The following items are transcripts of manuscripts held in Darmstadt by the Hof- und Landesbibliothek. When possible, the titles link to bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Links to additional online content are included when available.
Pygmalion by Georg BendaCall Number: M1500.B46 P7 Case [MUSIC 3173, Item 3]
Published/Created: 1779 [Copied 1921]
Graun, Carl Heinrich (1704-1759)
Rodolinda by Carl Heinrich GraunCall Number: M1500.G76 R5 Case [MUSIC 3371, Item 8, Reel 2]
Published/Created: 1741 [Copied 1910]
Martin y Soler, Vicente (1754-1806)
La capricciona corretta by Vicente Martin y SolerCall Number: M1500.M35 C3 Case [MUSIC 3164, Item 4]
Published/Created: circa 1795 [Copied 1907]
Mayr, Johann Simon (1763-1845)
Righini, Vincenzo (1756-1812)
Gerusalemme liberata by Vincenzo RighiniCall Number: M1500.R564 G3 Case [MUSIC 3645, Item 2, Reel 1]
Published/Created: 1803 [Copied 1910]
Librettist: Antonio de' Filistri da Caramondani after Tasso
Copyist: Ulrich Rohde
RISM: Not reported
Sacchini, Antonio (Maria Gasparo Gioacchino) (1730-1786)
L’eroe cinese by Antonio Maria Gasparo SacchiniCall Number: M1500.S12 E6 Case [MUSIC 3661, Item 9, Reel 2]
Published/Created: 1770 [Copied 1909]
Act 2 only; Act 1 & 3 contemporary manuscript
Librettist: Pietro Metastasio
Copyist: Ulrich Rohde
RISM: Not reported
Seyfried, Ignaz Ritter von (1776-1841) and Jacob Haibel (1762-1826), co-composers
Vogler, Georg Joseph (1749-1814)
Der Kaufmann von Smyrna by Georg Joseph VoglerCall Number: M1500.V875 K3 Case [MUSIC 3743, item 2]
Published/Created: 1771 [Copied 1921]
Librettist: Christian Friedrich Schwann and [Nicolas-Sébastien Roch]
Copyist: Not ascertained
RISM: Not reported
Winter, Peter (1754-1825)
Wranitzky, Paul (1756-1808)
Zingarelli, Niccolò Antonio (1752-1837)
Giulietta e Romeo by Niccolò Antonio ZingarelliCall Number: M1500.Z77 G4 Case [MUSIC 3779, Item 6, Reel 3]
Published/Created: 1796 [Copied 1911]
Librettist: Giuseppe Maria Foppa and William Shakespeare
Copyist: Ulrich Rohde
RISM: Not reported