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The Luso-Hispanic World in Maps: A Selective Guide to Manuscript Maps to 1900

Brazil-Chile (159-243)

159. Carta esferica de la costa del Janeiro, que comprende desde las Yslas de Sta. Ana hasta Punta Joatinga. / J. M. L. [ca. 1780]. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 32 x 48 cm. Scale ca. 1:675,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 27). 90-682566.

Manuscript map of a port showing coastal detail with one coastal view
Luso-Hispanic World number 159. Geography and Map Division.

Untitled inset: profile view of coast from "La Gavia" to "Pan de Azucar".

This Spanish map, showing the coast of Rio de Janeiro State, includes coastal features, islands, soundings, shoals, settlements, and some pictorial representation of relief; also includes a brief keyed legend. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5592.C6 1780 .J6 Vault

Brazil--Coast/Rio de Janeiro (State), Brazil

160. [Coast of Rio de Janeiro State from Cabo Frio to Cabo de Sao Tomé, Brazil]. Simpson, H. P. [188?]. Pencil, colored pen-and-ink ms., 68 x 104 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1:280,000.

This English map of the Brazilian coast extending from Cabo Sao Tomé to Lagoa Marica includes coastline, coastal features, extensive soundings, characteristics of the water bottom, navigational hazards, anchorages, railroad lines, towns and settlements, streams, and pictorial representation of relief.

G5403 .R4C6 188- .S Vault

Rio de Janeiro (State), Brazil/Brazil--Coast

161. Mapa de una parte del Rio Yapurá : comprehendida desde la boca del Caño de Avatiparána immediata al pueblo de Maripi hasta la boca del Rio Apaporis proxima al Salto de Cupati / levantado por el Coronl. e Yngeno. Dn. Franco. Requena, primer comisario de la quarta partida española de limites a reglada su construcción a las observaciones de los astronomos de la partida portugueza. Requena, Fran[cis ]co. Ega. 1788. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 46 x 220 cm. Scale ca. 1:210,000. (Requena; 14). 2003-683898.

Manuscript map of a river with title cartouche
Luso-Hispanic World number 161. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of a segment of the Amazon River between Rio Apaporis and the Caño Abatiparàna includes the river, other streams, islands, Native American settlement, an abandoned European mission, and pictorial representation of vegetation. Ornate cartouche contains a hunting scene. Map was prepared by Requena, commander of the Spanish party of a joint Spanish-Portuguese boundary commission that surveyed the Amazon Basin between 1780 and 1792. For composite map, see map under call number G5200 1796 .M Vault.

G5292.J2 1788 .R4 Vault

Amazonas (State), Brazil/Brazil

162. Mapa de una parte del Rio Yapurá : comprehendida desde su entrada en el Rio Marañon por su boca mas occidental hasta el pueblo de San Antonio de Maripi / levantado por el Coronl. e Yngeno. Dn. Franco. Requena, primer comisario de la quarta partida española de limites a reglada su construcción a las observaciones de los astronomos de la partida portugueza. Requena, Fran[cis ]co 1788. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 84 1/2 x 59 1/2 cm. Scale not given. (Requena; 13). 2003-683910.

Manuscript map of a river with title cartouche
Luso-Hispanic World number 162. Geography and Map Division.

This map of a segment of the Rio Japurá includes the river, settlements, a site where latitude and longitude were measured, and pictorial representation of vegetation. Also includes a large and elaborate cartouche with an alligator on lower left and a group scene of a European and two Native Americans on the lower right. Map was prepared by Requena, the commander of the Spanish party of the joint Spanish-Portuguese boundary commission that surveyed the Amazon Basin between 1780 and 1792. For composite map, see map under call number G5200 1796 .M Vault.

G5292.J2 1788 .R42 Vault

Amazonas (State), Brazil/Brazil

163. Mapa de una parte del Ryo Marañon o de las Amazonas : comprehendida entre la boca del Caño de Avatiparana y la villa de Ega o Tefé / levantado por Dn. Franco. Requena, primer comisario de la quarta partida española de limites y areglada su construción a las observaciones de los astronomos de la partida portuguesa. Requena, Fran[cis]co. [1788]. Pencil, colored pen-and-ink ms., 49 1/2 x 148 cm. Scale ca. 1:210,000. (Requena; 12). 2003-683909.

Manuscript map of a river with title cartouche
Luso-Hispanic World number 163. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of a segment of the Amazon River from Tefe to Boca del Caño de Avatiparaná includes the river, a settlement, sites where latitude and longitude were measured, and pictorial representation of vegetation. Also includes an elaborate cartouche. Map was prepared by Requena, commander of the Spanish party of the joint Spanish-Portuguese boundary commission that surveyed the Amazon Basin from 1780 to 1792. For composite map, see map under call number G5200 1796 .M Vault.

G5202.A5 1788 .R39 Vault

Amazonas (State), Brazil/Brazil

164. Mapa de una parte del Ryo Marañon o de las Amazonas : comprehendida entre la boca del Rio Yauari y la del Caño Avatiparaná / levantado por Dn. Franco. Requena, primer comisario de la quarta partida española de limites y areglada su construción a las observaciones de los astronomos de la partida portuguesa. Requena, Fran[cis]co. Ega. 1788. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 47 x 191 cm. Scale [ca. 1:206,000]. (Requena; 11). 2003-683900.

Manuscript map of a river with title cartouche
Luso-Hispanic World number 164. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of a segment of the Amazon River between Tabatinga and Avatiparaná includes the river, other streams, islands, settlements, pictorial representation of vegetation, and sites where latitude and longitude were measured. Map is oriented with northwest at top. Map was prepared by Requena, commander of the Spanish party of a joint Spanish-Portuguese boundary commission that surveyed the Amazon Basin between 1780 and 1792. Also includes ornate cartouche. For composite map, see map under call number G5200 1796 .M Vault.

G5202.A4 1788 .R4 Vault

Amazonas (State), Brazil/Brazil

165. Plan De La Barre De Rio Grande do Sul Levé Dans Le Mois De Juillet 1885 [Brazil]. 1885. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 69 1/2 x 80 cm. Scale 1:20,000.

Inset map: "Carte de Rio Grande et de Ses Environs."

This clear French map of the mouth of the Lagoa dos Patos includes coastline, coastal features, extensive soundings, contour lines of channel and ocean floors, proposed areas of ocean bottom to be dredged and to be filled in, proposed jetties, the town of Barra, and a lighthouse. Also includes a table of ocean floor contour lines. Purpose of map is to show extensive breakwater project. Inset map of Rio Grande and vicinity includes coastline, coastal features, islands, a lighthouse, the town of Rio Grande, and a railroad.

G5403 .R5P5 1885 .P Vault

Rio Grande do Sul (State), Brazil/Brazil--South

166. Plan de la Baye de tous les saints à la cotte du Bresil situé par les [blank] d. [blank] m'. sud. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 42 x 62 cm. Scale ca. 1:275,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 28). 90-682570.

Manuscript map of a bay showing depths and topography
Luso-Hispanic World number 166. Geography and Map Division.

This French map depicts the Bahia de Todos os Santos (All Saints Bay) and the area around Salvador, Brazil. In addition to including the coastline, coastal features, soundings, shoals, and anchorages, it also shows numerous fortifications and settlements; also includes a keyed legend. Map is oriented with west at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5562.A4 17-- .P5 Vault

Brazil--Coast/Bahia (State), Brazil

167. Plan de l'Isle Grande a la cotte du Brezil par les 23 d. 14 m. S. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 29 x 41 cm. Scale ca. 1:325,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 26). 89-696472.

Manuscript map of a bay with several houses shown along the coast
Luso-Hispanic World number 167. Geography and Map Division.

This French map shows Ilha Grande and vicinity in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Map includes coastal features, soundings, shoals, and settlements; also includes a brief keyed legend. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5592.G7 17-- .P5 Vault

Brazil--Coast/Rio de Janeiro (State), Brazil

168. Plan de port de l'Isle Ste. Catherine du cotté du nord situé par les 27. d. 20. m. sud avec le canal qui conduit au port du sud de la même isle les brasses deau quil resteirt de basse mer. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 30 x 41 cm. Scale ca. 1:147,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 41). 89-696479.

Manuscript map of a port with depths and list of references
Luso-Hispanic World number 168. Geography and Map Division.

This French map depicting a portion of Santa Catarina Island, the mainland, and the channel between, includes coastlines, soundings, an anchorage, and source of fresh water; also includes a keyed legend. Map is oriented with east at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5617.S23 17-- .P4 Vault

Brazil--Coast/Santa Catarina (State), Brazil

169. Plano del Puerto e Ysla de Sancta Catalina en la costa del Brasil cituada su mediania en la latitud de 27 gs. 42 minutos S. y longitu de 327 gs. 40 minute. del meridiano de Tenerife. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 33 x 49 cm. Scale ca. 1:235,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 43). 89-696477.

Manuscript map of a port and an island with some depths marked
Luso-Hispanic World number 169. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map depicting Santa Catarina Island, a portion of the mainland, and the channel between, shows coastlines, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, shoals, fortifications, settlements, a church, and the "armazones de Ballenas por el Rey donde se haze la matanza"; includes a keyed legend and a note. Map is oriented with west at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5617.S23 17-- .P51 Vault

Brazil--Coast/Santa Catarina (State), Brazil

170. Plano de la Isla Grande en la costa del Brasil situada su mediania en la latitud de 23 gs. 11 ms. y en la longitud de 332 gs. y 57 ms., meridiano de Tenerife. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 48 x 69 cm. Scale ca. 1:167,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 25). 89-696473.

Manuscript map of a bay with one large island and many small islets, with some place names
Luso-Hispanic World number 170. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map depicts Ilha Grande and vicinity in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Map includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, and settlements. Clear, precise style. This map belongs to the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5592.G7 17-- .P51 Vault

Brazil--Coast/Rio de Janeiro (State), Brazil

171. Plano de la Ya. y Pto. de Sta. Cathala. en la costa del Brasil sitdo. en su pta. del norte y boca del pto. en 27 gs. 28 ms. latitd. sur, 327 gs. 36 ms. longd., merido. de Tenerife / según D. Estevan Alvarez del Fierro en 1757 y extracto. pr. D. Manl. Christovl. del Canto en 1776; Rico en Cádiz sc. [1776]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 28 x 37 cm. Scale ca. 1:285,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 40b). 91-683736.

Manuscript coastal chart with a large island and coastal view
Luso-Hispanic World number 171. Geography and Map Division.

Inset view: "Asi parece la Y[sl]a de Santa Cathal[in]a p[o]r la parte del Leste" (profile view).

This Spanish map of Santa Catarina Island, a portion of the mainland, and the channel between, includes coastal features, islands, anchorages, soundings, characteristics of the water bottom, settlements, fortifications, churches, and pictorial representation of relief; also includes a keyed legend and note. Later annotations in red ink show ship and troop movements for the Battle of 1776. Map is oriented with west at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5617.S23 1776 .C5 Vault

Brazil--Coast/Santa Catarina (State), Brazil

172. Plano de la Ia. y Pto. de Sta. Cathalina en la costa del Brasil sitdo. en su punta del norte y boca del puerto en 27 gs. 28 ms. latd. sur, 327 gs. 36 ms. longd., meridiano de Tenerife. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 28 x 36 cm. Scale ca. 1:290,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 40a). 89-696476.

Manuscript coastal chart with a large island and coastal view
Luso-Hispanic World number 172. Geography and Map Division.

Inset view: "Assi parece la Ysla de S. Catalina por la parte del E".

This Spanish map depicting the island of Santa Catarina, a portion of the mainland, and the channel between, includes coastal features, soundings, anchorages, settlements, fortification, churches, and some land features as well; also includes a keyed index and notes. Map is oriented with west at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5617.S23 17-- .P5 Vault

Brazil--Coast/Santa Catarina (State), Brazil

173. Plano de las Yslas de Puercos y San Sebastian en la costa del Brasil en latitud S. de 23°21' / Ferrol 3 de marzo de 1792. Romero, Manuel. 1792. pen-and-ink ms., 50 x 71 cm. Scale not given. (Maggs purchase map collection; 30). 90-682578.

Manuscript coastal chart showing coastal topography with a list of references
Luso-Hispanic World number 173. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map depicting a coastal area (Porcos Islands) of the state of Sao Paulo, includes coastline, coastal features, a couple of soundings, an anchorage, and most conspicuously pictorial representation of relief; map also includes a keyed legend. Map is oriented with northwest at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5607.P6 1792 .R6 Vault

Brazil--Coast/Sao Paulo (State), Brazil

174. Plano del puerto è ysla de Sta. Catalina situada sumediania en la latitud de 27 grs. 40 mins. y en la longitud de 328 gs. 50 mins. segun el meridiano de Tenerife / Siendo Director Don Vicente Caamaño, en la Rl. Escuela de Navegon. del Departamto. del Ferrol por el Mro. de Dibujo de ella Don Andres de la Cuesta, año de 1782. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 35 x 69 cm. Scale ca. 1:183,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 44). 90-682580.

Manuscript coastal chart with a large island and list of references
Luso-Hispanic World number 174. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of Santa Catarina Island, a portion of the mainland, and the channel in between, shows coastlines, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, fortifications, settlements, and a couple of churches; also includes a keyed legend and note. In style, clear and precise. Shield on map indicates that work was produced under the direction of the Real Escuela de Navegación...del Ferrol. Map is oriented with west at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5617.S23 1782 .C8 Vault

Brazil--Coast/Santa Catarina (State), Brazil

175. Plano del Rio Grande de Sn. Pedro situado en la costa del nordest de la punta y por latitud austral de 32 gs. 4 ms., longd. de 325 gs. 45 ms., mero. de Tenerife corréido en el. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 48 x 70 cm. Scale ca. 1:36,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 35). 90-682583.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a port with a list of references
Luso-Hispanic World number 175. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the southern portion of Lagoa dos Patos (Patos Lagoon) in the region of Rio Grande includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, lakes, islands, settlements, and especially fortifications; also includes a keyed legend and note. Principal purpose is to show Spanish and Portuguese military preparations. Map is oriented with west at top. In style, clear and precise. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5622.P3 17-- .P5 Vault

Brazil--Coast/Brazil--South/Rio Grande do Sul (State), Brazil

176. Plano del Rio Grande de S. Pedro situado en la latitud sur de 32 grs. y en la longitud de 325 grs. 45 mins., meridiano de Tenerife / delinneado por el Subtente. Dn. Pedro Garzia. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 50 x 62 cm. Scale ca. 1:55,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 36). 90-682584.

Colored manuscript nautical chart showing a port with list of references
Luso-Hispanic World number 176. Geography and Map Division.

This detailed, richly colored Spanish map of the southern portion of Lagoa dos Patos (Patos Lagoon) in the current Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul includes coastline, coastal features, lakes, islands, soundings, fortifications, settlements, roads, land features, and some pictorial representation of relief. It also includes an extensive keyed legend. In addition, map shows Spanish and Portuguese military preparations. Map is oriented to the west at top. The map depicts a portion of what is now southern Brazil, but at the time the map was prepared (ca. 1760-1780) this area served as a portion of the international boundary between Spanish and Portuguese possessions in South America. The map clearly depicts the presence of opposing Spanish and Portuguese military forces located on opposite banks of the Rio Grande de San Pedro. The way the map was prepared seems to reflect a permanent Spanish presence on the west bank of the river confronted by a Portuguese expeditionary force on the east bank. The map illustrates just one of numerous encounters between the two European powers in this region from at least the seventeenth century into the nineteenth century. The map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5622.P3 17-- .G3 Vault

Brazil--Coast/Brazil--South/Rio Grande do Sul (State), Brazil

177. Plano del Rio Grande tllamado Sn. Pedro situado en la latitud del S. de 23 gs. mas en la costta septemtrional del Cauo de Sa. Maria, nuebamte. emmedado en el año de 71 y 72 en los que se descubrio la barra del S. la que es bastantemte. ancha y tiene agua suficientte para embs. que calen 10" o 12" pies / Fragta. Sta. Rosa à 6" del mes de marzo de 1777, delineado por Christobal Barletta. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 38 x 50 cm. Scale ca. 1:55,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 39). 90-682594.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a port with several islands
Luso-Hispanic World number 177. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the southern portion of Lagoa dos Patos (Patos Lagoon) in the region of Rio Grande includes coastline, coastal features, islands, soundings, anchorages, fortifications, and settlements; also includes a keyed legend. In style, execution is somewhat crude. The map is oriented with east at top. The map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5622.P3 1777 .B3 Vault

Brazil--Coast/Brazil--South/Rio Grande do Sul (State), Brazil

178. Plano de la entrada del Rio Grande situado en 32 grados de latd. meridional y en 320 grados 57 mins. de longitud segun el meridiano de Thenerife / trabajado por Miguel López y Solórzano a 21 de mayo de 1770 as. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 46 x 34 cm. Scale ca. 1:67,500. (Maggs purchase map collection; 38). 90-682593.

Manuscript chart of a port area
Luso-Hispanic World number 178. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the southern portion of Lagoa dos Patos (Patos Lagoon) in the region of Rio Grande includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, fortifications, and a settlement. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5622.P3 1770 .L6 Vault

Brazil--Coast/Brazil--South/Rio Grande do Sul (State), Brazil

179. Plano de la entrada del Rio Grande situao. en 32 grados de latitud meridional y en 320 gs. 57 ms. de longitud segun el meridiano de Thenerife con sus canales y sondas segun oy. se concidera / nuebamente sacado año de 1767, Franco. Gómez. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 46 x 34 cm. Scale ca. 1:67,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 37). 90-682585.

Manuscript chart of a port area
Luso-Hispanic World number 179. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the southern portion of Lagoa dos Patos (Patos Lagoon) in the region of Rio Grande includes coastline, shoals, islands, anchorages, fortifications, and a settlement. The map belongs to the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5622.P3 1767 .G6 Vault

Brazil--Coast/Brazil--South/Rio Grande do Sul (State), Brazil

180. Plano de la gran Bahía de Todos Santos situada en la costa del Brasil en la latitud de 12 gs. y 56 ms. y en la longd. de 337 gs. y 48 ms. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 48 x 70 cm. Scale ca. 1:175,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 29). 90-682571.

Manuscript chart of a port area; map shows evidence of repair
Luso-Hispanic World number 180. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the region around Bahía de Todos os Santos (All Saints Bay) and Salvador, Brazil includes coastal features, soundings, shoals, fortifications, settlements, and an anchorage; map also includes a brief keyed legend listing fortifications (fort names appear to be Dutch and French). This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5562.A4 17-- .P52 Vault

Brazil--Coast/Bahia (State), Brazil

181. Plano de la Ysla de Puercos y Sn. Seuastian, costa del Brasil, en la latitutd de 23° 24' sur. [1792?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 47 x 69 cm. Scale not given. (Maggs purchase map collection; 31). 90-682579.

Manuscript chart of a port with coastal topography and few labels
Luso-Hispanic World number 181. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of a coastal area (Porcos Islands) in the state of Sao Paulo shows coastal features, coastline, islands, an anchorage, and a couple of soundings. Most conspicuous feature is the in-depth, pictorial rendering of coastal elevation. In style, clean and precise, almost abstract. Dated by comparison with similar map. Map is oriented with northwest at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5607.P6 1792 .P5 Vault

Brazil--Coast/Sao Paulo (State), Brazil

182. Plano que manifiesta del modo que csta formada la Ysla Santa Cathalina en la costa del Brasil situada su mediama en los 27 gos. y 72 ms. de latitud y en 327 gs. y 10 ms., merional de Tenerife. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 21 x 41 cm. Scale ca. 1:250,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 42). 89-696478.

Manuscript coastal chart with text in Spanish and list of references
Luso-Hispanic World number 182. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of Santa Catarina Island, a portion of the mainland, and the channel between, shows coastlines, soundings(?), coastal features, settlements, and fortifications; also includes a lengthy note and a keyed legend. Style and handwriting are somewhat crude. Map is oriented with west at top. This map belongs to the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5617.S23 17-- .P52 Vault

Brazil--Coast/Brazil--South/Santa Catarina (State), Brazil

183. Plano topografico que comprende las vertientes del Arroyo Ycabaqua, las del Rio Negro y la cresta que divide aguas al Yacuy y al Uruguay hasta la Sierra de los Tapes o Montegrande / levantado por la primera partida de demarcacion de limites del mando del brigadier de la armada Dn. Josef Varela y Ulloa. Varela y Ulloa, Josef. [178-?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 110 1/2 x 117 cm. Scale ca. 1:200,000.

Manuscript map showing detailed topography with few labels
Luso-Hispanic World number 183. Geography and Map Division.

This detailed Spanish map of a portion of the present-day state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil includes numerous rivers and streams, settlements, missions, a fort, pictorial representation of relief, the probable track of the surveying commission, and boundary markers. Spanish and Portuguese territorial limits are recognized by color. Map was prepared by Varela y Ulloa, commander of the Spanish party of a joint Spanish-Portuguese boundary commission that surveyed the Uruguay River Basin between 1784 and 1788, following the Treaty of San Ildefonso in 1777. Map is related to the composite map, Plano Topografico que Comprende la Costa del Mar..., under call number G5403 .R5F7 1788 .V Vault.

G5620 178- .V19 Vault

Rio Grande do Sul (State), Brazil/Brazil--South

184. Plano Topografíco que comprende una Parte de los Yervales pertenecientes à los Pueblos de las Misiones del Uruguay La Cresta que divide aguas à este Río y al Yacuy: y la Picada que llaman de S[an]ta Victoria por donde se sale à los Dominios de Portugal [Brazil]. Varela y Ulloa, Josef. [178-?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 89 x 103 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1:200,000.

Manuscript topographic map showing rivers and relief, with few labels
Luso-Hispanic World number 184. Geography and Map Division.

This detailed Spanish map of a portion of the present-day state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil includes numerous streams, Jesuit missions, pictorial representation of vegetation and relief, and a numbered track (probably related to the survey). Purpose of the map was to identify crest of the divide between the rivers flowing east of the Uruguay River. Map was prepared by Varela y Ulloa, commander of the Spanish party of a joint Spanish-Portuguese boundary commission that surveyed the Uruguay River Basin between 1784 and 1788, following the Treaty of San Ildefonso of 1777.

G5403 .R5F7 178- .V3 Vault

Rio Grande do Sul (State), Brazil/Brazil--South

185. Plano topografico que comprende una parte del Montegrande, el Rio Yacuy, los establecimentos y misiones del Uruguay, los yervales que actualmento poseen los indios guaranias y el curso del mismo Uruguay desde la boca del verdadero Pepiri o Peguiri hasta el paso que llaman de Concepcion / levantado por la primera partida de demarcacion de limites del mando del brigadier de la armada Dn. Josef Varela y Ulloa. Varela y Ulloa, Josef. [178-]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 132 x 122 cm. Scale [ca. 1:209,000]. 2003-683906

Manuscript topographic map showing rivers and toponyms
Luso-Hispanic World number 185. Geography and Map Division.

This detailed Spanish map of a portion of the present-day state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil south of the Uruguay River includes numerous rivers and streams, missions, European and Native American settlements, pictorial representation of vegetation and relief, and a probable track of a surveying party. Map was prepared by Varela y Ulloa, commander of the Spanish party of a joint Spanish-Portuguese boundary commission that surveyed the Uruguay River Basin between 1784 and 1788, following the Treaty of San Ildefonso of 1777. Map is related to the composite, Plano Topografico que Comprende la Costa del Mar..., under call number G5403 .R5F7 1788 .V Vault.

G5202.U7 178- .V2 Vault

Brazil--South/Rio Grande do Sul (State), Brazil



186. Plano del puerto del Rio Janeiro situado en la latitud S. de 22°54'10" longitud occidental de Cádiz 36°31'. [ca. 1780]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 53 x 73 cm. Scale ca. 1:44,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 34). 90-682563.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay with a title cartouche and illustrated coastal view
Luso-Hispanic World number 186. Geography and Map Division.

Inset view, "Vista dela Ysla delas Culebras por la parte del Norte", shows fortified Culebras Islands and includes a keyed legend and notes.

This Spanish map, depicting Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, and vicinity, contains coastal features, islands, soundings, fortifications, and settlements; also includes a brief, keyed legend for Rio de Janeiro. Clear and precise style. Map is oriented with northeast at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5592.G8 1780 .P5 Vault

Brazil--Coast/Rio de Janeiro (State), Brazil/Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

187. Plano del puerto del Rio Jeneyro en el Brasil en lat. S. 23°5' y long. O. 37° del mo. d. Cádiz, 1813 / delineado en 20 de eno. de 1813 por Jre. Lesada. Lesada, J[org]e. 1813. pen-and-ink ms., 26 x 44 cm. Scale ca. 1:85,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 33). 90-682562.

Manuscript chart of a bay showing coastal detail, town layout, and some depths
Luso-Hispanic World number 187. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of Guanabara Bay, including the Rio de Janeiro harbor area, shows coastal features, islands, soundings, islands, shoals, and settlements; map also includes relief shown by detailed hachures. Map is oriented with west at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5592.G8 1813 .L4 Vault

Brazil--Coast/Rio de Janeiro (State), Brazil/Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

188. Plano del Rio Geneyro situado en la latd. S de 23 gs. en longd. 12 en el ste pureto se puede darfon do fuera de las fortale as entre las yslas ... / [copiado] por Antonio Gonzales de Castro, concurrente bajo la correción de Dn. Jph. Franco. Badarraco, maestro delineador por su magestad en el mas exacto plano hasta [indecipherable] 1764. Castro, Antonio Gonzales de. 1764. Colored pen-and-ink ms., col 38 x 49 cm. Scale ca. 1:91,500. (Maggs purchase map collection; 32). 90-682560.

Manuscript chart with list of references
Luso-Hispanic World number 188. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map showing Guanabara Bay and Rio de Janeiro depicting coastal features, soundings, settlements and fortifications; map also includes a keyed legend and the seal of the Real Escuela de Navegación. Despite this, handwriting is somewhat crude. Map is oriented with northeast at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5592.G8 1764 .C3 Vault

Brazil--Coast/Rio de Janeiro (State), Brazil/Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

189. Vue Prise Du Pic De La Forteresse De S[an]ta Cruz [Brazil]. de la Michelleries, Eugène. 1830. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 33 1/2 x 142 cm. Scale not given.

This is a panoramic view of Guanabara Bay, the harbor, and Rio de Janeiro looking south from (near) Niteroi. View includes sailing ships in harbor, fortresses, Pao de Azucar, and the growing city across the bay.

G5402 .R4A3 1830 .L Vault

Rio de Janeiro (State), Brazil/Brazil/Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


190. Ichonografica da vila da Vitoria, capital da capitania do Espirito Santo, situada à 20°15' de latitude pa. o sul, e 344°45' de longit. Foi ... pelo Capitam Engi. José Ant. Caldas .... Gomes Viana. Bahia. [1767]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 43 x 58 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,240. 77-697449.

Manuscript map showing layout of a town with list of references and illustrated topography
Luso-Hispanic World number 190. Geography and Map Division.

Vitória, an important Brazilian coastal port, was founded in ca. 1535, early in the Portuguese colonial era. It lies on a rocky and hilly island at the head of the bay of Espírito Santo, a safe and deep harbor, the topography of which is reflected in this 1767 plan of the city. At that time, Vitória was the capital of the Capitancy of Espírito Santo. The map clearly defines military, religious, and governmental buildings. This clear, well-executed Portuguese plan of Vitória includes a grid of the city, the government house, churches, monasteries, fortifications, a munitions store house, a pillory, roads, and pictorial representation of relief, vegetation, and cultivated fields. Map also includes a keyed legend. Plan is oriented with northwest at top. The plan provides a noteworthy comparison between Vitória's informal, seemingly random layout with that of the more structurally defined and mandated grid plans of urban centers in colonial Spanish America. Part of Vitória's appearance can be explained by the rocky terrain on which the city was constructed. Supporting this position, symbols of rocky outcropping appear in the city plan.

G5404.V5 1767 .C3 Vault

Espírito Santo (State), Brazil/Brazil/Vitória, Brazil

191. Carta esférica de las Yslas Virgenes / construida sobre operasiones geodésicas por los Bergantines de S.M. Descubridor y Vigilante, año de 1793. Pen-and-ink ms., 50 x 76 cm. Scale ca. 1:74,200. (Maggs purchase map collection; 283). 90-680623.

Manuscript map showing several islands
Luso-Hispanic World number 191. Geography and Map Division.

This map depicting the British Virgin Islands and the eastern portion of St. John Island includes coastlines, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, letters designating characteristics of the water bottom, and navigational hazards. Mapped area is adjacent to that in Maggs 284. Map was prepared by cartographers aboard the Spanish bergantines, Descubridor and Vigilante, in 1793. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5020 1793 .C3 Vault

British Virgin Islands/Caribbean Sea

192. Marks to find the Blonde Rock dangerously situated between Copper's Island and Dead Chest in the passage to Tortola, H.M. Ship Forte, 1824. 1824. Watercolor, pen-and-ink ms., 10 x 47 cm. or smaller, sheet 45 x 63 cm. Not drawn to scale. 2006-629831.

Three color illustrated coastal views with lines showing direction and distance from a point
Luso-Hispanic World number 192. Geography and Map Division.

This is a combined map and marine scape of the area near the port of Tortola illustrating in 3 separate but connected views the coasts along Tortola Island, Dead Chest Island, and Cooper's Island.

G5021.A35 1824 .M2 Vault

British Virgin Islands

193. [Three silhouette views of islands in the British Virgin Islands]. Crole, C. 1828. Watercolor, pen-and-ink ms., 46 1/2 x 60 1/2 cm. Scale not given.

This combined map and marine scape of the coasts along St. John's Island, Flanagan Island, and a Key near Normand's Island in the Virgin Islands was intended to provide orientation to a navigational hazard, Sta. Monica's Rock. Also contains extensive notes including, "Boats might look a long while for it, when ignorant of the marks, as it is so small.".

G5021 .A35 1824 .S Vault

British Virgin Islands

194. [Map showing coast of northwestern portion of Vancouver Island]. [ca. 1786]. Pen-and-ink ms., 40 x 41 cm. Scale ca. 1:750,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 265a). 91-683690.

Two manuscript coastal charts on one sheet
Luso-Hispanic World number 194. Geography and Map Division.

Inset map: [Bahia de Dunguen and Bahia de San Patricio, possibly Quatsimo Sound, Vancouver Island].

This Spanish map of a portion of the northwestern coast of Vancouver Island and a portion of Queen Charlotte Sound, includes coastlines, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and pictorial representation of relief. Map, which apparently borrows some information from an English source, is not an accurate rendering of the region, reflecting the difficulty that early explorers encountered in mapping the northwestern coast of Canada. This map does not recognize the existence of Queen Charlotte Strait. It suggests, instead, that a portion of the landmass of Vancouver Island is an island, i.e., Cox Island, which features a large area on the Queen Charlotte Sound named Nueva Hybernia which is difficult to identify currently. The inset map shows the Bahia San Patricio and Bahia del Dunguen on "Isla de Cox". This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G3512.V3 1786 .M3 Vault

Canada--Pacific Coast/British Columbia, Canada--Pacific Coast/Vancouver Island, Canada

195. [Map showing route of Captain George Dixon in the Queen Charlotte along the coast of British Columbia including Queen Charlotte Islands, June 27-August 7, 1787]. [Dixon, George. [1787]. Pen-and-ink ms., 50 x 39 cm. Scale ca. 1:3,000,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 264). 91-683641.

Manuscript coastal chart showing navigational track
Luso-Hispanic World number 195. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map, apparently copied from an unidentified English source, includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, and the dated navigational track showing the route followed by Captain George Dixon during his explorations from June to August 1787 along Queen Charlotte Island. A note along the British Columbian coast reads "No ay Tierra visible por toda esta parte". This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G3512.C6S12 1787 .M3 Vault

Canada--Pacific Coast/British Columbia, Canada--Pacific Coast

196. Plano de una bahía de la costa del norueste de América en latitd. 50°38' nte. longd. 231°25' est m. d. G. [ca. 1780]. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 26 x 34 cm. Scale ca. 1:30,500. (Maggs purchase map collection; 265b). 91-683523.

Manuscript coastal chart of a bay with a line of depths marked
Luso-Hispanic World number 196. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of San Josef Bay, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, and navigational hazards. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G3512.S25 1780 .P5 Vault

Canada--Pacific Coast/British Columbia, Canada--Pacific Coast/Vancouver Island, Canada.

197. Carte de l'Isle de St. Vincent et des isle quiluq sont sirconvoisinne proche le Cap Vert ; Plan de la rade de l'Isle de St. Vincent aupres du Cap Vert situe pao 16 d. 50 m. nord du coste de l'ouest vis a vis le mouillage de l'Isle St. Anthoine. [after 1712]. 2 maps on 1 sheet. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 29 x 25 cm. and 31 x 22 cm., sheet 41 x 53 cm. Scale ca. 1:525,000; Scale ca. 1:2,850. (Maggs purchase map collection; 256). 90-680575.

Two manuscript nautical charts, one showing five islands and one showing a bay
Luso-Hispanic World number 197. Geography and Map Division.

These maps depict: (1) Sao Vicente Island and adjacent islands and (2) Porto Grande Bay on Sao Vicente Island. The first map includes coastlines, soundings, anchorages, and a shoal. The second map includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, and notes such as: "petit ruisseau qui a seche" and "Vallée par on vat au mouillage de SO"; Map is oriented with east at top. This sheet is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G9160 1712 .C3 Vault

Cape Verde Islands

198. Plan de la rade de lisle de S[ain]t vincent au cap vert [Cape Verde Islands]. [early 18th century]. Pen-and-ink ms., 30 x 36 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to .166 French league.

This French map of the port of Sao Vicente includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, an anchorage, navigational hazards, pictorial representation of relief, vegetation, and a settlement. A keyed legend provides information for sources of wood and fresh water on the island. Map has a view-like quality to it. Map is oriented with east at top.

G9162 .S7 17-- .P Vault

Cape Verde Islands/Atlantic Ocean

199. Plan de la Baye de la Conception situé par 36. d. 35 ms. latt. sud selon le compas. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 31 x 42 cm. Scale ca. 1:89,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 60). 90-682664.

Manuscript coastal chart showing a bay with a few toponyms
Luso-Hispanic World number 199. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the Bahía de Concepción includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, an anchorage, navigational hazards, and pictorial representation of a settlement (Concepción) and of relief. Map is oriented with east at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.C65 17-- .P48 Vault


200. Carta reducida del Estrecho de Magallanes y parte de la costa del Fuego levantado en el año de 1786. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 56 x 85 cm. Scale ca. 1:800,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 75). 91-683500.

Manuscript nautical chart showing coastal region with several bays and islands
Luso-Hispanic World number 200. Geography and Map Division.

This composite map of the 1785-86 scientific expedition to the Strait of Magellan under the command of Antonio de Córdoba represents the first comprehensive study of the region. Antonio de Córdoba (1740?-1811) was a naval commander (teniente general) in the Spanish Navy who served in various battles, campaigns, and scientific expeditions throughout the Spanish American empire. These activities took him to Havana (1761), Algiers (1767), Peru, Chile, and New Granada (1768-1772), Brazil, Uruguay, and the Falkland Islands (1760's), and to the Strait of Magellan in the mid-1780's. This map includes references to ports, bays, channels, other natural features, a keyed legend, and a detailed explanation and notes. Among them, for example is, "Valle Hondo donde estubo Malbouroug muchos Dias de buenos Pastos, Prádos y Vosques". Several detailed maps of specific segments of the area covered by this composite map of the scientific expedition are described elsewhere in this guide and are found also in the Maggs Brothers' collection in the Geography and Map Division. To locate the additional maps, search under the term "Strait of Magellan, Chile" in the index to this publication. A fine study of the Spanish scientific expeditions to the Strait of Magellan is Hugo Rodolfo Ramírez Rivera's Don Antonio de Córdoba y la primera expedición cientifica española reconocedera del Estrecho de Magallanes.... (Madrid, 1990). During the second half of the eighteenth century, various European powers promoted and participated in scientific expeditions and surveys to the Americas, as well as to other parts of the world. Spain, under Carlos III (1759-1788), initiated various studies of its vast empire for scientific, commercial, political, and military ends. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.M33 1786 .C3 Vault

Chile--Coast/Strait of Magellan, Chile

201. Descripción hidrográfica, que compreende parte de la costa occidental patagonica, desde la Punta o Boca de la Campana situada en los 49 gs. 22 ms. de latd. S. con todas las Bocas de Canales, puertos, yslas.... [ca. 1760]. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 28 x 41 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,170,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 51). 90-682611.

Manuscript nautical chart of a bay with list of references
Luso-Hispanic World number 201. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the Golfo de Penas region includes coastline, coastal features, and reefs; map also includes extensive notes and keyed legend. A particularly instructive note reads: "Toda la Costa Señalada con puntos es imaginaria y lo demas se ha Nevagado, y Reconocido." Map is oriented with east at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.C6 1760 .D4 Vault


202. Descripción hidrográphica que comprehende partte de la costa occidental Patagonica desde la Punta o. Boca de la Campana situada en los 49 grados 22 minutos de lattd. S. con todas las bocas de canales, puerttos, yslas, tarallones, arrecifes y baxos.... [ca. 1760]. Colored and pen-and-ink ms., 32 x 43 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,200,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 76). 91-680994.

Manuscript nautical chart of a bay with compass rose and list of references
Luso-Hispanic World number 202. Geography and Map Division.

Map shows coastal features, shoals, and settlements and provides coverage for the Aisén del General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo Region, Chile. Includes legend which contains extensive notes. Map is oriented with east at the top. Map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain, purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5333.A32 1760 .D4 Vault


203. Plan d'Arrica situé par la latt. de 18 d. 25 ms. sud. [18th century]. Colored and pen-and-ink ms., 30 x 40 cm. Scale ca. 1:78,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 53). 90-682650.

Manuscript coastal chart showing the location of a town
Luso-Hispanic World number 203. Geography and Map Division.

This French map includes soundings and shows a settlement and the coastline in profile. Map is oriented with east at the top. Map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain, purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5334.A73A1 17-- .P5 Vault


204. Plan de la Baye de la Coquimbo. [17--?]. 1 map recto; 1 map verso. ms., col 32 x 39 cm. Scale not given. (Maggs purchase map collection; 63). 90-682698.

Manuscript map showing a bay with an illustrated depiction of a town
Luso-Hispanic World number 204, recto. Geography and Map Division.
Two simple manuscript maps of coastal areas on one sheet
Luso-Hispanic World number 204, verso. Geography and Map Division.

Two French maps are contained, one on each side of the sheet. The map of Coquimbo Bay includes coastline, an anchorage, and pictorial representation of coastal features and a settlement. Map is oriented with east at top. On the verso is the map "Les Isles de D[o]n Juan Fernandes...." This map, without orientation, shows both islands in pictorial relief with anchorages and contains warnings about navigational hazards to be encountered. This sheet of maps is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.C675 17-- .P5 Vault

Chile--Coast/Juan Fernández Islands, Chile

205. Plan de la rade de Cobija par les 22 d. 27. m. S. et de la Baye de Mexillones qui en est au sud la variation du compas corrigé [17--?]. Colored and pen-and-ink ms., 42 x 58 cm. Scale ca. 1:142,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 57). 90-682689.

Manuscript coastal chart with annotations
Luso-Hispanic World number 205, recto. Geography and Map Division.
Two manuscript coastal views on one sheet
Luso-Hispanic World number 205, verso. Geography and Map Division.

This French map shows region of Cobija and Mejillones del Sur Bay, Chile. Map shows coastal features, soundings, settlements, and contains extensive explanatory notes in French and in Spanish. Map is oriented with east at the top. Map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navigación, Cadiz, Spain, purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5334.C444A1 17-- .P5 Vault


206. Plan de l'isle de Sainte Marie par les 37 g. de lattd. S. à la cotte du Chily selon le compas. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 31 x 42 cm. Scale ca. 1:66,500. (Maggs purchase map collection; 71). 90-682684.

Manuscript nautical chart of an island with annotations
Luso-Hispanic World number 206. Geography and Map Division.

This French map includes coastal features, soundings, shoals and extensive notes in Spanish. Map is oriented with east at top. The work is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.S33 17-- .P5 Vault


207. Plan de l'isle et port de Iquique situé par les 20. d. l2. m. latt. ob. sud selon le compas. [17--?]. Colored and pen-and-ink ms., 30 x 40 cm. Scale ca. 1:40,250. (Maggs purchase map collection; 66). 90-682716.

Manuscript coastal chart showing an island and depictions of buildings on the coast
Luso-Hispanic World number 207. Geography and Map Division.

This French map of the Iquique, Chile area contains coastal features, pictorial representations of settlements, soundings, and a few explanatory notes, including "Magazin des Pescheurs". Map is oriented with east at top. Map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain, purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5334.I7A1 17-- .P5 Vault


208. Plan des ports de Copiapo situé par 27 d. latt. sud la variation du compas corrigée. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 29 x 42 cm. Scale ca. 1:107,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 49). 90-682637.

Manuscript coastal chart with a few points and anchorages marked
Luso-Hispanic World number 208. Geography and Map Division.

This French map of the area in the vicinity of Copiapó includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, and a coastal profile. Map is oriented with east at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.C67 17-- .P5 Vault


209. Plan du Cap de Hoorne situé par 56. d. de latt. S. de la Grande Baye ou golfe ou relacha le Nare. le françois Capne. Mr. Ioachim Darquistade au mois d'avril 1715 et des isles qu'il trouva au S.O. du dit cap 17 L 1/2 la variation du compas corriegée. [ca. 1715]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 42 x 31 cm. Scale ca. 1:228,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 56). 90-682651.

Manuscript coastal chart of a bay with annotations and anchorages
Luso-Hispanic World number 209. Geography and Map Division.

Inset: [Iles Darquistade qui sont au So. du Cap de hoorne].

This French map shows soundings and coastal features in the Cape Horn Region based on a French exploration of that region in 1715. The work also shows the site where Captain Joachim Darquistade's boat landed and contains notes such as "Cette baye seroit tres bonne pour hiverner en mouillant dans le fond - le bois et leau y sont acommoditté". The map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navgación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.H6 1715 .P5 Vault


210. Plan du port de Gouasco a la côtte du Chily par les 28 degréz 30 m. sud selon le compas. [17--?]. Colored and pen-and-ink ms., 29 x 42 cm. Scale ca. 1:58,500. (Maggs purchase map collection; 50). 90-682642.

Manuscript coastal chart with some depths shown
Luso-Hispanic World number 210. Geography and Map Division.

This French map of the Huasca region, Chile, includes coastal features, settlements, soundings, and notes "nous avons fait du bois icy et de l'eau" and "petitte ance fort poissonneuse" along the coast. Map is oriented with east at the top. Map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain, purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5334.H9A1 17-- .P5 Vault


211. Plano del Puerto de Copiapo, situado en la Costa de Chile.... [175-]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 28 x 46 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to .37 maritime league.

This Spanish map of Copiapó and vicinity includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, and pictorial representation of relief and a settlement. Map also includes a keyed legend. Map is oriented with east at top. In style and presentation, map is similar to those prepared at or under the direction of the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain.

G5332 .C6P5 175- .P Vault



212. Plano de la Bahía de Compcessión de Chile situado en los 36 gs. 40 ms. de latd. S y en longd. de 297 gs. 40 ms. mro. The [sic] Thenerife / copiado pr. Franco. Echeverría, concurrente de la Rl. Escuela de Navn., Depto. de Cádiz, bajo la corrn. de Dn. Manuel Villeña y Moune., año 1770. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 33 x 45 cm. Scale ca. 1:87,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 61). 90-682665.

Manuscript nautical charts showing a bay with depths and a list of references
Luso-Hispanic World number 212. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the Bahía de Concepción includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, a settlement, and pictorial representation of relief; also includes keyed legend. Map is oriented with east at top. This map belongs to the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.C65 1770 .P5 Vault

Chile--Coast/Concepción, Chile

213. Plano de la Bahía de Concepción de Chile situada la ciudad antigua en latitud meridional de 36°42'53" y en longitud de 303°52'3" de Tenerife observadas astronómicamente / que este plano fue levantado de orden del Rey en 1744 pr. los Señores Dn. Jorge Juan y Dn. Antonio de Ulloa, como consta del viage a la América Meridional de dichos Señores, pero sea por gue no tubies en el tiempo nesesario para darle toda la esactitud gue se reguiere, o por gue el ferremoto ge. en 1751 ... muchas correcciones en 1780, 81 y 82 al piloto de la Armada, Dn. José Manuel de Moraleda [indecipherable].. Moraleda, Josè Manuel de. 1782. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 37 x 52 cm. Scale ca. 1:89,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 62). 90-682666.

Colored manuscript map showing a bay with depths and illustrated topography
Luso-Hispanic World number 213. Geography and Map Division.

This beautiful and well executed map of the Bahía de Concepción includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, characteristics of the water bottom, settlements, roads, fortifications, streams, pictorial representation of relief and other land features; also includes extensive notes and keyed legend. In style, map is elegant, clear, and precise. Map also contains an elaborate, colorful cartouche. Map is oriented with east at top. Compass variation noted. Map depicts locations of both the old and new city of Concepción following the earthquake of 1751. This map is based on the original drawing prepared by Jorge Juan and Antonio de Ulloa in 1744 during one of their international scientific expeditions to South America. For more information on those voyages, see Jorge Juan and Antonio de Ulloa, Relación histórica del viage à la América Meridional.... (Madrid, 1748). This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.C65 1782 .J8 Vault

Chile--Coast/Concepción, Chile

214. Plano del Puerto de la Concepcion de Chile, situado en la Costa de este nombre.... [175-?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 33 x 45 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 1.6 French miles.

This Spanish plan of Concepción harbor and vicinity includes coastline, coastal features, extensive soundings, anchorages, navigational hazards, the city and settlements, and pictorial representation of relief. Includes a keyed legend. Map is oriented with east at top. In style and presentation, map is similar to those prepared at or under the direction of the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain.

G5332 .C6 175- .P Vault

Chile--Coast/Concepción, Chile

215. Plano de la Bahía de la Compcessión de Chile situado en los 36 gros. 40 ms. latd. S. y en la longd. de 297 gros. 40 ms. mro. de Thenerife [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 34 x 48 cm. Scale ca. 1:87,500. (Maggs purchase map collection; 59). 90-682659.

Manuscript chart showing a bay with illustrated topography and list of references
Luso-Hispanic World number 215. Geography and Map Division.

Inset profile: Coastal relief.

This map of the Bahía de Concepción includes coastal features, coastline, soundings, navigational hazards, a settlement, and pictorial representation of vegetation, cultivation, and relief; also includes extensive keyed legend and note. Map is oriented with east at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.C65 17-- .P5 Vault

Chile--Coast/Concepción, Chile

216. Plano de la Bahía de la Concepción de Chile situado en la latitud sur de 36 grados 40 minutos [before 1751]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 33 x 48 cm. Scale ca. 1:59,500. (Maggs purchase map collection; 58). 90-682658.

Manuscript chart showing a bay with some coastal toponyms
Luso-Hispanic World number 216. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the Bahía de Concepción shows coastline, coastal features, soundings, settlements, and pictorial representation of relief. Map is oriented with east at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.C65 1725 .P5 Vault

Chile--Coast/Concepción, Chile


217. Plano de la Isla de Sn. Carlos descubierta por Dn. Phelipe Gonzales, Capn. de Fragata de la Rl. Armada, Comandante de el Navio. Sn. Lorenzo, Fragta. Sta. Rozalia, con cuyos bugues salio de el Puerto de el Callao de dia 10 de octubre de 1770 de orden de el Exmo. Sor. Dn. Manuel de Amat, Virrey actual de el Perú, la desubrio el dia 13 de novre. de el mismo año. 1803. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 29 x 41 cm. Scale ca. 1:116,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 69). 90-682745.

Manuscript nautical chart showing Easter Island with list of references
Luso-Hispanic World number 217. Geography and Map Division.

This map of Easter Island includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, pictorial representation of relief, and characteristics of the water bottom; map also includes keyed legend and a note. Map is oriented with south at top. Also contains indecipherable annotation on verso. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G9665 1803 .P5 Vault

Easter Island, Chile/Chile

218. Plano de la Ya. de Sn. Carlos descubierta por Dn. Phelipe Gonzalez de Haedo, Capitan de Fragta. y Comte. del Navio. de S.M. nombrado Sn. Lorenzo y Frgta. Sta. Rosalia, acuya expedición salio del Puerto del Callao de Lima el dia 10 de octubre del año de 1770 ... : esta situada esta ya. en 27 grs. 6 ms. de lattd. S. y en los 264 gs. 36 ms. de longd. segun el meridno. de Thenerife. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 35 x 50 cm. Scale ca. 1:115,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 68). 90-682744.

Nautical chart showing Easter Island with list of references, and anchorages and depths shown along the coast
Luso-Hispanic World number 218. Geography and Map Division.

This map of Easter Island includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, shoals, anchorages, characteristics of the water bottom, and pictorial representation of relief; also includes a keyed legend and note. Map is oriented with south at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G9665 1770 .P5 Vault

Easter Island, Chile/Chile


219. Para fondear en este Pte. de la Ysla de Juan Fernandes y que dar libre, vas amanzar del N, de que se corten. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 31 x 81 cm. Scale not given. (Maggs purchase map collection; 70). 90-682730.

Manuscript coastal chat with illustrated topography
Luso-Hispanic World number 219. Geography and Map Division.

This map of Robinson Crusoe Island includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, an anchorage, and pictorial representation of settlements and relief; also includes extensive notes on mooring. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.C8 17-- .P3 Vault

Juan Fernández Islands, Chile/Chile


220. Plano de la Bahía de Borja cituado en la costa septentrionl. del Estrecho de Magallanes pr. latd. S. de 53°26'45' [sic] y longd. de 66°39' O. de Cádiz / levantado pr. el capitn. de fragta. Dn. Fernando de Miera, el theniente de fragta ... [et al.] bajo la corrón. del capitan de Navio Dn. Anto. de Cordova, comandte. de la Fragta. Sta. Maria la Caseva. Miera, Fernando de et al. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 34 x 44 cm. Scale ca. 1:11,250. (Maggs purchase map collection; 289). 90-680649.

Manuscript coastal chart showing a bay
Luso-Hispanic World number 220. Geography and Map Division.

This map of Bahía de Borja includes coastlines, coastal features, soundings, and characteristics of the water bottom; also includes keyed legend. This map was prepared in connection with the scientific voyages made to the Strait of Magellan in the late 1780's under the command of Antonio de Córdoba. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain from the Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.B6 17-- .P5 Vault

Chile--Coast/Strait of Magellan, Chile

221. Plano de la Bahía de Castejón situada en la costa septemtrional del Estrecho de Magallanes / levantado pr. el tente. de fragta. Dn Tello Mantilla y el 2o piloto Dn. Anto. Castellano bajo el mando del Capn. de Navio Dn. Anto. de Cordova. [17--?]. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 30 x 44 cm. Scale ca. 1:10,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 292). 90-680785.

Manuscript coastal chart with a few references
Luso-Hispanic World number 221. Geography and Map Division.

This map includes coastlines, coastal features, soundings, characteristics of the water bottom, and a stream. Map was prepared in connection with the scientific expeditions to the Strait of Magellan made in the late 1780's under the command of Antonio de Córdoba. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navigación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.M33 17-- .M3 Vault

Chile--Coast/Strait of Magellan, Chile

222. Plano de la Bahía de Castejón situada en la costa septentrional del Estrecho de Magallanes / levantado por el tente. de fragta. Dn. Tello Mantilla y el 2o piloto Dn. Antonio Castellanos bajo el mando del Capitan de No. Dn. Antonio de Cordova. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 31 x 43 cm. Scale ca. 1:10,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 291). 90-680786.

Manuscript coastal chart with a few references
Luso-Hispanic World number 222. Geography and Map Division.

This map includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, characteristics of the water bottom, and a stream. Map also includes keyed legend and notes. Map is oriented with northeast at top. Map was prepared in connection with the scientific expeditions to the Strait of Magellan made in the late 1780's under the command of Antonio de Córdoba. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.M33 17-- .M31 Vault

Chile--Coast/Strait of Magellan, Chile

223. Plano de la Bahía de Estuardo situado en la costa meridional del Estreche de Magallanes por latd. S. de 53°23' y longd. de 67°8" [sic] 20" occidental de Cádiz / levantado por el Capn. de fragta. Dn. Fernando de Miera ... [et al.] bajo la correón. del Capn. de Navio Dn. Antonio de Cordova ; delineado por el pilotin de la Rl. Armada Dn. Bernabe Muñoz bajo la corrección del Alferes de Fragta. Dn. Pedro Rebelles, maestro delineador por S.M., año de 1786. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 33 x 47 cm. Scale ca. 1:6,700. (Maggs purchase map collection; 293). 91-680522.

Manuscript coastal chart showing several islands and possible shoals
Luso-Hispanic World number 223. Geography and Map Division.

This map shows coastal features, soundings, and characteristics of the water bottom. Map is oriented with northwest at top. Also contains brief legend. The map is one of several prepared in connection with the scientific voyages to the Strait of Magellan made in the late 1780's under the command of Antonio de Córdoba. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.M33 1786 .P5 Vault

Chile--Coast/Strait of Magellan, Chile

224. Plano de la Bahía de Lángara situado en la costa septemtrional del Estrecho de Magallanes por latd. S. de 53°23' y longd. 66°53' occl. del obserbatorio de Cádiz / lebantado pr. el capitan de fragata Dn. Ferndo. de Miera... [et al.]; al mando del capitan de Navio Dn. Anto. de Cordova; delineado pr. el pilotin del No. de la Rl. Arda. Dn. Franco. Tutor y Malo bajo la corón. de el Alfz. de Fragta Dn. Pedro Rivelles, maestro de delinon. pr. S.M. en la Rl. Ysla de Leon, año de 1786. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 32 x 46 cm. Scale ca. 1:7,100. (Maggs purchase map collection; 295). 90-680678.

Manuscript coastal chart with a few references
Luso-Hispanic World number 224. Geography and Map Division.

This map shows coastal features and soundings of Lángara Bay, Strait of Magellan; contains brief legend. The work, prepared by Francisco Malo y Tutor under the direction Pedro Ribelles, is one of a large number connected with the scientific voyage to the Strait of Magellan of 1785-86 under the command of Antonio de Córdoba. The map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navigación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from the Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.L35 1786 .P5 Vault

Chile--Coast/Strait of Magellan, Chile

225. Plano de la Bahía de Roxas en el Estrecho de Magallanes en la Ysla de Carlos III cituada su mediania por latud S. de 53" 37" y longd. de 66" 21", occidental de Cádiz / lebantado por el Capn. de Fragta. Dn. Fernando de Miera ... [et al.] bajo la correción del Capitan de Navio Dn. Antonio de Cordova, comandante de la fragata, Sta. Maria de la Cabera, año de 1786 ; delineado por el pilotin de la Armada Dn. Bernabe Muñoz bajo la corrección del Alferes de Fragata Dn. Pedro Rebelles, año de 1786. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 33 x 46 cm. Scale ca. 1:11,400. (Maggs purchase map collection; 297). 90-680792.

Manuscript coastal chart of a bay with a few references
Luso-Hispanic World number 225. Geography and Map Division.

This map of Bahía de Roxas includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, and characteristics of the water bottom; also contains a keyed legend. Map was prepared in connection with the scientific expeditions to the Strait of Magellan made in the late 1780's under the command of Antonio de Córdoba. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.C37 1786 .P5 Vault

Chile--Coast/Strait of Magellan, Chile

226. Plano de la Bahya de Mazaredo o de la Cascada situada en la costa meridional del Estrecho de Magallanes por latitud sur de 53°59'30" y longd. de 69°20' ocidental del observatorio de Cádiz / levantado por el teniente de fragta. Dn. Dionicio Galiano y el pilotin del No. Dn. Anto. de Castro y Monte Hermos bajo la corrección del capitan de No. Dn. Anto. de Cordova y copiado del orijinal por Dn. José F. Bandujo, pilotin del No. bajo la correción del Alferes de Fragta. Dn. Pedro Revelles, maestro deliniador. [17--?]. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 33 x 44 cm. Scale ca. 1:15,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 290). 90-680659.

Manuscript coastal chart
Luso-Hispanic World number 226. Geography and Map Division.

Bandujo copied this map from the original drawn by Dionicio Galiano and Antonio de Castro. Map shows coastline and soundings. Includes brief legend. Map is one of several prepared in connection with the scientific voyages to the Strait of Magellan in the late 1780's under the command of Antonio de Córdoba. The map is part of the G&M Division's collections from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.M39 17-- .B3 Vault

Chile--Coast/Strait of Magellan, Chile

227. Plano de la Bahya de Romay situada en la costa septentl. del Estrecho de Magallanes por la lattd. S. de 53°20' y longd. de 64°37'30" occidentl. del observatiorio Rl. de Marina de Cádiz / levantado por el Capitan de Fragata Dn. Fernando de Miera, el Thte. de Fragata Dn. Dionisio Galiano y el Pilotin del Navio. Dn. Antonio de Castro, bajo la correccon. del Capitan de Navio. Dn. Antonio de Cordova ; delineado pr. el Pilotin del No. D. Diego Morele, bajo la corrn. de Dn. Pedro Ribelle, mro. dr. pr. S.M. en la Rl. Ysla de Léon. [1786?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 30 x 44 cm. Scale ca. 1:21,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 64). 90-682712.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay
Luso-Hispanic World number 227. Geography and Map Division.

This map of Bahía de Agua Fresca includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, and characteristics of the water bottom. Map is oriented with west at top; map also includes a keyed legend. This map was prepared in connection with the scientific voyages to the Strait of Magellan made in the late 1780's under the command of Antonio de Córdoba. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.A3 1786 .M5 Vault

Chile--Coast/Strait of Magellan, Chile

228. Plano de la Cala de Tomaseo cituada en la costa septeentrional [sic] del Estrecho de Magallans. pr. lattd. S. de 53°27 1/2' y longd. de 66°45' occidental de Cádiz / levantado pr. el Capn. de Navio digo de fragta. Dn. Fernando de Miera ... [et al.] bajo la corrección del Capn. de Navio Dn. Antonio Cordoba. [17--?]. pen-and-ink ms, 35 x 44 cm. Scale ca. 1:9,100. (Maggs purchase map collection; 299). 91-680508.

Manuscript coastal chart showing coastal outline
Luso-Hispanic World number 228. Geography and Map Division.

The map shows coastal features and soundings. Also includes a brief legend. This map is one of several connected with the scientific voyages to the Strait of Magellan made in the late 1780's under the command of Antonio de Cordóba. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.M33 17-- .P52 Vault

Chile--Coast/Strait of Magellan, Chile

229. Plano de la Ensenada de Mantylla cituada en la costa septentl. de la Ysla de Ulloa en el Estrecho de Magallanes por lattd. de 53 gros. y lomgd. [sic] de 66 gros occidental de Cádiz / levantado por el Capn. de fragata D. Fernando de Miera... [et al.] bajo la corrección del Capn. de Navio Dn. Antonio de Cordova, año de 1786 ; delineado por el pilotin del numo. Dn. Diego Morete bajo la corrón. de Dn. Pedro Rebelle, mro. delineador pr. S.M. en la Rl. Ysla de Leon. [1786]. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 32 x 46 cm. Scale ca. 1:7,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 296). 91-680521.

Manuscript nautical chart showing coastal outline
Luso-Hispanic World number 229. Geography and Map Division.

This map shows coastline and soundings. Map is one of several prepared in connection with the scientific voyages to the Strait of Magellan made in the late 1780's under the command of Antonio de Córdoba. The map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.S3 1786 .P48 Vault

Chile--Coast/Strait of Magellan, Chile

230. Plano de la Ysla de Ulloa situada en el Estrecho de Magallanes su centro en la latitud de 53°39' S. y longd. de 66°30' occidental de Cádiz / levantado por el 2o comandte. y otros oficiales de la Fragta. Sta. María de la Caveza bajo la corrección del Capitn. de No. y Comandte. de dha Fragta. Dn. Antonio de Córdova. [1792?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 33 x 48 cm. Scale ca. 1:41,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 72a). 90-682737.

Manuscript nautical chart showing outline of an island
Luso-Hispanic World number 230. Geography and Map Division.

This map shows coastal features, soundings, and characteristics of the water bottom; also contains a brief legend and notes. The map was prepared in connection with the scientific voyages to the Strait of Magellan in the late 1780's under the command of Antonio de Córdoba. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.S3 1792 .P5 Vault

Chile--Coast/Strait of Magellan, Chile

231. Plano de la Ysla de Ulloa situada en el Estrecho de Magallanes su centro pr. lattd. S de 53°32' y longd. de 66°50' occidental de Cádiz / lebantado pr. el Capn. de Fragata Dn. Ferrnando de Miera ... [et al.] bajo la corrón. de Capn. de Navio. Dn. Antonio de Córdova, Comte. de dha Fragata Sta. Maria de la Cavesa. [1786]. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 35 x 60 cm. Scale ca. 1:41,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 72b). 90-682738.

Manuscript nautical chart showing coastline of an island
Luso-Hispanic World number 231. Geography and Map Division.

This map shows coastal features, characteristics of the water bottom, and soundings. Includes brief legend and notes. This chart appears to be a preliminary for map of same location, see Maggs 72a. This map is one of several prepared in connection with the scientific voyages to the Strait of Magellan made in the late 1780's under the command of Antonio de Córdoba. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.S3 1786 .P5 Vault

Chile--Coast/Strait of Magellan, Chile

232. Plano de las Bahías de la Baronesa y Condesa situadas en la costa oriental del Estrecho de Magallanes en la latitud de 53°24'S y longd. de 67°10' del O. de Cádiz / levantado por el capitan de fragta. Dn. Ferndo. de Miera, el teniente de fragta. ... [et al.]. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 30 x 44 cm. Scale ca. 1:7,500. (Maggs purchase map collection; 287). 90-680640.

Manuscript nautical chart showing coastal outlines
Luso-Hispanic World number 232. Geography and Map Division.

This map includes coastal features, soundings, and a keyed legend. Map is oriented with south at top. The map is one of several prepared in connection with the scientific voyages to the Strait of Magellan made in the late 1780's under the command of Antonio de Córdoba. The map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.S95 17-- .P5 Vault

Chile--Coast/Strait of Magellan, Chile

233. Plano de las Bahías de la Baronesa y la Condoza situadas en la costa meridl. del Estrecho de Magallanes por la lattd. S. de 53 gs. 24 ms. y longd. de 67°06'10" occidental de Cádiz / levantado por el capitan de fragata Dn. Fernando de Miera, el teniente de fragata ... [et al.] bajo la corrección del capitan de Navio. Dn. Antonio de Cordova, año de 1786 ; delineado por el pilotin del Numo. D. Diego Morete bajo la corrón. de Dn. Pedro Ribelle, mro. delineado de S.M. en la Rl. Ysla de Leon. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 32 x 44 cm. Scale ca. 1:7,500. (Maggs purchase map collection; 288). 90-680641.

Manuscript nautical chart showing coastal outlines
Luso-Hispanic World number 233. Geography and Map Division.

This map shows coastal features and soundings; also includes keyed legend and extensive notes. Map was drawn by Fernando de Miera, Dionicio Galiano, Joaquin Blanco, and Antonio Castellanos and later delineated by Diego Morete. This chart is one of several prepared in connection with the scientific voyages to the Strait of Magellan in the late 1780's under the command of Antonio de Córdoba. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.S95 1786 .P5 Vault

Chile--Coast/Strait of Magellan, Chile

234. Plano del Puerto de la Hambre, situado en la costa septentrional del Estrecho de Magallanes....[Chile]. Tutor [y Malo], Fran[cis]co. 1786. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 32 x 46 cm. Scale ca. 1:7,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 67). 90-682722.

This map shows coastal features, soundings, and inlets in Hambre Harbor and vicinity in the Strait of Magellan; contains brief legend. It was prepared by Francisco Tutor under the direction of Pedro Rivelles. Map is oriented with west at top. This chart is one of a large number that were prepared in connection with the scientific voyages led by Antonio de Cordóba to the Strait of Magellan in the late 1780's. The map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navigación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332. H3 1786 .P5 Vault

Chile--Coast/Strait of Magellan, Chile

235. Plano del Puerto de Sn. Miguel y Bahía de Gaston situada en la costa septentrional del Estrecho de Magallanes en latitu. S. de 53°42' y longd. al O. de Cádiz 65°46'50 / levantado pr. el tente. de fragta. Dn. Alexandro Velmonte y los pilotos de la fragta. Sta. Maria de la Caveza. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 53 x 59 cm. Scale ca. 1:7,500. (Maggs purchase map collection; 294). 91-680515.

Manuscript nautical chart of a port area
Luso-Hispanic World number 235. Geography and Map Division.

This map shows coastal features, shoals, soundings, characteristics of the water bottom, and an anchorage. Also includes brief legend. This is one of several maps connected with the scientific voyages to the Strait of Magellan made in the late 1780's under the command of Antonio de Cordóba. This map is part of the G&M Division's collections from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.M33 17-- .V4 Vault

Chile--Coast/Strait of Magellan, Chile


236. Plano del puerto del Balparaizo en la mar del sur costa de Chile por 32 grs. 55 mtos. de latd. austral / copiado por Ju. Curado, concurrte. en la Real Escuela de Navegn., baro la corrección de Dn. Jph. Badarco., mtro. delinor. endha escuela. [1760?]. Colored and pen-and-ink ms., 48 x 70 cm. Scale [ca. 1:81,500]. (Maggs purchase map collection; 48). 90-682626.

Manuscript nautical chart of a coastal area showing some topography and habitation
Luso-Hispanic World number 236. Geography and Map Division.

This map includes settlements, fortifications, soundings, and coastal features with relief shown pictorially; also includes legend. Map is oriented with east at top. It was prepared by Curado under the direction of Joseph Badaracco at the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain, and it is part of the G&M Division's collection from that school purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.V3 1760 .C8 Vault

Chile--Coast/Valparaiso, Chile

237. Plano de la Baia y Puerto de San Josef o Fuerte Escudo situado en la costa septentrional del Estrecho de Magallanes / levantado pr. los pilotos de la fragta. Sta. Maria de la Cavesa bajo el mando del Capitan de Navio Dn. Antonio de Cordova ; delineado pr. Dn. Lorenzo Pérez bajo de la correción de Dn. Pedro Rivelle, maestro de divugo pr. su Majestat. [17--?]. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 32 x 45 cm. Scale ca. 1:10,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 298). 91-680503.

Manuscript nautical chart of a bay
Luso-Hispanic World number 237. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the "Bahía y Puerto de San Josef" includes coastal features, soundings, and characteristics of the water bottom; also contains brief legend. Map was prepared by Lorenzo Pérez under the direction of Pedro Rivelles. This is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navigación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.M33 17-- .P5 Vault

Chile--Coast/Strait of Magellan, Chile

238. Plan de la rade de Valparaiso situé par 32 ds. 56 ms. lattd. sud selon le compas. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 35 x 44 cm. Scale ca. 1:82,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 45). 90-682631.

Manuscript nautical chart of a coastal area
Luso-Hispanic World number 238. Geography and Map Division.

This French map, containing all annotations in Spanish, includes coastal features, soundings, anchorages, and pictorial representation of settlement and relief. Map is oriented with east at top. An unidentified incomplete map appears on verso which may also depict Valparaiso. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.V3 17-- .P3 Vault

Chile--Coast/Valparaiso, Chile

239. Plano de la enzenada y pto. de Valparayzo en las costas del mar del sur situado en la latd. austral de 33 gs. 2 ms. y en la longd. de 304 gs. 11 ms. segun el meridiano de Tenerife. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 34 x 45 cm. Scale ca. 1:59,500. (Maggs purchase map collection; 73). 90-682632.

Manuscript nautical chart of a bay
Luso-Hispanic World number 239. Geography and Map Division.

This map includes coastal features, soundings, a settlement, and a keyed legend. Map is oriented with southeast at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.V3 17-- .P35 Vault

Chile---Coast/Valparaiso, Chile

240. Plano de Valparayzo / es la echo pr. Miguel López y Solórzano en la Isla de Léon a primero de junio de 1770 as. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 34 x 46 cm. Scale ca. 1:60,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 74). 90-682633.

Manuscript nautical chart of a bay
Luso-Hispanic World number 240. Geography and Map Division.

This map shows coastal features, characteristics of the water bottom, soundings, anchorages, and a settlement. Map is oriented with southeast at top. Includes keyed legend. The map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.V3 1770 .L6 Vault

Chile--Coast/Valparaiso, Chile

241. Plano del Balparayso / Juan de Hervé, año de 1768 ; hecho por Thadeo Carratala. Pen-and-ink ms., 37 x 50 cm. Scale ca. 1:145,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 52). 90-682627.

Manuscript nautical chart of a coastal region
Luso-Hispanic World number 241. Geography and Map Division.

This map shows coastal features, settlements, soundings, and relief pictorially. Includes legend. Oriented with east at top. It is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain, purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.V3 1768 .H4 Vault

Chile--Coast/Valparaiso, Chile.

242. Plano del pto. de Balparayso / pr. Dn. Juan Hervé, 1o pto. de la Rl. Armada. [1768?]. Colored and pen-and-ink ms., 29 x 47 cm. Scale ca. 1:143,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 47). 90-682625.

Manuscript nautical chart of a coastal area with list of references
Luso-Hispanic World number 242. Geography and Map Division.

This map has been dated by comparison with a similar one by the same cartographer. Map shows coastal features, a settlement, soundings, and relief pictorially. Includes legend. Map is oriented with east at top. Map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain, purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.V3 1768 .H41 Vault

Chile--Coast/Valparaiso, Chile

243. Plano del pt. de Valparayzo cituado en la costa de Chile en 33 gs. de latd. S y en 298 gs. y 40 ms. de longd. nordestea La Agula 10 gs. / delineado por Dn. Pedro Pérez bajo la corrección de Dn. Pedro Rívelles Alferes de Fragta. de la Rl. Armda. y Mtro. de Dibujo pr. S.M. en este Depto. de Cádiz. [18th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 32 x 46 cm. Scale ca. 1:145,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 46). 90-682617.

Manuscript nautical chart of a coastal area
Luso-Hispanic World number 243. Geography and Map Division.

This map shows coastal features, soundings, anchorages, and a settlement; coastal relief shown pictorially. Map is oriented with east at top. The map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from the Maggs Brothers, London.

G5332.V3 17-- .P4 Vault

Chile--Coast/Valparaiso, Chile