The following glossary briefly defines selected terms used in this guide. The sources are indicated in parentheses at the end of each definition.
- Digital Preservation - Managed series of iterative steps, processes, software, and systems to ensure the security, accessibility, integrity, and access to digital objects for as long as they are needed. ( External)
- Fixity - The process by which changes to files are detected. Fixity is frequently established through checksums, an alphanumeric string that changes when a file is altered. ( External)
- Interoperable - Interoperable formats are designed to be accessed and shared by different software and systems. ( External)
- Lossless - An compressed or uncompressed format in which no data is eliminated to make a file smaller. ( External)
- Machine-readable - A medium requiring a machine to make it understandable to humans. ( External)
- Open-source software - Free software developed and improved by community members and distributed under a General Public License. ( External)
- Open standard - Formal specifications published so that systems, formats, or software can be built to work together. ( External)
- Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) - Guidelines for encoding text into XML with a concentration on encoding social science and humanities texts. ( External)
- Verovio - Open source, online engraving tool that renders musical notation graphics from MEI files. Upload MEI files to the Verovio website. No software dependencies. ( External)
- XML - Extensible Markup Language. A flexible text format that represents and promotes the exchange of structured data, including music notation. ( External ; External)