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New Jersey didn't have it's own newspaper until Isaac Collins started The New Jersey Gazette in Burlington, NJ in 1777.
Almanacs (also spelled almanacks) are annual publications including calendars with weather forecasts, astronomical information, tide tables, and other related tabular information which would have been crucial to New Jersey's large agrarian population. Additionally, some almanacs contained various lists, facts, short articles and occasionally humorous pieces which would have made them important for the reference, education, and entertainment of the general population.
The Library's Serial and Government Publications Division maintains one of the most extensive collections of newspapers, current periodicals, comic books, and government publications. Notable materials related to early printing and publishing in New Jersey are listed below. More information about using the newspaper and current periodical collections at the Library of Congress are also included.
The Serial & Government Publications Division maintains one of the most extensive newspaper collections in the world. Beyond its newspaper holdings, the Division also has extensive collections of current periodicals, government publications, and comic books. These collections are accessed in the Newspaper & Current Periodical Reading Room which is located in Room LM-133 in the James Madison building in Washington, D.C.
The materials linked below provide fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog, including holdings for each title. While many newspapers are microfilmed, historic collections of newspapers are maintained in bound volumes to preserve the original format.