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The Luso-Hispanic World in Maps: A Selective Guide to Manuscript Maps to 1900

United States (817-977)

817. [Map of Atlantic Coast of North America from the Chesapeake Bay to Florida]. Vinckeboons, Joan. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 50 x 72 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,650,000. (Harrisse; Volume II, Map 8). 2003623403.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal area
Luso-Hispanic World number 817. Geography and Map Division.

This 17th century Dutch map of the Atlantic Coast from the Chesapeake Bay to Florida includes coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, rhumb lines, Native American nations and settlements, streams, and a decorative wind rose. Map which concentrates on the English settlements in southern Virginia and the Outer Banks area relies on a mixture of contemporary and dated sources. Vingboons, a cartographer in the employ of the Dutch West India Company, produced maps for over 30 years for use by Dutch mercantile and military shipping. This map is part of the Henry Harrisse manuscript collection, and was acquired when the papers of the Hulst van Keulen firm were sold.

G3291.S12 coll .H3 Vault : Harr vol. 2, map 8

United States--Atlantic Coast/United States--Southeast

818. Baye de la Delaware avec les ports, sondes, dangers, bancs, &c.; depuis les caps jusqúa Philadelphie d’aprés la carte de Joshua Fisher publie a Philadelfia, á la Havana, Chéz de Mouñoz, rue du Soléille, 1785, 1777. Ybarra, fecit. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 47 x 66 cm. Scale ca. 1:200,000. 74-691702.

Manuscript nautical chart showing the entrance to a river
Luso-Hispanic World number 818. Geography and Map Division.

Inset map: [Philadelphia and Vicinity].

This French map of Delaware Bay evidently copied in Havana from Joshua Fisher's chart includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, anchorages, a track of the main ship channel, settlements, a grid of Philadelphia, and pictorial representation of vegetation. Map contains extensive notes in French. Map is oriented with west at top.

G3832 .D4P5 1777 .Y3 Vault

United States--Mid-Atlantic States/United States--Atlantic Coast

819. Carta que Comphrehende la Nueva York, Nueva Inglaterra, la Acadia ò Nueva Escocia la Ysla Real, la de S[a]n Juan, Con parte de la Terra Noba [New England and Maritime Canada]. Campo, Josef del. 1781. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 58 x 79 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,750,000. 74-694109.

Manuscript nautical chart showing the northeast coast of North America
Luso-Hispanic World number 819. Geography and Map Division.

This detailed, well-executed Spanish map of the Atlantic Coast from New York City to southern Newfoundland includes coastlines, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, currents, and settlements. A note with keyed information includes sailing instructions for Boston. Map also includes 3 profile views of the coast: "Figura de Cavo Codd...", "Figura del Cavo Ana", and "Figura que haze la entrada dela Bahia del Boston..." In style, clear and precise. Map is similar to those produced at or under the direction of the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain.

G3321.P5 1781 .C3 Vault

United States--New England/New England/Canada--Atlantic Coast

820. Carte de la Cote de la Louisiane depuis la Baye S[ain]t Joseph, jusqu'a celle de S[ain]t Bernard. [Gulf Coast Region]. [early 18th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 29 1/2 x 83 1/2 cm. 1:1,324,000. 2002621150.

Manuscript nautical chart showing the Gulf Coast of the United States with illustrated topography
Luso-Hispanic World number 820. Geography and Map Division.

This elegant and well executed French map of the Gulf Coast from Matagorda Bay to St. Joseph Bay includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, interior streams, decorative wind roses, a fortification, pictorial representation of relief and vegetation, and European and Native American settlements. This French map of Louisiana includes areas under Spanish control. A note in western Louisiana reads "Baye quel'on croit estre celle de Spiritu Sancto" suggesting site previously thought to be the mouth of the Mississippi River. Previous call number: G3860 1732 .C Vault

G3862.C6 1732 .C3 Vault

Louisiana/United States--Gulf Coast/Texas/Mississippi/Alabama/Florida

821. Carte de la coste de la province de la Louisiane et des bouches du Micissipy ou fleuve St. Louis, faite par Jean Lefargue, Bayonne, le 20 fevrier, 1768. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 47 x 96 cm. Scale ca. 1:700,000. 73-691599.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal region with inland hydrography
Luso-Hispanic World number 821. Geography and Map Division.

This French map of a portion of the Gulf Coast from the Atchafalaya River, Louisiana to St. Joseph Bay, Florida includes coastline, coastal features, extensive soundings, interior streams, and European and Native American settlements. Emphasis of map is on southeastern portion of Louisiana which is treated as a conglomeration of islands separated by waterways. Work also includes a decorative cartouche.

G4012.C6 1768 .L3 Vault

Louisiana/Mississippi--Gulf Coast/Alabama--Gulf Coast/Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Gulf Coast

822. Carte general de toute la côte de la Louisianne jusqu'a la Baye St. Bernard, coste de la Floride, Baye de la Mobille, Be. de Pansacole, Baye de St. Ioseph, St. Marc des Apalaches. dans l'Amerique septentle., 1747 / A. Debatz, fecit. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 32 x 42 cm. Scale ca. 1:3,405,860. 00560608.

Manuscript map showing the northern Gulf of Mexico with inland topography and some place names
Luso-Hispanic World number 822. Geography and Map Division.

In the 1680's, following La Salle's epic voyage down the Mississippi River to its mouth, France laid claim to an immense territory it named "La Louisiane". Previous to that voyage, the area along the Gulf Coast had been considered exclusively Spanish territory under the control of New Spain. By the early eighteenth century, France had established settlements along the Gulf Coast at Mobile, Biloxi, and New Orleans to strengthen its original claims. This elegant and well-executed French map records the increasing French presence in that region. It recognizes French and Spanish territory along the Gulf of Mexico from Matagorda Bay to the west coast of Florida. A careful reading of the map allows us to speculate over the mapmaker's interpretation of political jurisdictions and boundaries, e. g., a French province of "La Floride" and a separate Spanish province of "Florida" appear. The map includes coastline, coastal features, numerous interior streams, pictorial representation of vegetation, European and Native American settlements, and Native American nations. Map also includes a keyed legend with the note, "Cartes Particulliers cy jouintes avoir", suggesting that individual plans for various settlements and regions on this map were made also. Cartographer has included an elegant cartouche and a brilliant wind rose as well. The French remained in the region until the conclusion of the French and Indian War (1756-1763), when they ceded certain territories to the Spanish and the English. Alexandre De Batz served as an architect with French colonial authorities in Louisiana from ca. 1730 to 1760 and is responsible for at least two more plans in this survey. His activities included work throughout the Mississippi River Valley. He was also known for his architectural renderings of individual structures in New Orleans including the Ursuline Convent.

G3862.C6 1747 .D4 Vault

United States--Gulf Coast/Texas/Louisiana/Mississippi/ Alabama

823. Carte particuliére d'une partie de la Louisianne ou les fleuve et rivierres [i.e. rivières] onts etés relevé a l'estime & les routtes [i.e. routes] par terre relevé & mesurées aux pas, par les Srs. Broutin, de Vergés, ingénieurs & Saucier dessinateur / Demarigny. 1743. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 84 x 73 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 5 leagues. 2003623370.

Manuscript map of Louisiana Territory showing several rivers and some other topographic features
Luso-Hispanic World number 823. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the Mississippi River Valley from Memphis to the Gulf of Mexico as far east as Mobile includes interior streams, routes, European communities and Native American settlements and nations, fortifications, and a wind rose. Map concentrates on the surveys of Broutin, Vergés, and Saucier in Mississippi and Alabama. Extensive notes describe the various routes taken by the surveyors and the topography of the land encountered. Map provides especially detailed information on the Mississippi River and its drainage system. An incomplete companion sheet of the eastern portion of the map is also found in the jacket.

G4010 1743 .D4 Vault

Louisiana/Mississippi/Alabama/United States--Southeast

824. Costa desde la Mobila asta la Bahía de Sn. Josef. [ca. 1800]. Pen-and-ink ms., 51 x 71 cm. Scale ca. 1:632,500. (Maggs purchase map collection; 269). 91-680927.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal area
Luso-Hispanic World number 824. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map, depicting the Gulf Coast from Mobile Bay to St. Joseph Bay, Florida, includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, streams, a fortification, and settlements. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G3932.C6 1800 .C6 Vault

Alabama--Gulf Coast/Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Gulf Coast

825. Derrotero hecho por Antonio Velez y Escalante. Misionero: para mejor conocimiento de las Misiones, pueblos de Indios y Presidios que se hallan en el Camino de Monterrey a Santa Fe de Nuebo Mexico....[U.S. Southwest]. Velez y Escalante, Antonio. 1777. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 56 x 40 cm. Scale not given.

Manuscript topographic map of a mountainous area with two large lakes
Luso-Hispanic World number 825. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map depicts a portion of the route and territory covered by the expedition undertaken by Fray Francisco Atanasio Domínguez and Fray Silvestre Vélez de Escalante in 1776 through present day Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona. Map includes missions, streams, bodies of water, Native American settlements and nations, pictorial representation of vegetation and mountain ranges. Some names of natural features have been changed, e.g., the Sierra de Timpanogos is now known as the Uinta Mountains of Utah. In addition, there existed some confusion as to which of the 2 lakes depicted "Lago de Timpanogos" or "Lago Salado de Tecuayo" is the current Great Salt Lake. Map covers only the Colorado, Utah, and Arizona portion of the expedition. Cartographer's name should not be confused with that of one of the leaders of the expedition. A primary purpose of the expedition was to establish a road from Santa Fe, New Mexico to Monterey, California. Expeditions such as that undertaken by Domínguez and Escalante were necessary for the protection of the northern flank of the Spanish empire in the Americas.

G4300 1777 .V4 Vault

United States--Southwest/Colorado/Utah/Arizona

826. Descripción de la Costa de la Luciana y entrada en el Río de Micisipi con sus sondas y bajos, nuebamente correjido y enmendado por los pilotos de la Real Armada en el año de 1769. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 33 x 51 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,330,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 258f). 75-692504.

Manuscript nautical chart of a coastal region
Luso-Hispanic World number 826. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the mouth of the Mississippi River to the west coast of Florida includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and settlements. Map emphasizes the passages in the mouth of the Mississippi River. Map was prepared evidently at the time that France ceded Louisiana to Spain. Work is similar to Maggs 258b, 258c, 258d, and 258e. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G3862.C6 1769 .D4 Vault

Louisiana--Gulf Coast/Mississippi--Gulf Coast/Alabama--Gulf Coast/Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Gulf Coast

827. Descripción de la Costa de la Luciana y entrada en el Río de Micisipi con sus sondas y bajos nuebamte. corregido y enmendado pr. los pilotos de la Rl. Armada en el año de 1769. Delineado pr. Dn. Josef Lahaurie, pilotin del numo. de la Rl. Arma., bajo la correccióon de Dn. Pedro Ribelles, maestro de delineador pr. S. M. del Departamento de Cádiz, año de 1786. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 37 x 53 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,330,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 258d). 75-692503.

Manuscript nautical chat showing a coastal region
Luso-Hispanic World number 827. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the mouth of the Mississippi River and the Gulf Coast from Louisiana to the west coast of Florida includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and settlements. Map emphasizes passages in the mouth of the Mississippi River. Map was prepared evidently at the time the French ceded Louisiana to Spain. Work is similar to Maggs 258c and 258b. This 1786 map, based on a 1769 survey, was prepared by Lahaurie under Pedro Rivelles of the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain and is part of the G&M Division's collection from that school acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G3862.C6 1786 .L3 Vault

Louisiana--Gulf Coast/Mississippi--Gulf Coast/Alabama--Gulf Coast/ Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Gulf Coast

828. Descripción de la Costa de la Luciana y entrada en el Río de Micisipi con sus sondas y bajos, nuebamte. correjido y enmendado por los pilotos de la Rl. Armada en el año de 1769. Delineado pr. Dn. Juan Gómez y Sande, pilotin del No., bajo la corren. de Dn. Pedro Ribelles, maestro de delineador pr. S. M. del Departto. de Cádiz, año de 1787. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 36 x 51 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,330,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 258e). 75-692505.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal area
Luso-Hispanic World number 828. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the mouth of the Mississippi River to the west coast of Florida includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and settlements; map emphasizes passages in the mouth of the Mississippi River. Map was prepared evidently at the time that France ceded Louisiana to Spain. Work is similar to Maggs 258b, Maggs 258c, and Maggs 258d. This 1787 map, based on the 1769 survey, was prepared by Gomez y Sande under the direction of Pedro Rivelles of the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain and is part of the G&M Division's collection from that school acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G3862.C6 1787 .G6 Vault

Louisiana--Gulf Coast/Mississippi--Gulf Coast/Alabama--Gulf Coast/ Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Gulf Coast

829. Descripcion de la costa de Tierra Firme desde el Rio de la Empalizada hasta Cavo de Clara....[Southeast U.S. and Cuba]. Cierto, Balentin. 1757. Pen-and-ink ms., 46 x 61 cm. Scale ca. 1:3,300,000. (Howe; 1). gm 72-3557

Manuscript nautical chart showing the southeastern coast of North America and several Caribbean islands
Luso-Hispanic World number 829. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map depicts the U.S. Gulf and Atlantic Coasts from the Mississippi River to the Carolinas, as well as the Bahamas, and most of Cuba. Map includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, islands, cities and towns, and the Mississippi Delta and mouths of other streams.

G3321.P5 1757 .C5 Vault : Howe 1

United States--Southeast/United States--Gulf Coast/United States--Atlantic Coast/Florida/Bahamas/Cuba/Yucatan Peninsula

830. Descripcion Geografica, de la parte que los Españoles poseen Actualmente en el Continente de la Florida, del Del Dominio en que estan los Yngleses con legitimo titulo solo en Virtud del Tratado de pases del año de 1670 y de la Jurisdicion que indevidamente an Ocupado despues de d[ic]ho Tratado, en que se Manifiestan las Tierras que Usurpan....[Southeast United States]. [Arredondo, Antonio de ]. [1742]. Colored, pen-and-ink ms., 41 x 70 cm. Scale ca. 1:4,750,000. (Hans P. Kraus Collection of Hispanic American Manuscripts; 156).

The initial Spanish claim to the entirety of North America, which was based on the 1493 papal bull and the 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas with Portugal, came under continuous attack from various European powers, including France and England, from the second half of the sixteenth century forward. In the sixteenth century, Spain considered Florida as a geographic entity which extended north to the Chesapeake Bay (Bahía de Santa María) and west beyond the Mississippi River which is reflected in Arredondo's map. His map acknowledges locations of French, English, and Spanish possessions in the region as well as those which the Spanish considered illegal possessions, most particularly that in the area of Georgia. A colored line in the map indicates the route of Hernando de Soto's sixteenth century entrada into the Southeastern part of the United States which extends beyond the Mississippi River. The map, which was prepared to contest British expansion into the region, contains lengthy notes on the sequence of Spanish discoveries and settlements. A portion of the title of the map reading "de la Jurisdicion que indevidamente an Ocupado [the British] despues dho Tratado [of 1670], en que se Manifiestan las Tierras que Usurpan..." makes clear that Arredondo considered the British presence in Georgia illegal. At least two original versions of the map exist (this one in the Library of Congress and the other in the Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain). A copy of the latter map, prepared by José Luis Gomez in 1914 for the Library of Congress, is found under the same title and under call number G3860 1742 .A7 1914 Vault [G&M].

H. P. Kraus Collection of Hispanic American Manuscripts, 156, Manuscript Division

United States--Southeast/Florida/United States--Gulf Coast/United States--Atlantic Coast

831. Descripcion geographica de la parte que los españoles poseen actualmente en el continente de la Florida del Del Dominio en que estan los ingleses con legitimo titulo solo en virtud del tratado de pases del año de 1670 y de la jurisdicion que indevidamente an ocupado despues de d[ic]ho tratado en que se manifiestan las tierras que usurpan y se definen los limites que deven prescrivirse para una y otra nacion en conformidad del derecho de la Corona de España / copiado por José Luis Gómes. 1914. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 41 x 70 cm. Scale ca. 1:4,750,000. 99446165.

Manuscript map showing the southeastern United States with a large block of text on the right
Luso-Hispanic World number 831. Geography and Map Division.

The initial Spanish claim to the entirety of North America, which was based on the 1493 papal bull and the 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas with Portugal, came under constant attack from various European powers, including France and England, from the second half of the sixteenth century forward. In the sixteenth century, Spain considered Florida as a geographic entity which extended north to the Chesapeake Bay (Bahía de Santa María) and west beyond the Mississippi River which is reflected in Arredondo's map. His map acknowledges locations of French, Spanish, and English possessions in the region as well as those which the Spanish considered illegal possessions, most particularly that in the region of Georgia. Map includes coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, European and Native American settlements, and pictorial representation of mountain ranges. Map provides an extensive keyed legend and historical notes. A colored line in the map indicates the route of Hernando De Soto's sixteenth century entrada into the Southeastern part of the United States, which extends beyond the Mississippi River. Map, which was prepared to contest British expansion into the region, contains lengthy notes on the sequence of Spanish discoveries and settlements. A portion of the title of the map reading "de la Jurisdicion que indevidamente an Ocupado [the British] despues de dho Tratado [of 1670], en que se Manifiestan las tierras que Usurpan..." makes clear that Arredondo considered the British presence in Georgia illegal. This meticulously rendered copy of the 1742 map by Arredondo in the Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain, was prepared by José Luis Gomez in 1914 for the Library of Congress. That map is described in item 140 in Torres Lanzas' México y Floridas. The Library of Congress also possesses one of the original eighteenth century versions of this map under the same title and under call number H. P. Kraus Collection of Hispanic American Manuscripts, 156, Manuscript Division.

G3860 1742 .A7 1914 Vault

United States--Southeast/Florida/United States--Gulf Coast/United States--Atlantic Coast

832. Descripcion hidografica [sic], que comprehende la America Septentrional, desde la Punta y Rio de S[a]n Juan, hasta Filadelfia... Campos, Joseph de. [178-?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 60 x 45 cm. Scale ca. 1:2,000,000. 77-697200.

Manuscript nautical chart showing the central east coast of North America with three profile coastal views
Luso-Hispanic World number 832. Geography and Map Division.

This detailed Spanish map of the Atlantic Coast from St. John's River, Florida to Philadelphia includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, currents, navigational hazards, and an anchorage; map also contains keyed information and an extensive note on the use of astronomical observation and measurement in its preparation. Map also includes 3 profile views of coast: "Figura de la Costa de Corrituk, hasta Cabo Henrry", "Figura de la Torre, y entrada de Filadelfia", and "Es lo mas Norte y Este que se avista de esta Costa". In style and presentation, map is similar to those produced at or under the direction of the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain.

G3709.32.C6P5 178- .C3 Vault

United States--Atlantic Coast/United States--Southeast/United States--Mid-Atlantic States

833. Descripsión de la costa de la Luciana y entrada en el Río de Micisipi con sus zonds. y baxos, nuebamte. correjido y enmendo por los pilos. de la Armada, el año 1769. Deligneado pr. el pilotin de la Rel. Arma. Dn. Andres Clemes bajo la corrn. de Dn. Pedro Rebelles, mro. deligneador por Su Magestad a 26. de junio de 1784. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 37 x 54 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,330,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 258b). 75-692501.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal region
Luso-Hispanic World number 833. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the Gulf Coast from the mouth of the Mississippi River to the west coast of Florida includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, settlements, and a decorative cartouche; map emphasizes passages in the mouth of the Mississippi River. Map was prepared evidently at the time that France ceded Louisiana to Spain. This 1784 map, based on a 1769 survey, was prepared by Clemes under the direction of Pedro Rivelles of the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from that school acquired from Maggs Brothers, London. The map is similar to Maggs 258c.

G3862.C6 1784 .C5 Vault

Louisiana--Gulf Coast/Mississippi--Gulf Coast/Alabama--Gulf Coast/Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Gulf Coast

834. Descripsión de la costa de la Luciana y entrada en el Río de Micisipi con sus zondas y bajos, nuebamente corregidos y enmendado por los pilotos de la Armada, el año de 1769. Deligneado por el agregado de esta Rl. Escuela de Navegón. Leonardo Migl. Camerino bajo la corrón. de Dn. Pedro Rebelles, mro. delineador por S. M. a 18 de novre. de 1784. Camerino, Leonardo Mig [ue]l. 1784. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 36 x 54 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,330,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 258c). 75-692502.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal region
Luso-Hispanic World number 834. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the Gulf Coast from the mouth of the Mississippi River to the west coast of Florida includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and settlements. Map emphasizes passages of the mouth of the Mississippi River and was evidently prepared shortly after the French ceded Louisiana to Spain. This 1784 map, based on a 1769 survey, was prepared by Camerino under the direction of Pedro Rivelles at the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain and is part of the G&M's collection from that school acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G3862.C6 1784 .C3 Vault

Louisiana--Gulf Coast/Mississippi--Gulf Coast/Alabama--Gulf Coast/ Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Gulf Coast

835. [Gulf of Mexico from Tampa Bay to the Mississippi River]. U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. [1844]. 3 sheets in one folder. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 28 1/2 x 16 1/2 cm., 65 1/2 x 35 1/2 cm., 32 x 105 1/2 cm. respectively. Scale ca. 1:375,000.

These maps, depicting collectively a portion of the Gulf of Mexico from Tampa Bay to the Mississippi River, include soundings, lights, shoals, islands, small portions of coastline, and an apparent navigational track. A later annotation reads: "Soundings in N. E. part of Gulf of Mexico, between Tampa Bay and Mississippi River marked as corrections for Blunt's Chart of the Gulf of Mexico, 1844. Seem to be original plottings, no date, no authorities, except Lt. Semmes for position of lights (probably Raphael Semmes)...".

G3302.G8P5 1844? .G Vault

United States--Gulf Coast/Gulf of Mexico

836. [Map of a portion of Spanish East and West Florida from Mobile Bay to Apalache Bay bounded by the United States on the north] [Gulf Coast of Alabama and Florida]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1815]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 51 x 101 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 12). 2013-586082

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal area with some inland hydrography
Luso-Hispanic World number 836, recto. Geography and Map Division.
Manuscript map showing a faded, unidentified city plan
Luso-Hispanic World number 836, verso. Geography and Map Division.

This map depicts a portion of Spanish West and East Florida extending from Mobile Bay to Apalachee Bay; but, the primary focus of the map is the area between the Apalachicola River and Apalachee Bay. Map includes towns, fortifications, Native American settlements, trails, streams, the United States-Spanish border, pictorial representation of relief, coastline, coastal features, and soundings. Map provides location of the Panton, Leslie, & Co. land grant in Spanish East Florida. Various trails in the Apalachicola River area bear notice, including "Senda que va á la Nacion", "senda Nueva de la Micasukys", and "senda de Thornton á Apalache". On verso is a map of an unidentified city that includes lots, houses drawn in, a street, and wharf with docked ships. This map is part of the Pintado Collection.

G3932.F555 1815 .M2 Vault : Pintado 12 Oversize

Florida--Gulf Coast/Alabama--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/United States--Gulf Coast

837. [Map of a road from Fort Osage, Missouri to Santa Fe, New Mexico]. Brown, J. C. [1825]. Pen-and-ink ms., 35 x 121 cm. Scale 1:1,267,200. 98-687168.

Manuscript map showing a route; two horizontal strips of paper have been adhered to the right side to extend the map
Luso-Hispanic World number 837. Geography and Map Division.

This "strip map" of a proposed road from the Missouri River to Santa Fe, the so-called Santa Fe Road, includes streams, Native American reservations, the town of Taos, and various encampments of the U.S. surveying team. In 1824, Senator Thomas Benton of Missouri called for the protection of the Santa Fe trade from Native American attack and proposed the surveying and marking of a road to Santa Fe. The survey team was led by Major George C. Sibley and Joseph C. Brown. The Library's copy belonged to Sibley.

G4052 .S3 1825 .B7 Vault

Missouri/Kansas/Oklahoma/New Mexico/United States--Midwest/United States--Southwest

838. [Map of an area of Spanish West Florida from Lake Maurepas to Pensacola Bay]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1810]. Pen-and-ink ms., 44 x 64 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 38). 2013-585048

Manuscript chart showing a coastal area and inland rivers
Luso-Hispanic World number 838. Geography and Map Division.

This incomplete plan of a portion of Spanish West Florida includes streams, towns, soundings, and trails, but no sites or geographical points are named. This is an excellent map for hydrology and was possibly copied from Barthélemi Lafon's 1806 plan of Louisiana.

G4012.C6 1810 .M2 Vault : Pintado 38

Louisiana/Mississippi--Gulf Coast/Alabama--Gulf Coast/Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Gulf Coast

839. [Map of the Mississippi River south from the mouth of the Yazoo River to the southern part of Louisiana] [Mississippi, Louisiana]. 1774. Pencil, colored pen-and-ink ms., 244 x 121 cm. Scale ca. 1:126,720. 74-696154.

Manuscript map of a river on several attached sheets
Luso-Hispanic World number 839. Geography and Map Division.

This detailed, unfinished English map of the Mississippi River from the mouth of the Yazoo River to the German settlement near New Orleans includes names of landholders, European and Native American settlements, fortifications, pictorial representation of riverbank relief, and various notes and remarks concerning the river's flow and other features. One of the notes reads: "The latitudes of the entrance of the river Yazou, Natchez, Manchac, and some other parts of the river were taken by Doctor Lorimer, which were a great correction and satisfaction in laying down this plan." Map was prepared as part of a survey expedition under the command of Major Dickson, Commander of British troops in West Florida, in 1774.

G4042 .M5 1774 .M3 Vault

Mississippi/Louisiana/United States--Southeast

840. Plan de la Coste de la Floride. depuis le Cap S[ain]t Blanco, iusqu'aux Isles S[ain]t Diegue. [Gulf Coast]. Bureau, Iacques. [18th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 27 x 25 l/2 cm. Scale not given.

This French map of the Gulf Coast extending from Cape St. Blanco (Cape San Blas, Florida) to the Gulf Islands (of possibly Mississippi) includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, the navigational track of a ship, navigational hazards, and anchorages; also includes an ornate cartouche and a decorative "Table des Sondes" indicating characteristics of the water bottom at specific depths along ship route. A note in upper the left (in the mainland portion of the map) reads: "Quatre Nations de Sauvages habitent cette terre Savoir les Magoulacha, les Bayougoula, les Anexis, et les Octabé".

G3932 .G3P5 1700 .B Vault

Florida--Gulf Coast/Alabama--Gulf Coast/Mississippi--Gulf Coast/United States--Gulf Coast

841. A Plan of West Florida, the Isle of Orleans, and some parts of the Spanish dominions to the westward of the Mississipi. [ca. 1763]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 146 x 51 cm. Scale 1:760,320. (Maggs purchase map collection; 258i). 74-692219.

Manuscript map of part of Louisiana, Mississippi, and adjacent areas
Luso-Hispanic World number 841. Geography and Map Division.

This English map of the Lower Mississippi River Valley from the Ohio River junction and the area around Mobile includes coastline, coastal features, numerous interior streams, fortifications, and European and Native American settlements. Map clearly defines the Isle of Orleans and an inaccurately drawn dividing line referred to as the eastern boundary of West Florida, "This Line being proposed to be the Eastern Boundary of the New Collony is supposed to run parrallel to the R. Mississipii and to continue in this direction untill it strikes on the R. Ohio". An added note makes clear the purpose of the map which proposes a bypass of the lower Mississippi River above New Orleans in order to avoid the Spanish presence at that city.

G3980 1763 .P5 Vault

Louisiana/Mississippi/Alabama/Arkansas/United States--Southeast

842. Plano borrador de la parte de la Florida Occidental contenida entre el Rio Mississipi y Bahia de la Mobila....[Gulf Coast]. Pintado, Vicente Sebastián. 1820. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 33 x 83 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 33). 2013-585043

Manuscript map showing coastal features and inland rivers
Luso-Hispanic World number 842. Geography and Map Division.

This partially completed map of Spanish West Florida includes the U.S. boundary with Spain, rivers, streams, lakes, fortifications, cities and towns, and soundings and navigational hazards in the lakes and in the Gulf of Mexico. Map also includes the location of the British troop landing site for the 1815 Battle of New Orleans. The area west of the Mississippi River is named "retrocedida provincia de la Luisiana". The map was drafted after Pintado returned to Havana in 1817 and following the Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819 by which the United States gained possession of the Spanish Floridas.

G4012.C6 1820 .P5 Vault : Pintado 33

Louisiana/Mississippi--Gulf Coast/Alabama--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/United States--Gulf Coast

843. Plano De Philadelphia. [178-?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 49 x 72 cm. Scale ca. 1:220,000. 74-691685.

Manuscript nautical chart showing the entrance to a river
Luso-Hispanic World number 843. Geography and Map Division.

This unfinished Spanish map of Delaware Bay is a late eighteenth century map based on Joshua Fisher's 1756 chart of the Bay and Delaware River. It includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, navigational hazards, distinct ship channels for routes from different locations, settlements, pictorial representation of vegetation and of a variety of vessels, and a grid of Philadelphia. Also contains an incomplete but ornate cartouche with the words "Plano De Philadelphia". Map is oriented with west at top.

G3832 .D4P5 1756 .P5 Vault

United States--Mid-Atlantic States/United States--Atlantic Coast/Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

844. Plano del Desembarcadero del Río Misipipi en el Seno Megicano con parte del Territorio de la Mobila, el qual yncluien los Franceses en la probincia qe. han nombrado la Luisiana. [ca. 1780]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 34 x 48 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,450,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 271). 91-680911.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a delta and bay
Luso-Hispanic World number 844. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the Lower Mississippi Valley and the Gulf Coast from Texas to Florida includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, numerous interior streams, fortifications, and both European and Native American settlements. The map does not include New Orleans. Internal evidence suggests that this is a copy of a ca. 1714 map. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G3862.C6 1780 .P5 Vault

Louisiana--Gulf Coast/Mississippi--Gulf Coast/Alabama--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/Florida--Gulf Coast/Texas--Gulf Coast

845. Plano del Desembocadero del Río de Misipi en el Seno Mexino con parte del Territorio de la Mobila, el qual incluyen los Franceses en la provincia que han nombrado la Luciana. [ca. 1780]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 33 x 47 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,425,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 273). 91-680912.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a delta with several forts or settlements
Luso-Hispanic World number 845. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the Lower Mississippi Valley and the Gulf Coast from Texas to Florida includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, numerous interior streams, fortifications, and European and Native American settlements; map does not include New Orleans. Internal evidence suggests that this map is a copy of a ca. 1714 map. Work is similar to Maggs 271. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G3862.C6 1780 .P51 Vault

Louisiana/Mississippi--Gulf Coast/Alabama--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/Florida--Gulf Coast/Texas--Gulf Coast

846. Plano Del Desembocadero del Río Misipipi en el seno Mexicano con parte del territorio de la Movila, el qual incluien los Franceses en la provincia que han nombrado, la Luisiana. Copyado por Diego Montes de Oca, pilotin de la Real Armada bajo la corrección de Dn. Joseph Franco. Badaraco, mro. delineor. pr. S.M. en dha. escuela, esde la Real Escuela de Navegación en el Departamento de Cádiz, 1756. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 35 x 47 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,550,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 258g). 74-691703.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a delta with several forts or settlements
Luso-Hispanic World number 846. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the Lower Mississippi River Valley and the Gulf Coast from Texas to Florida includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, an anchorage, navigational hazards, numerous interior streams, fortifications, European and Native American settlements, and the shield of the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain. This map does not include New Orleans. Internal evidence suggests that this map was based on a ca. 1714 original map. Work is similar to Maggs 271 and 273. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G3862.C6 1756 .M6 Vault

Louisiana/Mississippi--Gulf Coast/Alabama--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/Florida--Gulf Coast/Texas--Gulf Coast

847. Plano Del Desembocadero del Rio Misisipi, enel Seno Mexicano, con parte del Territorio dela Movila, elqual yncluien los Franceses enla Provincia q[u]e han nombrado la Lusiana. [Louisiana]. Lema, Dom[ing]o Antonio de. 1790. Pencil, colored pen-and-ink ms., 38 x 49 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 7 maritime leagues.

This Spanish map of the Lower Mississippi River Valley and the Gulf Coast from Texas to Pensacola includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, an anchorage, fortifications, and European and Native American settlements. Internal evidence suggests map was based on a ca. 1714 original. Map was prepared by Lema under the direction of Pedro Rivelles of the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain.

G3935 1790 .P Vault

Louisiana/Mississippi--Gulf Coast/Alabama--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/Florida--Gulf Coast/Texas--Gulf Coast

848. Plano de la Bahia de la Ware y entrada de Filadelfie... Campo, Jossef del. [178-?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 72 x 50 cm. Scale ca. 1:200,000. 73-691796.

Manuscript nautical chart showing the entrance to a river
Luso-Hispanic World number 848. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the Delaware Bay includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, anchorages, settlements, a navigational track, and pictorial representation of vegetation; also includes detailed keyed legend and notes. The name of the cartographer, Jossef del Campo, appears on other charts of the North Atlantic coast, e.g., Boston Harbor, and the Caribbean. His maps are noted for their detailed information and precise navigational tracks, reflecting the quality of Spanish military intelligence of the period. These maps were prepared during the U.S. Revolutionary War period and probably at a time when Spain was an ally of the revolutionary forces.

G3832.D4P5 178- .C3 Vault

United States--Mid-Atlantic States/United States--Atlantic Coast

849. Plano. I descripcion de la costa, desde el Cavo Cañaveral, hasta cerca de la boca de la Vir[g]inia, contando, costa de Florida, Georgia y Carolinas del S, y N, con todos sus puertos, este[ros ... ]letas, baxos, islas y rios; segun las vlti[mas not]icias, hata [sic] oy Octubre de 1756. Copiado por Juan Linares, pilotin del numero de la Real Armada: Baxo la correccion Dn. Joseph Francisco Badaraco, maestro delineador por S. M. en dicha Real Escuela. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 73 x 51 cm. 1:1,000,000. 74-694107.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal area
Luso-Hispanic World number 849. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map depicting the Southeastern U.S. coast from Cape Canaveral, Florida to North Carolina includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, streams, a fortification, and a settlement. Map includes names of British provinces: "Georgia" and "Carolinas del Sur i del Norte". Islands are clearly marked including Santa Elena, which was previously a Spanish colony. Map also contains the shield of the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain. Heading note indicates that this map was copied by Juan Linares under the direction of Joseph Badaraco of that school. In style, clear and precise. This map demonstrates continued interest on the part of the Spanish Navy to obtain current and reliable data of the coastline of North America along which Spain's shipping traveled on its return to Europe. The recently established Real Escuela de Navegación was concerned with the training of map makers and the mapping of all coasts of the Spanish Empire. This particular map also acknowledges the increasing presence of the English colonies along the Atlantic Seaboard. For instance, Georgia and the Carolinas are identified as British provinces when previously they had been part of Spanish Florida.

G3872.C6 1756 .L5 Vault

United States--Atlantic Coast/United States--Southeast/Florida--Atlantic Coast/Georgia--Coast/South Carolina--Coast/North Carolina--Coast

850. Plano. Que Comprehende parte del Seno Mexicano desde la Bahia de la Asencion hasta la Bahia de Tampa, con las sondas y embocaduras del Rio de Mississipi, nuevamente corregido y emendado por Dn. Anto. de Paredes. 1776. Colored pen-and-ink, 45 x 66 cm. Scale ca. 1:4,000,000. 74-690696.

Manuscript nautical chart of a coastal area
Luso-Hispanic World number 850. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the Gulf Coast from the mouth of the Mississippi River to Tampa Bay includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and European and Native American settlements. Map also contains an ornate cartouche and two views of Native American life: "Caseria del Yndio à los Cierbos" and "Pasatiempo de un Európeo con una India".

G3862 .C6 1776 .P3 Vault

Louisiana--Gulf Coast/Mississippi--Gulf Coast/Alabama--Gulf Coast/Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/United States--Gulf Coast

851. Plano y costa de la Palisada o de Misipipi zituada, su entrada o Cabo de Lodo en 29 gs. 17 ms. de lattud. norte y en longd. de 385 gs. 3 ms. segun Tenerife. Delineado por Dn. Juan de Liguera y Antayo, piloto de la Carrera 1751, para el Sor. Dn. Franco. del Postigo, capitan de Navio de la Real Armada y piloto mayor de ella. Colored pen-and-ink ms, 35 x 88 cm. Scale ca. 1:650,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 258h). 74-694108.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal area
Luso-Hispanic World number 851. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the Gulf Coast from the Lower Mississippi River Valley to St. Joseph Bay, Florida, includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, pictorial representation of settlements and vegetation, an ornate wind rose, and a cartouche. Map includes two legends, one identifying sites from the Mississippi River to Bayou Pascagoula and the other, from Mobile Bay to St. Joseph Bay; this arrangement corresponds to the division of French and Spanish territory. This work is dedicated to Francisco del Postigo, Captain of the Spanish Royal Armada. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G3862.C6 1751 .L5 Vault

Louisiana/Mississippi--Gulf Coast/Alabama--Gulf Coast/Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast

852. Planta de la costa de la Florida y enque paraje esta la laguna de Maymi y a donde se ha de hacer un fuerto [sic] [Southeast U.S. Atlantic Coast]. [late 17th century]. Pen-and-ink tracing, 30 1/2 x 21 1/2 cm. Scale not given.

This map of the Florida coasts to Santa Elena (in present day South Carolina), Cuba, and the Bahamas includes coastlines, coastal features, navigational hazards, and settlements as far north as Santa Elena. Map is a tracing of an original map in the Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain and is described in item 94 in Torres Lanzas' México y Floridas. Map recognizes extent of Spanish settlement as far north as South Carolina and makes reference to interior bodies of water, e.g. Laguna de Maymi, possibly Lake Okeechobee.

G3860 17-- .P Vault

Florida--Atlantic Coast/Georgia--Coast/South Carolina--Coast/United States--Southeast

853. A Sketch of the Territory of the South Carolina Yazoo Company.... [Mississippi, Alabama]. Moultrie, A[le]x[ande]r. 1791. Pen-and-ink ms., 52 x 74 cm. Scale note given.

This map denotes the claims of the South Carolina Yazoo Company between the Mississippi and Tombigbee Rivers, north of Natchez, during the late Spanish period in Louisiana and the Floridas. Map includes interior streams, pictorial representation of relief, and an ornate wind rose.

G3980 1791 .M Vault

Mississippi/Alabama/United States--Southeast

854. Survey from the bay of Perdido to Mobile Point made by order of Genl. James Wilkinson / by Joseph C. Kennedy. [1813]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 40 x 107 1/2 cm. Scale "80 chains to the inch". (Jackson; 6). 2007-629221

Manuscript nautical chart showing a bay and part of a coast
Luso-Hispanic World number 854. Geography and Map Division.

This U.S. map of the the Gulf of Mexico between Perdido Bay and Mobile Bay includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, streams and other bodies of water, locations of fresh water, fortifications, a ferry, and a portage. Map includes a note on distances and on soundings.

G3972.P4 1813 .K4 Vault : Jackson 6

Florida--Gulf Coast/Alabama--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast

855. [Tracing of Mississippi River area from Tennessee Border south to the Gulf of Mexico]. [ca. 1800]. Colored pen-and-ink tracing, 2 sections, each 72 x 89 cm. Scale not given.

This large scale map of the area along the Mississippi River from the Tennessee border on the north to the Gulf of Mexico includes various interior streams, fortifications, paths and routes, European and Native American settlements, coastline, coastal features, selected soundings and navigational hazards, annotations, and 2 legends. Map features prominently a dividing line with the note: "Principal Hunting Ground of the Western Party and Six Villages". Also prominent is the amount of detail allotted to the area of Native American settlements between the Pascagoula and Tombigbee Rivers and to the routes, creeks, and topography of that region. Upper sheet contains a keyed legend with names of Chicasaw villages and an incomplete portion of another legend. Other conspicuous features of the map include a note concerning soundings in and widths at various points along the Iberville River, a note near the 31st degree of latitude reading: "Boundary Line between the United States & Spain as settled by Ellicot", and a lengthy note concerning Native Americans on the south coast of Louisiana. Map is apparently a copy of a ca. 1800 original.

G4010 1800 .M3 Vault

Louisiana/Mississippi/Arkansas/United States--Southeast

856. Carte D'Une Partie Du Cours De La Riviere De La Mobille et De Celle Des Chicachas [Alabama]. [before 1763]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 28 x 137 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 100 toises. 2015588082.

Manuscript map of a river
Luso-Hispanic World number 856. Geography and Map Division.

This French map of the area above the city of Mobile provides methodical information on sites along the Mobile River including Native American villages, European residences, fortifications, vegetation, and streams that flow into the river. Map is oriented with west at top. Previous call number: G3972 .M6 1788 .C2 Vault

G3972.M64 1763 .C3 Vault

Alabama/United States--Southeast

857. [Map of Mobile Bay] / A.P. Hayne. [18--?]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 51 1/2 x 41 cm. Scale not given. (Jackson; 7).

Manuscript map showing the entrance to a river
Luso-Hispanic World number 857. Geography and Map Division.

This crude U.S. map of Mobile Bay and vicinity includes roads, distances, forts, streams, Mobile and Perdido Bays, and coastal features. Map also denotes locations of Spanish and U.S. military camps on both sides of Perdido Bay. Map appears to be related to Jackson's seizure of Pensacola during the War of 1812.

G3972.M6 18-- .H2 Vault : Jackson 7

Alabama--Gulf Coast/Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/United States--Gulf Coast

858. A Plan of part of the Rivers Tombecbe, Alabama, Tensa, Perdido, & Scambia In the Province of West Florida....[Alabama, Florida]. Taitt, David. [1771]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 72 x 82 cm. Scale ca. 1:126,720. 73-691550.

Manuscript map showing several rivers and bayous, with some property boundaries
Luso-Hispanic World number 858. Geography and Map Division.

This English map of the area between the Bay of Pensacola and the Tombigbee River was drafted to define the boundary between English and Creek (Nation) territory. Map includes the new and old boundary lines, roads, interior streams, land holdings, pictorial representation of vegetation, sawmills, forts, and European and Native American settlements; map also contains extensive notes, remarks, and a detailed legend. Map was prepared based on surveys collected by John Stuart, Superintendent of Indian Affairs for the Southern District of North America. This map is a copy from an original in the Colonial Office, London.

G3971 .P53 1771 .T3 Vault

Alabama/Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast

859. [Plat of land along the Mobile River near its juncture with Bayou Chataugé, Alabama]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1815]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 47 x 67 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 36).

Manuscript map showing an area of land bounded on two sides, and partially on a third, by rivers
Luso-Hispanic World number 859. Geography and Map Division.

This plan contains names of landholders, streams, and the surveyor's reference points. Lands owned by Antonio Espejo, Panton Leslie & Co., and Bartholomeo appear.

G3973.M6 1815 .P5 Vault : Pintado 36

Alabama--Gulf Coast/Alabama/United States--Southeast


860. Plan de la Mobile en 1809 [Alabama]. [Lafon, Barthélemi.] 1809. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 19 1/2 x 35 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1:2,133.

This is a French map of the Spanish city of Mobile and its fortress. It includes coastline, coastal features, pictorial representation of relief and vegetation, roads, streets, a fortification, and a grid of the city. Map also contains a keyed legend. Map shows construction of batteries by Bernardo de Gálvez when he led Spanish forces in victory over the English at Mobile during the U.S. Revolutionary War. Map is oriented with west at top.

G3974 .M5 1809 .P Vault

Alabama/United States--Southeast/Mobile, Alabama

861. Plan du Fort Condé de la Mobille, marqué en rouge dans l'Etat quil est presentement 1743, avec la partie de l'augementation [i.e. l'augmentation] proposée, marqué en jeaune [i.e. jaune]. [1743]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 36 x 41 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 33 1/3 toises.

Manuscript plan of a fort on a river bank and surrounding buildings and street grid
Luso-Hispanic World number 861. Geography and Map Division.

This French plan of Mobile shows proposed improvements for Fort Condé. A legend in the plan indicates proposals to repair, demolish, or construct quarters. Of note, the plan locates buildings dedicated for lodging the sick (yellow fever) and for convalescents.

G3974.M5:2F5 1743 .P5 Vault

Alabama/Mobile, Alabama

862. Plano del Pto. de la Movila situado en la latd. N. de 30° 10' tomado á los Ings., el día 14 de marzo de 1780. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 25 x 37 cm. Scale ca. 1:100,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 272). 73-691552.

Manuscript nautical chart of a peninsula and several islands
Luso-Hispanic World number 862. Geography and Map Division.

This map, depicting Dauphin Island, Point Mobile, and the entrance to Mobile Bay, includes coastlines, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and letters designating characteristics of the water bottom. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G3972.M6 1780 .P5 Vault

Alabama--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/Mobile, Alabama

863. Plano del Puerto dela Mobila....tomado á los Ingleses el Dia 14 de Marzo de 1780 [Alabama]. [1780]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 26 x 37 cm. Scale ca. 1:100,000.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a peninsula and several islands
Luso-Hispanic World number 863. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map, depicting Dauphin Island, Point Mobile and the entrance to Mobile Bay, includes coastlines, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, letters designating characteristics of the water bottom, and what appears to be a navigational track. The title specifically mentions the Spanish takeover from the English of Mobile in 1780 during the U.S. Revolutionary War. Map is similar to Maggs 272.

G3972 .M6 1780 .P51 Vault

Alabama--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/Mobile, Alabama

864. Entrance of San Francisco Harbor. [Bruff, Joseph Goldsborough ]. [1844]. Pen-and-ink ms., 13 x 23 cm. Scale ca. 1:72,962.

This map evidently copied by J. G. Bruff in 1846 shows coastline, coastal features, extensive soundings, hachured coastal relief, roads, and a fortification. Map is taken from E. Duflot de Mofras' map of San Francisco Harbor in his Exploration du territoire de l'Orégon des Californies et de la mer Vermeille executée pendant les années 1840, 1841, et 1842. (Paris: A. Bertrand, 1844, no. 16).

G4364 .S5P5 1844 .B Vault

California--Pacific Coast/San Francisco, California

865. [Cadastral map of the area between Escambia Bay and Governor or Mulata River, Florida]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1810]. Pen-and-ink ms., 51 x 67 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 45).

Manuscript map showing property divisions, three rivers, and part of a bay
Luso-Hispanic World number 865, recto. Geography and Map Division.
Back of manuscript map showing annotations
Luso-Hispanic World number 865, verso. Geography and Map Division.

This map of an area in the vicinity of Pensacola includes names of landowners, dimensions of plots, streams, and vegetation.

G3933.E7G46 1810 .M2 Vault : Pintado 45

Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/United States--Gulf Coast

866. [Cape San Blas and St. Joseph Bay, Florida]. [1699]. Pen-and-ink tracing, 31 x 22 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 3/4 league.

This Spanish map of the Cape San Blas and St. Joseph Bay region along the Florida Gulf Coast includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and an elaborate wind rose. This is a copy of the original late 17th century map in the Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain. Map is described in item 92 in Torres Lanzas' México y Floridas with additional information provided in item 214 in Woodbury Lowery.

G3932 .C3 1699 .C Vault

Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/United States--Gulf Coast

867. The Coast of Florida from the dry Tortugas To the old Cape. Braddock, David Cutler. 1756. Pen-and-ink ms. on vellum, 68 x 80 cm. Scale ca. 1:500,000. (Vellum Chart; 30). 73-691615.

Manuscript nautical chart of a chain of islands
Luso-Hispanic World number 867. Geography and Map Division.

This English map of the coasts of southern Florida and the Florida Keys includes coastlines, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and an anchorage. Map includes a keyed legend and extensive notes providing sailing instructions among the Florida Keys and information on harbors. Map contains original notes and later corrections. Map is oriented with south at top. For further information about this map, see Nautical Charts on Vellum in the Library of Congress (Washington: Library of Congress, 1977).

G3932 .C6 1756 .B7 Vault (Vellum Chart 30)

Florida Keys/Florida--South Coast/United States--Southeast

868. Costa de la Florida [Peninsula of and West Florida]. [Vingboons, Johannes]. [1665-1670]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 50 x 72 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,650,000. (Harrisse; Volume II, Map 11). 2003629547.

Manuscript nautical chart showing the coast of Florida
Luso-Hispanic World number 868. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the peninsula of Florida, "Cabo De La Florida", and of the west coast of Florida to the "Rio de las Flores" includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, rhumb lines, and pictorial representation of palm trees along the Atlantic Coast near St. Augustine. Almost all geographic names are in Spanish. Vingboons, a cartographer in the employ of the Dutch West India Company, produced maps for over 30 years for use by Dutch mercantile and military shipping. This map is part of the Henry Harrisse manuscript collection, and was acquired when the papers of the Hulst van Keulen firm were sold.

Vingboons, Vol. II, Map 11, Harrisse Collection Vault

Florida/United States--Southeast

869. [Derrotero útil y provechoso y en todo verdadero de Rios, caños...desde la ciudad de San Agustin hasta la varra de Aiz] [Florida]. [Mexia, Albaro]. [17th century]. Pen-and-ink tracing, 14 x 171 cm. Scale not given. 2009579241.

Manuscript map showing the coast of Florida and inland waterways
Luso-Hispanic World number 869. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the Florida coast extending from Saint Augustine south to the St. Lucie River includes coastline, coastal features, interior streams and waterways. Map is schematic in presentation. This is a copy of a 17th century original map in the Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain. Map is described in item 2 in Torres Lanzas' México y Floridas. Previous call number: G3930 1605 .M Vault

G3932.C6 1605 .M4 Vault

Florida--Atlantic Coast/United States--Atlantic Coast

870. Descripcion De La Bahia De Santa Maria De Galve, Y Puerto De S[a]n Miguel de Panzacola con toda la Costa contigua y las demas Bahias que tiene en ella, hasta el Rio de Apalache....[Florida Gulf Coast]. Lajonk, Jaime and Juan de Siscàra. 1700. Colored pen-and-ink ms. on vellum, 51 1/2 x 68 cm. Scale ca. 1:665,000. (Vellum Chart; 22). 2003620054.

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal area
Luso-Hispanic World number 870. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the Gulf Coast of Florida from Perdido River to Apalachicola River includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, European and Native American settlements, streams, and an ornate wind rose. Along the Rio de los Chacatos is a note that reads, "Este Rio es navegable, para lanchas, y canoas, y tiene quatro vocas, como se vè". On the far left of the map, the "Rio de los perdidos" (the boundary line) was added at a later date. West of the river appears the name "Francia", and to the east appears the name "España".

Vellum Chart 22 Vault

Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/United States--Gulf Coast

871. Map of a part of Pantonia laid out in sections. [Florida Gulf Coast]. Pintado, Vicente Sebastián. [1815]. Pen-and-ink ms., 81 x 63 cm. Scale 1:31,680. (Pintado Collection; Map 18). 2013585028.

Manuscript map of an area divided into square sections labeled with vegetation types
Luso-Hispanic World number 871. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the proposed Pantonia, the concession made to the Panton, Leslie Company along the Wakhulla River opposite Fort St. Marks, includes streams and other bodies of water, vegetation, determination of the quality of the land, tree types, and the division of the site into 83 sections. This map is related to the map under call number Pintado Collection, Map 17.

G3933.W3 1815 .P5 Vault : Pintado 18

Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/United States--Gulf Coast

872. Map of A Part Of West-Florida [Florida]. [early 19th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 85 x 55 cm. Scale ca. 1:158,400. (Jackson; 1). 2006628343.

Two images of a manuscript map showing rivers, coastline, and routes; the map on the right has a paper slip folded over with an annotation
Luso-Hispanic World number 872. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the area along the Appalachicola River to the Gulf of Mexico includes rivers and streams, land owners, settlements, and trails to Seminole Nations.

G3932.A72 18-- .M3 Vault : Jackson 1

Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast

873. [Map of Florida]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1810]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 51 x 37 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 42). 2013585052.

Manuscript chart showing the outline of Florida
Luso-Hispanic World number 873. Geography and Map Division.

This is primarily an outline map of Florida which includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and rivers and streams. The segment of coastline between Tampa Bay and the Suwanee River is incomplete.

G3930 1810 .M2 Vault : Pintado 42

Florida/Florida--Gulf Coast/Florida--Atlantic Coast/United States--Southeast

874. [Map of Pensacola Bay and Santa Rosa Island, Florida]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1815]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 43 x 51 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 49).

Manuscript nautical chart showing a coastal area; incomplete black tracing over pencil
Luso-Hispanic World number 874. Geography and Map Division.

This unfinished map of Santa Rosa Island, Escambia Bay, and the vicinity of Pensacola includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, towns, and fortifications.

G3932.P45 1815 .U5 Vault : Pintado 49

Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/United States--Gulf Coast

875. [Map of the area from Pensacola Bay to St. Andrew's Bay, Spanish West Florida]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1815]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 42 x 54 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 46). 2013585056.

Manuscript nautical chart showing the outline of a coastline with three bays
Luso-Hispanic World number 875. Geography and Map Division.

This map of a portion of Spanish West Florida includes streams, swamps, and pictorial representation of relief. The map emphasizes the eastern side of Santa Rosa Bay. A note reads, "The part traced in black is done from A Chart which belonged to Mr. Pintado. The red part is done from recollection, its scale is larger than the Black & irregular, the distance in miles marked in figures on the river is not far from the truth".

G3932.F555 1815 .M18 Vault : Pintado 46

Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/United States--Gulf Coast

876. [Map of the East Coast of Florida from Musquitta River to St. John's River]. [1742?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 48 x 141 cm. Scale ca. 1:115,000. ( Faden 43). 75-693301.

Inset map: [St. Augustine and vicinity].

This British map of the Atlantic Coast of Florida from the Mosquito River to St. John's River includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, an anchorage, British and Spanish fortifications, a British encampment, roads, settlements, streams, and pictorial representation of vegetation. The inset map of St. Augustine includes information about James Oglethorpe's attack on the community in 1742 and an incomplete keyed legend, which identifies among other sites, "General Oglethorp's Camp", "Indian Town and Church", and a "Negroe Fort". The "Negroe Fort" refers to Fort Mose, a fort near St. Augustine manned by freed blacks and their families. In the late 1730's, black slaves fled Carolina to the Spanish colony of Florida, where authorities guaranteed their freedom and granted them permission to live. Both maps are oriented with west at top.

G3932 .C6 1742 .M3 Faden 43 Vault

Florida--Atlantic Coast/United States--Southeast

877. [Map of the vicinity of Perdido Bay, Florida]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1815]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 20 1/2 x 35 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 60). 2013585070.

Manuscript chart showing an outline only
Luso-Hispanic World number 877. Geography and Map Division.

This is an unfinished map of the area along Perdido Bay. Primary purpose of map is to show vegetation, e.g., pine, woods, and swamps.

G3972.P4 1815 .U5 Vault : Pintado 60

Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/United States--Gulf Coast

878. [Mapa de los Cayos de los Martires ó de la Florida]. [1743]. Pen-and-ink tracing, 41 x 28 1/2 cm. 10 French leagues to 5 1/2 cm.

This Spanish map of the south Florida coast, the Florida Keys, and a small portion of Cuba includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and what appears to be a shipping channel down the Atlantic Coast past the Keys into the Gulf of Mexico. Emphasis of map is on "Los martires" (Florida Keys). This is a copy of the ca. 1743 original map in the Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain. Map is described in item 147 in Torres Lanzas' México y Floridas.

G3932 .F5 1743 .C3 Vault

Florida Keys/Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/Florida--Atlantic Coast

879. A Plan of the Land Between Fort Mossy And S[ain]t Augustine In the Province of East Florida. Roworth, Sam. [1763-1781]. Pen-and-ink ms., 39 x 50 cm. Scale ca. 1:7,900. 73-691558.

Manuscript topographic map showing fields and rivers
Luso-Hispanic World number 879. Geography and Map Division.

This is an English plan of a section of land north of Saint Augustine which includes streams, cultivated and fallow fields, roads, and forts, and fortification lines. Fort Mossy (i.e. Fort Mose), two miles north of St. Augustine, had been constructed by about 100 former black slaves and their families who had fled Carolina to freedom with the encouragement of Spanish officials in Florida in the late 1730's. The cartographer served in the Department of the Surveyor General of British East Florida, during the English occupation of Florida, 1763-1781.

G3934 .S2A1 176- .R6 Vault

Florida--Atlantic Coast/United States--Southeast

880. Plano Borrador de las posesiones de los Señores Forbes y Compañia entre los Rios Apalachicola y San Marcos en la Florida Occidental. [Gulf Coast of Florida]. Pintado, Vicente Sebastián. Havana. [1817]. Pen-and-ink ms., 82 x 69 cm. Scale 1:158,400. (Pintado Collection; Map 16). 2013585026.

Manuscript map showing rivers, a coastline, and a small city plan in the center right
Luso-Hispanic World number 880. Geography and Map Division.

This map depicts a portion of Spanish East Florida (present day Western Florida) extending from the Apalachicola River to the mouth of Ocalocny River. Map includes trails, streams, a fort, and towns. Map also includes specific grided plots laid out along the Wakhulla River opposite Fuerte de San Marcos. Map was made to justify the Forbes grant and to show the agreement reached with the Indians for the land. Four notes appear on map in connection with this issue. One note reads, "Cesion hecha por los Yndios Simanoles á la Casa de los Señores Panton Leslie y Compañia en 22 de Agosto de 1804 y confirmada por el Gobierno en 3. de Diciembre de 1806". Another note reads, "Cesión hecha por los Yndios Crikes baxos en 22 de Enero 1811 á la casa delos Señores Forbes y Comp[añi]a juntamente con las porciones A.B. y la Ysla de San Vicente; cuya cesión se confirmó por el Gobierno en 15 de Junio del mismo año". This map is part of the Pintado Collection.

G3932.A72 1817 .P5 Vault : Pintado 16

Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/United States--Gulf Coast

881. Plano borrador del límite comun á las dos Floridas y de los territorios de ambas provincias adyacentes á el. [Florida]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1815]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 29 x 58 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 51). 2013585061.

Manuscript nautical chart of a coastal area with several bays
Luso-Hispanic World number 881. Geography and Map Division.

This detailed map of Florida from Santa Rosa Bay to Apalachee Bay includes streams, Native American and European settlements and trails, selected names of landowners, coastlines, and coastal features. Map encompasses portions of both Spanish East and West Florida.

G3932.F555 1815 .P5 Vault : Pintado 51

Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/United States--Gulf Coast

882. Plano Borrador del Rio y Bahia de Apalachicola para mejor inteligencia de los partes dados en 29 de Abril, 6 y 8 de Mayo de este año. [Gulf Coast, Florida]. Pintado, Vicente Sebastián. 1815. Pen-and-ink ms., 55 x 79 cm. Scale 1:158,400. (Pintado Collection; Map 13). 2013585023.

Manuscript map showing a coastal area and inland rivers and streams
Luso-Hispanic World number 882. Geography and Map Division.

This is a detailed map of a portion of Spanish East Florida (present day western Florida) extending from the Apalachicola River to the mouth of the Ocalocny River. Map includes streams, trails, a fort, and towns (Prospect Bluff, Ochesee, Tornathlee, and Anacheela). A note by a fort on the Flint River reads, "Reducto hecho por el Coronel Nicolls". A logistical note appearing next to the Ysla de S[a]n Vicente in Apalachicola Bay reads, "Campamento Yngles con los negros de Panzacola y otros del 16 de Abril 1815". An explanatory note on the side of the map refers to the limits of Spanish East Florida and the U.S. boundary. This map was used by Pintado when he was sent by the Spanish governor and the people of Pensacola in 1815 to recover slaves who were taken away by the British Colonel Nicolls during the War of 1812. This map is part of the Pintado Collection.

G3932.A72 1815 .P5 Vault : Pintado 13

Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/United States--Gulf Coast

883. Plano del Rio Apalachicola, Territorio é Yslas adyacentes. [Gulf Coast of Florida]. Pintado, Vicente Sebastián. 1815. Pen-and-ink ms., 53 x 77 cm. Scale 1:158,400. (Pintado Collection; Map 17). 2013585027.

Manuscript map showing a coastal area with inland rivers and streams
Luso-Hispanic World number 883. Geography and Map Division.

This is a detailed map of a portion of Spanish East Florida (western Florida) extending from the Apalachicola River to the mouth of the Ocalocny River. Map includes trails, streams, a fort, and towns. Information on map is similar to that in maps of the same region found under call numbers Pintado Collection, Map 13 and Pintado Collection, Map 16, and it is directly related to map found under call number Pintado Collection, Map 18.

G3932.A72 1815 .P52 Vault : Pintado 17

Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast

884. [Plano numero 1. de la Barra, y Rio de San Juan desde su Entrada hasta dos millas mas arriba del paso de San Nicolas, manifestandose en su curso todos los Baxos...situacion de los Reductos, y colocacion de los Barcos para su defenza, y caminos que deven tomarse para la Retirada los Defensores &. [Florida]. Rocque, Mariano de la. San Agustin de la Florida. 1791. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 38 1/2 x 69 cm. Scale ca. 1:31,000. 2004626373.

Manuscript map of a river mouth and surrounding area with illustrated topography
Luso-Hispanic World number 884. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish defense map of the entrance to the St. John's River includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, pictorial representation of varied vegetation and relief, roads, fortifications, and a settlement. In style detailed and precise and should be compared with "Plano numero 2" for Amelia Island. Map also contains extensive keyed legend and notes. Map is oriented with south at top. Previous call number: G3932 .S23P5 .M Vault

G3932.S2 1791 .R6 Vault

Florida--Atlantic Coast/United States--Southeast

885. Plano numero 2. del Puerto, y Barra de Santa Maria, parte desu Rio hasta Tierra firme; Dela Ysla Amalia...que comprehende la situacion delos Reductos, y colocacion delos Barcos para su defenza....[Amelia Island, Florida]. Rocque, Mariano de la. 1791. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 36 x 60 cm. Scale ca. 1:45,000.

This concise and well-executed Spanish map depicting Amelia Island between the St. Mary's and Nassau Rivers includes coastlines, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, navigational hazards, detailed pictorial representation of vegetation, streams, a settlement, a ruined fortification, and farms. Primary purpose of map is to show the boundary between the U.S. (St. Mary's River) and Spanish Florida, proposed sites for Spanish fortifications, and roads to be used by the "defenders" (Spanish) on the south of the border. Map also includes an extensive keyed legend and note. Map is oriented with southwest at top.

G3932 .S27 1791 .R Vault

Florida--Atlantic Coast/United States--Southeast/Georgia--Coast

886. Plano, y Proyecto del Reducto que se deve Construir enla boca del Rio de S[a]n Juan....[Florida]. Arredondo, Antonio. 1737. Pen-and-ink tracing, 35 1/2 x 42 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 1 1/4 toesas.

This plan of a proposed fort on St. John's River includes the outline of the fortification, a "house" where 28 men could be lodged, a kitchen, a battery, a well, storage areas for munitions and provisions, and the coastline. Plan also includes a keyed legend. Plan is oriented with east at top. This is a copy of the 1737 original plan by Arredondo in the Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain. Plan is described in item 136 in Torres Lanzas' México y Floridas.

G3934 .J2 1737 .A Vault

Florida/United States--Southeast


887. Plano de las Tortugas....[Florida]. [18th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 32 x 46 cm. Scale ca. 1:10,500. (Maggs purchase map collection; 261). 91-680970.

Manuscript nautical chart of a group of islands
Luso-Hispanic World number 887. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the Dry Tortugas Islands includes coastlines, coastal features, soundings, characteristics of the ocean bottom; map also includes a keyed legend. Map is oriented with southeast at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G3932 .D7 17-- .P5 Vault

Dry Tortugas, Florida/Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Gulf Coast

888. Plano de las Tortugas....[Florida]. [18th century]. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 35 x 46 cm. Scale ca. 1:11,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 262). 91-680971.

Manuscript nautical chart of a group of islands
Luso-Hispanic World number 888. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the Dry Tortugas Islands includes coastline, soundings, navigational hazards, and characteristics of the water bottom; map also includes a keyed legend. Map is oriented with southeast at top. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G3932 .D7 17-- .P51 Vault

Dry Tortugas, Florida/Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Gulf Coast


889. [Map of a portion of Pensacola, Florida]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1815]. Pen-and-ink ms., 48 x 34 cm. (Pintado Collection; Map 59). 2013585069.

Manuscript city plan showing the layout of several blocks and a bay or inlet
Luso-Hispanic World number 889. Geography and Map Division.

This unfinished map of what appears to be a portion of Pensacola includes town blocks, streams, the bay, coastline, and coastal features.

G3934.P4 1815 .U5 Vault : Pintado 59

Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/United States--Gulf Coast/Pensacola, Florida

890. Pansacola ô Santta Maria de Galbe puerto y presidio del Rey de España Situado enla Costa del nortte del Seno Mexicano....[Florida]. [ca. 1760]. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 45 x 34 cm. Scale ca. 1:165,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 260). 73-691643.

Manuscript nautical chart of a bay
Luso-Hispanic World number 890. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of Pensacola Bay includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, an anchorage, and a fortification; map also includes extensive notes. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G3932 .P45 1760 .P3 Vault

Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Gulf Coast/Pensacola, Florida

891. [Plan of Pensacola(?), Spanish West Florida]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1810]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 33 x 47 cm. Scale 1:4,800. (Pintado Collection; Map 32). 2013585042.

Manuscript city plan showing layout of blocks
Luso-Hispanic World number 891. Geography and Map Division.

This is a city plan with numbered lots and unnamed streets probably of Pensacola. Map is color coded without explanation.

G3934.P4G46 1810 .P5 Vault : Pintado 32

Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/United States--Gulf Coast/Pensacola, Florida

892. A Plan of the Harbour of Pensacola in West-Florida Surveyed in the Year 1764... Gauld, George and John Lindsay. 1764. Colored pen-and-ink ms. on vellum, 56 x 70 cm. Scale ca. 1:32,500. (Vellum Chart; 31). 73-691619.

Manuscript nautical chart of a bay showing illustrated coastal topography and a fort or settlement
Luso-Hispanic World number 892. Geography and Map Division.

This well-executed English map of Pensacola Harbor includes coastlines, coastal features, numerous soundings, navigational hazards, an entry track, the town of Pensacola, a Native American town, a signal house on Santa Rosa Island, and pictorial representation of vegetation. Map includes a keyed legend that distinguished tree types, and an extensive note.

G3932 .P45 1764 .G3 Vault (Vellum Chart 31)

Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/Pensacola, Florida

893. A Plan of the Town of Pensacola 1767. 1767. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 17 x 27 cm. Scale 1:9,600. (Faden (44)). 71-633.

Manuscript town plan of Pensacola showing layout of blocks
Luso-Hispanic World number 893. Geography and Map Division.

This British cadastral map of the city of Pensacola includes numbered lots, identified streets, streams, a fortification, a swamp, and pictorial representation of vegetation. Color coding suggests a distinctions between town lots owned and town lots to be purchased.

G3934 .P4 1767 .P5 Faden 44 Vault

Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/Pensacola, Florida

894. Plano Borrador del nuevo Proyecto para el arreglo de dos Plazas en la Población de Panzacola á los extremos Oriental y Occidental de la actual....[Pensacola]. Pintado, Vicente Sebastián. 1813. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 52 x 48 cm. on sheet 52 x 73 cm. Scale 1:1,200. (Pintado Collection; Map 47). 2013585057.

Manuscript plan of central Pensacola showing blocks, streets, and some buildings
Luso-Hispanic World number 894. Geography and Map Division.

This city plan of Pensacola includes the site of a new cathedral, two renamed plazas, and renamed streets. Map also includes notes and a keyed legend. Purpose of plan was to adhere to the Spanish legislative decree of August 14, 1812 which mandated the renaming of the Plaza de Fernando 7º to Plaza de la Constitución and the Plaza de Sevilla to the Plaza de Fernando 7º and of various streets. This plan received the approval of the city council on December 7, 1813 and contains the signatures of Pintado, Francisco Gomez, and Felix Cala.

G3934.P4 1813 .P5 Vault : Pintado 47

Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/United States--Gulf Coast/Pensacola, Florida

895. Plano de la Bahía de Panzacola y sus inmediaciones. Pintado, Vicente Sebastián. 1815. Pen-and-ink ms., 45 x 51 cm. Scale 1:126,720. (Pintado Collection; Map 43). 2013585053.

Manuscript chart of a coastal area showing navigational information and some property boundaries and settlements
Luso-Hispanic World number 895. Geography and Map Division.

This map of Pensacola and vicinity extends from the city to the Perdido River. Map includes rivers, streams, names of landowners, dimensions of plots, fortifications, towns, pictorial representation of relief, and a boundary with a Native American nation. Map also includes references to the British attack and occupation of Pensacola in 1814 and to land transactions of the Pensacola "ayuntamiento" and "subdelegación".

G3932.P45 1815 .P5 Vault : Pintado 43

Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/United States--Gulf Coast/Pensacola, Florida

896. Plano proyecto para la división en solares, de la Manzana 24ª de la población de Panzacola, que se tenía destinada para fabricar el Templo y otros Edificios públicos....[Pensacola]. Pintado, Vicente Sebastián. Panzacola [Pensacola]. 1813. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 51 x 34 cm. Scale 1:1,200. (Pintado Collection; Map 50). 2013585060.

Manuscript city plan showing partial street grid and block layout
Luso-Hispanic World number 896. Geography and Map Division.

This is a proposed plan for the division of lots in the city of Pensacola where a church and other public buildings were to be constructed. This map includes names of landowners, information about the sale of city lots, identified streets, and selected buildings. Map contains the signatures of Pintado and Francisco Gomez and other officials of the Pensacola city government.

G3934.P4G46 1813 .P5 Vault : Pintado 50

Florida--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/Pensacola, Florida


897. Castillo que se fabrica de horden du Su Mag[esta]d en el Presi[di]o de san Aug[ustí]n dela Florida... 1675. Pen-and-ink tracing, 30 1/2 x 21 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 9 varas.

This Spanish plan of the fortification in Saint Augustine is concerned primarily with the exterior such as ramparts, parapets, etc. Plan also contains a keyed legend indicating heights of exterior walls and supports. This plan is a copy of the original plan of 1675 in the Archivo de Indias, Seville, Spain. Plan is described in item 68 in Torres Lanzas' México y Floridas.

G3934 .S2 .2C3a 1675 .C Vault

Florida--Atlantic Coast/St. Augustine, Florida/United States--Southeast

898. Cortadura y defensas hechas por Don Pablo de Hita y Salazar Gov[ernad]or y Capp[itá]n Gen[era]l de...S[an] Aug[ustí]n dela Florida en el Castillo que alli se fabrica... 1675. Pen-and-ink tracing, 30 x 21 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 19 varas.

This plan of defensive works at the new fort in Saint Augustine includes an outline of exterior walls and divisions and uses of some interior space. This plan is a copy of the 1675 original in the Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain and is described in item 69 of Torres Lanzas' México y Floridas.

GG3934 .S2:2C3b 1675 .C Vault

Florida--Atlantic Coast/United States--Southeast/St. Augustine, Florida

899. El fuerte de san agustin [Florida]. [1595]. Pen-and-ink tracing, 45 x 58 cm. Scale not given.

This schematic plan of the Castillo San Marcos at St. Augustine includes representation of the fort and its immediate surroundings, vegetation, and ships. Soldiers on guard during day and night are also shown. This is a copy of the 1595 original plan in the Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain. Map is described in item 44 in Torres Lanzas' México y Floridas.

G3934 .S2:2F6 1595 .R Vault

Florida--Atlantic Coast/United States--Southeast/St. Augustine, Florida

900. Este es El fuerte biejo que esta en S[an] Agustin llamado S[an] marcos....[Florida]. [1595]. Pen-and-ink tracing, 38 x 32 cm. Scale not given.

This plan of Castillo San Marcos at St. Augustine includes the fort, its walls, cannon emplacements, a well, troop quarters, and the commander's house, all constructed of wood. This plan is a copy of the original 1595 plan in the Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain. Map is described in item 45 in Torres Lanzas' México y Floridas.

G3934 .S2:2C3f 1595 .C Vault

Florida--Atlantic Coast/United States--Southeast/St. Augustine, Florida

901. The Harbour of S[ain]t Augustín, in East Florida. 1805-6. 1805. Pen-and-ink ms., 16 x 16 cm. Scale ca. 1:32,500. 2012590239.

Manuscript map showing a town, fort, other illustrated buildings, and neighboring topography
Luso-Hispanic World number 901. Geography and Map Division.

This English map of Saint Augustine and vicinity includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, a grid of Saint Augustine, a fortification, a monastery, an Indian church, and a beacon on Matances Island (Anastasia Island). Previous call number: G3934 .S2P5 1805 .H Vault.

G3934.S2 1805 .H2 Vault

Florida--Atlantic Coast/United States--Southeast/St. Augustine, Florida

902. [Map of the town, fort, and entrance to the harbor of St. Augustine and vicinity] [Florida]. [1595]. Pen-and-ink tracing, 76 x 66 cm. Scale not given.

This map depicting St. Augustine, its fort, and the entrance to its harbor, as well as the neighboring town of San Sebastian, includes coastline, coastal features, streams, a fortification, and pictorial representation of settlements (including San Sebastian and a Native American village) and vegetation. Map contains various annotations. This map is a copy of the 1593 original map in the Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain. Map is described in item 43 in Torres Lanzas' México y Floridas.

G3934 .S2 1593 .M Vault

Florida--Atlantic Coast/St. Augustine, Florida/United States--Southeast

903. Perfil: B [Profile of Castillo San Marcos in Saint Augustine, Florida]. Arredondo, Antonio de. Havana. 1737. Pen-and-ink tracing, 22 x 37 cm. Scale not given.

This plan is a profile view of the fort and its entry at Saint Augustine. This is a copy of the original 1737 plan in the Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain. Map is described in item 133 in Torres Lanzas' México y Floridas.

G3934 .S2:2C3e 1737 A Vault

Florida--Atlantic Coast/United States--Southeast/St. Augustine, Florida

904. Plan De La Ville Et Du Port De S[ain]t Augustin De La Floride [Florida]. Bois St. Lys, George de. 1796. Colored pen-and-ink, 39 x 59 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1:23,760.

This well-executed, precise French map of Saint Augustine and vicinity includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, an anchorage, fortifications, a grid of Saint Augustine, Native American villages, and roads. Map is oriented with west at top.

G3934 .S2:2V3 1796 .B Vault

Florida--Atlantic Coast/United States--Southeast/St. Augustine, Florida

905. Plan dela Ciudad de S[a]n Agustin dela Florida y sus Contornos....[Florida]. Arredondo, Antonio. 1737. Pen-and-ink tracing, 110 x 215 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch equal 20 fuerzas.

This ambitious, large scale and detailed map of Saint Augustine and vicinity includes the fortification and dependent buildings, e.g., churches, Governor's house, and a hospital. Map also features Native American settlements, roads, pictorial representation of vegetation, interior streams, and a coastline. Emphasis of map is on the elaborate structure of the fortification. Map also includes 2 keyed legends. Map is oriented with east at top. This map is a copy of the 1737 original map by Arredondo in the Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain. Map is described in item 132 in Torres Lanzas' México y Floridas.

G3932 .S2C2 1737 .A Vault

Florida--Atlantic Coast/United States--Southeast/St. Augustine, Florida

906. [Plan of Saint Augustine, Florida]. [Birch]. [1819]. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 25 x 39 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1:31,680. (Jackson; 2). 2006628351.

Manuscript map showing a town on a river with topographical features illustrated and labeled
Luso-Hispanic World number 906. Geography and Map Division.

This U.S. plan of St. Augustine and vicinity includes coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, soundings, an anchorage, a grid of the city, fortifications, roads, plantations, and pictorial representation of vegetation and marshland. Notes on map refer to fields, orange groves, and to types of trees. Map is oriented with west at top. A pencilled note on map refers to correspondence between Gaines and Jackson of January 19, 1819 (possibly in the Manuscript Division, Library of Congress).

G3934.S2 1819 .B5 Vault : Jackson 2

Florida--Atlantic Coast/United States--Southeast/St. Augustine, Florida

907. Plan of the Inlet Strait & Town of S[ain]t Augustine [Florida]. Roworth, Sam. [1763-1781]. Pen-and-ink ms., 40 x 102 cm. Scale ca. 1:9,100. 73-691560.

Manuscript map showing an inlet or river with some illustrated topography
Luso-Hispanic World number 907. Geography and Map Division.

This English map of Saint Augustine and vicinity includes coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, depictions of marsh and uplands, streams, fortifications, defensive lines, roads, ferry crossings, and the outline of Saint Augustine. The cartographer was employed by the Department of the Surveyor General of British East Florida during the English occupation of Florida, 1763 to 1781.

G3934 .S2A1 176- .R61 Vault

Florida--Atlantic Coast/United States--Southeast/St. Augustine, Florida

908. Plano. D. [Plan of the Castillo San Marcos in Saint Augustine, Florida]. Arredondo, Antonio de. Havana 1737. Pen-and-ink tracing, 66 x 84 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 5 toesas.

This plan appears to be a proposed architectural rendering for upgrading Castillo San Marcos at Saint Augustine. Plan lacks index or description. This plan is a copy of the original 1737 Arredondo plan in the Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain. Description of plan is in item 135 in Torres Lanzas' México y Floridas.

G3934 .S2:2C3d 1737 .A Vault

Florida--Atlantic Coast/United States--Southeast/St. Augustine, Florida

909. Plano del Castillo de S[a]n Marcos de la Florida. Arredondo, Antonio de. Havana 1737. Pen-and-ink tracing, 66 x 74 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 4 toesas.

This large scale plan of the fort at Saint Augustine includes exterior walls, supports, and divisions of interior space for store rooms (provisions, munitions, and gunpowder) and for more general rooms, e.g., the kitchen, chapel, etc. Plan also includes extensive keyed legend. In upper right, a note reads: "Plano. C". This plan is a copy of the 1737 plan by Arredondo in the Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain. Map is described in item 134 in Torres Lanzas' México y Floridas.

G3934 .S2:2C3c 1737 .A Vault

Florida--Atlantic Coast/United States--Southeast/St. Augustine, Florida

910. Plano de la Entrada de Gualquini Rio de S[a]n Simon....[Georgia]. Arredondo, Antonio de. 1737. Pen-and-ink tracing, 44 x 75 cm. Scale ca. 1:5,760.

This Spanish map of the entrance to St. Simon's Sound, Georgia includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, pictorial representation of vegetation, and settlements. Also includes a keyed legend. Map is oriented with east at top. This is copy of Arredondo's map of 1737 in the Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain. Map is described in item 131 in Torres Lanzas' México y Floridas. Map recognizes English presence in the region.

G3922 .S23P5 1737 .A Vault

Georgia--Coast/United States--Southeast

911. [Attakapa Region Land Grants, Louisiana]. Gonsoulin, François and Carlos Trudeau, et al. 1795. Pen-and-ink plats (14), varied sizes. Scales vary but measured in arpents. 2013591547.

Manuscript property map with text below
Luso-Hispanic World number 911, sheet 1 of 14. Geography and Map Division.

These plats and landholding plans provide names of landholders and information on holdings along segments of Bayou Teche (9 plats), of Bayou Vermillion (3 plats), and of 2 unidentified locations. Maps were surveyed in most cases by François Gonsoulin, the surveyor of the region, with one chart signed by the Surveyor of Louisiana, Carlos Trudeau, in March 1805. Some plans include extensive keyed legends. These surveys accompany the Gonsoulin Papers in the Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. Previous call number: G4012 .A8 1796 .S Vault.

G4012.T3G465 svar .G6 Vault


912. British Patent to T[homas] Hutchins 1776 of 2000 A. of Land in Florida [Louisiana]. Durnford, Elias. 1776. Pen-and-ink ms. on vellum, 40 x 33 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 20 Gunters Chains. 90-684037.

Manuscript property map with text below
Luso-Hispanic World number 912, recto. Geography and Map Division.
Verso of map with handwritten note
Luso-Hispanic World number 912, verso. Geography and Map Division.

This plat depicts a parcel of land east of Baton Rouge granted to Thomas Hutchins by Elias Durnford, the Surveyor-General of British West Florida. Hutchins, an officer in the British army, was an early explorer and mapper of the Ohio Valley, an account of which he published in 1728. He declined to fight against the Americans in the Revolutionary War and became instead the first Surveyor-General of the United States.

G4014 .B3 G465 1776 .D8 Vault

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

913. [Cadastral map of area between the Comite and Feliciana Rivers, Spanish West Florida] [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Pen-and-ink ms., 75 x 55 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 44). 2013585054.

Manuscript map showing property divisions
Luso-Hispanic World number 913. Geography and Map Division.

This map of an area in present day Louisiana includes names of landowners, dimensions of plots, and streams.

G4013.E4G46 1805 .M24 Vault : Pintado 44

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

914. Carte Du Cours Du Fleuve S[ain]t Louis Depuis dix lieues audessus de la Nouvelle Orleans, jusqu'a son Embouchure. [Louisiana]. [ca. 1732]. 2 maps, 1 sheet. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 28 x 140 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to .875 leagues on principal map. 2003623384.

Manuscript map of a river showing topography along the banks
Luso-Hispanic World number 914. Geography and Map Division.

This well-executed French map depicts the course of the Mississippi River from north of New Orleans to its mouth. It includes streams, Lake Pontchartrain, a settlement, land holdings, and pictorial representation of vegetation. Primary purpose of map is to show locations of inhabitants and land concession along the Mississippi River. A second map is entitled "Carte Particuliere de l'Embouchure Du Fleuve St. Louis" which is a detail of the east pass of the river. Both maps are oriented with northeast at top. Previous call number: G4042 .M5 1732 .C Vault

G4042 .M5 1732 .C3 Vault

Louisiana/United States--Gulf Coast

915. Carte Particuliere du cours du fleuve s[ain]t depuis le village sauvage jusqu'au dessous du detour aux anglois....[Louisiana]. Saucier, F[rançois]. 1749. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 73 x 66 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 2/5 league.

Manuscript map showing two lakes and a river, with towns along the river
Luso-Hispanic World number 915. Geography and Map Division.

This is a well-executed French map of a portion of the Mississippi River in the vicinity of New Orleans from the Native American "village sauvage" of Colapissas to English Turn and includes Lakes Pontchartrain and Maurepas. Map includes the Mississippi River, streams, lakes, locations of European and Native American settlement and habitation, cultivated land, a grid of New Orleans, fortifications, and roads. Map also includes a reference to the "Quartier des Allemands", a German settlement. Map contains a decorative wind rose as well. Previous call number: G4042 .M5 1749 .S Vault

G4042 .M5 1749 .S3 Vault

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

916. [Copy of the plat and certificates in the claim of Philander Smith] [Louisiana]. Walker, Pedro. 1802. Pen-and-ink ms., map 13 x 19 cm. on sheet 31 1/2 x 40 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 100 perches. 83-693720.

This plat depicts the holdings of Philander Smith in Concordia Parish, Louisiana. Original 1802 grant was contested by William Barrow, and this manuscript in English and in Spanish discusses that claim. Previous call number: G4013 .C8 G46 1802 .W Vault

G4013 .C8 G46 1802 .W3 Vault

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

917. D[istri]to de Baton Rouge. [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1799]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 39 x 45 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 27). 2013585037.

Manuscript map showing property divisions with no labels
Luso-Hispanic World number 917. Geography and Map Division.

This is an unfinished cadastral map of the Baton Rouge district in Spanish Louisiana. Map includes pictorial representation of relief, rivers, streams, and unidentified land plots.

G4013.E2G46 1799 .D5 Vault : Pintado 27

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

918. [Feliciana District, Spanish West Florida] [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 73 x 80 cm. Scale ca. 1:200. (Pintado Collection; Map 1). 2012593386.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property divisions
Luso-Hispanic World number 918. Geography and Map Division.

This cadastral map of Feliciana District in Spanish West Florida includes landowners, size of holdings and dimensions, streams, and pictorial representation of relief. This map is part of the Pintado Collection.

G4013.E4G46 1805 .M2 Vault : Pintado 1

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

919. [Land Grant, Ticfaw River, Louisiana]. Tegart, Patrick. 1804. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 39 x 51 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 200 perches.

This is a plat map of land parcels on Tickfaw River, Louisiana prepared by Surveyor Tegart and approved by Assistant Surveyor-General of Spanish West Florida, Vicente Sebastián Pintado.

G4012 .T5 1804 .T Vault

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

920. [A Land Plat granted to Gabriel Dubertran, Barrio de Bucfuca] [Louisiana]. Trudeau, Carlos. 1803. Pen-and-ink ms., 31 1/2 x 39 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 100 perches.

This plat depicts the holdings of Gabriel Dubertran between Bayou Liberty and Bayou Paquet north of Lake Pontchatrain, Louisiana, granted to him by Carlos Trudeau, Surveyor-General of Spanish Louisiana in 1803. Barrio Bucfuca is the area now known as Bayou Bonfuca. This plat is an 1841 copy of the 1803 original plat which contains certification of its accuracy by the U.S. Surveyor in Louisiana, Bringier. Original plat in Spanish is retained with certification in English.

G4013 .S9 G47 1803 .T Vault

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

921. [Map of a portion of Feliciana District, Spanish West Florida] [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 66 x 40 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 34). 2013585044.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property divisions
Luso-Hispanic World number 921. Geography and Map Division.

This cadastral map includes names of landowners, dimensions of plots, streams, the camino real to Baton Rouge, and pictorial representation of relief. Lands of Acadian families appear in red, those of English families appear in blue. Map also includes the properties of Pintado.

G4013.W7G46 1805 .M18 Vault : Pintado 34

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

922. [Map of a portion of Feliciana District, Spanish West Florida] [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Pen-and-ink ms., 39 x 58 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 35). 2013585045.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property divisions
Luso-Hispanic World number 922. Geography and Map Division.

This is an incomplete cadastral map of an area in the vicinity of Thompson's Creek and Feliciana Bayou. Map includes names of landowners, dimensions of plots, rivers and streams, and pictorial representation of relief.

G4013.W7G46 1805 .M19 Vault : Pintado 35

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

923. [Map of a portion of Feliciana District, Spanish West Florida] [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 34 x 50 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 54). 2013585064.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property divisions
Luso-Hispanic World number 923, recto. Geography and Map Division.
Verso of map showing handwritten notes
Luso-Hispanic World number 923, verso. Geography and Map Division.

This unfinished cadastral map includes names of landowners, dimensions of plots, rivers, streams, and selected dates of land grants. On verso, a note reads, "Plano de las Praderías de D[o]n Juan Buhler".

G4013.W7G46 1805 .P5 Vault : Pintado 54

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

924. [Map of a portion of Manchac District, Spanish West Florida] [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Pen-and-ink ms., 30 x 48 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 29). 2013585039.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property divisions along and near a river
Luso-Hispanic World number 924. Geography and Map Division.

This cadastral map includes names of landowners, dimensions of their plots, the Mississippi River and other streams, river shoals, and a fort at the mouth of the Iberville River. The area settled by the Acadians in the second half of the eighteenth century appears.

G4014.M25G46 1805 .M2 Vault : Pintado 29

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

925. [Map of a portion of the Feliciana River, Feliciana District, Spanish West Florida] [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 56 1/2 x 44 cm. Scale 1:47,520. (Pintado Collection; Map 48). 2013585058.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property divisions
Luso-Hispanic World number 925. Geography and Map Division.

This cadastral map of a portion of Feliciana district includes names of landowners, dimensions of plots, streams and roads.

G4013.W7G46 1805 .C2 Vault : Pintado 48

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

926. [Map of a portion of West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana]. Bolling, Christopher. 1805. Pen-and-ink ms., 35 x 74 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 55). 2013585065.

Manuscript map showing a river with names and some property divisions
Luso-Hispanic World number 926. Geography and Map Division.

This cadastral map includes names of landowners, vegetation, and various characteristics of the bank of the Mississippi River. A note by Bolling reads, "The above is an exact representation of the Mississippi [River] from the line of limits, down to opposite the lower end of McIntosh's Island taken in the month of January 1805....".

G4013.W7G46 1805 .B6 Vault : Pintado 55

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

927. [Map of an area along Bayou Bogue Chitto, Spanish West Florida] [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Pen-and-ink ms., 39 x 51 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 22). 2013585032.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property divisions along a river
Luso-Hispanic World number 927. Geography and Map Division.

This is a map of a portion of current Washington and St. Tammany Parishes, Louisiana along Bayou Bogue Chitto. Map includes names of landowners, size of holdings, and streams.

G4013.W3G46 1805 .M2 Vault : Pintado 22

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

928. [Map of an area along the eastern shore of Lake Pontchartrain including New Orleans and Bayou Bogue Chitto] [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1815]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 82 x 59 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 5). 2012593390.

Manuscript map showing sections of rivers and some property boundaries, with a large blank section in the middle of the page
Luso-Hispanic World number 928. Geography and Map Division.

This is an unfinished map of an area on the eastern shore of Lake Pontchartrain. Map includes unnamed land plats on Bayou Bogue Chitto, streams, soundings in Lakes Pontchartrain and Borgne, a grid of the city of New Orleans, location of the British troop landing site for the 1815 Battle of New Orleans, and trails. This map is part of the Pintado Collection.

G4012.P6 1815 .M2 Vault : Pintado 5

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

929. [Map of an area between the Mississippi and the Comite Rivers, Feliciana District, Spanish West Florida]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Pen-and-ink ms., 22 x 44 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 56). 2013585066.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property divisions
Luso-Hispanic World number 929. Geography and Map Division.

This is a cadastral map of a portion of present day East and West Feliciana Parishes, Louisiana. Map includes names of landowners, dimensions of plots, rivers, streams, and roads.

G4013.E4G46 1805 .C2 Vault : Pintado 56

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

930. [Map of an area from Pearl River to Bay St. Louis in Spanish West Florida] [Louisiana and Mississippi]. [ca. 1805]. Pen-and-ink ms., 31 x 43 cm. Scale 1 inch to 1,250 toises. (Pintado Collection; Map 20). 2013585030.

Manuscript map showing rivers and some property boundaries
Luso-Hispanic World number 930. Geography and Map Division.

This map includes names of landowners along the Pearl River and in the vicinity of Bay St. Louis, streams, a surveyor's line, and pictorial representation of vegetation. A note reads, "Il faut etablir la ligne superieure sans fixer la distance de Favre, mais derriere Saucier; elle est á 40 arpental du rivage".

G3983.H2G46 1805 .M2 Vault : Pintado 20

Louisiana--Gulf Coast/Mississippi--Gulf Coast/United States--Gulf Coast

931. [Map of an area from Río Iberville to Thompson's Creek, along the Mississippi River in the Districts of Manchac, Baton Rouge, and Feliciana, Spanish West Florida] [Louisiana]. Pintado, Vicente Sebastián. [ca. 1805]. Pencil, colored pen-and-ink ms., 167 x 74 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 100 perches. (Pintado Collection; Map 4). 2012593389.

Manuscript cadastral map showing a large area of property divisions
Luso-Hispanic World number 931. Geography and Map Division.

This cadastral map shows landowners, size of holdings, rivers and streams, settlements, fortifications, and pictorial representation of relief. Lands requiring resurveying are shown. Pintado's 900 arpent landholding along Thompson's Creek appears. Pintado served as the last Surveyor General of Spanish West Florida (1805-1817). This map is part of the Pintado Collection.

G4013.E2G46 1805 .P5 Vault : Pintado 4

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

932. [Map of an area of Spanish West Florida between the Comite and Amite Rivers] [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Pen-and-ink ms., 75 x 54 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 7). 2012593397.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property divisions and waterways
Luso-Hispanic World number 932. Geography and Map Division.

This is a cadastral map showing large plats of land, from 28,000 to 40,000 acres, in an area now part of East Feliciana and St. Helena Parishes, Louisiana. Map includes land holdings, streams, and pictorial representation of relief. This map is part of the Pintado Collection. For the southern extension of this map, see map under call number Pintado Collection, Map 8.

G4013.E4G46 1805 .M18 Vault : Pintado 7

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

933. [Map of an area of Spanish West Florida between the Comite and Amite Rivers] [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 73 x 54 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 8). 2012593398.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property divisions and waterwas
Luso-Hispanic World number 933. Geography and Map Division.

This cadastral map shows large plats of land from 28,000 to 40,000 acres in the region between the Comite and Amite Rivers, Louisiana. Map includes landowners, streams, and pictorial representation of relief. This map is part of the Pintado Collection. For the northern extension of this map, see map under call number Pintado Collection, Map 7.

G4013.S5G46 1805 .M2 Vault : Pintado 8

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

934. [Map of an area of Spanish West Florida between the Comite and Amite Rivers] [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 54 x 77 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 14). 2013585024.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property divisions and waterways
Luso-Hispanic World number 934. Geography and Map Division.

This cadastral map of a portion of Spanish West Florida (present day Louisiana) includes individual land holdings, size of holdings, vacant plots, streams, and a trail. Apparently map is a rough draft and incomplete; information is noted in pencil and includes various numerical notations. For comparisons, see maps under call numbers Pintado Collection, Map 7 and Pintado Collection, Map 8.

G4013.E4G46 1805 .M19 Vault : Pintado 14

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

935. [Map of an area of Spanish West Florida bounded on the east by Lake Pontchartrain and on the west by the Comite River] [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 24 x 39 cm. Scale "Escala de una pulgada Ynglesa por una legua". (Pintado Collection; Map 19). 2013585029.

Manuscript map showing waterways
Luso-Hispanic World number 935. Geography and Map Division.

This map of a portion of Spanish West Florida (present day Louisiana) north of Lakes Pontchartrain and Maurepas includes streams, rivers, and pictorial representation of relief and vegetation.

G4013.L6 1805 .M2 Vault : Pintado 19

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

936. [Map of area along Alexander Creek and Bayou Tasa, Feliciana District, Spanish West Florida] [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Pen-and-ink ms., 44 x 37 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 23). 2013585033.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property divisions
Luso-Hispanic World number 936. Geography and Map Division.

This unfinished cadastral map shows names of landowners along Alexander Creek and Bayou Tasa in present day West Feliciana Parish, rivers, streams, and roads.

G4013.W7G46 1805 .M2 Vault : Pintado 23

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

937. [Map of area along Bayou Sara, Feliciana District, Spanish West Florida] [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 72 x 38 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 31). 2013585041.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property divisions
Luso-Hispanic World number 937. Geography and Map Division.

This incomplete cadastral map of an area along Bayou Sara (presently in West Feliciana Parish) includes names of landowners, dimensions of plots, streams, and pictorial representation of relief.

G4013.E4G46 1805 .M22 Vault : Pintado 31

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

938. [Map of area of the Tickfaw, Amite, and San Bernardo Rivers, Spanish West Florida] [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 93 x 55 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 2). 2012593387.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property boundaries with no labels
Luso-Hispanic World number 938. Geography and Map Division.

This cadastral map of a Louisiana portion of Spanish West Florida includes landowners, plats with area dimensions, lakes, rivers and streams, a town, and pictorial representation of relief. This map is part of the Pintado Collection.

G4013.L6G46 1805 .M2 Vault : Pintado 2

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

939. [Map of Las Ormigas Grant, Sabine and DeSoto Parishes, Louisiana]. [early 19th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 46 x 50 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 36 arpents. 2003623387.

Manuscript topographic map showing an area along a river
Luso-Hispanic World number 939. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of the site of Las Ormigas land grant later known as the Arroyo Hondo grant includes streams, vegetation, pictorial representation of relief, several roads including "Camino de Nacogdoches al Adayes", "Camino del Lago Español", and "Camino al Arroyo de las Piedras", and fortifications. Map is oriented with north at top. At time of map, this was an area of dispute between the United States and Spain. Previous call number: G4012 .A7 180- .C Vault

G4013.S2 180- .M3 Vault

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

940. [Map of Manchac and Baton Rouge Districts, Spanish West Florida] [Louisiana].[Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 86 x 73 cm. Scale ca. 2 1/2 inches to 500 perches. (Pintado Collection; Map 6). 2012593391.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property divisions
Luso-Hispanic World number 940. Geography and Map Division.

This cadastral map shows landowners with dimensions and total size of holdings, streams, and pictorial representation of relief between the Mississippi and the Comite Rivers. This map is part of the Pintado Collection.

G4014.M25G46 1805 .M2 Vault : Pintado 6

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

941. [Map of the area from Bayou Sara to Tunica Bend, Feliciana District, Spanish West Florida] [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 34 x 39 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 25). 2013585035.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property divisions along a river
Luso-Hispanic World number 941. Geography and Map Division.

This map of an area along the Mississippi River north from Bayou Sara includes names of landowners, size of land holdings, rivers, streams, and a lake. A note reads, "Madame Jean Pierre claims two tracts of 800 arp[ent]s each above Penrice and says she has a grant for the same. But as she would no [sic] shew it, I could form no certain idea of the nature of her title nor could I ascertain where Madame LeCourt's aught to be placed.".

G4013.W7G46 1805 .M22 Vault : Pintado 25

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

942. [Map of the Louisiana portion of Spanish West Florida]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 43 x 73 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 40). 2013585050.

Manuscript map showing a river and tributaries
Luso-Hispanic World number 942, recto. Geography and Map Division.
Verso of map showing annotations
Luso-Hispanic World number 942, verso. Geography and Map Division.

This map of a portion of Louisiana includes rivers, streams, lakes, vegetation, fortifications at Baton Rouge and Galveztown, administrative divisions, and pictorial representation of relief. The boundaries between Baton Rouge and Nueva Feliciana districts and of the four alcaldes in Nueva Feliciana district appear.

G4010 1805 .M2 Vault : Pintado 40

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

943. [Map of the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain between Bayou Chenchuba and Bayou Lacombe, Spanish West Florida] [Louisiana]. Guillemard. 1798. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 28 x 53 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 26). 2013585036.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property divisions with textual descriptions of plats
Luso-Hispanic World number 943, recto. Geography and Map Division.
Verso of map showing handwritten notes
Luso-Hispanic World number 943, verso. Geography and Map Division.

This map of an area between present day Mandeville and Lacombe, Louisiana includes names of landowners, size of land holdings, vegetation, trails, streams, and extensive surveyor notes.

G4013.S9G46 1798 .G8 Vault : Pintado 26

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

944. [Map of the Rigolet and mouth of the Pearl River, Spanish West Florida] [Louisiana and Mississippi Gulf Coast]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1800]. Pen-and-ink ms., 28 x 39 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 53). 2013585063.

Manuscript map showing waterways and prairies
Luso-Hispanic World number 944. Geography and Map Division.

This map of an area separating Lakes Borgne and Pontchartrain, northeast of New Orleans, includes streams, the settlement of Maringouin, the vacherie of Monsieur Boisdore, vegetation, coastline, and coastal features. Portions of Bay St. Louis and Lake Pontchartrain appear.

G3982.P4 1800 .M2 Vault : Pintado 53

Louisiana--Gulf Coast/Mississippi--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast /United States--Gulf Coast

945. [Map of the Tunica Bend area, Spanish West Florida] [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 51 x 49 cm. Scale is not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 21). 2013585031.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property divisions
Luso-Hispanic World number 945. Geography and Map Division.

This cadastral map of the Tunica Bend area, Louisiana includes size of land holdings, names of landowners, rivers and streams. The mouth of the Red River and the Atchafalaya River flowing from the Mississippi River appear.

G4014.T83G46 1805 .M2 Vault : Pintado 21

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

946. Mapa de las locaciones de Distrito de Baton Rouge, Formado de orden del S[eño]r Intendente de la Provincia de la luisiana &c Don Juan Bentura Morales. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [1799]. Pen-and-ink ms., 52 x 73 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 37). 2013585047.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property divisions along and near a river
Luso-Hispanic World number 946. Geography and Map Division.

This skillfully prepared cadastral map provides information from Bayou Feliciana to Baton Rouge. Map includes names of landowners on both banks of the Mississippi River, dimensions of plots, rivers, streams, vegetation, pictorial representation of relief, and the fortification at Baton Rouge. The boundary between Baton Rouge and Feliciana Districts is given. Map is oriented with east at top.

G4014.B3G46 1799 .B4 Vault : Pintado 37

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

947. Mapa de las locaciones del Distrito de la N[uev]a Feliciana formado de orden del Señ[o]r Intendente D[o]n Juan Bentura Morales. [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. 1799. Pen-and-ink ms., 52 x 74 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 52). 2013585062.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property divisions
Luso-Hispanic World number 947. Geography and Map Division.

This detailed map, primarily of present day West Feliciana Parish, includes names of landowners, dimensions of plots, rivers and streams, pictorial representation of relief, a fortification, and areas on both sides of the Mississippi River. Map is oriented with east at top.

G4013.W7G46 1799 .P5 Vault : Pintado 52

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

948. Mapa de las locaciones del Distrito de Manchack Formado de orden del Señor Don Juan Bentura Morales, Intendente dela Prov[inci]a de la luisiana. [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. 1799. Pen-and-ink ms., 74 x 51 cm. Scale 1 inch to 200 perches. (Pintado Collection; Map 9). 2012593399.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property divisions
Luso-Hispanic World number 948. Geography and Map Division.

This cadastral map of landowners in Manchac District and on the west bank of the Mississippi River includes rivers and other streams, pictorial representation of relief, sandbars in the Mississippi River, a fortification, lands abandoned by the Acadians, and the location of the German settlement south of the Manchac District. Map is oriented with east at top. This map is part of the Pintado Collection.

G4014.M25G46 1799 .P5 Vault : Pintado 9

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

949. Plan General Du Fort Septentrional Du Detour Des Anglois....[Louisiana]. Debatz, Alexandre. 1749. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 44 x 89 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 12 toises. 2003623373.

Manuscript plan of a fort and surrounding area
Luso-Hispanic World number 949. Geography and Map Division.

This French map is a progress report on construction of a fortification on the east bank of the Mississippi River below New Orleans. Map includes outlines of fortification walls, levees, interior buildings, detailed pictorial representation of vegetation, roads, and a very detailed rendering of Prevost's plantation abutting the fort. Map contains 2 keyed legends: one legend concerns the fort and the other for the plantation indicates locations of fields and their production, and specific buildings, e.g., slave quarters, the stables, etc. Previous call number: G4014 .F66 1749 .D Vault

G4014.F657 1749 .B3 Vault

Louisiana/United States--Southeast

950. A Plan of the Coast of Part of West Florida & Louisiana including the River Mississippi from it's Entrances as high up as the River Yazous. [Louisiana]. Gauld, George. 1778. Pen-and-ink tracing, 6 sections, each 55 1/2 x 79 cm. 1:255,000. 2002623325.

Manuscript nautical chart showing the coast of Louisiana
Luso-Hispanic World number 950. Geography and Map Division.

Inset maps (2): "A Continuation of the Mississippi from the Houmachitta Creek to the River Yazous" and "A Plan of Manchac 1774".

This map of the Louisiana coast includes coastline, coastal features, extensive soundings, navigational hazards, characteristics of the water bottom, vegetation, fortifications, European and Native American settlements, and extensive notes, remarks, and other annotations. A primary purpose of map is to show British proposed route to bypass New Orleans by using the Iberville River (Bayou Iberville). Map provides impressive detail concerning hydrographic and topographical features. Previous call number: G4011 .P5 1778 .G Vault

G4012.C6 1778 .G3 Vault

Louisiana/United States--Southeast/Mississippi

951. [Portion of a map from Lac de la Croix to Thompson's Creek, Feliciana District, Spanish Louisiana]. Bolling, Christopher. 1799. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 23 x 80 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 28). 2013585038.

Manuscript cadastral map showing property divisions
Luso-Hispanic World number 951. Geography and Map Division.

This cadastral map of an area in Feliciana District includes names of landowners, dimensions of plots, and streams. Map was copied from William Dunbar's general plan on January 16, 1799. Among the landowners appearing are Carlos Trudeau, William Wikoff, John O'Connor, Luke Collins, Carlotta Trudeau, Daniel Clark, and Stephen Minor.

G4013.W7G46 1799 .B6 Vault : Pintado 28

Louisiana/United States--Southeast


952. [Map of Baton Rouge, Spanish West Florida] [Louisiana]. Kneeland, Ira C. 1809. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 51 x 66 cm. Scale 1:100. (Pintado Collection; Map 3). 2012593388.

Manuscript city plan showing streets and blocks
Luso-Hispanic World number 952. Geography and Map Division.

This map of Baton Rouge includes a grid plan of the city, named streets, a fortification, rivers and streams, and pictorial representation of relief. Map also includes a keyed legend. Map is oriented with east at top. A note by Kneeland, Deputy Surveyor General of Spanish West Florida, reads, "I certify the present plan to have been executed agreeable to the particular instruction of his Excellency Charles de Grandprie [Pré] who afterward approved & ratified the same". This map is part of the Pintado Collection.

G4014.B3G46 1809 .K6 Vault : Pintado 3

Louisiana/Baton Rouge, Louisiana/United States--Southeast

953. [Plan of Baton Rouge and adjoining properties on the Mississippi River, Spanish West Florida] [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Pen-and-ink ms., 65 x 44 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 11). 2013586081.

Manuscript city plan showing property divisions
Luso-Hispanic World number 953. Geography and Map Division.

This map of Baton Rouge and vicinity includes land holdings, names of individual landholders, 45 lettered or numbered city blocks in Baton Rouge, a fortification, a street, streams, and pictorial representation of relief. Map is oriented with west at top. This map is part of the Pintado Collection.

G4014.B3G46 1805 .P52 Vault : Pintado 11 Oversize

Louisiana/United States--Southeast/Baton Rouge, Louisiana

954. Plano que manifiesta el estado en que à la fecha dexo las tierras del dominio Real y particular circunvecinas al Fuerte de Baton Rouge....[Louisiana]. Pintado, Vicente Sebast [ián]. Baton Rouge. 1805. Pen-and-ink ms., 71 x 52 cm. Scale 1 inch to 25 English perches. (Pintado Collection; Map 10). 2013586080.

Manuscript city plan showing street grid and property divisions
Luso-Hispanic World number 954. Geography and Map Division.

This map of Baton Rouge and vicinity includes a church, a fortification, the town of Nuevo Leyden and grids of two other towns, lots with landowners, vacant lots, sites for a proposed cemetery and military hospital, and pictorial representation of relief. Map is oriented with east at top. Map includes extensive notes, one of which indicates that Pintado has been named the new Surveyor General of Spanish West Florida and that he will be moving to Pensacola, the capital of the province. This map is part of the Pintado Collection.

G4014.B3G46 1805 .P5 Vault : Pintado 10 Oversize

Louisiana/United States--Southeast/Baton Rouge, Louisiana

955. [Plat of the concessions to Manuel Gayoso de Lemos in Baton Rouge District, Spanish West Florida] [Louisiana]. [Pintado, Vicente Sebastián ]. [ca. 1805]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 26 x 38 cm. Scale 1 inch to 10 perches de Paris. (Pintado Collection; Map 24). 2013585034.

Manuscript map showing a plat of land
Luso-Hispanic World number 955. Geography and Map Division.

This is a map of the land concession to Gayoso de Lemos, Spanish governor of Louisiana. Map includes names of landowners, a road, pictorial representation of relief, and the surveyor's reference points.

G4013.E2G46 1805 .P52 Vault : Pintado 24

Louisiana/United States--Southeast/Baton Rouge, Louisiana

956. [Plats of Baton Rouge and vicinity, Louisiana]. Pintado, Vicente Sebastián. 1804. Plats (4), pen-and-ink ms.: 1. "Plano de los terrenos mandados repartir entre las familias Españolas de Galveztown empezando los primeros á 350 toesas del angulo del Fuerte S[a]n Carlos de Baton Rouge....", 38 x 24 cm.; 2. [Plat of the land of] "Juan Poiret, 11 & 12 October, 1804", 24 x 38 1/2 cm.; 3. "Proyecto para el establecimiento de algunas familias á 350 toesas del angulo del fuerte S[a]n Carlos de Baton Rouge", 40 x 25 cm.; 4. "Plano borrador de los terrenos trazados sobre la tierra de la Succes[ión] de Juan Buhler", 40 x 25 cm. Scales not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 58). 2013585068.

Four manuscript plat maps on four sheets
Luso-Hispanic World number 956. Geography and Map Division.

These four cadastral maps of portions of Baton Rouge include names of landowners, some identified streets, a fortification, the bank of the Mississippi River and other streams.

G4014.B3 1805 .P5 Vault : Pintado 58

Louisiana/United States--Southeast/Baton Rouge, Louisiana

957. [Villa de Galvez] [Louisiana]. 1778. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 38 x 25 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,000. 73-691644.

Manuscript city plan showing block layout
Luso-Hispanic World number 957. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish plan, which conformed to the Spanish model for new towns throughout the Americas, was for a projected town located on the Amite River, Louisiana. The town of Galvez, which served as a frontier community on the British-Spanish border in Louisiana at the time of the U.S. Revolutionary War, survived into the twentieth century. The initial inhabitants of the settlement included people from the Canary Islands and Acadia (French Canada) who arrived in Spanish Louisiana during the governorship of Bernardo de Gálvez, in whose honor the community was named. A note below the map of the town reads: "Carolo Regnante, Urbem aedificat amor, Galvez ad honorem, nomen dedit que suum." Map is oriented with southeast at top.

G4014 .G224 1778 .P5 Vault

Louisiana/United States--Southeast/Galvez, Louisiana


958. [Map of a portion of Bayou St. John, New Orleans]. [Trudeau, Carlos]. [ca. 1795]. Pen-and-ink ms., 37 x 47 cm. Scale not given. (Pintado Collection; Map 41). 2013585051.

Manuscript plat map
Luso-Hispanic World number 958. Geography and Map Division.

This map depicts the property of Juan Baptista Macarty and the New and Old Canals linking the Mississippi River with Bayou St. John.

G4014.N5:2B3 1795 .T7 Vault : Pintado 41

Louisiana/United States--Southeast/New Orleans, Louisiana

959. [Map of New Orleans and Vicinity]. Pintado, V[icente Sebastián and Carlos Trudeau]. Havana. 1819 [1804]. Pen-and-ink ms., 77 x 56 cm. Scale ca. 1:7,450. 2003623382.

Manuscript map showing a city plan and surrounding property divisions
Luso-Hispanic World number 959. Geography and Map Division.

This map of New Orleans and its suburbs shows land ownership in the area outside the original Spanish and French colonial city and city streets of the Vieux Carré and of the suburb of Saint Mary. The map's primary purpose is to locate all of the landowners between the city limits and Bayou Saint John with explanatory notes indicating when certain concessions were made. This map is an 1873 copy of the original 1804 map copied by Pintado (in Havana in 1819) and verified by Pilié, the New Orleans Surveyor in 1838. Map reflects information compiled by Pintado in 1795-96 and set down by Trudeau in official records in 1804. The map demonstrates the frequent need to rely upon previous land distribution practices under various authorities, e.g., French, Spanish, and American, in Louisiana. Previous call number: G4014 .N5G46 1819 .P Vault

G4014.N5G46 1819 .P5 Vault

Louisiana/United States--Southeast/New Orleans, Louisiana

960. Plan De La Nouvelle Orleans [Louisiana]. [ca. 1722]. Pen-and-ink ms., 41 x 54 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 40 toises. 2003623130.

Manuscript city plan of New Orleans showing block divisions and several buildings
Luso-Hispanic World number 960. Geography and Map Division.

This early French plan shows the location of the existing buildings and lots that had been assigned. A separate record that accompanies the map lists the names of original grantees, with later annotations regarding changes of ownership to 1734. Map is oriented with northwest at top. Previous call number: G4014 .N5 1722 .P Vault

G4014.N5 1722 .P51 Vault

Louisiana/United States--Southeast/New Orleans, Louisiana


961. [Boston and Harbor]. Campo, Jossef del. [178-?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 59 x 97 cm. Scale ca. 1:34,000. 73-691795.

Manuscript nautical chart of Boston Harbor showing numerous islands and shoals
Luso-Hispanic World number 961. Geography and Map Division.

This detailed Spanish map of Boston and its harbor includes coastline, coastal features, extensive soundings, navigational hazards, navigational tracks, characteristics of the water bottom, and pictorial representation of settlements, fortifications, and relief. Includes extensive keyed legend and notes. Also includes a perspective view of coastline. This map typifies the extent and quality of Spanish intelligence of the Atlantic seaboard during the U.S. Revolutionary War.

G3762 .B6P5 178- .C3 Vault

Boston, Massachusetts/Massachusetts/New England/United States--Atlantic Coast

962. Carte du Vieux Bilocchy [Mississippi]. [after 1721]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 24 x 33 cm. Scale not given.

This French plan of the second settlement of Biloxi on the present site of Ocean Springs, Mississippi includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, settlements, several vessels in the bay, and pictorial representation of vegetation. Map also contains a decorative and entertaining cartouche featuring local wildlife and vegetation. Map is oriented with northeast at top.

G3984 .O3 1756 .C Vault

Mississippi--Gulf Coast/United States--Gulf Coast

963. Coupe et Profil de la Redoutte de Rosalie au Natchez...[Mississippi]. De Batz, Alexandre. 1732. Colored pen-and-ink, 28 x 134 cm. Scale not given. 2002622706.

Manuscript cross section and plan of a building or fort
Luso-Hispanic World number 963. Geography and Map Division.

This is a military plan of a section and profile of Redoubt Rosalie at Natchez. Previous call number: G3984 .N2:2F6 1732 .D Vault

G3984.N2:2F6A35 1732 .B2 Vault

Mississippi/United States--Southeast

964. Plan Du Fort Projetté Au Nouveau Bilocxy [Mississippi]. [1721?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 41 1/2 x 60 cm. Scale ca. 1 inch to 32 toises. 2001628147.

Manuscript plan showing the outline of a fort over illustrated vegetation
Luso-Hispanic World number 964. Geography and Map Division.

This French map depicting a proposed fortification at Biloxi, Mississippi includes coastline, coastal features, the outline of walls of the proposed fortification, existing structures, land belonging to M. le Blanc, and pictorial representation of relief and vegetation. Previous call number: G3984 .B5 1721 .P Vault

G3984.B5S5 1721 .P6 Vault

Mississippi--Gulf Coast/Biloxi, Mississippi

965. [Battle of Embudo, New Mexico, January 29, 1847]. [Bruff, Joseph Goldsborough ]. [1847]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 20 1/2 x 15 cm. Scale not given.

This map of the Battle of Embudo, New Mexico includes streams, hachured relief, vegetation, towns, route of the U.S. forces under Colonel Sterling Price, and Mexican force positions. Map was prepared during the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4324 .E4S44 1847 .B Vault

New Mexico/United States--Southwest

966. [Sketch of the Battle of La Cañada, New Mexico, January 24, 1847]. [Bruff, Joseph Goldsborough ]. [1847]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 21 x 23 cm. Scale not given.

This map shows the road from Santa Fe to La Cañada, a stream, hachured relief, an outline of the settlement of La Cañada, the Mexican positions, and the U.S. deployment under Colonel Sterling Price. Map was prepared during the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4324 .L2S44 1847 .B Vault

New Mexico/United States--Southwest

967. [Sketch of the Battle of Taos, New Mexico, February 3-5, 1847]. [Bruff, Joseph Goldsborough ]. [1847]. Pen-and-ink ms., 23 x 29 cm. Scale ca. 1:3,816.

This map of the Battle of Taos, New Mexico includes a stream, roads, a detailed town plan of Taos, hachured relief, and the positions of the U.S. forces in its attack on Taos. Map is oriented with east at top. Map was prepared during the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848.

G4324 .T4S44 1847 .B Vault

New Mexico/United States--Southwest


968. Mapa del Puerto y Ciudad de la Carolina [South Carolina]. [1742]. Pen-and-ink ms., 53 x 40 cm. 3 millas to 6 3/4 cm.

This Spanish map of Charleston harbor and vicinity includes coastlines, coastal features, streams, soundings, anchorages, navigational hazards, a fortification, and a grid of Charleston. Map also contains a keyed legend and a note on sailing instructions. Map is oriented with west at top. This is a copy of the original map in the Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain. Map is described in item 139 in Torres Lanzas' México y Floridas.

G3914 .C3 1742 .C Vault

South Carolina--Coast/Charleston, South Carolina/United States--Southeast


969. Plano del Fuerte de Santa Elena [South Carolina]. [1595]. Pen-and-ink ms., 66 x 48 cm. Scale not given.

This plan of the fortification of the Spanish colony on Santa Elena Island includes a ground plan of the fort and pictorial representation of trees and two structures: "casa de mugeres casadas" and "exeria". Map also contains drawings of firing cannons and of places where soldiers fought and slept. This is a copy of the 1595 original map in the Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain. Map is described in item 46 in Torres Lanzas' México y Floridas.

G3914 .S32R4 1595 .P Vault

South Carolina--Coast/Santa Elena, South Carolina/United States--Southeast

970. [Battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, May 8 and 9, 1846] [Texas]. [Glynn, C. R. ]. [1846?]. 4 maps, 1 sheet. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 23 x 26 cm. Scale not given. 2001622060.

Four manuscript plan of a battle on one sheet
Luso-Hispanic World number 970. Geography and Map Division.

These maps show the lines of battle and the actual battles at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma (May 8-9, 1846) at the outset of the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848. Maps include locations of U.S. and Mexican forces with names of commanders, gun emplacements, and troop movements. Maps were prepared during the U.S.-Mexican War, 1846-1848. Previous call number: G4031 .S44 1846 .G Vault

G4034.B8S44 1846 .G5 Vault

Texas/Mexico/United States--Southwest

971. Mapa Geográfico q[ue] manifiesta las Poblaciones situad[a]s en el Seno q[u]e forma el Terreno Comprendido entre los dos Presidios de S[a]n Ant[oni]o de Bejar, y el de la Bahia del Espiritu Santo....[Texas]. [late 18th century]. Pen-and-ink tracing, 28 x 40 cm. Scale ca. 1:950,000.

This Spanish map of the area around San Antonio and Bahía, Texas includes roads, streams, pictorial representation of relief, settlements, missions, ranchos, and presidios. Map includes a keyed legend.

G4030 184- .M Vault

Texas/United States--Southwest

972. Mapa topográfico de la Provincia de Texas. Austin, Estevan [Stephen Austin]. [1822?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 31 1/2 x 36 cm. Scale ca. 1:3,000,000. 98687158.

Manuscript map of a region on the Gulf of Mexico showing rivers and waterways
Luso-Hispanic World number 972. Geography and Map Division.

This map of the Mexican province of Texas includes streams, forests, plains, pictorial representation of mountains, European and Native American settlements, and roads including "Camino de Comanches", "Camino que va à los Opelousas" and "Camino que va à Nachistoches". This map recognizes the Río Nueces as the boundary between the province of Texas and the adjacent provinces of Coahuila and Nuevo Santander. The United States is shown on the east separated from Texas by the Sabine and Red Rivers.

G4030 1822 .A9 Vault

Texas/United States--Southwest

973. Plan of the Ground Situated to the north of Matamoras between the Rio Bravo & the Arroyo Colorado [Texas and Mexico]. Berlandier, Luis. [1846?]. Colored pen-and-ink tracing, 32 x 49 cm. Scale not given. 2001622057.

Manuscript map showing locations of battles and some topographic features
Luso-Hispanic World number 973. Geography and Map Division.

This Mexican map, showing the locations of the Battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma at the outset of the U.S.-Mexican War, includes streams, roads, pictorial representation of relief, settlements, troop encampments, and the battle sites. A copy of this map was taken from the portfolio of Mexican General Arista after the May 9, 1846 battle at Resaca de la Palma. Apparently this copy is from the collection of Montgomery Meigs of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Previous call number: G4031 .S44 1846 .B Vault

G4032.L75S44 1846 .B4 Vault

Texas/Mexico/United States--Southwest

974. Plano. Del Lago De S[a]n Bernardo En El Seno Mexicano. [Texas]. Vico, Ant[oni]o. [late 18th century]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 35 x 45 cm. Scale ca. 1:950,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 268). 91-680951.

Manuscript chart showing a coastal region with bays
Luso-Hispanic World number 974. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of Matagorda Bay and vicinity includes coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, streams, and two destroyed settlements. One of the settlements had been a French colony founded by La Salle in the late 17th century. This map was prepared by Vico under the direction of Pedro Rivelles of the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain and is part of the G&M Division's collection from that school acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4032 .S26 1792 .V5 Vault

Texas--Gulf Coast/United States--Southwest

975. Plano Del Lago De San Bernardo En El Seno Mexicano [Texas]. Sanchez, Josef Maria. 1783. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 45 x 35 cm. Scale ca. 1:950,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 267). 91-680952.

Manuscript chart showing a coastal region
Luso-Hispanic World number 975. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map of Matagorda Bay and vicinity includes coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, streams, and two destroyed settlements; one of the settlements had been a French colony founded by La Salle in the late 17th century. Map is oriented with west at top. Map was prepared by Sanchez under the direction of Pedro Rivelles of the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain and is part of the G&M Division's collection from that school acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4032 .S26 1783 .S2 Vault

Texas--Gulf Coast/United States--Southwest

976. Plano del Lago de S[a]n Bernardo Situado en la Costa del N[orte] del Seno Mexicano....[Texas]. [18th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 20 x 44 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,955,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 266). 91-680944.

Manuscript chart of a coastal area with list of references
Luso-Hispanic World number 976. Geography and Map Division.

This Spanish map depicting Matagorda Bay and vicinity includes coastlines, coastal features, navigational hazards, and pictorial representation of settlements; map also includes a keyed legend. One of the settlements on map is "Pueblo de los Franceses", alluding to the location of the destroyed French colony established by La Salle in the late 17th century. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4032 .S26 17-- .P5 Vault

Texas--Gulf Coast/United States--Southwest

977. Sketch of Texas, with the Boundaries of Mexican States, as shown on Genl. Austin's Map of Texas,... Gilman, E. 1839. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 52 x 41 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,112,500. 97685002.

Manuscript map of Texas and surrounding area showing rivers and state boundaries
Luso-Hispanic World number 977. Geography and Map Division.

This sketch map of the Republic of Texas includes streams and administrative boundaries. Map also includes Mexican state boundaries abutting Texas. This map is related to the map of Texas published by H. S. Tanner in 1839.

G4030 1839 .G5 Vault

Texas/United States--Southwest