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LGBTQ+ Legal Resources: A Beginner’s Guide

Films and Lectures

The following webcasts comprise selected recorded events or historic films in the collections of the Library of Congress representing the topic of LGBTQ+ law and related topics.

Eric Cervini discusses his book The Deviant's War: The Homosexual vs. the United States of America, with Roswell Encina, Library of Congress chief communications officer. The Deviant's War focuses largely on Frank Kameny and the Mattachine Society of Washington, a group he founded, in their battle to challenge the federal government's discrimination against gay and transgender individuals.

Jim Obergefell and Debbie Cenziper discussed their new book, "Love Wins." Obergefell was the named plaintiff in Obergefell v. Hodges, the 2015 landmark marriage equality ruling that the Supreme Court issued just a year prior.

David France discusses his telling of the history of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the U.S., a riveting, powerful telling of the story of the grassroots movement of activists, many of them in a life-or-death struggle, who seized upon scientific research to help develop the drugs that turned HIV from a mostly fatal infection to a manageable disease.

This panel discussion focused on topics surrounding LGBT equality in the U.S. military. Speakers included Kristin Beck, Tammy Smith, Eric Perez and Joanna Eyles.