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The Luso-Hispanic World in Maps: A Selective Guide to Manuscript Maps to 1900

Dominican Republic-French Guiana (381-421)

381. Carte De La Côte S[ain]t Domingue Depuis La Pointe De La Saline Jusqu'a La Baye De Neybe avec une Reconnaissance de l'Intérieure depuis Azua Jusqu'a la Fondation 1807 [Dominican Republic]. 1807. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 34 x 61 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 1.1 lieues.

This well-executed French map of Ocoa Bay and vicinity includes roads, towns, individual land holdings, cultivated fields, a fortification, salt flats, streams and other bodies of water, pictorial representation of relief, coastline, coastal features, and navigational hazards.

G4953 .A9C6 1807 .C Vault

Dominican Republic--South Coast

382. Carte De La Presqu'île De Samana - Divisée En Six Cantons Pour servir a la Collocation des Concessions délivrées par M[onsieur] le Général Ferrand Commandant en chef l'Armée de S[ain]t Domingue....[Dominican Republic]. 1807. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 69 x 114 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 1,000 toises.

This French plan of the area along Samaná Bay includes the projected division of north shore land concessions, the creation of six cantons, and the new city of Port Napoléon. Map also shows coastline and coastal features.

G4953 .S3 1807 .C Vault

Dominican Republic--North Coast

383. Carte de l'entrée de la rade et Port Napoléon dans la Baye de Samana, Isle St. Domingue / présentée au Général Ferrand, capitaine général et administrateur génal. de la colonie, par E. Beaucosté. [1807?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 37 x 57 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 275 toises. 2008628124.

Manuscript nautical chart of a coastal region showing a reef and a city
Luso-Hispanic World number 383. Geography and Map Division.

This French map of the entrance to the harbor of the projected town of Port Napoléon includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, anchorages, a grid of the projected town, pictorial representation of coastal relief, and a legend.

G4953.S3P5 1807 .C Vault

Dominican Republic--North Coast

384. Carte des Communications d'Azua à Neybe et a S[ain]t Juan, dressée d'après une Reconnaissance Militaire Faite par Ordre du - Général en chef les 15 et 21 de Frimaire an XIII [Dominican Republic]. Mangin. [1804]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 42 x 56 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 1 lieue.

Manuscript map showing  a river with tributaries and adjacent towns, with two inset maps
Luso-Hispanic World number 384. Geography and Map Division.

This French military map of the region between Azua and the Río Neyva includes roads, settlements, streams, and pictorial representation of relief. Primary purpose of map is to show the roads of the region. Two inset maps show plans for road improvements. Map is oriented with west at top.

G4953 .A9 1804 .C Vault

Dominican Republic

385. Plano de la Bahía de Manzanillo / copiado en el Guarico Pedro de Orisolo por mandado del Señor Jefe de Esquadra Dn. Manuel Lopez Pintado Cauallero de la orden de Santiago, año de 1732 ; Ferrol y abril de 1792 Aras[?]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 64 x 47 cm. Scale ca. 1:5,450. (Maggs purchase map collection; 331). 91-680798.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay and river mouth
Luso-Hispanic World number 385. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of Manzanillo Bay includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and pictorial representation of relief; map also includes extensive notes. Map is oriented with south at top. This work is a 1792 copy of the 1732 original prepared by Aras in El Ferrol, Spain. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4932.M3 1732 .P5 Vault

Dominican Republic--South Coast

386. Plano De La Bahia De Ocoa En La Ysla De S[a]n[to] Domingo [Dominican Republic]. [174-?]. Pen-and-ink ms., 33 x 52 cm. Scale ca. 1:70,000. (Howe; 47). 73-691517.

This map of Ocoa Bay includes coastline, soundings, a navigational hazard, an anchorage, and streams. Map appears similar to those prepared by Francisco Mathias Celi under Admiral Torres in 1740-1744.

G4952.O3 174- .C4 Vault : Howe 47

Dominican Republic--South Coast

387. Plano del Puerto de Plata situado en la costa del norte de la Ysla de Sto. Domingo en la latd. de 19 gs. 43 ms. N. y en la longd. de 306 gs. 18 ms. segun el merido. de Tenerife. [18th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 32 x 46 cm. Scale ca. 1:14,375. (Maggs purchase map collection; 374). 91-680881.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay with fort, hills, and two buildings illustrated
Luso-Hispanic World number 387. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of Puerto Plata includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, navigational hazards, a fortification, and pictorial representation of relief and of buildings; also includes keyed legend. Prominent on the map is the location of silver mines. Map is oriented with south at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4954.S225P55 17-- .P5 Vault

Dominican Republic--North Coast

388. Plano del Puerto de Plata situado en la costa del norte la Ysla de Santo Domingo en la latd. de 19 gs. 43 ms. N. y en la longd. de 306 gs. 18 ms. segn. el mro. de Tenerife. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 32 x 45 cm. Scale ca. 1:14,260. (Maggs purchase map collection; 378). 91-680882.

Manuscript map showing a port with fort, hills, and two buildings illustrated
Luso-Hispanic World number 388. Geography and Map Division.

This map of Puerto Plata includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, a navigational hazard, and pictorial representation of relief and various buildings; prominent on the map is the depiction of el Monte de Plata with the note "asi parese el Monte de Plata minado desde la mar á Dist[anci]a de 5 leg[ua]s". Also includes keyed legend. Map is oriented with south at top. Similar information and style provided by Maggs 374. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4954.S225P55 17-- .P51 Vault

Dominican Republic--North Coast

389. Plano del Puerto de Plata situado en la costa del N. de la Ysla de Santo Domingo en la latitud de 19°13' N y en la longd. de 306°18' segun Thenerife / fecit, Soto. [17--?]. Pen-and-ink ms., 50 x 70 cm. Scale ca. 1:7,200. (Maggs purchase map collection; 371). 91-680883.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a port with fort and hills illustrated
Luso-Hispanic World number 389. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of Puerto Plata includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, navigational hazards, and pictorial representation of relief and of various buildings. Prominent on the map is the Monte de Plata with the note "Monte de Plata minado dela Mar a dist[anci]a de 5 leguas". Map also includes keyed legend and extensive note. Map is oriented with south at top. This map belongs to the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4954.S225P55 17-- .S6 Vault

Dominican Republic--North Coast

390. Plano de la Bahía de Ocoa. [17--?]. Pen-and-ink ms., 51 x 71 cm. Scale ca. 1:58,650. (Maggs purchase map collection; 377). 91-680875.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay
Luso-Hispanic World number 390. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of Ocoa Bay includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, an anchorage, a navigational hazard, a settlement, and pictorial representation of coastal relief; also contains a brief keyed legend. Map is oriented with east at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4952.O3 17-- .P5 Vault

Dominican Republic--South Coast

391. Plano de la Bahía de Ocoa situado en la banda del sur de la Ysla Española / copiado por Raphael de Asso, concurrente en la Real Escuela de Navegación, Cádiz, 1 de jul. del año de 1767. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 37 x 48 cm. Scale ca. 1:67,500. (Maggs purchase map collection; 369). 91-680874.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay
Luso-Hispanic World number 391. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the Ocoa Bay includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, a navigational hazard, a settlement, and pictorial representation of trees and coastal relief; also contains a brief keyed legend. Map is oriented with east at top. Map was prepared by Asso under the direction of the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain and is part of the G&M Division's collection from that school acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4952.O3 1767 .A8 Vault

Dominican Republic--South Coast

392. Plano de la Bahía de Ocoa situado en la banda del sur de la Ysla Española. Delineado por el piloto segundo del numero D. Juan de Vera baxo la corrección de D. Pedro Rivelles, maestro delineador por S. M. en el Departamento de Cadiz a 7 de feb. de 1784. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 36 x 48 cm. Scale ca. 1:70,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 370). 74-692138.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay
Luso-Hispanic World number 392. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of Ocoa Bay includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, a navigational hazard, a settlement, and pictorial representation of trees and coastal relief; also includes a brief keyed legend. Map is oriented with east at top. In style, clear, precise, and almost abstract. Map was prepared by Vera under the direction of Pedro Rivelles of the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain and is part of the G&M Division's collection from that school acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4952.O3 1784 .V4 Vault

Dominican Republic--South Coast

393. Ysla de Santo Domingo. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 50 x 72 cm. Scale ca. 1:560,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 373). 91-680888.

Manuscript nautical chart showing part of an island
Luso-Hispanic World number 393. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map depicting the Dominican Republic and a portion of the west coast of Puerto Rico includes coastlines, coastal features, soundings, characteristics of the water bottom, a navigational hazard, settlements around the Bay of Samaná and along the west coast of Puerto Rico, and an ornate directional arrow. Emphasis of map is on Bay of Samaná and west coast of Puerto Rico. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4950 17-- .Y7 Vault

Dominican Republic/Puerto Rico--Coast


394. Plan de projet pour l'etablissement de la ville du Port Napoléon dans l'Isle Saint Domingue sur la presqu'isle et Baye de Samana / dressé par ordre du Général Ferrand, commandant en chef l'armée de St. Domingue fesant fonction de capne. général. [1806?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 46 x 60 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 60 toises.

Manuscript map showing a bay and port city with street grid and divided lots
Luso-Hispanic World number 394. Geography and Map Division.

This well-executed colorful French plan of the projected city of Port Napoléon on the north coast of Samaná Bay lays out the city plan with numbered lot divisions, proposed streets, churches, civic buildings, a military hospital, parks, and an abandoned "old town". Also includes a keyed legend. Plan is a very handsome real estate development promotion. Map is oriented with south at top.

G4954.S22 1807 .P5 Vault

Dominican Republic--North Coast/Port Napoléon, Dominican Republic

395. Plan des environs du Port Napoléon dans la Baye de Samana depuis la Baye de las Cañitas Jusqu' a la Pointe á Mangle. [1807?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 38 x 51 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 400 toises.

Manuscript map showing a coastal area divided into lots with topography shown
Luso-Hispanic World number 395. Geography and Map Division.

This French plan of the north shore of Samaná Bay in the vicinity of the projected town of Port Napoléon includes land concessions with individual owners, roads, the projected town, streams, pictorial representation of relief, coastline, coastal features, and navigational hazards.

G4954.S22A1 1807 .P5 Vault

Dominican Republic--North Coast/Port Napoléon, Dominican Republic


396. Plan du Palais du gouvernement dans la ville de Santo Domingo / dressé d'après les changemens et réparations ordonnés par M. le Capne. Génal. Ferrand, le septembre 1807. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 37 x 50 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 4.8 toises.

Manuscript plans of two floors of a building with profile view below
Luso-Hispanic World number 396. Geography and Map Division.

This is a French floor plan of the two-storied government palace in Santo Domingo with a profile of one its sides. Many rooms are identified.

G4954.S8:2P2 1807 .P5 Vault

Dominican Republic/Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

397. Plan du siège de Santo Domingo par Dessalines, chef des révoltes de St. Domingue, forme le 15 ventôse et levé le 8 germinal an 13. [1805]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 62 x 95 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 90 toises.

Detailed manuscript map showing a city on a river mouth with inset map of fort
Luso-Hispanic World number 397. Geography and Map Division.

In 1804, Haiti became a free black nation and the second independent state in the Americas. Dessalines, who declared himself emperor of Haiti, sought to enlarge his empire by adding the Spanish portion (now the Dominican Republic) of Hispaniola to it. In February 1805, Dessalines invaded, and by March he laid siege to Santo Domingo with some 21,000 troops. A combined French and Spanish force successfully defended Santo Domingo, and the Haitians retreated. This colorful, well-executed French military map of the siege of Santo Domingo includes fortifications, encampments of French forces by commanders, locations of Spanish forces, a grid plan of the city, roads, plantations, cultivated fields, streams, pictorial representation of relief and vegetation, coastline, coastal features, soundings, and navigational hazards. Also includes two extensive keyed legends which serve to identify sites inside and outside of the city and military positions during the siege. An inset map "Plan du Camp Galard" locates Dessaline's headquarters north of the city of Santo Domingo. A less complete version of this map is found under call number G4954 .S8S5 1805 .P Vault.

G4954.S8 1805 .P48 Vault

Dominican Republic--South Coast/Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

398. [Pl]an du siège de Santo Doming[o] par Dess[a]lines, chef des révoltes de St. Domingue, forme le 15 ventôse et levé le 8 germinal an 13. [1805]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 61 x 93 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 90 toises.

Manuscript map of a city on a river mouth
Luso-Hispanic World number 398. Geography and Map Division.

In 1804, Haiti became a free black nation and the second independent state in the Americas. Dessalines, who declared himself emperor of Haiti, sought to enlarge his empire by adding the Spanish portion (now the Dominican Republic) of Hispaniola to it. In February 1805, Dessalines invaded, and by March he laid siege to Santo Domingo with some 21,000 troops. A combined French and Spanish force successfully defended Santo Domingo, and the Haitians retreated. This partially completed French military map of the siege of Santo Domingo includes fortifications, encampments of French forces identified by commander, locations of Spanish forces, a grid plan of the city, roads, plantations, cultivated fields, streams, pictorial representation of relief and vegetation, coastline, coastal features, soundings, and navigational hazards. Also includes two extensive keyed legends which serve to identify sites inside and outside of the city and military positions during the siege. An inset map "Plan du Camp Galard" locates Dessaline's headquarters north of the city of Santo Domingo. A more complete version of this map is under call number G4954 .S8S5 1805 .P6 Vault.

G4954.S8 1805 .P49 Vault

Dominican Republic--South Coast/Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

399. Plan général de l'enceinte et des ouvrages projettés pour fortifier la place de Sto. Domingo. [1805?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 41 x 56 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 90 toises.

Manuscript map showing a city on a river mouth; outlines of some buildings are shown
Luso-Hispanic World number 399. Geography and Map Division.

This well-executed French military map of the city wall and proposed fortifications of Santo Domingo includes proposed fortifications, an outline of the city wall, a grid of the city, a settlement, roads, plantations and cultivated land, a river, pictorial representation of vegetation and relief, coastline, and coastal features. Map was prepared after the unsuccessful 1805 siege by the Haitian emperor, Dessalines. At the time of this plan, French metropolitan troops had allied themselves with Spanish forces to counter Dessalines' attack and siege. A note for the Bourg de St. Carle, a suburb of Santo Domingo, reads, "Détruit lors du Siege".

G4954.S8 1805 .P5 Vault

Dominican Republic--South Coast/Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

400. Plano de la ciudad de Sto. Domingo y su río. [18th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 34 x 49 cm. Scale ca. 1:2,000,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 194). 90-683821.

Manuscript map of the island of Hispaniola and several other Caribbean islands; an inset map shows a city on a river mouth
Luso-Hispanic World number 400. Geography and Map Division.

Inset map: "Plano De La Ciudad De S[an]to Domingo: Y Su Rio".

This Spanish map of Hispaniola and adjacent islands includes coastlines, coastal features, navigational hazards, an anchorage, roads, and settlements. The inset map of the city of Santo Domingo includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, an anchorage, and pictorial representation of the city. Map and inset are similar to Maggs 196. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4930 17-- .P5 Vault

Hispaniola/Cuba/Jamaica/Bahamas/Haiti/Dominican Republic/Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

401. Plano del río y ciudad de Sto. Domingo. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 32 x 46 cm. Scale ca. 1:570. (Maggs purchase map collection; 375). 91-680893.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a river mouth with the outline of a city
Luso-Hispanic World number 401. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the immediate vicinity of Santo Domingo includes coastline, a few coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, an anchorage, and the outline of the walls of the city; map includes brief keyed legend. In style, clear, precise, and spare. This work is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4954 .S8 17-- .P5 Vault

Dominican Republic--South Coast/Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

402. Plano del río y ciudad de Sto. Domingo y su costa immediata al E. y O. sacado de algunos, planos y noticias no muy veridicas, pero puede ser bir, de ynstrución y gobierno, en caso de no aber otro verdadero. [17--?]. Pen-and-ink ms., 40 x 63 cm. Scale ca. 1:230,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 372). 91-680580.

Manuscript map showing a river mouth and bay
Luso-Hispanic World number 402. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map depicting Santo Domingo and vicinity includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, a navigational hazard, settlements, fortifications, a church, and roads; heading includes brief note. Map is oriented with west at top. This work belongs to the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4954 .S8A1 17-- .P51 Vault

Dominican Republic--South Coast/Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

403. Plano del ryo e ciudad de Sto. Domingo. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 25 x 35 cm. Scale ca. 1:570. (Maggs purchase map collection; 379). 91-680895.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a river mouth with the outline of a city
Luso-Hispanic World number 403. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the immediate vicinity of Santo Domingo includes coastline, a few coastal features, an anchorage, soundings, navigational hazards, and an outline of the walls of the city; work also includes a brief keyed legend. Closely resembles Maggs 372. This work is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4954 .S8 17-- .P51 Vault

Dominican Republic--South Coast/Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

404. Plano del río y ciudad de Sto. Domingo y su costa y [?] mediata al... [17--?]. Pen-and-ink ms., 40 x 62 cm. Scale ca. 1:230,000.(Maggs purchase map collection; 376). 91-680894.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a river mouth and bay
Luso-Hispanic World number 404. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of Santo Domingo and vicinity includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, a navigational hazard, settlements, fortifications, a church, and roads. Heading contains brief note. Map is oriented with west at top. Map is quite similar to Maggs 372.This work is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4954 .S8A1 17-- .P5 Vault

Dominican Republic--South Coast/Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

405. [Map showing coast of Ecuador between Punta de los Reyes, Colombia and Cabo Blanco, Peru]. [1792?]. Pencil, wash, pen-and-ink ms., 48 x 52 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,650,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 92). 90-682829.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal area
Luso-Hispanic World number 405. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the Pacific coastline from southern Colombia to northern Peru includes coastline, coastal features, anchorages, settlements, and pictorial representation of relief. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5302 .C6 1792 .M3 Vault

Ecuador--Coast/Colombia--Pacific Coast/Peru--Coast

406. Plano de la entrada de Guayaquil situado en la longd. de [blank] y en la latitude [blank] contadas las yslas y costa de su contorno, que son manglares. [17--?]. Pen-and-ink ms., 72 x 49 cm. Scale ca. 1:200,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 94). 90-682840.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay with island
Luso-Hispanic World number 406. Geography and Map Division.

This map depicting the Gulf of Guayaquil includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, shoals, anchorages, and a keyed legend. This map belongs to the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5302 .G89 17-- .P5 Vault


407. Plano de la entrada para Guayaquil con todas las yslas y costas de su contorno / Puna y julio 11 de 1751 ; sacado poruno de ost[?] la za. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 44 x 30 cm. Scale ca. 1:330,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 96). 90-682849.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay with island
Luso-Hispanic World number 407. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the Gulf of Guayaquil coastline includes, coastal features, navigational hazards, anchorages, soundings and a pictorial representation of Guayaquil; also contains a keyed legend. Representation of vegetation is related to note in lower left "alrededor de toda la tierra, son manglares...y toda la tierra arboleda hasta la isla malchica". This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5302 .G89 1751 .P5 Vault


408. Plano del puerto y dl. y Río d. Guayaquil sacado a lwz[?] pr. el Capn. y Piloto Dn. Juan d. Herue, capn. dl. Navio d. S Md., el Sr. Sn. Jph. Alias, el peruano sondado con proligd. y particular cuidado las sondas qe. señala en este plano pa. qe. sirua a los Nav. d. S. Md. qe. D. Gde. / por Jph. d. Valencia, pilotin dl. No. d. la Rl. Ada. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 36 x 46 cm. Scale ca. 1:550,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 95). 90-682848.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay with several river mouths
Luso-Hispanic World number 408. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the Gulf of Guayaquil includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and a settlement; also includes a keyed legend. Note in the legend signifies that extra care was taken in obtaining the soundings. Map is oriented with west at top. This map belongs to the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5302 .G89 17-- .V3 Vault


409. Plano del puerto y río de Guayaquil / sacadoa lus por el Capn. y Piloto Dn. Juan de Hervé quien en tres viaje que y se a esepuerto de segondo pilots en la fragata de Su Magd. ; la esperanza y quando salio de Astillero el Navio de S.M., el Sr. Joseph, el peruano y otros mes. en Navios Mercant a sondado con proligidad y particular cuidado ; las sondas que señala en este plan parage. sirue a los Navios de Su Magd. que dios guarde, 1768. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 39 x 41 cm. Scale ca. 1:235,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 98). 90-682853.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay with island
Luso-Hispanic World number 409. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the Gulf of Guayaquil includes coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, soundings, a settlement, and pictorial representation of vegetation; also includes keyed legend and a note. Map is oriented with east at top. This map belongs to the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5302 .G89 1768 .H4 Vault


410. Plano de la entrada para Guayaquil con todas las yslas y costas de su contorno los quales todaos son Manglares / copiado por Ju. Curado, concurrente en la Rea[l] Escuela de Nabegación, año de 1755, baxo la corección de Dn. Joseph Franco. Badaraco, maestro delineador por Su Magestad en dicha escuela ; esd[?] la Real Escuela de Navegación, en el Departamento de Cádiz, 1753. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 41 x 31 cm. Scale ca. 1:475,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 97). 90-682852.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay with island and shoals or sand banks
Luso-Hispanic World number 410. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the mouth of the Guayas River includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, navigational hazards, and a settlement; map also includes a keyed legend and the shield of the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain. From internal evidence, the chart was prepared at the school in 1755 based on the 1751 original prepared on the island of Puna in the mouth of the river. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from that school purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5302 .G89 1755 .C8 Vault


411. Plano geométrico del Río Guayaquil desde el surgidero de la punta hasta la ciudad / fecit, TE(?). [TE]. [178-?]. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 38 x 101 cm. Scale ca. 1:74,750. (Maggs purchase map collection; 93). 90-682836.

Manuscript nautical chart showing part of a river and bay
Luso-Hispanic World number 411. Geography and Map Division.

This detailed map of a portion of the Guayas River and of the Gulf of Guayaquil includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and a navigational track; map also includes a keyed legend entitled "Prevencion" and extensive notes containing information on characteristics of river bottom (based on periodic surveys made between 1770 and 1780) and seasonal tidal variations. Francisco Requena may have been involved in the preparation of this map. This work is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5302 .G9 178- .P5 Vault


412. Plano q. contiene desde el puerto d. Guayaquil a el d. Lima, sacado a Luz / por el Capn. D. Juan Hervé. [1760's?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 56 x 44 cm. Scale ca. 1:2,400,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 99). 90-682858.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal area with toponyms
Luso-Hispanic World number 412. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the Pacific Coast from the Gulf of Guayaquil to Lima includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and a settlement. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5312 .C6 17-- .H4 Vault



413. Carta esférica que compde. una pte. del Archipielago de los Galapagos desde 10 35 ms. de latd. sept. hasta 10 de la meridional reconocidos por la Fragta. Sta. Gertrudiz del man[?] del Capitan de Navio. Dn. Alonso de Torres y Guerra desde el dia 18 de marzo hasta el 21 del mismo levantada segn. los puntos de latd. qe. le observn. en a quellos obras... [1793]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 37 x 54 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,150,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 65). 90-682692.

Manuscript nautical chart showing disconnected portions of coasts of several islands
Luso-Hispanic World number 413. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the Galapagos Islands includes coastlines, the navigational track, and sightings by the crew of the frigate, Santa Gertrudiz, under the command of naval captain, Alonso de Torres y Guerra, between March 18 and 21, 1793. The purpose of the expedition as given in a note on the map was to assess the potential economic and strategic value of the islands. This particular survey of the Galapagos Islands was part of a larger, complex scientific expedition made between 1789 and 1794 along the Pacific Coast of the Americas under the command of Captain Alexandro Malaspina which was undertaken "por la beneficia de la Nav[egació]n y Comercio". Torres y Guerra conducted the survey of the Galapagos Islands on the return voyage from Nootka Sound (North Pacific coast of North America) to Callao. This survey was the second official Spanish expedition to the Galapagos Islands, and during it Torres y Guerra replaced the former British names of the islands with Spanish designations. This map, displaying only observed coastline and with unobserved landmass left blank, appears to be the copy made aboard ship during the expedition. A later 1794 version signed by Tomás de la Cruz Doblado and housed in the Depósito Hidrográfico (Madrid) contains additional named islands. The earlier 1793 version is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London. For more information about the expedition, see Carlos Manuel Larrea's El Archipielago De Colón (Galapagos... Quito: Editorial Casa de la Cultural Ecuatoriana, 1960).

G5302.G3 17-- .T6 Vault

Galapagos Islands, Ecuador/Ecuador

414. [El Salvador]. [Squier, Ephraim George ]. [1853?]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 55 x 78 cm. Scale ca. 1:500,544. (Squier; 14).

This preliminary sketch map of El Salvador includes hachured relief, rivers and streams, cities and towns, roads and trails, coastline, and coastal features. Two areas of the map are more complete: (1) The area from Olosingo south to San Salvador and (2) the area from San Juan, Honduras to La Unión, El Salvador along the Río Goascorán. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 14 Vault

El Salvador/Honduras/Central America

415. [Portion of Cuscatlan and San Salvador Departments, El Salvador from Comalapa to Tonacatepec]. [Squier, Ephraim George ]. [1853?]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 35 x 27 cm. Scale ca. 1:139,390. (Squier; 8).

This map of a portion of El Salvador includes roads, trails, rivers and streams, settlements, and hachured relief. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 8 Vault

El Salvador

416. Plano del Puerto de Egmont en la Isla Falklan (llamada avi de los Ingleses) qe. esta en la costa del norte de la Gran Malvina al S 1/4 E de las Yslas Salbages, distancia de 13 a 15 legs., situado en la latd. austral de 51 gs. 22 ms. y en la longd. de 59 gs. segun la occidental de Londres / lebantado a la vista por los pilotos de la Arma. en 18 de febo. de 1770 y deligneado en agosto delmo. por Juo. Patricio García Ayuante de piloto de la dicha Armada. Patricio Garcia, Ju[li]o. 1770. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 29 x 39 cm. Scale ca. 1:92,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 133). 90-683622.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay
Luso-Hispanic World number 416. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the English settlement of Port Egmont in the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) includes coastline, coastal features, Spanish and English vessels anchored in harbor, soundings, a battery, a settlement, an (English) watch tower, and pictorial representation of relief; map also includes a keyed legend and note. Map is oriented with south at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G9177.P6 1770 .G3 Vault

Falkland Islands (U.K.)

417. Plano del Puerto Egmon situado en la costa dl. norte d. la Gran Malvina pr. la latitud sur d. 51 grados 24 minutos y en la longitud d. 317 grados 17 minutos, merido. d. Thenerife y segun la occidental d. Londres por la d. 59 gs. / [signed] Villena [indecipherable]. [17--]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 31 x 43 cm. Scale ca. 1:128,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 135). 90-683624.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a port
Luso-Hispanic World number 417. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the English settlement of Port Egmont in the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, characteristics of the water bottom, pictorial representation of relief, a battery, an (English) watch tower, and a settlement (Port Egmont); also includes a keyed legend and note. In style, clear, precise, and delicate. Map is oriented with south at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G9177.P6 17-- .P5 Vault

Falkland Islands (U.K.)

418. Plano del Puerto Egmon situado en la costa del norte de la Gran Malvina por la latitud sur de 57 grados 24 minutos y en la Longitud de 317 grados 17 minutos, meridiano de Thenerife y segun la occidental de Londres por la de 59 grados / hecho pr. Romualdo Chornet, pilotin del Numo. de la Armada vaxo la correcsion del Sor. Dn. Manuel de Villena, mtro. delineador de la escuela de navegación. Chornet, Romualdo. [17--]. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 32 x 44 cm. Scale ca. 1:127,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 134). 90-683623.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a port
Luso-Hispanic World number 418. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the English settlement of Port Egmont (Islas Malvinas) includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, characteristics of the water bottom, pictorial representation of relief, a battery, and a settlement; also includes a keyed legend and a note. Map is oriented with south at top. This map belongs to the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G9177.P6 17-- .C5 Vault

Falkland Islands (U.K.)

419. Plano de las Yslas Malvinas, situado en latitud S. 51° 2800 [?] y en 319° 30" [?] lamas leste segun el meridiano de Tenerife, arreglado a los ultimos reconocimientos edios en ellas por mar y tierra, de orden de su Gobernador D. Felipe Ruiz Puente. [1792?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 44 x 63 cm. Scale ca. 1:575,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 131). 90-682995.

Manuscript nautical chart showing several islands
Luso-Hispanic World number 419. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the Falkland Islands includes coastlines, coastal features, and a shoal; also includes a keyed legend. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G9175 1792 .P5 Vault

Falkland Islands (U.K.)

420. Plano de las Yslas Malvinas, situado en la latitud sur de 51 grados 28 minutos y en 319 grados 30 minutos lamas leste segun el mro. de Thenerife, arreglado a los ultimos reconosimientos echos en ellas por mar y tierra, de orden de su Gobernador Dn. Felipe Ruis Puente. [17--]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 38 x 55 cm. Scale ca. 1:500,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 132). 90-682996.

Manuscript map showing several islands
Luso-Hispanic World number 420. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the Falkland Islands includes coastlines, coastal features, and two settlements, "Puerto de la Soledad" and "Poblazion delos Ingleses". Map also includes a keyed legend. In style, clear and precise. The map was prepared during the initial attempts at settlement of the islands. From the 1760's, the English, Spanish, and French made efforts to colonize these South Atlantic islands off the coast of South America. For many years, these islands had been frequented by fishing vessels attracted by the seal and whale populations found in abundance. In 1767, Spain placed the islands under the control of the Captain General at Buenos Aires. While Spain recognized English claims to the islands in 1771, a year after they had expelled the English, the English voluntarily left the islands in 1774. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G9175 17-- .P5 Vault

Falkland Islands (U.K.)

421. Plan des environs de l'ancienne et nouvelle ville de Cayenne pour servir au memoire relatif a l'ancienne commune de la ville a celle qu'on propose dy substituer / a Cayenne le 26 juin 1789, Prevost. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 61 1/2 x 95 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 110 pas.

Manuscript map showing the layout of a town and surrounding area
Luso-Hispanic World number 421. Geography and Map Division.

This French map of the vicinity of Cayenne includes a grid of Cayenne, a grid of the proposed "new" town of Cayenne, various concessions, a large and elaborate plantation "Habitation du Roi", other land holdings, drainage canals, drained lands, lakes, streams, roads, coastline, and coastal features. Also includes a keyed legend.

G5274.C3 1789 .P7 Vault

French Guiana/Cayenne, French Guiana