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Newspaper Photograph Morgues in the United States and Canada

This list maintained by the Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division cites public institutions that have photographs assembled for publication in newspapers. Entries include newspaper titles, dates, and links to content or information.


Photo shows two men seated at a table, working on stacks of papers
Marjory Collins, photographer. New York, New York. Newsroom of the New York Times newspaper. 1942. Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Black & White Photographs. Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division.

This guide lists public institutions with custody of at least one newspaper photograph morgue in the United States and Canada. Researchers should contact directly the institutions listed for current information on access policies and procedures, as well as on the photo morgue itself.

For an overview of newspaper photo morgues in archives and libraries, see Laura McCann. "The Whole Story: News Agency Photographs in Newspaper Photo Morgue Collections." American Archivist 80 (Spring/Summer 2017): 163-188. External

For national and international lists of newspapers that maintain their own archives, see “Newspaper Archives/Indexes/Morgues."