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The Luso-Hispanic World in Maps: A Selective Guide to Manuscript Maps to 1900

Melilla-Netherlands Antilles (524-611)

524. [Plan of the City of Melilla, Situated on the Coast of Barbary, with the Attacks of the Emperor of Morocco in 1775]. 1775. Pencil, colored pen-and-ink ms., 49 x 72 1/2 cm. Scale not given.

This incomplete map includes a grid of the city of Melilla, fortifications, cultivated fields, roads and tracks, pictorial representation of relief, Moorish military encampments, the progress of the Moorish attack, and two Spanish warships. On verso, appears two keyed legends (one more complete than the other).

G8234.M4 1775 .P Vault

Melilla (Spain)/North Africa--Mediterranean Coast

525. Carta esferica de la costa comprehendida desde Acapulco a Sn. Blas trabajada abordo de las corberas de la Marina Real Descubierta y Atrevida, an~o de 1791. 1791. Pen-and-ink and brown ink. 50 x 71 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,900,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 157). 90-683628

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastline
Luso-Hispanic World number 525. Geography and Map Division.

This map, depicting the Pacific Coast of Mexico from Acapulco to San Blas, includes coastline, coastal features, and pictorial representation of relief. Map was prepared by cartographers aboard the Spanish corvettes, Descubierta and Atrevida, in 1791. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4412.C6 1791 .C3 Vault

Mexico--Pacific Coast

526. Corte del Reyno de Nueva España [Mexico]. [Humboldt, Alexander von ]. [1803]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 28 1/2 x 42 cm. Scale ca. 1 nautical league to 95 toesas.

This is a cross section showing elevations of central Mexico (including towns and mountain peaks) running from Veracruz through Mexico City to Acapulco. Plan has two scales for elevation in toises and in varas. This is a copy of the 1803 original by Alexander von Humboldt.

G4411.C2 1803 .H Vault


527. Costa de Vera Cruz / copiada en punto mayor por de Sr. Carlos de N.E., el capitan Dn. Cristoval Dowing i quien la dedica al Senor Don Real Cuerpo de Caravineros, academico de honor de la Jose´ de Luirrigazais y Real Academia Taurigiu Cadore del. [1846?]. Pen-and-ink, pencil, and watercolor on tracing paper. On sheet 40 x 97 cm. Scale [ca. 1:27,000]. 2001-622582

Manuscript map showing a coastal region with a city or fortification and roads
Luso-Hispanic World number 527. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the coast of Veracruz and vicinity includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, an anchorage, roads, settlements, and pictorial representation of relief. Map is oriented with northeast at top. This map is a copy of the original 18th century map possibly prepared during the period of the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4414.V46 1846 .D6 Vault

Mexico--Gulf Coast/Veracruz (State), Mexico

528. Croquis de un plano de la jurisdicion del real de Temascaltepec / copiado de otro que no merece confianza. [184-?]. Pen-and-ink and pencil on tracing paper. 36 x 41 cm. Scale [ca. 1:546,000]. 2007-627374

Manuscript map showing roads and illustrated relief
Luso-Hispanic World number 528. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the area west of Toluca includes roads, streams, towns and villages, mines, hachured relief, and boundary markers. Heading note reads "copiado de otro que no Merece confianza". Map also includes a brief keyed legend. This map was copied from an original map during the period of the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4580 184- .C7 Vault

Mexico/Mexico (State), Mexico

529. Croquis Del Tereno En que se dio la Batalla del Gallinero el dia 18 de Septiembre de 1832 y poseccion [sic] de las tropas al principio de la accion [Mexico]. 1832. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 15 x 25 cm. Scale not given.

This Mexican military map of the Battle of Gallinero shows the positions of government and revolutionary troops (both infantry and cavalry), gun emplacements, a road, a hacienda, and pictorial representation of relief, vegetation, and cultivated fields.

G4411.S1 1832 .C Vault


530. Croquis del terro, camino, bosques, barrancas, cerro y beredas de Cerro-gordo con las posiciones de las topas Mejicanas y Americanas con sus respectivos Generales Cuerpos y Baterias el dis 18 de Abril de 1847. Delineado por Rafael Zamora y ejecutado por Vicinte Quiroga. Zamora, Rafael. [1847]. Manuscript, pen-and-ink and watercolor. On sheet 51 x 66 cm. Scale not given. gm 72-2050

Manuscript map showing a battle and topographic features
Luso-Hispanic World number 530. Geography and Map Division.

Inset view: Santa Ana's hacienda [Tuzamapa?].

This colorful, detailed, and pictorial Mexican plan of the Battle of Cerro-Gordo during the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848, includes Mexican and U.S. troop positions at various stages during the battle, gun emplacements, roads, a stream, extensive pictorial representation of relief and encampments, and the retreat route of Santa Ana's forces. Plan also includes a detailed legend explaining battle sequence. Also includes a separate inset view of Santa Ana's hacienda located elsewhere.

G4412.C4 1847 .Z3 Vault


531. Descriptión [sic] de la costa occidental del seno mexicano comprehendida desde la pta. de Antn. Lizo. hasta la pta. del N. del Ro. de Tampico, con todas las sondas qe. se han echo y reconocido de orden del Exmo. Sor. Virrey de Nueba Espan~a, Dn. Anto. Ulloa, Gefe de Esquada / levantado pr. Dn. Sebastian Canel, teniente de fragta. y po. piloto del Navio Dragon en los meses de agto., sepe. y octe. de 1777. Canel, Sebastian. 1777. Pen-and-ink and red ink. 90 x 50 cm. Scale ca. 1:500,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 155). 90-683609

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal area
Luso-Hispanic World number 531. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the coast of Veracruz State from Tampico to Punta de Antón Lizardo includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, anchorages, letters designating characteristics of the water bottom, settlements, and a fortification; map also includes a note. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4542.C6 1777 .C3 Vault

Mexico--Gulf Coast/Veracruz (State), Mexico

532. Descripción de la costa de Pta. de Mocambo hasta el Ro. Salado y de los bajos adjazente a ella con expresion de sus canales y sonda en brasas de dos varas castellanas. [1792?]. Pen-and-ink. 58 x 46 cm. Scale ca. 1:71,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 154). 90-683599

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastline with several shoals or sand banks
Luso-Hispanic World number 532. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of a portion of the Gulf Coast in Veracruz State includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, and navigational hazards. Map is oriented with northeast at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4414.A57A1 1792 .D4 Vault

Mexico--Gulf Coast/Veracruz (State), Mexico

533. Descripcio´n de la costa de sotavento de Veracruz desde la punta de Mocambo hasta el Ri´o Salado y sus bajos adjacentes con exprecio´n de sus canales y sondas en brazas de dos varas castellanas. Lopez, fecit. [1792?] Pen-and-ink. 67 x 45 cm. Scale ca. 1:65,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 180). 90-683603

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastline with several shoals or sand banks
Luso-Hispanic World number 533. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of a portion of the coast of Veracruz State includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, and navigational hazards. Map is oriented with northeast at top. Similar to Maggs 154. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4414.A57A1 1792 .L6 Vault

Mexico--Gulf Coast/Veracruz (State), Mexico

534. Descripción de la costa de Yucatan, Sonda de Campeche y baxos adjacentes segun su antigua situación con la derrota que practcaron en solicitud del nombrado Negrillo sin encontrarle el Paquebot del Rey titulado Sn. Carlos al mando del thene. de Navio Dn. Miguel de Alderete y el Vergantin Sn. Juan Nepomuceno al de igual classe Dn. Andres de Balderrama, lo que manifiesta la siguiente ; Diseño de la expressada costa y sus baxos corregida segun las mas seguras noticias, observaciones y sondas que se han practicado en este reconocimiento previniendo que la extensión que se da a el Veril es correspondiente a los puntos de sonda hallados ahora hasta que se compruebe mas prolixamente. [17--?] 2 maps on 1 sheet. Pen-and-ink and green watercolor. Each 30 x 47 cm., on sheet 61 x 48 cm. Scale ca. 1:2,000,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 170). 90-683704

Two manuscript maps on one sheet showing the coast of the Yucatan peninsula; maps show different navigational hazards
Luso-Hispanic World number 534. Geography and Map Division.

These Spanish maps each depict the same area off the Yucatan coast. The upper map includes coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, currents, settlements, and a fortification; primary purpose of map is to show the tracks of two Spanish ships involved in verifying the accuracy of previous charts. The lower map includes corrected and new data based on the aforementioned nautical investigations and shows soundings, navigational hazards, anchorages, characteristics of the water bottom, and coastline, settlements, and a fortification. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4412.Y8 17-- .D4 Vault

Yucatan Peninsula/Mexico--Gulf Coast

535. Discrección de la costa de Yucatan, Sonda de Campeche y bajos adjacentes segun su antigua situación con la derrota qe. practicaron en solicitud del Nombrado Negrillo sin encontrar le, el Paqubot del Rei titulado Sn. Carlos al mando del teniente de Navio Dn. Manuel de Alderete y el Bergantin Sn. Juan Nepomuceno al de igual Clase D Andres de Balderrama lo qe. manifiesta la siguiente; Diseño de la expresada costa y sus baxos correxida segun las mas seguras observaciones y sondas mas prals. que sehan practicado en este reconocimto. preuiniendo qe. la extensio´n que seda al Veril es correspondiente a los puntos d. sonda allados ahora hasta qe. se compruebe mas prolifamte. [17--?]. 2 maps on 1 sheet : ms., col. ; 29 x 40 cm. and 30 x 40 cm., sheet 67 x 47 cm. Pen-and-ink and red and yellow watercolors. Scale ca. 1:2,000,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 169a). 90-683696

Two manuscript nautical charts on one sheet showing the northern Yucatan Peninsula
Luso-Hispanic World number 535. Geography and Map Division.

These Spanish maps each depict the same areas of the Yucatan coast. The upper map includes coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, currents, settlements, and a fortification; primary purpose of map is to show the tracks of two Spanish ships involved in verifying the accuracy of previous charts. The lower map includes corrected and new data based on the aforementioned nautical investigations and shows soundings, navigational hazards, an anchorage, characteristics of the water bottom, and coastline, settlements, and a fortification. This map is similar to Maggs 170. These maps belong to the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4412.Y8 17-- .D5 Vault

Yucatan Peninsula/Mexico--Gulf Coast

536. Discrección de la costa de Yucatan, Sonda de Campeche y baxos adjacentes segun su antigua situación con la derrota qe. practicaron en solicitud del Nombrado Negrillo sin en contrar le, el Paquebot del Rey titulado Sn. Carlos al mando del teniente de Navio Dn. Manuel de Alderete y el Bergantin San Juan Nepomuzeno al de igual clase Dn. Andrey de Balderrama lo qe. manifiesta la siguiente ; Diseño de la expresada costa y sus baxos correxida segun las mas segurs. noticias, observaciones y sondas mas prals. qe. sehan practicado en este reconocimto. previniendo qe. la extensión qe. seda al Veril es correspondiente a los puntos de sonda allados ahora haslagt. se compruebe mas prolifamte. [17--?]. 2 maps on 1 sheet : ms., col. ; 29 x 40 cm. and 30 x 40 cm., sheet 64 x 45 cm. Scale ca. 1:2,000,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 169b). 90-683697

Two maps on one sheet showing north coast of the Yucatan Peninsula
Luso-Hispanic World number 536. Geography and Map Division.

These Spanish maps each depict the same areas of the Yucatan coast. The upper map includes coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, currents, settlements, and a fortification; primary purpose of map is to show the tracks of two Spanish ships involved in verifying the accuracy of previous charts. The lower map includes corrected and new data based on the aforementioned nautical investigations and shows soundings, navigational hazards, anchorages, characteristics of the water bottom, and coastline, settlements, and a fortification. Similar to Maggs 169a and 170. These maps are part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4412.Y8 17-- .D52 Vault

Yucatan Peninsula/Mexico--Gulf Coast

537. Discriciòn [sic] ygnográfica de la Provincia de Yucatan desde la Laguna de Terminos hasta el Cabo Catoche/ nuevamte. levantado por orden del Rey por el piloto de la Armada Dn. Gabriel Muñoz, año de 1767 ; concuerda con el original, Yila y junio 2 de 1811. [1811]. Pen-and-ink. 51 x 73 cm. Scale ca. 1:910,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 174). 90-683739

Manuscript nautical chart showing coastal region
Luso-Hispanic World number 537. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the Gulf portion of the Yucatan coast includes coastline, coastal features, extensive soundings, navigational hazards, coastal and interior settlements; also includes a keyed legend and brief notes. This is an 1811 copy of the original 1767 map by Muñoz. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4412.Y8 1767 .D5 Vault

Yucatan Peninsula/Mexico--Gulf Coast

538. El Istmo de Tehuantepec [Mexico]. Orbegozo, Juan and Franc[isc]o Muñoz. Mexico City. 1840. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 70 x 48 cm. Scale ca. 1:600,000.

This map of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec includes streams, towns and villages, both coastlines, coastal features, and pictorial representation of relief. Remnants of an elevation cross section of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec appear on this sheet. Map may have been prepared in conjunction with a railroad or canal proposal for crossing the Isthmus. In 1824 the Mexican government and the State of Veracruz appointed commissions to study the Tehuantepec Isthmus under Generals Juan Orbegozo and Tadeo Ortiz respectively. Their reports were completed in 1826.

G4682.T4 1840 .O Vault

Mexico/Mexico--Gulf Coast/Mexico--Pacific Coast/Isthmus of Tehuantepec

539. F[erro]-C[arril] De Tehuantepec A Guatemala. Division De Tonalá A Tehuantepec. [Mexico]. F.G.J. Tonalá. 1890. Colored pen-and-ink ms. on tracing linen, 62 x 132 cm. Scale ca. 1:10,000.

This map of a segment of the Tehuantepec Railroad to Guatemala includes detailed relief, the proposed railroad line, streams, and a road. Also includes a cross section of the same map segment showing detailed elevations. This map is section 11 of 32 as indicated in an accompanying index map.

G4411 .P3 1890 .O Vault

Mexico--Pacific Coast/Isthmus of Tehuantepec

540. General chart of the kingdom of New Spain betn. parallels of 16 & 380 N. from materials in Mexico at commencement of year of 1804/ by Humboldt. [Humboldt, Alexander von ]. [1804]. Pen-and-ink, red ink, and pencil on tracing paper. 96 x 66 cm. Scale ca. 1:3,250,000. 2001-622416

Manuscript map of Mexico showing rivers, place names, and some relief
Luso-Hispanic World number 540. Geography and Map Division.

This detailed map of the provinces of New Spain extending from Chiapas on the south to Texas and New Mexico on the north includes coastline, coastal features, settlements, bodies of water, administrative divisions, former indigenous nations, and representation of relief. We believe that this map was traced in ca. 1846 by J. G. Bruff from an 1804 original by Alexander von Humboldt.

G4410 1804 .H8 Vault

Mexico/United States--Southwest

541. [Map of Central Mexico from San Luís Potosí and Tampico on the north to Rio Balsas and Veracruz on the south]. Yorke, Edward. [188-]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 139 x 153 cm. Scale ca. 1:400,000.

This precise, detailed, and large scale map of central Mexico includes roads, railroad lines, cities and towns, streams, other bodies of water, hachured relief, names of some states, coastline, coastal features, and anchorages. Map is internally incomplete and appears to end abruptly on its western edge. Found with map is an honorary diploma awarded to Yorke by the Société de Géographie (Toulouse) for "sa carte manuscrite et inédité du Mexique" in 1884. Map also accompanied by a 14 page manuscript "Statement Showing Several of the Reconnoitred Lines, 1872" which includes distances along various proposed railroad routes, populations of towns, elevations, and the names of individual engineers responsible for data on respective routes.

G4530 188- .Y Vault


542. Map of that part of Coahuila, Mexico, occupied by the American Army, Decr. 1846 (Genl. Wool's Division). copied by J.G. Bruff from a mms. one by Lieut. I. McDowell, 1st Artilly., AA.D. Pen-and-ink, red ink, blue ink, and pencil on tracing paper. On sheet 62 x 56 cm. Scale ca. 1:500,000. 2001-622589

Manuscript map showing a hilly region with routes shown
Luso-Hispanic World number 542. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the area from Monclova to Mazapil includes roads, mule tracks, streams, other bodies of water, settlements, sources of fresh water, haciendas, and hachured relief. Map also includes a keyed legend which also contains references to sites captured by the U.S. Army. A distance chart entitled "Route from Saltillo to S. L. Potosi, Taken from Arista's Manuscript Map captured at Resaca de la Palma" appears in lower right. This map was copied by Bruff from an original by Lieutenant Irvin McDowell of the U.S. Army. Map was prepared during the period of the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4450 1846 .M3 Vault


543. Map of the roads from Monclova to Monterey, from Monterey to Saltillo, from Saltillo to Tanque San Felipe, and from Parras to Saltillo. [Mexico]. [Bruff, Joseph Goldsborough]. [1846?]. Pencil, Colored pen-and-ink tracing, 36 x 44 cm. Scale ca. 1:633,600. 2001622409.

Manuscript map showing roads and adjacent topographical features
Luso-Hispanic World number 543. Geography and Map Division.

This map covering the region of Monclova, Monterey, Parras, and Saltillo includes roads, trails, streams, hachured relief, settlement and the route of General Wool's columns. Map was prepared during the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4450 1846 .B69 Vault


544. Map Of The Tehuantepec Rail Road. from Jaltipec River to Boca del Monte. 1851. [Mexico]. Tehuantepec Railroad Company. 1851. 1 map in 12 sheets, 1 map in 6 sheets. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 12 sheets, when joined 89 x 354 1/2 cm.; pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 6 sheets, when joined 100 x 251 cm. Scale not given. 2021586151.

Manuscript map showing a railroad with adjacent topographic features
Luso-Hispanic World number 544. Geography and Map Division.

This map of a proposed railroad route across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec shows alternative routes, roads, streams, pictorial representation of relief, and settlements. Map is oriented with northeast at top. Accompanying this map are six manuscript sheets of an unidentified sketch map of a segment related to the railroad showing a large stream containing what appear to be soundings. Sketch map contains information relevant to the river portion of the proposed combined rail-water route across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Previous call number: G4411 .P3 1851 .M Vault.

G4412.T42 1851 .T4 Vault

Mexico/Isthmus of Tehuantepec

545. [Map of Mexico City region]. Beauregard, G. T. 1818-1893. (Gustave Toutant) [1847]. 2 maps, 1 sheet. Pen-and-ink and pencil. ms., top map 20 x 24.5 cm., bottom plan 13.5 x 13 cm. Scales: top map ca. 1:316,800; scale not given for bottom plan. 00-561384

Manuscript map of Mexico City and surrounding area
Luso-Hispanic World number 545. Geography and Map Division.

The top map, depicting in detailed fashion the Valley of Mexico, includes a body of water, streams, hachured relief of mountains, roads, and settlements. This map also includes an inset map depicting an outline of Mexico City with administrative districts. Bottom plan is a pencil sketch of sandbag embrasures the construction of which was directed by Beauregard at the Siege of Veracruz. An accompanying note reads "This is to certify that the accompanying map was drawn by P. G. T. Beauregard." These maps were prepared during the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4414.M6A1 1847 .B4 Vault

Mexico/Mexico City, Mexico/Veracruz (State), Mexico/Veracruz, Mexico/Mexico--Central

546. [Map showing coast of northern Yucatán Peninsula]. [18th century]. Pen-and-ink and brown ink. 44 x 60 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,400,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 175). 90-683734.

Manuscript map showing a coastal region with depths and shoals or other navigational hazards
Luso-Hispanic World number 546. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the north coast of Yucatan Peninsula includes coastline, coastal features, islands, extensive soundings, navigational hazards, draft lines, and a presidio. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4412.Y8 17-- .M3 Vault

Yucatan Peninsula/Mexico--Gulf Coast

547. [Map showing coast of northern Yucatán Peninsula]. [17--?]. Pen-and-ink and green watercolor. 43 x 59 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,500,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 173). 90-683735.

Manuscript nautical chart showing the Yucatan coast, shoals or sand banks, depths, and rhumb lines
Luso-Hispanic World number 547. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the north coast of Yucatan Peninsula includes coastline, coastal features, islands, extensive soundings, navigational hazards, rhumb lines, and a settlement. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4412.Y8 17-- .M31 Vault

Yucatan Peninsula/Mexico--Gulf Coast

548. [Map showing coast of Veracruz State, Mexico, between Tampico and Anto´n Lizardo]. [1760?]. Pen-and-ink. 49 x 62 cm. Scale ca. 1:610,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 156). 90-683615.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastline
Luso-Hispanic World number 548. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the coast of Veracruz State from Punta de Antón Lizardo to Tampico includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, letters designating characteristics of the water bottom, and settlements. Map also includes an unfinished profile of the mountain range "Sierra de San Juan..." and an unfinished cartouche. Map is oriented with west at top. This map belongs to the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4542.C6 1760 .M3 Vault

Mexico--Gulf Coast/Veracruz (State), Mexico

549. [Map showing locations of Native American Nations in Mexico before European contact]. [Squier, Ephraim George]. [184-?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 22 x 29 cm. Scale ca. 1:6,200,000. (Squier; 35).

This outline map of Mexico appears to present the boundaries of selected Native American nations of Pre-Conquest Mexico. Neither the nations of the Central Valley or of Oaxaca are given. Map also includes 19th century cities and towns, pictorial representation of mountain ranges, rivers and streams, coastline and coastal features. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 35 Vault


550. Map Showing The Principal Products Of Each Zone And The Actual And Proposed Railway-Systems Of Mexico. Motz, Albert von. 1882. 1 map, 6 sheets. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 4 sheets 65 x 60 cm. each, 2 sheets 65 x 51 cm. each. Scale ca. 1:1,500,000.

This large scale map of Mexico and portions of the U.S. border states from Louisiana to Arizona includes constructed and proposed railroad lines, principal cities and towns, administrative boundaries, coastlines, coastal features, streams, bodies of water, hachured relief, and locations of agricultural products, minerals, metals, and farm animals. Emphasis of map is primarily economic. A note running along Baja California reads: "(From Dr. Evers' U. S. N. Mineral Report): 'The mineral wealth of Lower California embraces rich deposits of silver, gold, iron, copper, antimony, alabaster, etc.'..." Map also includes a table of "Concessions, Granted" by the Mexican government to various railroad companies with the populations and altitudes of selected cities.

G4410 1882 .M Vault

Mexico/Louisiana/Texas/New Mexico/Arizona/United States--Southwest

551. Mapa de la red telegráfica y de los itinerarios generales de la República Mexicana : formado segun datos officiales / por F.A. Labadie. Labadie, F. A. San Francisco. 1884. Pen-and-ink on tracing linen over an ink grid, 55 x 70 cm. Scale ca. 1:4,000,000. 2004-630605

Manuscript map of Mexico with states labeled showing telegraph network
Luso-Hispanic World number 551. Geography and Map Division.

Toward the end of the nineteenth century, Mexico took enormous strides to modernize under the leadership of José de la Cruz Porfirio Díaz (president, 1876-1880, 1884-1911). Under Porfirio Díaz, the "científicos", an elite group of technical and intellectual advisers, assisted in planning for Mexico's economic recovery that was based on further development of all forms of communication linkages. This 1884 communications map of Mexico, a prime example of late nineteenth century maps motivated by commercial interest, includes railroad lines (completed and under construction), roads, telegraph lines, cable lines, ship routes by destination, cities and principal towns, and state and international boundaries. A primary purpose of map is to show the link between U.S. railroad lines and operating and proposed Mexican railroad lines. Map also gives distances from various cities throughout Mexico to Mexico City. Also offices of Wells Fargo are shown throughout the map. The map is signed by F. A. Labadie in San Francisco, and it is possible that he served as an agent for Wells Fargo. A practically identical copy of the map, shown as 2 of 2, is to be found in the same jacket.

G4411.P92 1884 .L3 Vault


552. Mapa de la Sierra Gorda y Costa del Seno Mexicano desde la Cuidad de Queretaro. Escandón, José de, 1700-1770. [1747?]. Pen-and-ink on 8 sheets of paper pasted together, mounted on cloth. 77 x 59 cm. Scale ca. ca. 1:733,275. 2007-632265

Manuscript map with illustrated topography and list of references
Luso-Hispanic World number 552. Geography and Map Division.

This somewhat crudely executed but highly informative map of the provinces of Nuevo Santander, Coahuila, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí, Querétaro, and Texas includes streams, pictorial representation of relief, European and Native American settlements, administrative divisions, mines, and missions by religious order. Map also includes a keyed legend in which symbols are used to designate missions of various religious orders.

G4410 1747 .E8 Vault

Mexico--Northern/Mexico--Gulf Coast/Texas/United States--Southwest

553. [Map showing coast of State of Campeche from Campeche City to Seiba] / forwarded to Prof. Bache, Feb. 1848, S.P. Lee, Lt. Coney W.J.W. Pen-and-ink on tracing paper. on sheet 33 x 36 cm. Scale ca. 1:139,000. 2001-624290

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastline with numerous depths marked
Luso-Hispanic World number 553. Geography and Map Division.

This U.S. military map of the Mexican Gulf Coast from Seiba to Campeche includes coastline, coastal features, extensive soundings, navigational hazards, anchorages, characteristics of the water bottom, settlements, fortifications, and hachured relief. Map also includes notes indicating the anchorages of the brig, Washington, during its 1847 survey and that of the British schooner, Lark. Map was forwarded to Bache by Lee in 1848. Map was prepared during the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4742.C6 1848 .L4 Vault

Mexico--Gulf Coast

554. [Mexican Gulf Coast from Cape Rojo to Campeche]. [1847?]. Pencil ms., 63 x 94 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,050,000.

This map of the Mexican Gulf coast from Cabo Rojo to Campeche includes coastal features, significant coastal peaks, a dated navigational track (April 2nd-5th near Tuxpan), and extensive soundings. This map is possibly related to the 1847 survey along the Campeche coast conducted by S. P. Lee aboard the brig, Washington. Map was prepared during the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4742 .C6 18-- .G Vault

Mexico/Mexico--Gulf Coast/Isthmus of Tehuantepec/Veracruz (State), Mexico

555. Map of the roads from Monclova to Monterey, from Monterey to Saltillo, from Saltillo to Tanque San Felipe, and from Parras to Saltillo. Bruff, Joseph Goldsborough. [1846?]. Pen-and-ink, red ink, and pencil on tracing paper., 37 x 45 cm. Scale ca. 1:633,600. 2001-622409

Manuscript map showing roads with adjacent topographic featues
Luso-Hispanic World number 555. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the region of Monclova, Monterey, and Parras includes roads, streams, other bodies of water, settlements, and hachured relief. Map was prepared during the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4450 1846 .B69 Vault


556. [Sketch of area of northeastern Mexico from Rio Grande to Parras]. Bruff, Joseph Goldsborough. [1846?]. Pen-and-ink on tracing paper. On sheet 36 x 29 cm. Scale not given. 2001-622411

Manuscript map showing roads and waterways
Luso-Hispanic World number 556. Geography and Map Division.

This map of northeastern Mexico including Monclova, Camargo, Monterey, and Parras shows roads, trails, streams, other bodies of water, settlements, and a fortification. The map was prepared during U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4450 1846 .B71 Vault


557. Nuevo Leon. Coahuila. Tamaulipas showing trails used by the Indians on their raids into Mexico. Mier, F. L. [1873]. Colored pen-and-ink ms. on tracing linen, 41 x 30 cm. (Scale ca. 1:2,400,000.).

This Mexican map of the states of Coahuila and Nuevo León includes trails, settlements, streams, other bodies of water, pictorial representation of relief, and administrative boundaries. Purpose of map was to locate principal points of entry and routes for Native American incursions into Mexico in order to assist Mexican military planning. This map was traced by C. Winstanley of the U.S. Army in June 1881 from the 1873 original map.

G4420 1873 .M Vault


558. Obras Hidraulicas Proyectadas Para La Marjen Derecha Del Rio Bravo del Norte. [Mexico]. Garfias, Y. 1885. 1 map, 2 sheets. Colored pen-and-ink tracing, 2 sheets when combined 66 x 83 cm. 1:5,000.

This map of the Mexican effort to shore up the south bank of the Río Grande at El Paso shows the proposed location of the works, some details of construction, cross sections of the river, the waterway at a medium stage, and a grid plan of Villa de Paso del Norte (Juárez). This tracing was made from the original in the Office of Mexican Engineers at Juárez by Texas engineers headquartered in Galveston.

G4414.C5 1885 .G Vault


559. [The Oztoticpac lands map]. [ca. 1540]. Red and black ink. On amatl, 76 x 84 cm. Scale not given. 88-690436

Manuscript cadastral map with illustrations of fruit trees, property diagrams, and text in Spanish and Nahuatl
Luso-Hispanic World number 559. Geography and Map Division.

This map is a Mexican pictorial document with Spanish and Nahuatl writing showing litigation among several Native and European claimants surrounding the Oztoticpac estate of Aztec ruler, Carlos Ometochtli Chichimecatecotl. That ruler had been executed by Spanish officials on November 30, 1539. The map reflects the pre-European Mesoamerican tradition of mapmaking using glyphs and indigenously produced paper (amatl). The document depicts an inventory of landed properties once owned by the executed Aztec ruler, Carlos. Most of the drawings on the map are plans of fields with indigenous measurements and place glyphs. Near the upper left is a plan of several houses within a precinct. In the upper right is a map showing about 75 identified land plots. Additional fields are drawn in the lower right. In the lower left appear European fruit trees and grape vines which had been grafted on to indigenous tree stock. The latter image is unique among all known Mexican indigenous pictorial documents. The segments of the orchards are found in Oztoticpac and in three other locations in the city of Texcoco, Mexico. Substantial introductory work on this rare pictorial manuscript is found in Howard F. Cline, "The Oztoticpac Lands Map of Texcoco, 1540," A La Carte (Library of Congress, Washington, 1972), 5-33.

G4414.T54:2O9 1540 .O9 Vault

Mexico/Mexico (State), Mexico

560. Parte del reyno de la Na. Espana. Bruff, J[oseph ] G[oldsborough]. [1803]. Pen-and-ink and blue and red inks on tracing paper. On sheet 26 x 44 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,800,000. 2001-620539

Manuscript map showing a part of Mexico along the Gulf of Mexico with topographic features
Luso-Hispanic World number 560. Geography and Map Division.

This map of central Mexico between Mexico City and Veracruz includes streams, hachured relief, roads, coastline, coastal features, and settlements. J. G. Bruff apparently copied this map ca. 1846 from the early nineteenth century printed map of the region by Alexander von Humboldt. Map was prepared during the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4530 179- .B7 Vault

Mexico/Mexico--Gulf Coast/Mexico--Central

561. Plan of Genl. Wool's camp at Buena-Vista, August 1847. 1847. Pen-and-ink ms., 41 x 50 cm. Scale not given. 2001-622532

Manuscript plan of a camp showing buildings and fields
Luso-Hispanic World number 561. Geography and Map Division.

This is a plan of General Wool's camp at Buena Vista including locations and names of various regiments, roads, a settlement, hachured relief, and cultivated fields. Map is oriented with southwest at top. Map was prepared during the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4414.B8 1847 .P5 Vault


562. Plan of the Anchorage of Anton Lizardo. situated 14 miles to the Seward of Veracruz. [Mexico]. Young, G. [early 19th century]. Pen-and-ink ms., 22 1/2 x 32 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1:50,688.

This British plan of the vicinity of Punta Antón Lizardo includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, an anchorage, and pictorial representation of relief.

G4414.A53 18-- .Y Vault

Mexico--Gulf Coast/Veracruz (State), Mexico

563. Plano de la Laguna de Términos en la costa d. Campeche. [18th century]. Pen-and-ink and watercolor. 35 x 48 cm. Scale ca. 1:202,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 166). 90-683677

Manuscript nautical chart showing a lagoon
Luso-Hispanic World number 563. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of Laguna de Términos on the Gulf of Mexico includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, and navigational hazards. Map is oriented with south at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4742.T4 17-- .P5 Vault

Mexico--Gulf Coast/Gulf of Mexico

564. Plano de la parte occidental de la Sonda de Campeche. [late 18th century]. Pen-and-ink ms. 64 x 43 cm. Scale ca. 1:800,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 177). 90-683744

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal region and three profile views
Luso-Hispanic World number 564. Geography and Map Division.

This thorough Spanish map depicting the northwest portion of Yucatan Peninsula and a portion of the Bay of Campeche includes coastline, coastal features, extensive soundings, navigational hazards, letters designating characteristics of the water bottom, anchorages, islands, fortifications, settlements, and various structures. Map also includes three profile views of the coastline, "Asi parese la Vigia de Chuburna...", "Asi parecen las Bocas de las Salinas...", and "Asi parecen los Morros de Dios..." This is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4412.Y8 17-- .P4 Vault

Yucatan Peninsula/Mexico--Gulf Coast

565. Plano de la Sonda de Campeche. [late 18th century]. Pen-and-ink ms., 61 x 77 cm. Scale ca. 1:940,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 171). 90-683716

Manuscript nautical chart showing the northern Yucatan Peninsula
Luso-Hispanic World number 565. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the north coast of the Yucatan Peninsula includes soundings, navigational hazards, characteristics of the water bottom, and coastline, coastal features, and settlements; purpose of map is to emphasize features of the Campeche Bank. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4412.Y8 17-- .P5 Vault

Yucatan Peninsula/Mexico--Gulf Coast

566. Plano del Baxo del Alacran : cuya punta [cross] esta por latitud de 22. grados 19. minutos en el meridiano de la Vigia de Yxil en la costa de Yucatán. [17--?]. Pen-and-ink and green. 37 x 47 cm. Scale ca. 1:185,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 160). 90-683650

Manuscript nautical chart showing a port
Luso-Hispanic World number 566. Geography and Map Division.

Inset map: "Puerto de d[ic]ho Baxo [del Alacrán] abrigado de todos vientos" with ornamental border and navigational information.

This Spanish map of a reef and islands off the Gulf Coast of Yucatan includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, characteristics of the water bottom, and a decorative wind rose; also includes a keyed legend. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4752.A4 17-- .P5 Vault

Mexico--Gulf Coast/Yucatan (State), Mexico--Gulf Coast

567. Plano del Puerto de Acapulco situado en la Mar del Sur...[and] Plano del Puerto de Guaiaquil, situado en la Mar del Sur...[Mexico, Ecuador]. [175-?]. 2 maps on one sheet. Colored pen-and-ink ms., each map 28 x 23 cm. on sheet, 30 x 49 cm. Scales vary.

These Spanish maps of the port of Acapulco and Guayaquil include coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, settlements, and a fortification on the Acapulco map. Maps contain separate keyed legends. Map of Guayaquil is oriented with east at top. In style and handling, these maps appear similar to those of the same period from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain.

G4414.A3 175- .P Vault

Mexico--Pacific Coast/Ecuador--Coast

568. Plano del puerto de Acapulco situado en la latitud de 16°47' y en la longd. de 133°30['] segun el meridiano de Sn. Bernardino en Filipinas : este puerto esta en la Mar Pacífica sobre la costa meridional de California. [1760?]. Pen-and-ink ms., 40 x 52 cm. Scale ca. 1:12,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 159). 90683638

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay
Luso-Hispanic World number 568. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of Acapulco Bay includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, a road, a fortification, a grid of Acapulco, an ornate wind rose, and pictorial representation of relief and vegetation. In style, clear and sensitive. This map belongs to the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4692.A3 1760 .P5 Vault

Mexico--Pacific Coast

569. Plano del Puerto de Angel situado en la costa de Angel en la latitud de [blank] grados y [blank] minutos y en la longitud de [blank] grados y [blank] minutos segun el meridiano de Thenerife : este puerto fue bombeado pr. la Armada Naval de Francia, el año de 1688/ siendo director Don Vicente Camaño; en la Rl. Escuela de Navegon. del Departamto. del Ferrol por el mro. de dibujo de ella Don Andres de la Cuesta, año de [1782]. Pen-and-ink and watercolor. 48 x 69 cm. Scale ca. 1:7,350. (Maggs purchase map collection; 179). 90683749

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay
Luso-Hispanic World number 569. Geography and Map Division.

This map of Puerto Angel includes coastline, coastal features, anchorages, a fortification, other structures, and pictorial representation of coastal relief; map also includes a keyed legend and note: "Este Puerto fue Bombeado p[o]r la Armada Naval de Francia el año de 1688." Purpose of map appears to be the depiction of French ships in harbor in front of fortification at that time. Note in decorative cartouche indicates that map was prepared under the direction of the Real Escuela de Navegación, el Ferrol, Spain. Directional arrow is incorrect; map is oriented with north at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4414.P82 1782 .P5 Vault

Mexico--Pacific Coast

570. Plano Del Puerto de Tampico [Mexico]. Espejo, Pedro. [184-?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 25 x 31 1/2 cm. Scale not given.

This Mexican map depicting the vicinity of Tampico includes coastline, streams, bodies of water, settlements, roads, and pictorial representation of relief and vegetation. In style clear and precise. Map appears to date from the U.S.-Mexican War period, 1846-1848.

G4414 .T3 18-- .E Vault

Mexico--Gulf Coast

571. Plano del Río Guasaqualcos situado en la costa del sur de el seno mexicano en la latd. de 17 gr. 57 m. N. y en la longd. de 281 g. 11 m. segn. el meridiano de Tenerife. [17--?]. Pen-and-ink. 47 x 33 cm. Scale ca.1:408,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 161). 90-683657

Manuscript nautical chart of a river mouth
Luso-Hispanic World number 571. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the mouth of the Coatzacoalcos River includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, and navigational hazards. Map is oriented with south at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4682 .C65 17-- .P5 Vault

Mexico--Gulf Coast

572. Plano del Río de Guazacualcos cituado en la costa del S. del seno mexicano, Probincia de Guadalajara / copiado en la Rl. Ysla de Leon pr. el 2o piloto de la Rl. Armda., Dn. Manuel Romero, bajo la correccio´n del maestro de dibujo, Dn. Pedro Ribelles, teniente de fragata de la Rl. Armda. en 26 de septe. de 1790. Pen-and-ink. 30 x 48 cm. Scale ca. 1:92,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 165). 90-683664

Manuscript chart of a river with list of references
Luso-Hispanic World number 572. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the mouth of the Coatzacoalcos River includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, a settlement, a fortification, and pictorial representation of relief; map also includes a keyed legend and notes. Map is oriented with southwest at top. Similar to Maggs 163 and 164. Manuel Romero prepared this map under the direction of Pedro Rivelles in the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from that school acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4682 .C65 1790 .R6 Vault

Mexico--Gulf Coast

573. Plano del Río de Guazacuals. cituado en la costa del S. del seno mexicao. proa. gua[?]acas. copiado en la Ysla de Leon, año de 1790. Pen-and-ink and watercolor. 31 x 47 cm. Scale ca. 1:80,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 163). 90-683662

Manuscript chart of a river with list of references
Luso-Hispanic World number 573. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the mouth of the Coatzacoalcos River includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, a fortification, a settlement, and pictorial representation of relief; map also includes a keyed legend and notes. Map is oriented with southwest at top. This map was prepared in the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain and is part of the G&M Division's collection from that school acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4682 .C65 1790 .P5 Vault

Mexico--Gulf Coast

574. Plano del Río de Guazaqualco. [17--?]. Pen-and-ink and green ink. 47 x 31 cm. Scale ca. 1:315,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 162). 90-683658

Manuscript chart of the mouth of a river
Luso-Hispanic World number 574. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the mouth of Coatzacoalcos River includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and an ornate wind rose. Similar to Maggs 161. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4682 .C65 17-- .P51 Vault

Mexico--Gulf Coast

575. Plano del Río Guazaquacos situado en la costa del S. del seno mexicano, Provina. de Guadalapa. / copiado en la Escuela de Nabegn. de Ca´diz, an~o de 1790. Pen-and-ink and watercolor. 29 x 48 cm. Scale ca. 1:80,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 164). 90-683663

Manuscript chart of a portion of a river
Luso-Hispanic World number 575. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the mouth of Coatzacoalcos River includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, a settlement, a fortification, and pictorial representation of relief. Map includes a keyed legend and notes. Map is oriented with southwest at top. Similar to Maggs 163. This map was prepared in the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain and is part of the G&M Division's collection from that school acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4682 .C65 1790 .P51 Vault

Mexico--Gulf Coast

576. Plano de la costa y sonda de Campeche / nuevamente levantado y enmendado pr. el capitan de navio Dn. Ciriaco Cevallos, que para el uso de esta academia se copio de su original, Ferrol 8 de sept. de 1807 ; F. Cabarcos. 1807. Pen-and-ink and green and yellow watercolors. 53 x 96 cm. Scale ca. 1:910,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 172). 90-683727

Manuscript nautical chart showing a portion of the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula
Luso-Hispanic World number 576. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the Gulf Coast of Yucatan includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, navigational hazards, and settlements. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4412.Y8 1807 .C4 Vault

Yucatan Peninsula/Mexico--Gulf Coast

577. Plano que demuestra la situacion de la Venta de San Pedro Quaximalpa y sus inmediaciones con el Fortin que se proyecta construir para defensa de dicho punto. [Mexico]. Valdés, Pedro. [19th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 62 1/2 x 98 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 28 varas.

This map of the vicinity of the Venta de San Pedro Quaximalpa includes existing and projected roads, various structures including a toll house, chapel, and a former inn that at the time of map's preparation served as a military headquarters, a proposed fortification, and pictorial representation of vegetation and relief. Map also includes a keyed legend further identifying buildings and compartments within proposed fortification. Map is oriented with northeast at top.

G4414 .S43 17-- .V Vault


578. Plano topografico de fuerte de los remedios vulgarmente Sn. Gregorio y de los terrenos que lo circundan, defendido pr. la gavilla del rebelde cura forres, situiado en 1o. de septiembre de 1817 pr. las tropas de la division de operaciones del baxio al mando del Sr. Gral. en Gefe Mariscal de Campo Dn. Pascual de Linan y ocupado pr. las mismas en la noche del primero de enero del año de 1818 : [Mexico] / Rl. Cuerpo de Ingenieros ; subinspeccion de N.E. 1818. Pen-and-ink and watercolor. ms., 34 x 47 cm. Scale ca. 1:22,000. 2005-632501

Manuscript topographic map with fortifications and troop locations marked
Luso-Hispanic World number 578. Geography and Map Division.

This detailed, well executed Spanish map of the elevated rebel stronghold of San Gregorio during the Mexican War of Independence includes pictorial representation of terrain and vegetation, fortifications and associated structures, disposition of both Spanish and rebel troops, and a river. Map also includes a note and an extensive keyed legend which explains the progression of the siege. Map is oriented with southwest at top.

G4411.S42 1818 .S6 Vault


579. Plano Topografico De La Villa Y Puerto De San Blas [Mexico]. [after 1820?]. Colored, pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 54 1/2 x 67 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 125 varas.

This map depicting the vicinity of the town and harbor of San Blas includes coastline, coastal features, streams, pictorial representation of vegetation and relief, town grids, roads, and fortifications. Map also includes a keyed legend and a separate note that reads: "A present to Captain Phelps M. I. S. Ter[emac?]".

G4414 .S332 18-- Vault

Mexico--Pacific Coast

580. Portos practicos de Canpeche [sic] / fue en el año de 1761. Pen-and-ink and watercolor. 38 x 56 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,350,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 176). 90-683743

Manuscript nautical chart showing the north coast of the Yucatan Peninsula
Luso-Hispanic World number 580. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the north coast of Yucatan Peninsula and the Campeche Bank includes coastline, coastal features, extensive soundings, navigational hazards, and characteristics of the water bottom. An extensive note provides information gathered by navigators in the Campeche Bank and includes a comment for those ships traveling from Pensacola to Havana. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4412 .Y8 1761 .P6 Vault

Yucatan Peninsula/Mexico--Gulf Coast

581. Reconnaissance of the country from Parras via Peña, Alamo de Parras, and the forks of the roads to Zacatecas and Durango, returning via Los Hornos, the road to Chihuahua and Pozo. Bruff, Joseph Goldsborough, 1804-1889. [1846?]. Pen-and-ink, red ink, and pencil on tracing paper. On sheet 35 x 48 cm. Scale ca. 1:253,440. 2001-620542

Manuscript map showing topographic features and roads
Luso-Hispanic World number 581. Geography and Map Division.

This reconnaissance map of the vicinity of Parras includes bodies of water, streams, hachured relief, settlements, roads, and tracks. Map is oriented with south at top. Map was prepared during the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4414.P4A1 1846 .B7 Vault


582. Reconnaissance of the route from Monterey to Saltillo and Mazapil with diverging roads to Encarnacion. surveyed and drawn from Febry. 1847 to May 1848 by Captain H.W. Benham, Corps of Engineers. Benham, H. W. 1848. Pen-and-ink; blue, red, and yellow inks; on tracing linen. 72 x 58 cm. Scale ca. 1:316,800. 00-561854

Manuscript map showing hilly terrain
Luso-Hispanic World number 582. Geography and Map Division.

This U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' map of the region between Monterey and Mazapil includes roads, streams, settlements, and hachured relief. Map also includes a keyed legend, a separate keyed index to sites of battles in the region from 1810 to 1847, distance charts between communities in the region, economic information about and populations of settlements in the region, and specific information about the Battle of Buena Vista. Map prepared during the period of the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4420 1848 .B4 Vault


583. Sierra Madre, Of Mexico, And Vicinity. July 1885. Bingham, Theo A. 1885. Pen-and-ink ms. on tracing linen, 70 x 52 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,000,000.

This map of the Sierra Madre region of northern Mexico and southwest U.S. includes roads, trails, streams, railroads, settlements, and administrative boundaries. Also included is the route of General Crook (May-June 1883) into Mexico. Map was drawn and traced in U.S. Engineer's Office, Dept. of Arizona, by Lieutenant Bingham.

G4422 .S5 1885 .B Vault

Mexico/Mexico--Northern/United States--Southwest

584. Sketch of the Coatzacoalcos River, from Mina-Titlan to the Isla del Suchil; and of the Jaltipec River, from its Junction to the Railroad-Crossing [Mexico]. Townsend, Louis R. O. 1851. 1 map in 6 sheets. Pen-and-ink ms., 6 sheets when joined 130 x 263 cm. Scale ca. 1:40,000.

Inset map: Sketch from the Mouth of the Coatzacoalcos River, to the Town of Mina-Titlan...1847. Drawn by Louis R. O. Townsend.

This map of the Coatzacoalcos River includes the river and tributaries, soundings, pictorial representation of vegetation, settlements, land use, and landholdings. Map is oriented with northwest at top. Map is based on the 1851 Tehuantepec Survey under command of William C. Temple of the U.S. Navy. Inset map of the mouth of Coatzacoalcos River was made by order of Commodore M. C. Perry, U.S. Navy in 1847 during the U.S.-Mexican War. Inset also contains a view of the mouth of the River.

G4682 .C5 1851 .T Vault

Mexico/Isthmus of Tehuantepec

585. Sketch to correct the maps of the route of Genl. Wool's Division of Journey from Monclova to Monterrey. Bruff, Joseph Goldsborough, 1804-1889. [1846?]. Pen-and-ink and red ink on tracing paper. on sheet 33 x 19 cm. Scale ca. 1:650,000. 2001-622412

Manuscript map showing hilly terrain with routes marked
Luso-Hispanic World number 585. Geography and Map Division.

This map covering the area between Monclova and Monterey includes roads, mule tracks, settlements, streams, and hachured relief. Map was prepared during the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4450 1846 .B72 Vault


586. [Map showing coast of Mexico from Vera Cruz to Chuxula]. (signed) S.P. Lee, Lt. Comg. [1847]. Pen-and-ink; black and red inks on tracing paper. 26 x 35 cm. Scale ca. 1:2,100,000. 2001-624349

Manuscript map showing a coastal area
Luso-Hispanic World number 586. Geography and Map Division.

This chart of a portion of the Gulf Coast of Mexico below Veracruz includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and settlements. It was prepared in June 1847 by Lieutenant Commander Lee aboard the Coast Survey brig, Washington, on naval duty with the U.S. Gulf Squadron during the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-48. A duplicate copy of map appears on tracing paper identified as 2 of 2.

G4412.C6 1847 .L4 Vault

Mexico--Gulf Coast/Veracruz (State), Mexico

587. [Map depicting battle against Isidro Barradas in vicinity of Tampico, Mexico, in 1829]/ copied from the original by Ch.N. Hagner, lieut. top. engrs. [1846?]. Pen-and-ink and watercolor on tracing paper. On sheet 50 x 62 cm. Scale not given. 2001-620540

Manuscript map of a river mouth with illustrations of cities, trees and forts
Luso-Hispanic World number 587. Geography and Map Division.

This map depicting the vicinity of Tampico includes coastline, bodies of water, the Panuco River, roads, Spanish fortifications, a Mexican battery and troops, and pictorial representation of settlements. This map by Charles Hagner is a copy of the ca. 1829 original and was made during the period of the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4414.T28S43 1829 .H2 Vault

Mexico--Gulf Coast

588. Tanner’s route from Vera Cruz to Mexico and thener [sic] to Tampico. [Bruff, Joseph Goldsborough]. [1846]. Pen-and-ink, red ink, and pencil on tracing paper. 44 x 57 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,037,500. 2001-622410

Manuscript map showing routes with adjacent topographic features
Luso-Hispanic World number 588. Geography and Map Division.

This map, depicting a portion of Mexico from Tampico and San Luis Potosí on the north to Veracruz and Mexico City on the south includes coastline, coastal features, streams, bodies of water, hachured relief of mountain ranges and of specific mountains, towns, cities, and roads. Copied from H. S. Tanner's map of that area. Map also includes legend. Map was prepared during the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4530 1846 .B7 Vault



589. Plano De La Villa De Cordova [Mexico]. Espinosa, Vicente. [19th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 20 x 21 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 360 varas.

This map of Córdoba, Mexico includes a grid of the city, pictorial representation of relief and vegetation, and streams. Map also includes a detailed keyed legend.

G4414 .C7 18-- .E Vault

Mexico/Cordoba, Mexico


590. [United States attack of Mexico City, September 13th and 14th, 1847]. Bruff, Joseph Goldsborough, 1804-1889. [1847?]. Pen-and-ink, blue, green, red, and yellow inks, and pencil on tracing paper. On sheet 37 x 53 cm. Scale not given. 2001-620538

Manuscript map showing a street grid and adjacent fields
Luso-Hispanic World number 590. Geography and Map Division.

This map of a portion of Mexico City (extending from the Zocalo in the city center to Chapultepec and beyond) depicts the progress of the Battle of Mexico City, September 13-14, 1847. Map includes batteries, locations and movement of U.S. troops under various generals, location of Mexican troops, position of retreating Mexican troops, principal streets and buildings, and hachured relief. Map also includes a keyed legend. Map was prepared during the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4414.M6S44 1847 .B7 Vault

Mexico/Mexico City, Mexico

591. Operations of Genl. Scott's Army on 8th, 12th & 13th Sep. 1847 : [Mexico City]. Bruff, Joseph Goldsborough, 1804-1889. 1847. Pen-and-ink, blue and red inks, and pencil on tracing paper. On sheet 72 x 60 cm. Scale ca. 1:15,480. 2001-620537

Manuscript map showing a street grid and surrounding area
Luso-Hispanic World number 591. Geography and Map Division.

This military map of a portion of Mexico City and vicinity depicts the progress of the Battle of Mexico City in 1847. Map includes U.S. and Mexican batteries, U.S. troop movements, major streets and thoroughfares, key buildings, and a brief keyed legend. Map was prepared during the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4414.M6 1847 .B7 Vault

Mexico/Mexico City, Mexico

592. A Plan of the Washington Cemetery Mexico [Mexico City]. Blake, E. D. [1867]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., on 2 sheets, when joined 76 x 81 cm. Scale ca. 1:144.

This plan of the Washington Cemetery in Mexico City includes numbered grave sites suggesting a key existed to burial plots. Plan was prepared under the direction of Marcus Otterbourg, U. S. Consul to Mexico, July to September, 1867. A marker notes the grave monument for the 500 fallen U.S. soldiers from the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848. Plan is oriented with northwest at top.

G4414 .M6 G54 1867 .B Vault

Mexico/Mexico City, Mexico

593. Plan Topografico de Mexico....[Mexico City]. Serna y Echarte. 1813. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 43 x 63 1/2 cm. Scale not given.

This well-executed complete grid plan of Mexico City includes pictorial representation of aqueducts and various parks. Fields and orchards surround the city. Plan also includes extensive keyed legend with references to more than 100 churches, schools, parks, government buildings, and hospitals. Plan provides a detailed record of the city in the final decade under colonial rule.

G4414 .M6 1830 .P Vault

Mexico/Mexico City, Mexico

594. Plano ichnographico de la ciudad de Mexico que demuestra el reglamento general de sus calles asi para la comodidad y hermosura, como para la correccion y extirpacion de las maldades ge. hay en sus barrios, por la infinidad de sitios escondidos, callejones sin transito, ruinas y paderones que las ocasionan, a pesar del zelo de los justics. de orden del Exmo. Sr. Conde Revilla Gigedo por el Mtro. Mayor D. Ignacio Castera, año de 1794. Aguila, Manuel Ignacio de Jesus del. 1794. Pen-and-ink and watercolor. 42 x 46 cm. Scale [ca. 1:15,000]. 00-560609

Manuscript plan of Mexico City and surrounding area
Luso-Hispanic World number 594. Geography and Map Division.

The purpose of this map of Mexico City is to provide information on the condition of city streets and houses, including drainage, in response to the efforts of Viceroy Revillagigedo (Juan Vicente Güemes Pacheco de Padilla) to improve the city. Revillagigedo was the fifty second Viceroy of New Spain serving from 1789 to 1794. During his tenure, this enlightened official undertook a massive overhaul of the social, financial, and administrative organization of New Spain. He ordered the first census of New Spain, reorganized the militia, strengthened frontier garrisons, and promoted further exploration of the Pacific Coast. This map reflects the Viceroy's interest in improving the capital city of New Spain through paving, lighting, and public health projects. Map includes an extensive keyed legend, notes on urban development, and is color coded to indicate existing conditions of streets and houses. This map is a copy of Castera's original map prepared by Manuel Ygnacio de Jesus de Aguila in 1794.

G4414.M6 1794 .A3 Vault

Mexico/Mexico City, Mexico

595. Sketch of the route of Genl. Worth’s column from Chapultepec to the Alemeda in the attack upon the city of Mexico, 13th & 14th Sept. 1847. [Bruff, Joseph Goldsborough ]. 1847. Pen-and-ink and red ink on tracing paper. On sheet 35 x 32 cm. Scale not given. 2001-622415

Manuscript map showing a portion of a city and nearby roads
Luso-Hispanic World number 595. Geography and Map Division.

This military map of a portion of Mexico City depicts the progress of the Battle of Mexico City in 1847. Map shows the advance of American troops under General Worth from Chapultepec to the Alameda. Map includes principal streets, key buildings, fortifications, and a keyed legend. Map was prepared during the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4414.M6S44 1847 .B69 Vault

Mexico/Mexico City, Mexico

596. [Ground plan of a projected fortress at San Juan de Ulúa, Mexico]. Eraso, Cristóbal de. [ca. 1570]. Colored pen-and-ink ms. on vellum, 71 x 64 1/2 cm. Scale not given. (Drake Collection; 47).

Manuscript plan of a fort showing individual rooms
Luso-Hispanic World number 596. Rare Book and Special Collections Division.

This plan of a projected fortification at San Juan de Ulúa in Veracruz harbor shows a three hundred foot wall adapted as one side of a rectangular fortress with towers at each corner, with storage rooms in the walls, and with four blocks of houses in the interior space. This proposal followed the 1568 British attack on the fort led by John Hawkins and Francis Drake. This plan is part of the Sir Francis Drake Collection in the Rare Book and Special Collections Division given to the Library by Hans P. Kraus.

Drake Collection 47, Rare Book and Special Collections Division

Mexico--Gulf Coast/Veracruz (State), Mexico/Veracruz, Mexico


597. Plan de La Vera-Cruz [Mexico]. [before 1840]. Wash, pen-and-ink tracing, 52 1/2 x 69 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1:2,700.

This French plan of Veracruz includes the entire grid plan and walls of the city. Map also includes keyed legend. Map is oriented with southwest at top. Map was prepared probably at the time of the Pastry War (1832) involving Mexico and France.

G4414 .V4 18-- .P Vault

Mexico/Veracruz (State), Mexico/Veracruz, Mexico

598. Plan de la ville de la Veracruz. rednit et dessine par G. de Bois Sr. lys, anc. offr. Frsis. 1798. 40 x 60 cm. 2 maps on sheet. Colored pen-and-ink ms. Scales: city plan, ca. 1 inch to 50 toises; port plan, 1 inch to .62 lieue. 00-560607

Manuscript plan of a city with adjacent citadel; inset map shows larger coastal area
Luso-Hispanic World number 598. Geography and Map Division.

In 1519, the site of Veracruz was where Hernando Cortés's conquest of Mexico began. From its earliest years, Veracruz served as the principal Atlantic port of New Spain. With the expansion of the Spanish empire to Asia in the 1560's and concurrent with the linking of Mexican trade with Manila, Veracruz served as the Atlantic terminus for that trade. Due to its vital commercial position, Veracruz throughout its history has been the first point of attack for numerous invasions of New Spain and later independent Mexico. These well executed plans of the city and port of Veracruz, prepared by the Frenchman, Bois St. Lys, include coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, streams, roads, fortifications, the city, and pictorial representation of relief. The detailed plan of the city of Veracruz includes a complete street grid. A keyed legend contained in an elegant architectural frame provides references to military, religious, and government buildings. On verso appears a portion of the printed military "Plan de Vesel" by Jaillot in 1782.

G4414.V46 1798 .B6 Vault

Mexico/Veracruz (State), Mexico/Veracruz, Mexico

599. Plano de la Nueba Verz-Cruz con los baxos de dentro desde Pta. de Moncambo hasta Pta. Gorda con la sonda de la entrada en dho. puerto. [17--?]. Pen-and-ink and watercolor. 33 x 45 cm. Scale ca. 1:32,500. (Maggs purchase map collection; 167). 90-683688

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal region with fortifications
Luso-Hispanic World number 599. Geography and Map Division.

This map of Veracruz harbor and vicinity includes coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, islands, the Castillo de San Juan de Ulúa, the outline of the walled city, and a few other structures. Map is oriented with south at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4414.V46A1 17-- .P5 Vault

Mexico--Gulf Coast/Veracruz, Mexico

600. Plano De La Vera Crus....[Mexico]. Celi, Fran[cis]co Mathias. [174-?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 49 x 33 cm. Scale ca. 1:50,000. (Howe; 21).

This Spanish map of Veracruz and vicinity includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, anchorages, and pictorial representation of a fortification, the city and relief. Also includes a keyed legend. Map is oriented with west at top.

G4414 .V46 174- .C4 Howe 21 Vault

Veracruz (State), Mexico/Mexico--Gulf Coast/Veracruz, Mexico

601. Plano del puerto y ciudad de Vera Cruz en la costa occidental del Reyno de Nueva España, situada en la lattd. N. de 19°13' y en 278°40' de longd. del mro. de Tenerife / evantado pr. orn. del Rey N.S. vajo la Dirección del Gefe de Esqa. Dn. Antonio Vlloa, Comte. Gral. de Flota, por Dn. Sebastian Canel, the. de fragta. de la Rl. Armda. y primer piloto del Navio Dragon en mayo de 1777 ; delindo. pr. Dn. Antono. Castellan, 1o pto. de la Rl. Armda. bajo la corrn. de Dn. Pedro Ribelle, tente. fragta. de la Rl. Armda. y delin[?] pr. S.M. [1777]. Pen-and-ink and watercolor. 64 x 98 cm. Scale ca. 1:13,600. (Maggs purchase map collection; 168). 90-683689

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastline with several islands or shoals
Luso-Hispanic World number 601. Geography and Map Division.

This large scale Spanish map of Veracruz Harbor includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, islands, anchorages, navigational hazards, the Castillo de San Juan de Ulúa, the outline of the walled city of Veracruz, and a few structures; map also includes a lengthy explanatory note and keyed legend. Emphasis of map is on sailing instructions for navigating the harbor. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4414.V46 1777 .C3 Vault

Mexico--Gulf Coast/Veracruz, Mexico/Veracruz (State), Mexico

602. Plano dela Nueba Veracruz situado en el Seno Mexicano....[Mexico]. [175-?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 32 x 46 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 800 varas.

This Spanish map of Veracruz and vicinity includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, fortifications, and settlements. Map also includes a keyed legend. In style and execution, map appears similar to those in the same period as those produced by the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain.

G4414 .V4 17-- .P5 Vault

Mexico--Gulf Coast/Veracruz (State), Mexico/Veracruz, Mexico

603. Plano Dela Vera Crus....[Mexico]. Celi, Fra[ncis]co Math[ia]s. [1740's?]. Pen-and-ink ms., 48 x 33 cm. Scale ca. 1:50,000. (Howe; 22). 72-3576.

This Spanish map of Veracruz and vicinity includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, navigational hazards, pictorial representation of a fortification, the city, and relief. Map includes a keyed legend. Map is oriented with west at top.

G4414 .V46 174- .C41 Howe 22 Vault

Mexico--Gulf Coast/Veracruz (State), Mexico/Veracruz, Mexico

604. [View and ground plan of the fortress of San Juan de Ulúa, Mexico]. Eraso, Cristóbal de. [ca. 1570]. Colored pen-and-ink ms. on vellum, 51 1/2 x 71 1/2 cm. Scale not given. (Drake Collection; 46).

Manuscript profile view of a fortification, with plan below
Luso-Hispanic World number 604. Rare Book and Special Collections Division.

This is the earliest known view and plan of this fortress in Veracruz Harbor, Mexico. The fort was the scene of a hard fought battle between the English forces commanded by John Hawkins, under whom Francis Drake was serving, and the Spanish fleet commanded by Martín Enríques, Viceroy of New Spain (Mexico). Purpose of plan is to show proposed additions to the fort, an extension of the wall and a tower with gun platforms. This plan is part of the Sir Francis Drake Collection in the Rare Book and Special Collections Division given to the Library by Hans P. Kraus.

Drake Collection 46, Rare Book and Special Collections Division

Mexico--Gulf Coast/Veracruz (State), Mexico/Veracruz, Mexico

605. Plano del Golfo de Catarro. [17--?]. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 27 x 36 cm. Scale ca. 1:70,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 189). 90-683810.

Manuscript nautical chart of a gulf or inlet with illustrations of cities
Luso-Hispanic World number 605. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the Gulf of Kotor region shows coastline, soundings, settlements, and an anchorage. Map is oriented with west at top. Note in brown ink in upper left corner reads, "Del Ferrol". This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G6857.K68 17-- .P5 Vault

Montenegro--Coast/Adriatic Sea

606. Descripción de la costa de Salé que comprende desde Cavo Blanco.../ hecho y observado por Dn. Andres Cierto, Alferez de Fragata de la [?]al Armada y piloto del numero de ella, abordo del Navio Terrible y agosto 12 de 1764. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 32 x 48 cm. Scale ca. 1:490,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 186). 90-683784.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal area
Luso-Hispanic World number 606. Geography and Map Division.

This map depicting the coast of Morocco between Casablanca and Salé includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, an anchorage, characteristics of the water bottom, shoals, pictorial representation of relief, and settlements; also includes a keyed legend. Map is oriented with southeast at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G8232.C6 1764 .C5 Vault

Morocco--Atlantic Coast


607. [Mogador Island and vicinity, Morocco] [Essaouira, Morocco]. Hockings, R. [18th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 35 x 52 cm. Scale not given.

This pictorial representation of Essaouira (Mogador) includes the Moorish fortress, British and Moorish ships, encampments, the island of Mogador, soundings, navigational hazards, characteristics of the water bottom, coastline, coastal features, and relief. Map also includes a keyed legend with references to the British attack on Moorish ships.

G8234.M6 17-- .H Vault

Morocco--Atlantic Coast/Essaouira, Morocco

608. Plan Of the Walls of the Citadel and Boundaries of the Intended Town of Mogordor [Essaouira, Morocco]. Mercer, W. 1763. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 37 1/2 x 43 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 200 palms.

This is a simple outline of the town and citadel of Essaouira (Mogador).

G8234.M6R4 1763 .M Vault

Morocco--Atlantic Coast/Essaouira, Morocco

609. [Plano y perfil del Puerto de Mogodor]. Cañas. 1767. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 41 x 52 cm. Scale ca. 1:6,500.

Manuscript chart showing islands and coastal areas, with profile views
Luso-Hispanic World number 609. Geography and Map Division.

This clear Spanish map of the vicinity of Essaouira (Mogador) includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, a stream, a grid of the city, various fortifications, location of military barracks, and pictorial representation of relief. Map also includes an inset profile of the city, coast, and adjacent islands. Also includes a keyed legend. Map is oriented with southeast at top.

G8232.M6 1767 .P5 Vault

Morocco--Atlantic Coast/Essaouira, Morocco


610. Plan Van De Paardenbai Van Aruba. Gersen, G. 1838. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 47 x 48 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to .45 Nederlandsche Kabellengten.

This Dutch map of the harbor at Oranjestad, Aruba includes coastline, coastal features, extensive soundings, navigational hazards, characteristics of the water bottom, and selected buildings in the town. Map includes keyed legend.

G5172.P3 1838 .G Vault

Aruba, Netherlands Antilles/Netherlands Antilles


611. Eyland Curacao. 1800. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 34 x 42 cm. Scale not given.

Manuscript panoramic view of an island with harbor and illustrations of ships
Luso-Hispanic World number 611. Geography and Map Division.

This panoramic view of Willemstad and harbor depicts the capital of Curaçao as a busy port, whose harbor is choked with ships from many nations. View includes a keyed legend to individual buildings and ships. Previous call number: G5184.W 1800 Vault

G5181 .A35 1800 .E89 Vault

Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles/Netherlands Antilles