The pages in this section list finding aids and special collections in the Performing Arts Reading Room. This grouping does not claim to be comprehensive, neither in terms of identifying every LGBTQ+ artist within the Music Division’s special collections nor in terms of identifying every collection in which those artists are represented. The data used to create this listing come from the subject headings associated with each collection; as a result, there may be LGBTQ+ individuals represented in special collections where they are not included as subject headings. Additionally, individuals and collections identified in this list indicate only the individual’s presence in those collections but not the topic of their materials; some individuals discuss their identity, but others do not. The survey also includes only those collections held by the Music Division; there may be materials pertaining to these individuals as well as others in other divisions at the Library of Congress. This guide has been compiled in part with the use of secondary sources and other references.
Collections listed on the "LGBTQ+ Collections" page focus on LGBTQ+ materials or artists. Collections listed in the "Related" pages include relevant materials but do not focus on LGBTQ+ materials or artists.