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The Luso-Hispanic World in Maps: A Selective Guide to Manuscript Maps to 1900

How to Use this Guide

The following text briefly explains the types of information found in each entry, the arrangement of entries in the guide, and the procedure to follow in order to obtain reproductions of maps from the Library of Congress.

Types of Information Found in Each Entry

Each entry contains the following information, when available, and in the order given:

  • Title - either the exact title taken from the map or a bracketed one created by the authors of the cartobibliography. The title links to the catalog record when one is available. Some maps have variant titles which were created when the item was cataloged.
  • Geographic locator - a bracketed state, country, or region of the world to assist researcher in identifying map's geographical location when unapparent in title
  • Cartographer - supplied when name appears on map, bracketed when map is attributed to a cartographer
  • Location where map was prepared - supplied when known
  • Date - given when it appears on map, bracketed when date of map is known but does not appear on map or when map is assigned an approximate date
  • Medium and Dimensions - dimensions are given in centimeters with vertical measurement listed first
  • Scale - when supplied, otherwise note reads "Scale not given"
  • Special collection and number - indicates location of an item in a special collection in one of the Library of Congress divisions
  • Description - a brief narrative for each entry provides relevant information about each map and its purpose if known
  • Call number - the number needed to retrieve each item. Since the majority of items listed in this publication are housed in the Geography and Map Division, we have omitted the designation "G&M " from call numbers for items in that Division. The call number links to the catalog record when one is available. Sometimes call numbers were changed when items were cataloged or records updated; effort has been made to include variant call numbers in the entry.
  • Geographic area term(s) - Most maps have several geographic area terms assigned to them. These terms inform the researcher as to those area(s) covered in the map. An index at the end of this publication groups other related maps that provide coverage of the same geographic area(s).
  • Image - for those maps which have been scanned, an image and a link to the full record in our online collections is provided

Arrangement of Entries in the Publication

The researcher should note from glancing at the Table of Contents that atlases are listed separately. The individual maps in each atlas are listed either by their given titles or those supplied by the authors. Geographic area terms have been supplied for each atlas entry but not for each map therein.

Maps are arranged in descending order from the most general geographic area, i.e., the world, to the most specific, country. The first maps listed are those of the world, followed by those of regions and continents. The largest portion of the maps are then arranged by country, and within country by individual states and/or cities.

How to Obtain Reproductions of Maps in the Library of Congress

Many of the maps in this guide have been scanned and are available to download at no cost from our website. High-quality scans or prints of those maps which have not been scanned can be ordered for a fee through the Library of Congress Duplication Services office. In that request, refer to the call number, divisional location, and specific collection (when applicable) of the individual item to insure exact identification. Please contact the Geography and Map Reading Room with questions about individual maps.