to Antarctica, and formulating and considering and recommending to their Governments measures in furtherance of the principles and objectives of the Treaty."
(U.S. Dept. of State)
This list includes parties to the Antarctic Treaty. Per Article XIII of the treaty, official accessions to and ratifications of the Antarctic Treaty are to be deposited with the United States Government.