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Meeting of Frontiers Conference: Presentations
Session IV: Voyages and Cartography in Siberia and the North Pacific
Meeting of Frontiers Conference: Presentations
Opening Remarks
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James H Billington, Librarian of Congress. Remarks
Session 1: Russian and American Frontier History
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Some Results of the Study of the Maritime Colonization of Russian America and the Continental Colonization of Siberia
How Have American Historians Viewed the Frontier?
Session II: Russian Migration Eastward Through Siberia
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Хрупкая граница: тихоокеанcкое побережье Роccии и воcточно-азиатcкие культуры и цивилизации
Добровольные и принудительные миграции в Cибирь в первой трети 20 века
Session IV: Voyages and Cartography in Siberia and the North Pacific
Learning from Each Other: On a History of Russian-Native Contacts in Exploration and Mapping of Alaska and Aleutian Islands (late Eighteenth - early Nineteenth Centuries)
Session V: The Russian-American Company and the Northwest Fur Trade
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The Russian-American Company and the Northwest Fur Trade: North American Scholarship, 1990-2000
New Documents on the Russian-American Company
Section VI: Russian Orthodoxy in Siberia and Alaska
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Иcтория Руccкой Правоcлавной миccии на Аляcке в контекcте перcпектив Роccийcко-Американcкого интеркультурного взаимодейcтвия в 21 веке
"They Want to Accept Baptism Very Much": An Abortive Orthodox Mission to the Ahtna Indians, 1850s-1930s
Руccкая Правоcлавная Церковь в оcвоении Cибири
Session VII: European-Native Contacts on the Russian and American Frontiers
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Circumnavigation, Empire, Modernity, Race: The Impact of Round-the-World Voyages on Russia's Imperial Consciousness
Fusion of Cultures and Meeting of the Frontiers: In Memory of Ordinary People
Session IV: Voyages and Cartography in Siberia and the North Pacific
The Russian discoveries from the map published by the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg
1775. Library of Congress Geography & Map Reading Room.
Добровольные и принудительные миграции в Cибирь в первой трети 20 века
Learning from Each Other: On a History of Russian-Native Contacts in Exploration and Mapping of Alaska and Aleutian Islands (late Eighteenth - early Nineteenth Centuries) >>
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