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LGBTQIA+ Studies: A Resource Guide

Bibliographies & Indexes

LGBTQ+ bibliographies and indexes are an important source for finding LGBTQ+ publications. Bibliographies are especially useful when looking for self or small press published materials, which is common in LGBTQ+ publishing.

Research Strategies

Many LGBTQ+ bibliographies can be found in the Library of Congress Online Catalog by browsing items that begin with the following LC call number ranges:

  • Z7164
  • HQ75
  • Bibliographies related to literature, art, or other subjects are classed within those subject ranges.
    For example, an LGBTQ+ legal bibliography is likely to be classed in KF (See: KF538.C87). Similarly, an LGBTQ+ related literature bibliography would be classed in PN, PS, or in the P class (See: PN56.H57. G365)

Browse the Library of Congress Online Catalog to find materials related to this topic using the subject headings listed below:

Selected Print Materials

The following titles link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Links to additional online content are included when available.