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The Luso-Hispanic World in Maps: A Selective Guide to Manuscript Maps to 1900

Senegal-Trinidad and Tobago (780-816)

780. Plan du Cap Verd par 14 d. 40 m. N. et 0 d. 0 m. long. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 31 x 33 cm. Scale ca. 1:100,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 234). 90-683999.

Manuscript map of a peninsula with list of references
Luso-Hispanic World number 780. Geography and Map Division.

This distinctive French map of Cape Verde, Senegal and Gorée Island probably dates to the first half of the eighteenth century. While the Portuguese were the first European settlers in this area dating from ca. 1450, French and English pirates and merchants from the sixteenth century asserted increasing influence. In 1633, the French established the Senegal Company there which was based on the gum and slave trades. Most prominently featured on the map are structures on Gorée Island depicting the renowned "factory" or slave trading center. Map includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, shoals, settlements (including Rufisque) and pictorial representation of relief; map also includes a brief keyed legend indicating various information such as "endroit ou on fait le bois" and "Endroit ou en fait l'eau". Map is oriented with west at top. This map is among several distinctive French maps described in this publication that use the same colors and manner of presentation. They date from the first half of the eighteenth century and are part of a collection of materials possibly commissioned by the Spanish Navy. They are part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G8812.V4 17-- .P5 Vault

Cape Verde, Senegal/Senegal--Coast

781. Plano que contiene la Bahía de Tabla con la ciudad del Cabo / avitada por los olandeses, cuyo plano esta segun lo trabajaron en el año de 1765, los oficiales de la Fragata Ynglesa, de la Compañia de la Yndia Oriental, nombrada el Flomout, cuios oficias. lo dieron a copiar en el Puerto de Mauricio en dho. año ; deligneado en la Graña en abril de 1770. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 49 x 70 cm. Scale ca. 1:215,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 233). 90-683990.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a peninsula between two bays
Luso-Hispanic World number 781. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the Cape of Good Hope and vicinity includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, a settlement, and a pictorial representation of a ship. Map is oriented with east at top. A note indicates that this map was copied from a map prepared by the British East India Company. This map belongs to the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G8502.C35 1770 .P5 Vault

South Africa--Atlantic Coast/Cape of Good Hope

782. Demostrazion que hace D[o]n Manuel de Aulestia. del Continente de la Mancha alta y vaja; todo su tierra llana, corrientes, y modo de poderse beneficiar con el Rio Juca....[Spain]. [ca. 1800]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 27 x 39 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 3 Leguas comunes castellanas.

This map of a portion of La Mancha includes the Júcar River and other streams, a (proposed) canal, wind currents, towns, and pictorial representation of relief. Purpose of map is related to making that portion of La Mancha more fertile. A note by the proposed canal reads, "Canal para poder Vegas Con las Aguas perennes de Jucar lo mas de la Mancha". Map is oriented with south at top.

G6603.M4 18-- .A8 Vault


783. [La Coruña. El Ferrol, Spain]. [1589]. 2 ms. map on one sheet : col. ; 50 x 35 cm. and 50 x 34 cm. on sheet 52 x 71 cm. Scale [1:18,100]. -- Scale [1:31,000]. (Drake Collection; 50a). 2004-629169

Two manuscript charts on facing pages; the left one shows the entrance to a river; the right shows a coastal area
Luso-Hispanic World number 783. Rare Book and Special Collections Division.

These English manuscript maps of La Coruña and Santander harbors include coastlines, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and pictorial representation of buildings, fortifications, and vegetation. A ship is shown in the harbor of La Coruña. Maps are oriented with south at top. These maps were prepared for use in the Francis Drake-John Norris 1589 expedition against the north coast of Spain. These plans are part of the Sir Francis Drake Collection in the Rare Book and Special Collections Division and were given to the Library by Hans P. Kraus. For comparison, see maps under call number Drake Collection 50b, Rare Book and Special Collections Division.

G6562.C6145 1589 .C6, Rare Book and Special Collections Division

Spain--North Coast

784. [La Coruña. El Ferrol, Spain]. Bere, James. [1589]. 2 ms. maps on one sheet ; both sides ; each 41 x 53 cm., sheet 41 x 53 cm. Scale [1:16,300]. Scale [1:16,300] (Drake Collection; 50b). 2004-629171

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal area
Luso-Hispanic World number 784. Rare Book and Special Collections Division.

These maps of the harbors and coastlines of La Coruña, El Ferrol, and Santander include coastal features, extensive soundings, navigational hazards, fortifications, and towns. Both maps are oriented with west at top. These maps were prepared for use in the Francis Drake-John Norris 1589 expedition against the north coast of Spain. The maps are part of the Sir Francis Drake Collection in the Rare Book and Special Collections Division and were given to the Library by Hans P. Kraus. For a comparison, see maps under call number Drake Collection 50a, Rare Book and Special Collections Division.

G6562.C6145 1589 .C62, Rare Book and Special Collections Division

Spain--North Coast

785. Manifiesto de la canal que media entre la Ysla Sisarga y la costa, su dimensión, sonda y bajos / reconocida con prolixidad para las orgencias del Rl. Servicio... [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 36 x 43 cm. Scale ca. 1:6,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 185a). 91-683635.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a strait between an island and a coastline
Luso-Hispanic World number 785. Geography and Map Division.

This map depicting the channel between the Sisargas Islands and the mainland shows coastline, coastal features, soundings, and a church; also includes a keyed legend and note. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G6562.S55 17-- .M3 Vault

Spain--North Coast

786. [Mouth of the River Ebro, Spain]. 1784. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 45 1/2 x 82 cm. Scale ca. 1:100,000.

This clear map of the region around the mouth of the River Ebro on the Mediterranean coast shows a public works project for a new canal near the mouth. Map includes coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, the river, existing and proposed canals, towns, existing and proposed roads, and pictorial representation of vegetation and relief. Map contains two keyed legends. One legend is for roads and towns, and the other concerns the canals.

G6562 .E15 1784 .D4 Vault

Spain--Mediterranean Coast

787. Plan de el real sitio y bosgue del Pardo / medido y lebantado el plan en el mismo terreno el año de 1805 por el arquitecto Dn. Franco. Martin del Horcajo Vidal ; delineado este por el mismo arquitecto en 21 de agosto de 1823. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 35 1/2 x 47 cm. Scale 1:43,500. 2004632066.

Manuscript map of a wooded region showing a river and several buildings
Luso-Hispanic World number 787. Geography and Map Division.

A wooded area north of Madrid known as El Pardo had been dedicated to Spanish monarchs since the late Middle Ages. Henry III began the construction of a "pabellón de caza" (hunting lodge) in 1405. In 1543, Charles V ordered the demolition of that building and the construction of a new palace on that site. This palace was largely finished during the reign of Philip II in 1558, exhibiting a fusion of Castilian, Italian, and Flemish architectural styles. From that period on, various additional buildings and expansion of the grounds of El Pardo occurred. In addition, the palace was the site of official business such as the signing of the Treaty of Madrid (1750) between Spain and Portugal. As late as the end of the twentieth century, the palace still serves as a royal residence for the King and Queen of Spain. This detailed, intricate 1823 plan of the Palace and adjacent lands of El Pardo includes property boundaries, streams, roads, planned gardens, cultivated lands, El Pardo and Zarzuela Palaces, the Torre de la Parada, monasteries and other ecclesiastical buildings, guard posts and entry points, and extensive woodlands. A detailed and extensive keyed legend accompanies the map. Map is oriented with northwest at top.

G6564.E565 1823 .H6 Vault

Spain/El Pardo (Royal Palace), Spain

788. Plano de el Puerto de Corcubión situado al norte de España en el Reyno de Galicia en la latitud de 43 grados y 6 minutos norte y en la longitud de 7 gros. 39 minutos del meridiano de Tenerife. [175-?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 30 x 31 cm. Scale ca. 1:77,625. (Maggs purchase map collection; 185d). 91-683677.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay and river mouth
Luso-Hispanic World number 788. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the Corcubión estuary region in Galicia depicts coastline, coastal features, soundings, shoals, settlements, and a chapel; includes extensive keyed legend. This map belongs to the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G6562.C614 175- .P5 Vault

Spain--Atlantic Coast

789. Plano De La Dehesa De Cordoba La Bieja Propria De Su Mag[esta]d dividida en quatro suertes, con pilones de agua fluiente, y sombrajos para Yeguas y Potros. [Spain]. Aguirre, Domingo de. [18th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 45 1/2 x 62 1/2 cm. Scale for pasture, ca. 1 inch to 1.1 cuerdas.

This plan of a royal pasture for horses includes the property divided by sections, a stream, a river, roads, pictorial representation of vegetation and relief, a projected house for attendants, and a proposed corral. An inset plan, "Plano Que Manifiesta La Distribucion Y Uso De Las Piezas De La Nueba Casa Y Corral Añadido...", is a plan of the proposed corral and house for attendants. Map also includes a decorative cartouche.

G6563.C3 17-- .A Vault


790. Plano de la rada de Lugan Nuebo situada en la costa de España al ote. del Cabo de Sta. Pola en latd. de 38 gs. 20 ms. con la sonda qe. se ha podido reconocer y las enfilaciones para fondear : lebantado de orden del Sor. Dn. Gabriel de Aristisaba, comte. gral. de esta esquadra qe. biajo a Constantinopla por los pilotos del Navio Triunfante de su mando en el año de 1784 / delineado por Dn. Jph. Martz. Núñez, pilotin del numero de la Rl. Armada baxo la dirección del Sor. Dn. Pedro Ribelli, delineanor por S.M. de esta Real Escuela de Navegación, año de 1785. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 50 x 70 cm. Scale ca. 1:63,250. (Maggs purchase map collection; 184). 90-683777.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastline with fort and a few islands
Luso-Hispanic World number 790. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the coast of Santa Pola region includes coastline, soundings, castles, fortifications, a settlement, and pictorial representation of coastal relief; also includes lengthy note on the location and the cartographer. Portion of note reads: "delineado por D[o]n J[ose]ph Mart[íne]z, pilotin del numero de la R[ea]l Armada baxo la Dirección del S[eño]r D[o]n Pedro Ribelli, delineador por S. M. de ésta Real escuela de Navegación..." This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G6564.S48A1 1785 .M3 Vault

Spain--Mediterranean Coast

791. Plano de la Ría de San Yusti situado por obsevación [sic] la punta del N. del Castrón en la latitud N. de 43°18'48" / levantado en julio de 1785 por Don Miguel de la Puente, capitan de fragata e yngeniero en segundo de marina y Don Juan Patricio García, primer piloto de la Armada. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 45 x 75 cm. Scale ca. 1:2,850. (Maggs purchase map collection; 183b). 91-680959.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay with profile view of a building or fort
Luso-Hispanic World number 791. Geography and Map Division.

Inset view: "Perfil cortado por la linea AB del Plano".

This elaborate and handsomely executed map of a coastal region in the north of Spain was intended to show the location of a proposed causeway or dam connecting the mainland with an island, the "castron" of San Yusti. Map depicts coastline, coastal features, soundings, and shoals. Includes a keyed legend and notes concerning the project. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G6562.S38 1785 .P8 Vault

Spain--Atlantic Coast

792. Plano del Puerto de Bayona situado en la costa occidental de España Reyno de Galicia....[Spain]. [175-?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 30 x 30 cm. Scale ca. 1:23,575. ([Maggs purchase map collection; 185b). 91-683671.

This map of Bayona in the province of Galicia depicts coastline, coastal features, soundings, shoals, characteristics of the water bottom, and settlements. It includes an extensive keyed legend and note. Map is oriented with east at top. This is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G6562.B35 175- .P5 Vault

Spain--Atlantic Coast

793. Plano del Puerto de Camariñas situado en la costa de Galicia en la latitd. de 43 gros. 36 ms. norte y en la longd. de 8 gs. 46 ms. segun el meridiano de Tenerife. [175-?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 30 x 37 cm. Scale ca. 1:21,850. (Maggs purchase map collection; 185c). 91-683676.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay and coastline
Luso-Hispanic World number 793. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the vicinity of Camariñas in Galicia includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, shoals, characteristic of the water bottom, and settlements. It includes an extensive keyed legend and note. Map is oriented with northwest at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G6562.C27 175- .P5 Vault

Spain--Atlantic Coast

794. Plano de la ensenada de Lastres situado por observación el cavo del mismo nombre en la latitud N. de 43°28'20" / levantado en mayo de 1785 por Don Miguel de la Puente, capitan de fragata de la Rl. Armada e yngeniero en 2o de marina y Don Juan Patricio García, 1er piloto de ella. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 62 x 79 cm. Scale ca. 1:5,900. (Maggs purchase map collection; 183a). 90-683769.

Manuscript nautical chart of a coastline with a series of depths systematically taken
Luso-Hispanic World number 794. Geography and Map Division.

This handsomely executed map of the area around the Ensenada of Lastres near El Ferrol includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, characteristics of the water bottom, wharves, settlements, and churches; also includes extensive keyed index and notes. Map is oriented with east at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G6564.L295 1785 .P8 Vault

Spain--Atlantic Coast

795. Plano que manifiesta el paso entre las Yslas de Cezarga y la costa de Sn. Adrian con el puerto de Malpica, situada por observación la Punta de Pesqueira en lo mas N. y O. de la ysla no. 31 en la latitud N. de 43°23'3", lebantado en agosto de 1789 por D. Miguel de la Puente / Jacobo Felipe Auli, 2o piloto, fecit ; Coruña 19 de diziembre de 1789. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 62 x 63 cm. Scale ca. 1:10,500. (Maggs purchase map collection; 182). 90-683764.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a peninsula and three islands, with a section of Spanish-language text on the left
Luso-Hispanic World number 795. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the area around Sisargas Island near La Coruña includes coastlines, coastal features, soundings, shoals, settlements, and churches; also includes an extensive keyed legend and lengthy notes. Map is oriented with east at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G6564.M324 1789 .A9 Vault

Spain--Atlantic Coast

796. [Ruins of Moorish Castle near Riaza River, Spain]. [18th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 34 x 50 1/2 cm. Scale not given.

This well-executed plan of a town and ruins of a Moorish Castle near Riaza River probably pertains to an archeological investigation. Map includes the Riaza River, roads, pictorial representation of vegetation, cultivated fields, two hills (one with the remains of structures and a wall), and a town plan of La Adrada. Map also includes a keyed legend. Map is oriented with northeast at top. Also contains an inset of profiles and a plan of various structures presumably from the Moorish Castle.

G6564.A95 17-- .M Vault


797. Vista Del Teatro Saguntino, Copiado Del Diseño Que El Dean Don Manuel Martí, Saco De Este Antiguo Edificio. [Spain]. Martí, Manuel. [18th century]. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 32 1/2 x 37 1/2 cm. Scale not given.

This is a combined view and cross section of the ruins of a Roman theatre near Sagunto. In style, delicate. View includes a keyed legend in Latin. View is a copy of the original drawing by Manuel Martí. On lower right a note reads, "De la libreria Mayansiana.".

G6564.S17 17-- .M Vault


798. [Amposta and Vicinity, Spain]. [18th century]. Pen-and-ink ms., 16 1/2 x 24 cm. Scale not given.

This map of the area around the mouth of the Ebro River includes coastline, the river, an existing canal and a proposed canal, existing and proposed roads, and stylized representations of towns. Map is oriented with northwest at top.

G6564.A48 17-- .A5 Vault

Spain--Mediterranean Coast

799. Situación respectiva de las Yslas Salvages segun las determinaciones de los Bergantines de S.M. 1792. Pen-and-ink ms., 50 x 37 cm. Scale ca. 1:60,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 181). 90-683756.

Manuscript nautical chart showing the outlines of two groups of islands
Luso-Hispanic World number 799. Geography and Map Division.

This map of Ilhas Selvagens in the Atlantic Ocean between the Canary Islands and Madeira includes coastlines and a note. This work is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G9142.S4 1792 .S5 Vault

Canary Islands, Spain/Atlantic Ocean

800. [The coast of Suriname]. [18th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 52 x 90 cm. Scale ca. 1:550,000.

Inset map: "de Oost Kust van de Rivier Suriname."

This Dutch map of the Suriname coast includes coastline, coastal features, soundings along the coast and in the major rivers, navigational hazards, an anchorage, characteristics of the water bottom, a fort, Paramaribo, and interior streams. Map is oriented with south at top. An inset map of the mouth of the Suriname River includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, the city of Paramaribo and Fort Zeelandia.

G5260 17-- .D Vault


801. Cordon van Defensie in de Colonie Suriname [Suriname]. [177-?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 31 x 27 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 250 Ketting.

The purpose of this Dutch military map is to show the almost 60 mile long defensive line constructed by colonial authorities in the 1770's extending from the Atlantic Coast on the north to the Suriname River on the south. The line was meant to protect European settlements and a large number of plantations from continued and increasing attacks by revolted slaves who had escaped into the interior of the province. The line consisted of a road which was fortified by posts and pickets at regular intervals. These fortifications were manned by a mixed colonial and Dutch militia. This map shows each division's responsibility and gives the name and location of each unit along the line. Map is oriented with south at top. Compare with map under call number G5262 .C6G46 1777 .E Vault.

G5261.R4 1754 .C6 Vault


802. Extrait de la carte hollandise representant la colonie de Surinam : sur le quel on a marque les voyages qu'a fait dans cette colonie Mr. Malonet, commissaire général de la marine, ordonateur á Cayenne dans les mois de juillet et d'aoust 1777 et dans la construction du quel extrait on a employé pour la partie hollandaise les corrections et les additions qui ont été fournies sur les lieux á Mr. Malouet et pour le cours du Maroni, les opérations et les relevés faits en différents temps par des officiers de la colonie de Cayenne / dressé par ordre du gouvernement au dépôt des cartes et plans de la Guyane française par Simon Mentelle, garde de ce dépôt, capitaine d'infanterie, ancien ingr. géog. du roi, novembre 1777. Mantelle, Simon. 1777. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 59 1/2 x 99 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 1900 toises. 2004632073.

Manuscript map of an area between the Maroni and Surinam Rivers, showing property divisions
Luso-Hispanic World number 802. Geography and Map Division.

This is a French map based on Dutch sources of a portion of northern Suriname extending from the Suriname River and Paramaribo on the west to the Maroni River and French Guiana on the east. It includes coastline, coastal features, rivers and streams, the town of Paramaribo and a Jewish settlement ("Bourg nommé des Juifs"), fortifications, individual land holdings, and a defensive line extending almost 60 miles from the Atlantic Coast to the Bourg des Juifs on the Suriname River. Primary purpose of map is to show the defensive line meant to protect European settlements and the numerous plantations north of it from continued and increasing attacks by revolted slaves who had escaped into the interior of the province. The line consisted of a road, fortified by posts and pickets at regular intervals to be manned by a mixed colonial and Dutch militia. To east and south of the line, a note indicates abandoned plantations. Another note indicates that construction on the cordon began in 1776. Map is oriented with south at top.

G5262.C6G46 1777 .M4 Vault


803. Plan de la Riviere de Suriname, de la Ville de Paramaribo, et de fort Zelandia. [Suriname]. Diston. 1713. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 70 x36 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to .5 marine league. 2012590108.

Manuscript map of a tive with list of references and inset plan of town with fort
Luso-Hispanic World number 803. Geography and Map Division.

Inset: untitled map of Paramaribo.

This clear and well-executed French map of the Suriname River from its mouth to the "Village des Juifs" (Jewish settlement) includes coastline, coastal features, ocean and river soundings, navigational hazards, the river and other streams, an anchorage, fortifications, a road, individual plantations, and pictorial representation of vegetation and cultivated fields. Also includes a keyed legend with a note for a road that reads, "Chemin fait par nos Troupes". Map is oriented with south at top. Inset map of Paramaribo includes a grid of the town, Government House, batteries and other fortifications. Previous call number: G5262.S9 1713 .P Vault

G5262.S8 1713 .P5 Vault

Suriname/Paramaribo, Suriname

804. Carta esférica de la Ysla de Tabago / publicada por Juan Byres en Londres en 1776 ; aumentada y corregida pr. los Bergantines de S.M. Descubridor y Vigilante, ao. de 1793. Pen-and-ink ms., 58 x 91 cm. Scale ca. 1:97,500. (Maggs purchase map collection; 286). 90-680622.

Manuscript nautical chart showing the outline of Tobago
Luso-Hispanic World number 804. Geography and Map Division.

Inset map: "Plano dela Rada de Rockly p[o]r el Berg[antí]n Empresa a[ñ]o de 1793".

This Spanish map of Tobago contains coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, settlements, and characteristics of the water bottom. Inset map of Rockly Road contains coastline, navigational hazards, soundings, characteristics of the water bottom, and a settlement. This map of Tobago is based on the 1776 (London) map prepared by John Byers and was corrected and improved by cartographers aboard the Spanish brigantines Descubridor and Vigilante in 1793. This map belongs to the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5160 1793 .C3 Vault

Tobago/Trinidad and Tobago

805. Carta esférica que comprehende la Ysla de Trinidad con sus adyacentes, bajos, sondas y veriles / construida con precenua de los documentos de las dos divisiones u Bergantines, destinados a la notificación del Atlas de la América septentrional, año 1793. Pen-and-ink ms., 58 x 95 cm. Scale ca. 1:260,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 279). 90-680580.

Manuscript nautical chart showing the outline of Trinidad and part of the coast of South America
Luso-Hispanic World number 805. Geography and Map Division.

This map of Trinidad, Gulf of Paria, and a portion of the Venezuelan coastline includes coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, characteristics of the water bottom, and settlements; map also includes brief keyed legend. This map belongs to the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5150 1793 .C3 Vault

Trinidad/Gulf of Paria/Venezuela--Coast

806. A Chart Of The Isle Of Trinidad From The Documents &ca. Of The Spanish Vessels Employed in Surveying The Coast Of The Gulf Of Mexico, 1793. 1793. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 42 x 58 cm. Scale ca. 1:235,000.

This map of Trinidad includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, towns and settlements, roads, streams and other bodies of water, and pictorial representation of selected vegetation and relief. Geographical names appear in both English and Spanish. As map title indicates and as other maps in this publication confirm, this English map is indebted to Spanish sources.

G5150 1793 .C4 Vault

Trinidad and Tobago

807. The East End of Tobago... Gill, Richard. 1767. Pen-and-ink ms., 66 x 49 cm. Scale ca. 1:63,360. 74-692187.

Manuscript nautical chart showing the Island of Tobago with two inset maps
Luso-Hispanic World number 807. Geography and Map Division.

Inset maps (2): "Barbados Bay" and "Man of Warr Bay".

This English map of the island of Tobago includes coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, soundings, and extensive navigational notes surrounding the island. Map is oriented with west at top. The inset of Barbados Bay also includes locations of a fort and government buildings.

G5161 .P5 1767 .G5 Vault

Trinidad and Tobago/Tobago

808. [Map showing Trinidad Island and adjacent coast of Venezuela]. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 52 x 90 cm. Scale ca. 1:295,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 278). 90-680605.

Manuscript nautical chart of Trinidad and part of the coast of South America, with some illustrated topography
Luso-Hispanic World number 808. Geography and Map Division.

This map, depicting the island of Trinidad, the Gulf of Paria, and the adjacent coast of Venezuela, includes coastlines, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, rivers, settlements, a road, and pictorial representation of relief. In style, clear and precise. This is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5150 17-- .M3 Vault

Trinidad and Tobago/Trinidad/Gulf of Paria/Venezuela--Coast

809. A New Map of the Island of Tobago shewing all the Rocks Shoals and Soundings. Kitchin, Tho[ma]s. [18th century]. Printed map with extensive colored pen-and-ink annotations, 44 x 59 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to .3 leagues.

This printed map of the island of Tobago includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, towns, land holdings, administrative divisions, and streams. Map's primary purpose is to indicate names of landholders and sizes of their holdings (which are given in red ink annotations).

G5161 .G46 17-- .K Vault

Trinidad and Tobago/Tobago

810. Plan de la Peninsule et Havre de Chaguaramas, dans l'île de la Trinité avec, la position des Escadres Anglaise et Espagnole en 1797 [Trinidad]. 1797. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 26 x 44 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 1.3 marine miles.

This French plan of Chaguaramas Peninsula and Bay includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, characteristics of the water bottom, navigational hazards, positions of Spanish and English ships, existing and proposed fortifications, plantations, and streams. Map apparently based on Spanish sources. English fleet was commanded by Admiral Harvey.

G5152 .C4P5 1797 .P61 Vault

Trinidad and Tobago/Trinidad

811. Direction des Iles du Vent, Ile de Tabago, 1er germinal an 11 : plan du fort Scarborough ci-devant de Castries, tel qu'il a été livre'aux troupes françaises, par les Anglais, le 15. vendémiaire an 11. 1811. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 41 x 81 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 24 meters.

Manuscript plan of a fort with list of references
Luso-Hispanic World number 811. Geography and Map Division.

This French plan of Fort Scarborough includes the structure of the fort, its interior buildings, a redoubt, and pictorial representation of vegetation and relief. Map includes a keyed legend and a profile of the fort. This is a record of the fort at the time that the British relinquished the island to the French.

G5149.S6R4 1811 .D5 Vault

Trinidad and Tobago/Tobago

812. Plan du Man of War Bay [Tobago]. [1803]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 45 1/2 x 56 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 180 toises.

This French map of Man of War Bay, Tobago includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, and navigational hazards. Map includes a keyed legend and an extensive set of sailing notes containing characteristics of the water bottom.

G5162 .M3P5 1803 .P Vault

Trinidad and Tobago/Tobago

813. Plano de la Punta Galeota que es la mas oriental meridional de la Ysla de Trinidad de Barlobento y ensenada de Guayaguayares qe. se forma entre ella y la de Gran Calle, situada dha. punta en la latd. N. de 10°9'13 y longitud de 33'44" a oriente de Puerto España. [17--?]. Pen-and-ink ms., 36 x 48 cm. Scale ca. 1:26,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 277). 90-680606.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal area with peninsula
Luso-Hispanic World number 813. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the southeastern tip of Trinidad shows coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and characteristics of the water bottom; map also includes a keyed legend. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5152.G9 17-- .P5 Vault

Trinidad--Coast/Trinidad and Tobago

814. Plano del Puerto de Chaguaramas, situado en la parte mas N. Y O. de la Ysla de Trinidad en la latitud septemtrional de 10°36' y en longitud oriental de Tenerife de 315°... [17--?]. Pen-and-ink ms., 25 x 53 cm. Scale ca. 1:20,250. (Maggs purchase map collection; 281). 90-680612.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal area with several islands
Luso-Hispanic World number 814. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the vicinity of Chaguaramas includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and anchorages; map also includes a keyed legend and notes. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5149.C53 17-- .P5 Vault

Trinidad--Coast/Trinidad and Tobago

815. Plano de la Ysla Trinidad de Barlovento situado entre las latitudes septentrionales de 10051' y la de 9°44' y entre las longitudes de 314043' y las de 316°13' segun el meridiano de Tenerife con sus puertos, vajos, placeres y la sonda que hasta a hora se han encontrado y se sigue en el reconocimiento de la demas. [17--?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 54 x 67 cm. Scale ca. 1:490,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 280). 90-680592.

Manuscript map showing the island of Trinidad and part of the coast of South America; coastal features, topographic features, and some roads are shown
Luso-Hispanic World number 815. Geography and Map Division.

This detailed map, depicting Trinidad, Gulf of Paria, and a portion of Venezuela which includes the Orinoco Delta, emphasizes the island of Trinidad. Map includes coastlines, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, streams, settlements, roads, tidal directions in the Gulf of Paria, and pictorial representation of relief; map includes extensive keyed legend and notes. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5150 1780 .P5 Vault

Trinidad/Venezuela--Coast/Gulf of Paria/Trinidad and Tobago

816. Plano geométrico de la boca de monos y puertos de Charguaramas y Carenero en la Ya. de Trinidad / construido pr. el Bergn. Descubridor, año de 1792. Pen-and-ink ms., 54 x 86 cm. Scale ca. 1:12,500. (Maggs purchase map collection; 282). 90-680613.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal area with several islands
Luso-Hispanic World number 816. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the vicinity of Chaguaramas includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, an anchorage, characteristics of the water bottom, and settlements. Map was prepared by cartographers aboard the Spanish brigantine Descubridor in 1792. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5149.C53 1792 .P5 Vault

Trinidad--Coast/Trinidad and Tobago