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North Macedonia: Address and Telephone Directories

List of Directories

When looking for listings of smaller towns in North Macedonia, keep in mind that most telephone directories from the country feature a main city, but also include listings for other towns in the telephone district. Therefore, a researcher should consult a map to locate a large city nearest to the desired town, and then use the directories for the larger city. Regarding the microfilm sets, a list of all localities covered on a reel appears at the very beginning of each reel.

Telephone directories for North Macedonia are located in three possible places in the Library of Congress -- Deck 5S of the closed stacks in the Adams Building for uncataloged directories; -- in the Microform and Electronic Resources Center (MERC) for the titles in the microfilm set; or in the general collections for cataloged directories. For uncataloged items in the general collections a researcher may request the items in the European Reading Room. The finding aid designates these two locations as MRR/GC or MERC. All volumes held on Deck 5S are filed under Yugoslavia, not under North Macedonia.

Directories on Microfilm

Print Directories

City (or Region) Year Title Type Notes Location
  1965 Telefonski imenik. Both "Sostojba na den 1. VII. 1965 god." In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  1974/75 Telefonski imenik na SR Makedonija. Both "Sostojba na 15 maj 1974 godina." In Cyrillic. Included in the microfilm set Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 19. MRR/GC
  1977/78 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 1. SR Bosna i Hercegovina, SR Crna Gora, SR Makedonija. Both Arranged by republic. Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 29; and Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). MERC
  1979/80 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. SR Bosna i Hercegovina, SR Crna Gora, SR Makedonija. Both Arranged by republic. Included in the microfilm set Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reels 29 and 36. MERC
  1983/84 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 2. SR Crna Gora, SR Makedonija. Both Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 45; and Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). MERC
  1985/86 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 2. SR Crna Gora, SR Makedonija. Both Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reels 45 and 59; and Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). MERC
  1987/88 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 2. SR Crna Gora, SR Makedonija. Both Arranged by republic and then by city. Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 45; and Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). MRR/GC/MERC
  1988/89 Telefonski imenikSR Makedonija. Both Included in the microfilm set Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 69. The organizational and residential entries are in separate sections. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC/MERC
  1989/90 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 3. SR Crna Gora i SR Makedonija. Both Arranged by republic and then by city. Included in the microfilm sets Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 73; Telephone Directories from Former Yugoslavia, Microfilm (o) 99/6071 (Digitized, see above). MERC
  1995 Deloven telefon-telefaks imenik za 1995 na Makedonija. Both Included in the microfilm set Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 94. In Cyrillic. MERC
  1995 ABV na makedonskoto stopanstvo. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  1996 ABV na makedonskoto stopanstvo. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  1997 ABV na makedonskoto stopanstvo. Deloven telefonski imenik. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  1998 ABV na makedonskoto stopanstvo. Deloven telefonski imenik. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  1999 ABV na makedonskoto stopanstvo. Deloven telefonski imenik. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2000 ABV na makedonskoto stopanstvo. Deloven telefonski imenik. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2001 ABV na makedonskoto stopanstvo. Deloven telefonski imenik. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2002 ABV na makedonskoto stopanstvo. Deloven telefonski imenik. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2003 ABV na makedonskoto stopanstvo. Deloven telefonski imenik. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2004 ABV na makedonskoto stopanstvo. Deloven telefonski imenik. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2004 Telefonski imenik na Republika Makedonija. Both   MRR/GC
  2005 ABV na Makedonskoto stopanstvo. Deloven telefonski imenik. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2005/06 Yellow Pages. Macedonian Business Pages. Org The directory has Macedonian and English headings. MRR/GC
  2006 ABV na makedonskoto stopanstvo. Deloven telefonski imenik. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2006 Zlatna kniga. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2006/07 Zlatna kniga Jugozapad. Org.   MRR/GC
  2006/07 Yellow Pages. Macedonian Business Directory. Org. This directory has Macedonian and English headings. MRR/GC
  2007 ABV na Makedonskoto stopanstvo. Deloven telefonski imenik. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2007/08 Yellow Pages. Žolti stranici. Org. This directory has Macedonian and English headings. MRR/GC
  2008 ABV na makedonskoto stopanstvo. Deloven telefonski imenik. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2008 Zlatna kniga Makedonija. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2009 Zlatna kniga. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2009 ABV na makedonskoto stopanstvo. Deloven telefonski imenik. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2009/10 Libri i artë Maqedoni. Org. This directory is in Albanian. MRR/GC
  2010/11 Zlatna kniga. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2010/11 Novi stranici. Regional Business Informator of Republic of Macedonia. Org. This directory has Macedonian and English headings. MRR/GC
  2011/12 ABV na makedonskoto stopanstvo. Deloven telefonski imenik. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2011/12 Zlatna kniga. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2011/12 Novi stranici: Regional Business Informator of Republic of Macedonia. Org. In Cyrillic. Juni 2011-juni 2012. This directory has Macedonian, Albanian, and English headings. MRR/GC
  2011/12 Zlatna kniga Jugozapad. Org.   MRR/GC
  2011/12 Libri i artë Maqedoni. Org. This directory is in Albanian. MRR/GC
  2012/13 ABV na makedonskoto stopanstvo. Deloven telefonski imenik. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2012/13 Libri i artë Maqedoni. Org. This directory is in Albanian. MRR/GC
  2012/13 Novi stranici. Regional Business Informator. Org. This directory has Macedonian, Albanian, and English headings. MRR/GC
  2012/13 Zlatna kniga Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2012/13 Yellow Pages. Macedonian Business Directory. Žolti stranici. Org. This directory has Macedonian and English headings. MRR/GC
  2012/13 Zlatna kniga Jugozapad. Org.   MRR/GC
  2014/14 ABV na makedonskoto stopanstvo. Deloven telefonski imenik. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2013/14 Libri i artë Maqedoni Org. This directory is in Albanian. MRR/GC
  2013/14 Novi stranici. Regional Business Informator of Republic of Macedonia. Org. This directory has Macedonian, Albanian, and English headings. MRR/GC
  2013/14 Zlatna kniga. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2104/15 ABV na makedonskoto stopanstvo. Deloven telefonski imenik. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2014/15 Zlatna kniga. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2014/15 Novi stranici. Regional Business Informator of Republic of Macedonia. Org. This directory has Macedonian, Albanian, and English headings. MRR/GC
  2015/16 ABV na makedonskoto stopanstvo. Deloven telefonski imenik. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2015/16 Zlatna kniga. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2015/16 Novi stranici: Regional Business Informator of Republic of Macedonia. Org. In Cyrillic. This directory has Macedonian, Albanian, and English headings. Juli 2015-juli 2016. MRR/GC
  2016/17 ABV na makedonskoto stopanstvo. Deloven telefonski imenik. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2016/17 Libri i artë Maqedoni. Org. In Albanian. MRR/GC
  2016/17 Zlatna kniga. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2017/18 ABV na makedonskoto stopanstvo. Deloven telefonski imenik. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2017/18 Libri i artë Maqedoni. Org. In Albanian. MRR/GC
  2017/18 Novi stranici: Regional Business Informator of Republic of Macedonia. Org. In Cyrillic. This directory has Macedonian, Albanian, and English headings. Juli 2017-juli 2018. MRR/GC
  2018/19 ABV na makedonskoto stopanstvo. Deloven telefonski imenik. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2018/19 Zlatna kniga. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2019/20 Zlatna kniga. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
  2020/21 Zlatna kniga. Org. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
Skopje 1950 Spisok na telefonskite pretplatnici vo Skopje. Both In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
Skopje 1951 Telefonski imenik. Both "Položba na den 1 mart 1951 godina." Also includes numbers for nearby towns. In Cyrillic. Included in the microfilm set Yugoslav Telephone Directories, Microfilm 2017/165, reel 2. MRR/GC/MERC
Skopje 1953 Telefonski imenik na direkcijata na poštite, telegrafite i telefonite Skopje. Both Includes an insert with additional numbers. Also provides listings for other towns in Macedonia. Numerical index. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
Skopje 1954/55 Telefonski imenik na direkcijata na poštite, telegrafite i telefonite Skopje. Both Also includes numbers for other towns in Macedonia. In Cyrillic. Numerical index. MRR/GC
Skopje 1955/56 Telefonski imenik na pretprijatieto na poštanskiot, telegrafskiot i telefonskiot soobrak'aj Skopje. Both "Položba na den 1. V. 1955 g." Also provides numbers for other towns in Macedonia. Numerical index. Includes an insert with additional numbers. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
Skopje 1957 Telefonski imenik na pretprijatieto na PTT soobrakaj Skopje. Both "Položba na den 1. I. 1957 g." Also includes numbers for other towns in Macedonia. Numerical index. In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
Skopje 1960 Telefonski imenik: dodatok za telefonskite pretplatnici vo Prilep cii broevi se izmeneti so pustanjeto vo soobrakai na novata avtomatska telefonska centrala. Both "Položba na 15. VI 1960 g." In Cyrillic. MRR/GC
Skopje 1962/63 Telefonski imenik. Both "Položba na 1. VII. 1962 god." Provides numbers for other towns in North Macedonia. Includes an insert with additional numbers. In Cyrillic. Numerical index. MRR/GC
Skopje 1964 Telefonski imenik na telefonskite pretplatnici vo Skopje, Gorče Petrov i Madžari. Both In Cyrillic. This directory has mostly organizational entries, but there are some individuals listed. MRR/GC
Skopje 1967 Telefonski imenik za podračjeto na Tranzitnata centrala Skopje. Both "Sostojbata na 1. IV. 1967 godina." In Cyrillic. MRR/GC