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The Luso-Hispanic World in Maps: A Selective Guide to Manuscript Maps to 1900

Guatemala-Honduras (442-500)

442. Carta de la red telegráfica De La Republica De Guatemala. Godoy, Alejandro. 1898. 1 map on 2 sheets. Colored pen-and-ink ms., when joined, 85 x 93 cm. Scale ca. 1:625,000.

This communications map of Guatemala includes cities, towns, telegraph lines, locations of telegraph offices, rail lines, international boundaries, coastlines, coastal features, streams, and other bodies of water. Purpose of map is to show distribution and extent of telegraph lines in Guatemala. In style, precise and clear, almost "scientific" reflecting spirit of late 19th century.

G4811.P92 1898 .G6 Vault


443. Port of Istapa [Guatemala]. [Squier, Ephraim George ]. [1853?]. Pen-and-ink ms., 15 x 24 cm. Scale ca. 1:46,200. (Squier; 29).

This map of Itzapa, Guatemala on the Pacific Coast includes coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, soundings, anchorages, characteristics of the water bottom, rivers and streams, roads, settlements, and individual buildings. This ca. 1853 map was based on the 1832 surveys made by Colonel Juan Galindo. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 29 Vault

Guatemala--Pacific Coast

444. Carte de la Côte de la Guyane Contenant les Colonies de Berbice, Demerari et Esquebo. [Guyana]. Walker, Thomas. 1798. Colored, pen-and-ink ms., in 2 sheets, one 64 x 156 1/2 cm., the other 59 1/2 x 156 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 2.5 nautical miles.

Inset: "Plan de l'Entrée de la Riviere De Demerari et des Environs".

This French map of coastal Guyana includes coastline, coastal features, soundings in ocean and rivers, navigational hazards, characteristics of the water bottom, streams, land holdings, and canals. Numerous notes annotated to the map provide various geographical information. Map is oriented with southwest at top. An inset map of the mouth of the Demerara River (today Georgetown) includes detailed information on the new town of Cummingsburg, plantations and their crops, a fortification, and other military emplacements.

G5252.E9G46 1799 .W Vault


445. Carte Generale & Particuliere De La Colonie d'Essequebe & Demerarie Située Dans La Guyane En Amerique Redigee & Dediee Au Comite Des Colonies & Possessions De La Republique Batave En Amerique & A La Cote De Guinée [Guyana]. Von Bouchenroeder, T. 1798. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 69 x 103 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 1200 Verges.

Inset map: Carte Generale [Guyana and Venezuela].

The primary purpose of this Dutch map of the region around the mouths of Demerara and Essequibo Rivers is to provide cadastral and agricultural information. Individual land plots are numbered, however no key has been provided. A color coded legend indicates production of sugar, coffee, cotton, cacao, rice, and tobacco on individual land holdings. Map also includes fortifications and posts, churches, Native American villages, roads, a water mill, brick yards, and existing and proposed canals for defensive and communications purposes.

G5252.E7G46 1798 .C Vault


446. Kaart van de Rivier en Colonie Demerarij. [Guyana]. [late 18th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 53 x 46 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 1600 Roeden.

This clear and precise Dutch map shows Dutch land holdings along the Demerara River and the nearby Atlantic Coast. Dimensions of individual land holdings and names of landholders appear in a table on the map. Map also includes a fort, the town of Stabroek (which later becomes Georgetown), streams and canals, and stylized depiction of vegetation. Map is oriented with south at top.

G5252.D4 17-- .K Vault


447. Plan de L'Embouchure de La Riviere De Demerary Par Ordre de Monsieur Le Comte De K[er]saint Commandant en Chef les Forces de Terre & Mer a Demerary....[Guyana]. Cootens, H. V. 1782. Pencil, colored pen-and-ink ms., 47 x 117 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 40 Verges.

This detailed and well-executed plan of both banks of the Demerara River at its mouth includes coastline, coastal features, fortifications, plantations with individual buildings, a plan for the town of Stabroek, and pictorial representation of ships in the harbor and of vegetation.

G525 .D4 1782 .P Vault

Guyana/Georgetown, Guyana

448. Plan des Rivières de Berbiche, Démérary et Esséquebe Pour Servir à la déefense générale faite par M[onsie]ur De Kersaint [Guyana]. de Kersaint. Démérary. 1782. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 59 x 59 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 1.7 leagues.

Manuscript map showing several river mouths
Luso-Hispanic World number 448. Geography and Map Division.

This French map of Guyana includes coastline, coastal features, islands, streams, a proposed canal connecting the Essequibo and Demerara Rivers, roads, fortifications, plantations, a church, guard posts, and suggestions of colony boundaries. Map is oriented with southwest at top.

G5251.P53 1782 .P5 Vault


449. Carte des Communications du Mole, la Plate Forme, Jean Rabel et Bombardopolis [Haiti]. [ca. 1800]. Pencil, colored pen-and-ink ms., 26 1/2 x 36 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 1800 toises.

This carefully executed French map of the extreme northwest portion of Haiti depicts the towns of La Plateforme, Bombardopolis, Môle St. Nicolas, and Jean Rabel. Map includes towns, settlements, military barracks, roads, streams, a combination of hachured and pictorial representation of relief, coastline and coastal features. Map is oriented with southeast at top.

G4943.N6 1802 .C Vault

Haiti--North Coast

450. Carte Du Département Du Nord Et D'Une Partie De Celui De L'Ouest [and] Carte Du Département Du Sud Et D'Une Partie De Celui De L'Ouest.... [Haiti]. [after 1776]. 2 maps in one folder. Colored pen-and-ink ms.: north map, 98 x 122 cm.; south map, 55 x 179 cm. Scale for both maps: ca. 1 inch to 2,300 toises.

The primary purpose of both maps is to identify individual land holdings in the French portion of Hispaniola. Maps illustrate high density of landownership. Maps include cities and towns, roads, streams and other bodies of water, pictorial representation of relief, administrative and international boundaries, coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, and navigational hazards. Although shaped differently and distinctly titled, maps appear to be adjacent parts of a composite map.

G4941.G46 1795 .C Vault


451. Carte Générale De La Partie Française De L'Isle De S[ain]t Domingue Relative au Mémoire et au Costier de M[onsieu]r d'Estaing [Haiti]. [177-?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 86 1/2 x 123 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1:350,000.

Manuscript map of Haiti showing place names and some topographical features
Luso-Hispanic World number 451. Geography and Map Division.

This map is the index map to a 50 sheet coastal survey of Haiti. Map includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, stream, roads, cities and towns, pictorial representation of relief, and administrative and international boundaries. Boundary between Spanish and French Hispaniola reflect limits established in 1776.

G4940 176- .C3 Vault

Haiti/Hispaniola/Dominican Republic

452. An Exact Plan & Profile of Fort S[ain]t Louis, on the South Side the Island of Hispaniola, as it was when taken by Rear Admiral Knowles. the 8th of March 1748. - Survey'd upon the Spot by - Arch[ebal]d Bontein Engin[ee]r. [Haiti]. Bontein, Arch[ebal]d. 1748. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 52 x 100 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,440.

This clear and precise British map of Fort Saint Louis, on an island in the vicinity of Saint Louis on the south coast of Haiti, includes a detailed outline of the fort and the identification of various buildings inside and outside of its walls. Map provides an extensive keyed legend and a profile of a portion of the fort's wall. Map is oriented with east at top.

G4944.S3:2F6 1748 .B Vault

Haiti--South Coast

453. An Exact Plan of The Harbour of Port Louis on Hispaniola with the Attack on Port St. Louis Taken by Admiral Knowles March 8th: 1747/8 is Humbly Dedicated to His Grace Archebald Duke of Argyll by Hugh Mackay [Haiti]. Mackay, Hugh. 1748. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 62 x 45 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 150 fathoms.

This map of the British attack on Fort St. Louis in 1748 includes coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, soundings, British warships, bodies of water, a road, settlements, plantations, and stylized representation of relief. Includes keyed legend which provides identification of individual British ships and their armaments.

G4944.S3:2F6 1748 .M Vault

Haiti--South Coast

454. [North Coast of Haiti to the Spanish border]. [early 19th century]. Pen-and-ink ms., 48 x 129 1/2 cm. Scale not given.

This French map of the north coast of Haiti includes cities and towns, roads, identification of plantations in the Cap François area, streams and other bodies of water, administrative (cantonal) boundaries, a combination of hachured and pictorial representation of relief, coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, and navigational hazards. A note in the far west near Jean Rabel reads "Contree aride et presque inculte dont les détails ne sont pas connus".

G4943.D4G46 1800 .N Vault

Haiti--North Coast

455. Plan De La Baye De Baynet...levé Suivant les Ordres de M[onsieu]r Destaing [Haiti]. Barentin, Regnard de. 1764. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 45 x 68 cm. Scale ca. 1:15,000.

Manuscript map showing a coastal area
Luso-Hispanic World number 455. Geography and Map Division.

This French map of the vicinity of the Baie de Bainet includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, individual land holdings, a settlement, a road "Grand Chemin des Gris Gris et Baynet a Jacmel", streams, and pictorial representation of coastal relief.

G4944.B3P55 1764 .B3 Vault

Haiti--South Coast

456. Plan de la baye et du cap de Tiburon. [17--]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 30 x 34 cm. Scale ca. 1:15,000. 74-692184.

Manuscript map of a coastal area showing topography and settled areas
Luso-Hispanic World number 456. Geography and Map Division.

This map of a portion of the extreme southwest coast of Haiti includes names of landholders, plats, the town of Tiburon, roads, streams, a free mulatto settlement, and a combination of hachured and pictorial representation of relief.

G4942.T5 17-- .P6 Vault

Haiti--South Coast

457. Plan de la partie de côte de St. Domingue comrise entre la ville des Cayes et la baye du Petit Mesle. [178-?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 49 x 142 cm. Scale ca. 1:4,900. 75-692516.

Manuscript map of a large coastal region with several bays and a city; a paper overlay has been folded back in the lower left corner to show the base map
Luso-Hispanic World number 457, base map. Geography and Map Division.
Manuscript map of a large coastal region with several bays and a city; a paper overlay has been folded over in the lower left corner to show a line of fortifications
Luso-Hispanic World number 457, with overlay. Geography and Map Division.

This French map of the south coast of Haiti in the vicinity of Les Cayes includes coastline, coastal features, roads, streams and other bodies of water, towns, a city, and pictorial representation of relief. Map also includes a fly-leaf pasted on lower edge showing proposed fortifications of the Ville Des Cayes. A note on map reads "Ce Plan est relatif aux Articles 16, 17, et 18 du Projet Général de Defense.".

G4942.C6 178- .P6 Vault

Haiti--South Coast

458. Plan de la ville du Trou Jéremie, rélatif à l'article 13 du projet géneral de défense. [1752?]. Colored pen-and-ink tracing, 51 x 60 cm. Scale ca. 1:3,000.

Manuscript map of a town and surrounding land and coastline
Luso-Hispanic World number 458. Geography and Map Division.

This French map of the vicinity of Jérémie in the southwest portion of Haiti includes coastline, coastal features, a navigational hazard, a detailed grid of the town with locations of buildings and identified streets and pictorial representation of coastal elevation. Map is oriented with west at top.

G4944.J5 1752 .P5 Vault

Haiti--South Coast

459. Plan de l'Ile a Vache & coste de St. Domingue de puis la pointe de l'Abacou iusquau cap de l'est d'Yaquin / par Jaques Bureau. [1700?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 51 x 77 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to .5 lieus françoises.

Manuscript map of a coastal area with illustrated topography, coastline, and three hills with smoke rising from them in the background
Luso-Hispanic World number 459. Geography and Map Division.

This pictographic French map of Ile la Vache and the nearby coast of Haiti includes coastlines, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, anchorages, pictorial representation of topography, vegetation, and plantations, and a decorative wind rose. Map also contains an elaborate cartouche depicting African women and children. Map also includes in upper left corner raging fires burning in hills above coast.

G4942.V3 1700 .B8 Vault

Haiti--South Coast

460. Plan du canton de Plimouth et partie des Baradéres. Frignet. [1790]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 64 x 87 cm. Scale ca. 1:48,000. (Rochambeau; 66). 71-2302.

Manuscript map showing property divisions and some topographic features
Luso-Hispanic World number 460. Geography and Map Division.

This well-executed French map of a portion of southern Haiti includes individual landowners and land holdings, roads, administrative divisions, towns and other settlements, streams, pictorial representation of relief and vegetation, coastline, and coastal features. Map is oriented with south at top. Map designates old (1781) and new (1790) administrative boundaries. This map is among a collection of items from the Comte de Rochambeau (General) (1725-1807).

G4943.S8:3P5G46 1790 .F7 Vault : Roch 66


461. Plano del pto. de Fuerte Delfin en la Ys. Española de Sto. Domingo situado en la latd. de 19°40' N. y en longd. de 66°20' al O. del veal observatorio de Cádiz, 2 legs. al S. 610 O. del a Bahía del Manzanillo y 6 al E. del Guárico con la de vota de líneas voxas qe. manifiesta a el conosimiento del a entrada, vendido alas Armas Catholicas el día 29 de enero por las fuerias combinadar, de mar y tierra mandadas por el Exmo. Sr. Dn. Gabriel de Aristisaval, theniente genl. de la Rl. Armada y comte. genl. de esta escuadra levantado pr. orden del Dho. Sr. Exmo., pr. el theniente de Navo. de la Rl. Armada Dn. Miguel Josef Serquero, encargado en la derrota de la dha. escuadra, año de 1794. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 47 x 67 cm. Scale ca. 1:17,500. (Maggs purchase map collection; 193). 90-683835.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay with a city plan
Luso-Hispanic World number 461. Geography and Map Division.

This detailed Spanish map of the Bay of Fort Liberté includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, characteristics of the water bottom, fortifications, an anchorage, vegetation, and a detailed grid of Fuerte Delfín (Fort Liberté); map also includes an extensive historical note regarding the 1794 Spanish takeover of the fort. Map is oriented with south at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4944.F7 1794 .P5 Vault

Haiti--North Coast


462. El Guarico, alias, el cavo Frances, es una de las colonias y puertos qe. poseen los Franceses en la parte occidental de la Ysla Española una de la Caribes u de Varlovento en la América, situada en 19 gs. 44 ms. de lattd. septentrional y en 303 gs. 57 ms. de longitud de Tenerife en la vanda del norte de la ysla, 17 legs. al oeste quarta al sudoeste de Monte Chriti y 25 legs. al este del Cavo de San Nicolas. Delineado pr. Dn. Josef María Sánchez, pilotin de la Real Armada, vaxo la corrección de Dn. Pedro Revelles, maestro delineador pr. S. M. de la Rl. Escuela del Departamento de Cádiz, año de 1783. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 38 x 34 cm. Scale ca. 1:18,880. (Maggs purchase map collection; 192). 74-692139.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal area with illustrated topography and shoals or sand banks
Luso-Hispanic World number 462. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the Cap-Haïtien region includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, navigational hazards, and pictorial representation of vegetation, buildings, and relief. Map is oriented with west at top. This map was prepared by Sanchez under the direction of Pedro Rivelles in the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain and is part of the G&M Division's collection from that school acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4944.C3A1 1783 .S2 Vault

Haiti--North Coast/Cap-Haïtien, Haiti

463. El Guárico, alias, el cavo frances, es una de las colonias y puertos qe. posseen los frances es en la parte occidental de la Ysla Española, una de las de Barlosto. en la América septemtrional., situada en 19°44' ms. de latd. N. y en 303°57' mts. de longd. desde Tenerife en la vanda del norte de la ysla, 17 legs. al O. 1/4 SO del Monte Christo y 25 legs. al E. del Co. Sn. Nicolas. [17--]. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 28 x 35 cm. Scale ca. 1:32,500. (Maggs purchase map collection; 197). 90-683830.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal area with illustrated topography and several shoals or sand banks
Luso-Hispanic World number 463. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the Cap-Haïtien region includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, navigational hazards, and pictorial representation of relief and of buildings; method of depicting navigational features and relief is rich and detailed. Map is oriented with southwest at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4944.C3A1 17-- .G8 Vault

Haiti--North Coast/Cap-Haïtien, Haiti

464. Plano del puerto del Guárico, cuyo conocimto. y entrada es del modo siguiente. Copiado por Juan Linares, concurrente de la Real Escuela de Navegón. del Departamto. de Cádiz baxo la corrección de Dn. Joseph Francisco Badaraco, maestro delineador por S. M. en dha. Real Escuela, en el año de 1756. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 49 x 71 cm. Scale ca. 1:35,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 190). 74-692141.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal area with three inset profile views
Luso-Hispanic World number 464. Geography and Map Division.

Inset views (3): 3 profile views of coastline (with notes) in the area of Cap-Haïtien and the Morne du Haut du Cap.

This well executed Spanish map of the town of Guarico (Cap-Haïtien) and vicinity includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, navigational hazards, a navigational route, and a grid of Guarico; work also includes a lengthy explanatory note. Map is oriented with south at top. This work was prepared by Linares under the direction of Joseph Francisco Badaraco of the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain and is part of the G&M Division's collection from that school acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4944.C3A1 1756 .L5 Vault

Haiti--North Coast/Cap-Haïtien, Haiti

465. Puerto de Guárico situado en la latd. de 19°48' y en longitud de 304°16'. [17--]. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 30 x 46 cm. Scale ca. 1:32,600. (Maggs purchase map collection; 198). 90-683831.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay with several coastal settlements
Luso-Hispanic World number 465. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of Cap-Haïtien Harbor includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, navigational hazards, a fortification, and settlements including Guarico (Cap-Haïtien). Map is oriented with south at top. This map belongs to the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4944.C3A1 17-- .P8 Vault

Haiti--North Coast/Cap-Haïtien, Haiti

466. Puerto de Guárico situado en la lattd. de 19°48' y en la longd. de 304°16 ms. [17--]. Pen-and-ink ms., 31 x 43 cm. Scale ca. 1:32,500. (Maggs purchase map collection; 199). 90-683832.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay with coastal towns
Luso-Hispanic World number 466. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of Cap-Haïtien Harbor includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, navigational hazards, a fortification, and settlements including Guarico (Cap-Haïtien). Map is oriented with south at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4944.C3A1 17-- .P9 Vault

Haiti--North Coast/Cap-Haïtien, Haiti

467. A sketch of the harbour of Port Francoise on the Island of Hispaniola. [176-]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 40 x 56 cm. Scale ca. 1:28,000. (Howe; 46). 73-691516.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a harbor
Luso-Hispanic World number 467. Geography and Map Division.

This English map of Cap-Haïtien and vicinity includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, anchorages, navigational sightings for harbor entry, a stream, and pictorial representations of the city, fortifications, and relief. Map includes keyed legend and notes. Map is oriented with southwest at top.

G4944.C3P55 176- .S5 Vault : Howe 46

Haiti--North Coast/Cap-Haïtien, Haiti


468. Plan De La Ville De Jacmel et Environs. ou l'on Voit la position des Troupes qui la Bloquent [Haiti]. [before 1800]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 27 1/2 x 44 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 400 toises.

This French military map of the vicinity of Jacmel on the south coast includes a grid of the city, fortifications, a prison, a hospital, a governmental structure, roads, streams, individual land holdings, a commander's lodgings, locations of various battalions, the plantation of M. Ogé, "...ou sont campées les troupes Europeennes...", hachured relief, coastline, coastal features, an anchorage, and a navigational hazard. Map also includes an extensive keyed legend. Purpose of map is to show positions of troops laying siege to the city. Map is oriented with southeast at top.

G4944.J3 1800 .P Vault

Haiti--South Coast/Jacmel, Haiti


469. Esquisse du plan de la ville du Mole á St. Domingue. 1774. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 37 x 47 cm. Scale not given. 74-692185.

Manuscript town plan showing street grid
Luso-Hispanic World number 469. Geography and Map Division.

This French map of the city of Môle Saint Nicolas on the northwest coast of Haiti includes the city grid, locations of governmental, military, and religious buildings, hospitals, port facilities, drainage system, and pictorial representation of relief and vegetation. Also includes keyed legend. Map is oriented with southeast at top. Map is from the Peter Force map collection, 66.

G4944.M6 1774 .E8 Vault

Haiti--North Coast/Môle St. Nicolas, Haiti

470. Plan Du Cap Et Mole S[aint] Nicolas [Haiti]. [1800?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 55 x 95 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 180 toises. 2007627870.

Manuscript map showing a port with illustrated topography
Luso-Hispanic World number 470. Geography and Map Division.

This well-executed French military plan of the vicinity of Môle St. Nicolas includes coastline, coastal features, extensive soundings, characteristics of the water bottom, an anchorage, a city grid, a stream, fortifications (some updated with fly leaves), and pictorial representation of relief and vegetation. Includes extensive keyed legend supplying detailed information on the city, its surroundings, and fortifications (and other military intelligence). Map is oriented with southeast at top.

G4944.M6P5 1803 .P5 Vault

Haiti/Môle St. Nicolas, Haiti

471. Plan du Môle St. Nicolas. [178-?]. Pencil, colored pen-and-ink ms., 82 x 119 cm. Scale not given. 74-692186.

Manuscript plan of a coastal city showing street grid and fort
Luso-Hispanic World number 471. Geography and Map Division.

This colorful and detailed French map of Môle St. Nicolas includes a city grid with identified streets, names of residents, governmental buildings, fortifications, a church, hospitals, roads, coastline, coastal features, and pictorial representations of parks, cemeteries, vegetation, and relief. Map is oriented with southeast at top.

G4944.M6 178- .P6 Vault

Haiti/Môle St. Nicolas, Haiti


472. Plan du Petit Goâve et de son acul pour servir au projet général de sa défense par mer en 1752. [1752]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 63 x 117 cm. Scale ca. 1:5,200. 74-692179.

Manuscript map showing a bay with settled area and fort
Luso-Hispanic World number 472. Geography and Map Division.

This colorful, detailed French map of Petit Goave and vicinity which was intended for defensive planning includes coastline, coastal features, extensive soundings, navigational hazards, streams, roads, a grid of Petit Goave, settlements, individual land holdings, fortifications, and pictorial representation of relief and vegetation. Includes keyed legend which provides estimates for the construction of three batteries.

G4944.P4P55 1752 .P6 Vault

Haiti--South Coast/Petit Goave, Haiti


473. Le Port au Prince. [mid-18th century]. Pencil, colored pen-and-ink ms., 35 x 50 cm. Scale ca. 1:7,700. 74-692171.

Manuscript plan of a city showing street grid and coastline
Luso-Hispanic World number 473. Geography and Map Division.

This clear and precise French map of Port-au-Prince and its harbor includes coastline, coastal features, anchorages, navigational hazards, shipping lanes by category (ships of war, merchant ships, and fishing boats), a detailed city grid, military, governmental, and religious buildings, hospitals, the public market, roads, and pictorial representation of relief. Includes keyed legend and a note which reads, "Les défençes de cette place sont tres anciennes et construittes en terre, il n'y a que le fort l'Islet bâti en maçonnerie qui est de peu de defençe". Map is oriented with east at top.

G4944.P6 175- .P6 Vault

Haiti/Port-au-Prince, Haiti

474. Plano De La Bahia de Puerto Principe = Capital Del Ymperio de Haiti. (Ysla de S[an]to Domingo.) [Haiti]. [after 1804]. Pen-and-ink ms., 56 x 81 cm. Scale ca. 1:22,000.

This Spanish map of Port-au-Prince includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, anchorages, a stylized city grid, fortifications, and a governmental building. Map is oriented with east at top.

G4944 .P6P5 1806 .P Vault

Haiti/Port-au-Prince, Haiti

475. Carte de l'Isle St. Domingue / dressée par E. Beaucosté, empé. du génie, arpentr. du Départl. de l'Ouest ; presentée a M.F. Bron, chef de bon., commandant l'Armee du génie a St. Domingue, [1805]. 1 map on 4 sheets. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 69 x 188 cm. Scale ca. 1:503,000. 2008628129.

Manuscript map of Hispaniola in four sheets showing place names and topographic features
Luso-Hispanic World number 475. Geography and Map Division.

This elegant and distinctive French map of Hispaniola includes roads, cities and towns, administrative boundaries, streams and other bodies of water, extensive pictorial representation of relief, coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, and anchorages. Very extensive data is provided for Haitian portion of island, although map recognizes French sovereignty over entire island. Map was prepared for M. F. Bron in charge of the army in St. Domingue.

G4930 1805 .B4 Vault

Hispaniola/Haiti/Dominican Republic

476. [Hispaniola]. [19th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 46 x 67 cm. Scale 1 inch to 7 1/2 leagues.

This incomplete French map of Hispaniola includes roads, towns, streams, other bodies of water, pictorial representation of relief, fortifications, coastline, coastal features, and navigational hazards.

G4930 180- .H Vault

Hispaniola/Haiti/Dominican Republic

477. [Map showing Hispaniola, eastern portions of Cuba and Jamaica, western portion of Puerto Rico, and other adjacent islands]. [17--]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 46 x 67 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,550,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 195). 90-683822.

Manuscript nautical chart showing coastlines of Hispaniola and surrounding Caribbean islands
Luso-Hispanic World number 477. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of Hispaniola and portions of surrounding islands includes coastlines, coastal features, anchorages, navigational hazards, and settlements. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4930 17-- .M3 Vault

Hispaniola/Puerto Rico/Cuba/Jamaica/Bahamas/Haiti/Dominican Republic

478. Plano de la Ysla de Santo Domingo, parte de las Cuba, Jamaica y otras contiguas a ellas, del seno mexicano. Delinado en la Real Escuela de Navegazon. de Cádiz el dia 1. de junio por Juan Viztte. Mejía, concurrente en ella; bajo la corrección y dibujo de Dn. Joseph Franco. Badaraco, mro. delinador por S.M. en dha. escuela, año de 1755. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 48 x 67 cm. Scale ca. 1:2,000,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 191 and 196). 75-692508.

Manuscript map of Hispaniola and surrounding Caribbean islands showing some place names and roads
Luso-Hispanic World number 478. Geography and Map Division.

Inset map: "Plano Dela Ciudad De S[an]to Domingo, Y Su Rio.".

This Spanish map of Hispaniola and portions of islands west and north of it includes coastlines, coastal features, anchorages, navigational hazards, pictorial representation of settlements, and roads. The inset map of the city of Santo Domingo includes coastline, soundings, navigational hazards, an anchorage, and the outline of the city wall. This map and inset were prepared by Mejia under the direction of Joseph Francisco Badaraco at the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain and is part of the G&M Division's collection from that school purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4930 1755 .M4 Vault

Hispaniola/Cuba/Jamaica/Bahamas/Haiti/Dominican Republic

479. Carta que manifiesta la costa desde Río Tinto hasta el Triunfo de la Cruz y las islas proximas / delineado por Dn. Antono. Romo. Ponze de Leon. [17--]. Pen-and-ink ms., 41 x 62 cm. Scale[ca. 1:480,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 146). 90-683564.

Manuscript map showing a coastal area and islands with some illustrated coastal topography
Luso-Hispanic World number 479. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map depicts the Caribbean Coast of Honduras between the Tinto and Triunfo de la Cruz Rivers and includes the Bay Islands. It includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, letters designating characteristics of the water bottom, navigational hazards, an anchorage, a couple of settlements, and pictorial representation of relief. Annotations in brown ink for the Bay Islands may have been added later. Map is oriented with south at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4832.C6 17-- .P6 Vault

Honduras--Caribbean Coast

480. Island of Tigre [Honduras]. [Squier, Ephraim George ]. [1849?]. Pencil ms., 34 x 26 cm. Scale ca. l:44,350. (Squier; 27).

This map of the island of Tigre in the Gulf of Fonseca includes the town of Amapala (the principal port of Honduras on the Pacific Ocean), land ownership on the island, and beaches. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 27 Vault

Honduras--Pacific Coast

481. Map of the Valley of the River Goascaran and Plain of Comayagua; showing the Route of the Proposed Rail-Road from the Gulf of Fonseca to Comayagua. [Squier, Ephraim George ]. [1853?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 24 x 76 cm. Scale 1:200,000. (Squier; 20).

This map of the Goascorán River Valley and the Plain of Comayagua includes a proposed railroad between Comayagua (Honduras) and the Gulf of Fonseca, the river and other streams, towns, hachured relief, coastline, and coastal features. Map also includes distances between selected locations. Map is oriented with west at top. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 20 Vault

Honduras/El Salvador/Central America

482. [Northern Honduras]. [Squier, Ephraim George ]. [1859?]. Pencil, colored pen-and-ink ms., 36 x 51 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,140,000. (Squier; 11).

This sketch map of a portion of northern Honduras appears to contain corrections not found in the 1854 or 1858 Squier "Map of Honduras and San Salvador". A note reading "Corrections and Additions in Red" is found in the lower left. The northwest boundary of Honduras has been corrected to run along the Río Motagua, west of that shown on previous maps. The map includes new towns or new locations established for old ones, rivers and streams, hachured relief, boundaries, coastline, and coastal features. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 11 Vault

Honduras/Honduras--Caribbean Coast

483. [Portion of Comayagua Department, Honduras near junction of the Ríos Sulaco and Humuya]. [Squier, Ephraim George ]. [1853?]. Pencil ms., 19 x 29 cm. Scale ca. 1:177,408. (Squier; 17).

This map of an area in Honduras includes streams, towns, and selected distances. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century America entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 17 Vault


484. [Portion of Gracias and Comayagua Departments, Honduras, from San Juan to Río Santa Rosa]. [Squier, Ephraim George ]. [1853?]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 42 x 33 cm. Scale ca. 1:126,720. (Squier; 13).

This map of a portion of Honduras shows rivers and streams, towns and settlements, a dated trail for a surveying party, and hachured relief. On map, Squier indicated sightings taken on San Vicente Volcano in El Salvador and the peak of Las Piedras in Honduras. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 13 Vault


485. [Portion of Gracias and Santa Barbara Departments, Honduras, between Ríos Chamelicon and Santiago]. [Squier, Ephraim George ]. [1853?]. Pencil ms., 34 x 20 cm. Scale ca. 1:266,112. (Squier; 5).

This map of an area now in Copán and Santa Barbara Departments includes towns, streams, and hachured relief. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 5 Vault


486. [Portion of Gracias Department, Honduras from Río Chamelicon to San José]. [Squier, Ephraim George]. [1853?]. Pencil ms., 33 x 25 cm. Scale ca. 1:95,040. (Squier; 9).

This map of a portion of Honduras includes a trail, rivers and streams, settlements, and hachured relief. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 9 Vault


487. [Portion of Gracias Department, Honduras from San José to Guallabos]. [Squier, Ephraim George ]. [1853?]. Pencil ms., 42 x 33 cm. Scale ca. 1:114,048. (Squier; 6).

This map of an area in Copán and Santa Barbara Departments includes roads, trails, towns and other settlements, a ruin, rivers and streams, and hachured relief. Ephraim Squier was a mid-nineteenth century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 6 Vault


488. [Portion of Honduras in the vicinity of the town of Gracias]. [Squier, Ephraim George ]. [1853?]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 24 x 33 cm. Scale ca. 1:133,056. (Squier; 10).

This map of a portion of Honduras includes towns, streams, hachured relief, and a dated trail indicating the route of a surveying party. Preliminary plan is in pencil with final copy drawn over and with changes in ink. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 10 Vault


489. [Portion of the Department of Comayagua, Honduras from San José to Las Piedras]. [Squier, Ephraim George]. [1853?]. Pencil ms., 42 x 33 cm. Scale ca. 1:114,048. (Squier; 15).

This map of a portion of Honduras includes hachured relief, a trail of a surveying party, rivers and streams, towns and settlements, and survey readings established by Squier. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 15 Vault


490. [Portion of the Department of Comayagua, Honduras in the vicinity of the Plain of Otoro]. [Squier, Ephraim George]. [1853?]. Pencil ms., 14 x 33 cm. Scale not given. (Squier; 16).

This map of a portion of Honduras includes streams, a trail of a surveying party, and a town. A note reads: "1st day--8 leagues 77 minutes to the league active counting time 10h20m". On verso are unexplained calculations. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 16 Vault



491. A draught of the Harbour of Rattan Commonly Cald Port Royall Harbour where His Maj[e]st[y's] Fleet under Comm[a]nd of Sir Will[ia]m Burnaby anchored on there Expedition to the The [sic] Bay of Honduros In the Year 1765 [Bay of Honduras]. [Robertson, George]. 1765. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 39 x 50 cm. Scale ca. 1:7,200. (Howe; 29). gm 72-3583.

This English map of "Port Royall Harbour" on Roatán Island in the Bay Islands includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and pictorial representation of relief. A note reads, "Very good wooding & watering here".

G4834.N4P5 1765 .R6 Vault : Howe 29

Bay Islands, Honduras/Honduras--Caribbean Coast

492. A Draught of the Island of Bonacre....[Bay Islands, Honduras]. [Robertson, George]. [1765?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 37 x 54 cm. Scale ca. 1:36,000. (Howe; 24). gm 72-3578.

This English map of Guanaja Island in the Bay Islands provides an outline of the island and soundings, navigational hazards, an anchorage, and a navigational track for the harbor. Map is oriented with northwest at top. Heading includes a note, part of which reads, "This is an uninhabited Island, all Covered over with Woods of Various kinds, there is Excellent good water here, & great Plenty of Fish...".

G4832.G8 1765 .R6 Vault : Howe 24

Bay Islands, Honduras/Honduras--Caribbean Coast

493. The Island of Rattan [Bay of Honduras]. [Barnsley, Henry. [174-?]. Wash, colored pen-and-ink ms., 53 x 75 cm. Scale ca. 1:82,000. (Howe; 28). gm 72-3582.

Inset maps (3): "French Harbour", "Dixon's Cove", and "Port Royal Harbour".

This clear and well-executed English map of Roatán Island in the Bay Islands includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, identified land features, and pictorial representation of relief. Map includes a note on the soil, produce, fauna, and physical features of the island. Part of note reads, "Rattan is a plentiful Island abounding with wild Hogs, Deer, Indian Coneys, wild Fowl, & quantities of Turtle, Fish, &c....On this Island grows very good Oak, & likewise Pine trees of sufficient bigness to make Masts & Yards for Merchant Ship, &c. The South side is very convenient for Shipping, having many fine Harbours..." Inset map of "Port Royal Harbour" includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, various encampments and fortifications, and locations of fresh water and of "The Place design'd for the Town".

G4832.R6 174- .B3 Vault : Howe 28

Bay Islands, Honduras/Honduras--Caribbean Coast

494. Plano del puerto de la Ysla de Roatán cituado en la parte del S. y E. de ella, el centro de esta ysla se halla en lattd. N. 16 gs. y 24 ms. y en longd. 289 gs. 6 ms., meridiano de Thenerife, siendo su extension de 14 leguas, havitada por los Basallos de S.M.B. y fue vendiada por los Armas de S.M.C. al mando del Mariscal de Campo y Capitan General de la Provincia de Goatemala Dn. Mathias de Galvez en 17 de marzo de 1782. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 33 x 51 cm. Scale ca. 1:22,080. (Maggs purchase map collection; 152). 90-683593.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a hilly coastline and islands
Luso-Hispanic World number 494. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the principal harbor of Roatán Island off the Caribbean Coast of Honduras includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, anchorages, fortifications, and various houses, a settlement, and pictorial representation of relief. Map also contains a keyed legend and note. Note indicates that island, inhabited by British subjects, was seized by Spanish arms on March 17, 1782. Map emphasizes pictorial quality. Compare to Maggs 151. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4834.N4P55 1782 .P51 Vault

Bay Islands, Honduras/Honduras--Caribbean Coast

495. Plano del puerto de la Ysla de Roatán cituado en la parte del S. y E. de ella, el centro de esta ysla se halla en la latd. N. 16°24' y en longd. 289°6', merido. de Tenerife, siendo su extención de 14 legs. havitada por los Basallos de S.M.B. y fue vendida por las Armas de S.M.C. al mando del Mariscal de Campo y Capitan Genl. de la Provinica de Goatemala Dn. Mathias de Galves en 17 de marzo de 1782. Pencil, colored pen-and-ink ms., 30 x 48 cm. Scale ca. 1:21,850. (Maggs purchase map collection; 151). 90-683592.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a hilly coastline and islands
Luso-Hispanic World number 495. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the principal harbor of Roatán Island off the Caribbean Coast of Honduras includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, erased anchorages, various fortifications, other buildings, the governor's house, and pictorial representation of relief. Map also includes a keyed legend and a note indicating that the island, inhabited by subjects of the British crown, had been seized by Spanish arms on March 17, 1782. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired by Maggs Brothers, London.

G4834.N4P55 1782 .P5 Vault

Bay Islands, Honduras/Honduras--Caribbean Coast


496. Bahía y Puerto De Omoa [Honduras]. [1809]. Pencil ms., 21 x 28 cm. Scale ca. 1:11,520. (Squier; 33).

This plan of the port of Omoa includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, an anchorage, navigational hazards, a detailed grid of Omoa and its fortifications, a road, a river and streams, and pictorial representation of relief and marshes. Map is oriented with southeast at top. This map is a tracing by Squier from the work, Portulano de la America Septentrional (Madrid, 1809), part 2, plate 31, prepared in the Dirección de Trabajos Hidrográficos. Ephraim Squier was a mid-nineteenth century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 33 Vault

Honduras--Caribbean Coast/Omoa, Honduras

497. Plano de Puerto Caballo y Omoa en la costa de Honduras situado en la latd. de 16 gs. N. y en la longd. de 287 gs. 35 ms. segun el meridiano de Tenerife / copiado por Cecilio Malo de Molina, concurrente en la Real Escuela de Navegn., bajo la correción de Dn. Jph. Franco. Badaraco, mro. delineador por S.M. en dha. esca., año de 1760 ; es de la Real Escuela de Navegación, en el Departamento de Cádiz, 1760. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 31 x 43 cm. Scale ca. 1:62,100. (Maggs purchase map collection; 148). 90-683581.

Manuscript map of a coastline
Luso-Hispanic World number 497. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the Gulf of Honduras region includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, navigational hazards, a settlement, pictorial representation of relief, an elaborate wind rose, and the shield of the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain. Malo de Molina prepared this map in the school under the direction of Joseph Badaraco. Similar to Maggs 147. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from that school acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4834.P8A1 1760 .M6 Vault

Honduras--Caribbean Coast/Omoa, Honduras

498. Plano del puerto de Omoa. [17--]. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 34 x 44 cm. Scale ca. 1:3,650. (Maggs purchase map collection; 149). 90-683587.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay with a few illustrated buildings
Luso-Hispanic World number 498. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of Omoa on the Gulf of Honduras includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, pictorial representation of buildings, a settlement, and relief. Also includes a keyed legend. Map is oriented with east at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4834.O45 17-- .P5 Vault

Honduras--Caribbean Coast/Omoa, Honduras

499. Plano del real puerto de Sn. Ferndo. de Omoa. [17--]. Pen-and-ink ms., 49 x 56 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,450. (Maggs purchase map collection; 150). 90-683588.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay; a fort, some buildings, and hills or mountains are shown along the coast
Luso-Hispanic World number 499. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of Omoa on the Gulf of Honduras includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and elaborate pictorial representation of the walled town, buildings, and coastal relief. Map also includes a keyed legend. Map is oriented with east at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4834.O45 17-- .P51 Vault

Honduras--Caribbean Coast/Omoa, Honduras

500. Plano Depuerto [sic] Caballo y Omoa en la costa de Honduras situado en 16 grs. de latd. N. y 287 grs. 35 mtos. de longd. al meridiano de Tenerife / copiado por Juan Curado, concurrente de la Real Escuela de Navegación del Depto. de Cádiz, baxo la correcn. de Dn. Joseph Badco., mtro. delinor. por S.M. en dha. escuela, año de 1756 ; esde la Real Escuela de Navegación, en el Departamento de Cádiz, a. 1756. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 31 x 42 cm. Scale ca. 1:62,100. (Maggs purchase map collection; 147). 90-683580.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastline
Luso-Hispanic World number 500. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the Gulf of Honduras region includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, a settlement, pictorial representation of relief, a decorative wind rose, and the shield of the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain. Curado prepared this map under the direction of Joseph Badaraco at the school. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from that school acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4834.P8A1 1756 .C8 Vault

Honduras--Caribbean Coast/Omoa, Honduras