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The Luso-Hispanic World in Maps: A Selective Guide to Manuscript Maps to 1900

Atlases (1-9)

This section contains descriptions of atlases (entries numbered 1 through 9).

1. Atlas maritimo del reyno de el Perú, Chile, costa Patagonica oriental y occidental, costruidas sobre las mejores, y mas modernas noticias de este continente, para uso del capitan y piloto de la carrera de Indias Dn. Alexandro Gonzales. 1797. Atlas ([15] sheets) : col. ill., col. maps ; 53 x 77 cm Scales varied.

Plates: 1. [Title Page], 51 x 39 cm.; 2. [Argentine Coast from Río de la Plata to San Julián], 50 x 70 cm.; 3. [Patagonia and the Falkland Islands], 50 x 70 cm.; 4. "Costa de Chile", 70 x 49 cm.; 5. "Costas del Perú, y Chile", 71 x 50 cm.; 6. "Diseño de la costa de varlovento del Puerto de Valparaiso" and "Plano del fondeadero de Arica" and [Pacific Coast from Lima to Guayaquil], 48 x 69 cm.; 7. "Plano del P[uer]to del Callao de Lima", 41 x 63 cm.; 8. "Plano del Puerto de Valparaiso", 45 x 67 cm.; 9. "Plano de la Bahia de la Concepsion de Chile", 45 x 68 cm.; 10. "Plano del Rio de Valdivia" and "Diseño de las costas de Varlovento y Sotavento del Puerto de Valdivia", 44 x 65 cm.; 11. "Plano del canal del N. de la Ysla de Chiloé, y Puerto de S[a]n Carlos", 40 x 69 cm.; 12. [Coast of Brazil from Todos os Santos to Cabo Frio], 48 x 70 cm.; 13. "Plano del Rio Geneiro", [Profile of Cabo Frio], "Plano del Puerto de Maldonado", 47 x 69 cm.; 14. [Brazil Coast from Cabo Frio to Cabo Santa Maria], 49 x 71 cm.; 15. "Plano de la costa del N. del Rio de la Plata...", 50 x 70 cm.

Manuscript atlas of the Brazilian, Argentine and Chilean coasts prepared in Montevideo, Uruguay in 1797 for the use of the Captain and Pilot of the Spanish India fleet, Don Alexandro Gonzales. This detailed and sumptiously prepared atlas contains individual charts of coastlines and of specific ports in the region. Some plates feature cartouches with architectural members, a trompe l'oeil device, and various geometric designs in the borders.

G1701.P5 A8 1797 Vault fol.

Argentina--Coast/Brazil--Coast/Chile--Coast/Peru--Coast/Ecuador--Coast/ Uruguay--Coast/Río de la Plata

2. Description Des principaux endroits de la Mer du sud, depuis les 52 degrez 30. minutes sud, où est le d'Estroit du Magelland jusqu'au 41. degrez Nord, qui est l'isle de Calliforne faite sur les lieux... Guilbaudiere, Jouhan de la. [1696]. Atlas, colored pen-and-ink ms, 163 l. Scales varied.

35 map plates: pp. 15-16 [Détroit du Magellan et de ses Environs], 33 x 44 cm.; p. 32 [Isle de Chilloüé], 33 x 18 cm.; p. 38 [P. de Baladive], 30 x 18 cm.; p. 44 [Port de Saint Vincent], 33 x 19 cm.; p. 58 [Port de Quoquimbo], 30 x 18 cm.; p. 66 [Baye du morne Gorge], [Port du Morne Morene], and [Baye de los Mexilloner], 29 x 18 cm.; p. 76 [Baye de Ricque], 30 x 18 cm.; p. 82 [Port de Hillo], 30 x 18 cm.; p. 90 [P. de la Nasque], 30 x 18 cm.; p. 96 [P. de Pisco], 30 x 17 cm.; pp. 103-104 [P. du Caillau], 43 x 31 cm.; p. 114 [P. de Casma], 30 x 18 cm.; p. 128 [P. de Paite], 30 x 17 cm.; pp. 135-136 [Baye de Gouyaquil], 32 x 42 cm.; p. 158 [B. de Bonnaveture], 18 x 30 cm.; p. 172 [B. de Panama], 17 x 30 cm.; p. 186 [B. de Chiriquitte], 17 x 30 cm.; p. 200 [Port de la Realegue] and [Soufriere del Viejo], 30 x 18 cm.; p. 206 [Golfe de Fonseca ou de Mapalle] and [Soufriere de S[ain]t Michel], 30 x 18 cm.; p. 212 [P. de Acaxulte ou de Sansonette] and [S[oufrie]re de Sansonnette], 30 x 17 cm.; p. 216 [P. de Gouatimala], 30 x 18 cm.; p. 226 [P. de Gouatoules], 18 x 30 cm.; p. 232 [P. de Angeles], 17 x 30 cm.; p. 236 [P. Escondido], 18 x 30 cm.; pp. 241-242 [Fallaises], 30 x 39 cm.; pp. 247-248 [P. de Acapoul], 29 x 38 cm.; p. 254 [P. de Plitaplan] and [P. D'Oignatanexo], 30 x 17 cm.; p. 264 [B. de Santiogue], 18 x 30 cm.; p. 270 [P. de Chametlan], 30 x 17 cm.; pp. 275-276 [B. des Banderes], 32 x 39 cm.; p. 282 [P de Mantaquel], 30 x 17 cm.; p. 288 [P. S[ain]t Sebastien], 30 x 18 cm.; p. 294 [Le Port de S[ain]t Iean], 30 x17 cm.; p. 298 [P. de la Paix], 30 x 17 cm.

Contains 163 leaves including about 230 pages of text descriptive of, and 35 maps, plans, and views illustrative of the ports, harbors, anchorages, towns, forts, islands, volcanoes, etc. along the Pacific Coast of the Americas from the Strait of Magellan north to the Gulf of California. The maps and plans are handsomely drawn with pen and ink and elegantly colored and shaded in elevation and perspective.

G1100. L3 1696 Vault

South America--Pacific Coast/Patagonia/Central America--Pacific Coast/ Mexico--Pacific Coast/California--Pacific Coast

3. I[J]ournal dela campagne que Libon a faite en qualité d'aide de...,sur la fregate La Pomonn commandée por M. de Castelaune...aux isles du vent de Lamerique passant M. le Ch[evali]er de Mirabeau gouverneur de la Guadeloupe; commencée la 18 [septembre] 1753 et finie le 4 [septembre] 1754. 1754. Colored, pen-and-ink ms. journal, 37 x 23 cm. Scales varied.

Journal contains two maps: 1."Plan du Fort Royal en lisle dela Martinique...1754", 36 x 47 cm; 2."Veue des Montagnes d'arzille quand l'on aterre au sud du cap Spartel..." [Atlantic Coast of Morocco], 37 x 51 cm. Map of Fort Royal, Martinique shows fortifications, settlements, soundings, and topographical features of the port. This map and the view of Asilah, Morocco, are found in the manuscript logbook for the ship La Pomonne for a voyage covering the period from September 1753 to September 1754.

G1662 .M3J6 1754 Vault

Martinique, West Indies/Morocco--Atlantic Coast

4. Cartas esfericas y planos de los Puertos situados sobre las Costas Septentrionales de las Californias é Yslas adyacentes, descubiertos por los Españoles / ordenados por un Oficial de la Marina Real Española. [1799]. Atlas, 25 colored pen-and-ink ms. 2012593219.

Cartas esfericas y planos de los Puertos situados sobre las Costas Septentrionales de las Californias è Yslas adyacentes, descubiertos por los Españoles
Luso-Hispanic World number 4. Geography and Map Division.

Sheets: 1. "Carta Reducida de la Costa Septentrional de California desde Puerto de Acapulco hasta la Ysla de Unalasca...Juan Fran[cis]co de la Bodega y Quadra. Año de 1792.", 89 x 93 1/2 cm.; 2. "Plano del Puerto de Acapulco" (Francisco de Montes, 1796), 44 x 58 cm.; 3. Plano del Puerto y Departamento de San Blas...por D[o]n Josef Camacho año de 1779.", 23 1/2 x 34 cm.; 4. "Plano del Puerto de S[an] Diego...descubierto por Sebastian Vizcayno el año de 1603", 33 x 48 cm.; 5. "Pequeña Carta que Contiene desde la P[un]ta de S[an]ta Marta hasta la del Sur de la Baia de Todos Santos en la Costa Septentrional de la California..." (Juan Pantoja y Arriaga and Josef Tovar, 1782), "Plano dela Ensenada del Principe, y Laguna è Yslas de Mescaltitan", and "Plano dela Ensenada de la Purissima Concepcion...", entire sheet 48 x 70 cm.; 6. "Plano del Puerto de Monterey...descubierto por Sebastian Vizcayno año de 1603", 32 1/2 x 33 1/2 cm.; 7. "Plano del Puerto de S[a]n Francisco...por D[o]n Josef Camacho...1779", 27 1/2 x 37 1/2 cm.; 8. "Plano del Puerto de la Bodega..." (1793), 47 x 36 cm.; 9. "Plano del Puerto nombrado de la S[antíssi]ma Trinidad descubierto por...Bruno Ezeta...1775", 26 1/2 x 41 cm.; 10. "Plano de la Entrada de Ezeta, ô Rio de la Columbia..." (1793), 33 1/2 x 42 1/2 cm.; 11. "Plano del Puerto Grek...confrontado por el 2º Piloto d[on] Juan Martinez y Zayas este Año de 1793", 32 1/2 x 41 1/2 cm.; 12. "Carta que comprehende los interiores y veril de la Costa desde los 48º de Latitud N hasta los 50º...." with insets: "P[uer]to Clayocuat", "P[uer]to de N[uest]ra Señora de los Angeles", "B[ahí]a de Buena Esperanza", "P[uer]to de la Santa Cruz de Nuca", and "P[uer]to de S[a]n Rafael" (1791), entire sheet 63 x 103 1/2 cm.; 12a. "Carta Reducida de una parte del Estrecho de Juan de Fuca...1793", 55 x 92 cm.; 13. "Plano de Archipielago de Nitinat, ó Carrasco...1791", 41 x 44 cm.; 14. "Plano Del Archipielago de Clayocuat...1791", 44 x 69 1/2 cm.; 15. "Carta Esferica que Representa la Costa comprehendida entre la Punta de Futusi...y el P[uer]to de S[a]n Francisco...1793", 71 1/2 x 51 cm.; 16. "Plano del Puerto de Nutka...", 34 x 33 cm.; 17. "Plano del Puerto de S[a]n Lorenzo de Nuca, y Bahia de Buena Esperanza levantado por...Alexandro Malaespina...1791", 47 x 67 cm.; 18."Plano del Puerto de Gaston..." [1792], 52 x 39 cm.; 19. "Plano del Puerto de Floridablanca" [1792], 31 x 44 1/2 cm.; 20. "Plano del Puerto de Bazàn..." [1792], 38 x 51 cm.; 21. "Plano del Puerto de los Dolores...1792", 33 1/2 x 37 1/2 cm.; 22. "Plano dela Entrada de Bucarely..." [1792], 59 1/2 x 48 cm.; 23. "Plano de la Enzenada de N[uestra] S[eño]ra de Regla...1779...", 33 1/2 x 48 1/2 cm.; 24. "Puerto de Santiago...1779", 32 x 36 1/2 cm. Scales varied.

This Spanish manuscript atlas contains 25 well-executed maps covering portions of the Pacific coastline of Spanish North America extending from Mexico to Alaska. These maps represent some of the initial detailed cartographic depictions for large segments of the coastline, especially in the areas north of San Francisco, which only recently had been explored and mapped by the Spanish. Contending land claims and trading rights by Spain, Russia, and Great Britain along the North Pacific coast of North America between 1750 and 1800 served as impetus to Spanish exploration and mapping. The maps in the atlas were produced by a number of cartographers involved in various exploratory expeditions made along the coast during the second half of the eighteenth century. They collectively provide general and detailed coastal information and are not uniform in size or scale. A sample sheet from the atlas, "Plano del Archipielago de Clayocuat", was prepared during Francisco Eliza's 1791 expedition to examine Bucareli Sound, the Strait of Fonte, the Entrada de Hezeta, the bays on the south side of Vancouver Island, and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. This specific expedition was prompted by the recently concluded convention about Nootka Sound between the Spanish and British governments. The manuscript atlas includes an index entitled, "Yndice de las Cartas, y Planos contenidos en este Libro". The atlas was transferred to the Library of Congress from the U.S. War Department in 1929. An invaluable source of information on many of the maps in this atlas and on their historical context is Henry R. Wagner's The Cartography of the Northwest Coast of America to the Year 1800 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1937) under call number GA401 .W3 1968 G&M; an updated edition The cartography of the Northwest Coast of America to the year 1800 : in two volumes is found under call number GA401 .W3 2005.

G3351.P5 1799 .C3 Vault

Mexico--Pacific Coast/California--Pacific Coast/Oregon--Pacific Coast/ Washington--Pacific Coast/Alaska--Pacific Coast/United States--Pacific Coast/British Columbia, Canada--Pacific Coast/Canada--Pacific Coast

5. Plantas das Fortalezas, Pagodas..da Ilha de Ceilao [Sri Lanka]. [ca. 1650]. Atlas, 32 pen-and-ink ms. plates, each 20 1/2 x 15 cm., and 1 colored pen-and-ink ms. plate, 31 1/2 x 39 cm.:

Plantas das fortalezas, pagodes & ca. da ilha de Ceilão. Colvmbo.
Luso-Hispanic World number 5. Geography and Map Division.

1. "Columbo" 2. "Nicumbo" 3. "Planta da Fortaleza, de Necumbo" 4. "Chilao" 5. "Putalam" 6. "Iaphanapatam" 7. "Ponta das Pedras" 8. "Rio da Crus" 9. "Planta da Fortalesa de Triquillimale" 10. "Triquillimale" 11. "Forma do Pagode de Triquillimale" 12. "Batecalou" 13. "Paneva" 14. "Rio de Cuvicanue" 15. Rio Daialla" 16. "Rio de, Magamma" 17. "Marinha Dosal" 18. "Rio Devallave" 19. Galheta 20. "Forma do Pagode DeTanavare" 21."Tanavare" 22."Beligao" 23. "Planta da Fortaleza Degalle" 24. "Mature" 25. "Planta Dafortaleza Depanature" 26. "Galle" 27. "Alicao" 28. "Calature" 29. "Planta da Ilha de Ceilao", 31 1/2 x 39 cm. 30. "Malvana" 31. "Panature" 32. "Manicavare" 33. "Planta do Forte, de Sofragam". Scales varied.

This Portuguese atlas of Sri Lanka contains precise, delicate pen drawings of cities, ports, fortifications, pagodas, and a map of the island. Map was prepared during the Portuguese occupation that ended in 1658. The map, "Planta Da Ilha De Ceilao", includes coastline, coastal features, streams, pictorial representation of relief, and settlements. Map is oriented with east at top. Volume is bound in vellum. Note describing atlas is attached. Previous call number: G2294 .A1P5 162- Vault

G2294.A1 P5 1650 Vault shelf

Sri Lanka (Ceylon)

6. [Portolan atlas of 9 charts and a world map, etc. Dedicated to Hieronymus Ruffault, Abbot of St. Vaast]. [Agnese, Battista.] [ca. 1544]. Atlas, 14 colored pen-and-ink, with silver and gold leaf, pages on vellum, each 26 x 18 cm.:

[Portolan atlas of 9 charts and a world map, etc.]. Atlantic Ocean.
Luso-Hispanic World number 6. Geography and Map Division.

2. [Ex libris and shield] 3. [Declination Tables and Armillary Sphere] 4. [Zodiac with Atlantic Hemisphere in Center] 5. [Western Hemisphere and Pacific Ocean] 6. [Atlantic Ocean and Adjacent Continents] 7. [Africa, Asia, and the Indian Ocean] 8. [Europe] 9. [Iberia and North Africa] 10. [Western Mediterranean Sea] 11. [Italy, North Africa, and the Mediterranean Sea] 12. [Eastern Mediterranean Sea] 13. [Black Sea] 14. [The World showing Magellan's Circumnavigation]. Scales varied. (Vellum Chart; 5). 98-687206.

10 colored charts.

This is a sumptuous well-executed Venetian illuminated manuscript atlas which includes maps reflecting the latest geographic knowledge as observed primarily by Spanish and Portuguese explorers in the first half of the sixteenth century. In a mere fifty years following Columbus' historic voyage, new information based on direct and fresh observation was rapidly changing the European vision of the world. Firms like the Agnese Brothers in Venice met the demand for the latest information of discoveries of these "new worlds". Sheets 5, 6, and 14 show America. Sheet 5 shows the Gulf of California discovered in 1539, Yucatan as an island, and partial segments of the east and west coasts of South America. Sheet 6 shows entirely the Atlantic Coast and partially the Pacific Coast of North and South America. The river system in South America strongly suggests Brazil as an island. Sheet 14 is an oval world map showing Magellan's route of circumnavigation and the routes of the Spanish gold fleets from Peru to Spain surrounded by images of twelve wind cherubs. Sheet 9 shows the Mediterranean Coast.

G1001 .A4 1544 Vault

World/Western Hemisphere/Pacific Ocean/Atlantic Ocean/Eastern Hemisphere/Mediterranean Sea/Black Sea/Indian Ocean

7. [Surveys and drawings of Chile, Peru, Nicaragua, and El Salvador]. Smith, George and W. Bollaert[?]. 1822. Wash, pen-and-ink ms. atlas (22 l.), 23 x 33 cm. Scales varied.

[Surveys and drawings of Chile, Peru, Nicaragua, and El Salvador]. View of Iquique and island from Fish-Hook Rock
Luso-Hispanic World number 7. Geography and Map Division.

15 maps and views: 1. "View of Iquique and Island from Fish-Hook Rock...August 1825" [Chile], 20 x 32 cm.; 2. View of "Huantaxaya" [Chile], 23 x 33 cm.; 3."View of Pica" [Chile]; 21 x 31 cm.; 4. "Plan of the Coast of Peru from Point Ornillos to Aranta...June 1825"; 61 x 21 cm.; 5. "Plan of Port Liberty The Sea Port of San Salvador...1822" [El Salvador], 21 x 31 cm.; 6. "View of Port Liberty San Salvador" [El Salvador], 19 x 47 cm.; 7. [Profiles of the Shoreline of Lake Managua, Nicaragua], 4 sheets, each 23 x 33 cm.; 8. "Quebrada of Pisagua Coast of Peru" [Chile], 23 x 49 cm.; 9. "Plan of the Hacienda of Guaraciña...Dec[embe]r 1826" [Chile], 22 x 32 cm.; 10. "Plan of Quilca Roads...1827" [Peru], 22 x 30 cm.; 11. "Huatacondo - Province of Tarapaca, Peru" [Chile], 23 x 33 cm.; 12. "Camiña. Province of Tarapaca, Peru" [Chile], 22 x 32 cm.; 13. "Buitron de D. W. Riveros en La Tirana ó Los Posos, Pampa of Tamarugal" [Chile?], 23 x 32 cm.; 14. "View of Huantajaya..." [Peru?] (with overlay), ea. 23 x 33 cm.; 15. "Chapel of Colima Chile...", 15 x 19 cm. Previous call number: G1740 .S5 1825 Vault

G1740 .S5 1822 Vault

Chile/Peru/Nicaragua/El Salvador

8. Taboas Geraes de Toda a Navegaçao/ [Albernaz, João Teixeira]. 1630. Atlas, ([72] p.) : col. maps ; 46 cm. 78-653638

Taboas geraes de toda a navegação. World.
Luso-Hispanic World number 8. Geography and Map Division.

This manuscript world atlas was prepared by Joao Teixeira, Cosmographer to the King of Portugal, in 1630. 1. [Mapa de Todo el Mundo], 45 x 69 cm.; 2. "Porto de Cartagena", "Porto Belo", "Porto de Santa Marta", Porto da Havana", 45 x 35 cm.; 3. [Map of Europe, Africa, and part of America], 45 x 70 cm.; 4. [Ports of Portugal and Spain], 45 x 35 cm.; 5. [Ports of Brazil and Uruguay], 45 x 70 cm.; 6. [South Atlantic Coast of America and Africa], 45 x 70 cm.; 7. [Ports of Africa], 45 x 35 cm.; 8. [Ports of India], 45 x 35 cm.; 9. [Chart of the Indian Ocean], 45 x 70 cm.; 10. [Indian Ocean Ports from Africa to the Philippines], 45 x 35 cm.; 11. "Descripcao da Costa de India" and "Surrate", 45 x 35 cm.; 12. [Asia], 45 x 70 cm.; 13. [Ports of the Arabian Peninsula], 45 x 35 cm.; 14. [Philippines and Moluccas], 45 x 35 cm.; 15. [Northern Pacific Ocean], 45 x 70 cm.; 16. "Navidad" and "Aquapulco", 16 x 35 cm.; 17. [Northern Europe and Greenland], 45 x 70 cm.; 18. [Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea], 45 x 70 cm.; 19. [Netherlands and Belgium], 45 x 70 cm.; 20. [Ports of Italy], 45 x 35 cm.; 21. [Mediterranean Region], 45 x 70 cm.; 22. [Eastern Mediterranean ports], 45 x 35 cm.; 23. [Mediterranean and Black Seas], 45 x 70 cm.; 24. "Descripcao dos Rios Parâ, Curupa, e Amazonas" by "Ant[oni]o Vicente", 45 x 70 cm.; 25. [Aegean Sea], 45 x 70 cm.; 26. [Mozambique and Northern South Africa], 45 x 70 cm.; 27. [South Africa], 45 x 70 cm.; 28. [Sri Lanka], 45 x 70 cm.; 29. [Ports of the West Coast of South America], 45 x 35 cm.; 30. [South Pacific Ocean], 45 x 35 cm.; 31. [Tierra del Fuego], 43 x 35 cm.; 32. [Tierra del Fuego] by "Fran[cis]co de Seyxas y Lovera año de 1690", 43 x 58 cm. Scales varied.

During the 1690's, the atlas was secured by the Spanish in an effort to learn cartographic knowledge held by the Portuguese regarding Spanish and Portuguese boundaries and claims throughout the world. The final map in this atlas, of Tierra del Fuego, was prepared by a Spaniard to contest the map of that same region drawn by Teixeira.

G1015. T4 1630 Vault

World/South America/Western Hemisphere/Eastern Hemisphere/Asia/Africa/North America/Europe/Atlantic Ocean/Pacific Ocean/Indian Ocean/Mediterranean Sea/India/Baltic Sea

9. [Portolan atlas of the Mediterranean Sea, western Europe, and the northwest coast of Africa]. Oliva, Joan. [ca. 1590]. Atlas ([22] p.) : col. ill., col. maps, vellum ; 29 cm. [Eastern Mediterranean and Black Seas], 41 x 28 cm; 2. [Central Mediterranean Sea] 41 x 28 cm.; 3. [Western Mediterranean Sea and Western Europe], 41 x 28 cm.; 4. [Atlantic Coast of North Africa], 41 x 28 cm.; 5. [World], 20 1/2 x 28 cm. Scales varied. (Vellum Chart; 8). 5 charts. 2005-634035

[Portolan atlas of the Mediterranean Sea, western Europe, and the northwest coast of Africa]. 1. Eastern Mediterranean
Luso-Hispanic World number 9. Geography and Map Division.

This is a concise, detailed portolan atlas (probably Catalonian in origin) of primarily the Mediterranean and Black Seas, and the Atlantic coast of Europe and North Africa. As in typical portolan fashion, coastal settlements and other navigational features are emphasized. Maps are replete with decorative wind roses, images of ships, and scrolled scales. The world map does not appear to have been produced by the same hand and contains serious geographical misinformation such as "America" presented as part of Asia, New Spain appearing in South America, and the Tropic of Cancer extending through north Florida. Geographic terms are largely in Italian. In sheets 3 and 4, the Atlantic Ocean is referred to as "Mare Occeano". For a comparison, see Vellum Chart 6 by the same cartographer.

G1059 .O4 1590 Vault

Mediterranean Sea/Europe/North Africa/World/Black Sea