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Transcripts of Dramatic Musical Works in Full Score


The following items are transcripts of manuscripts held in Darmstadt by the Hof- und Landesbibliothek. When possible, the titles link to bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Links to additional online content are included when available.

 Benda, Georg (1722-1795)

Graun, Carl Heinrich (1704-1759)

Martin y Soler, Vicente (1754-1806)

Mayr, Johann Simon (1763-1845)

Righini, Vincenzo (1756-1812)

Sacchini, Antonio (Maria Gasparo Gioacchino) (1730-1786)

Seyfried, Ignaz Ritter von (1776-1841) and Jacob Haibel (1762-1826), co-composers

Vogler, Georg Joseph (1749-1814)

Winter, Peter (1754-1825)

Wranitzky, Paul (1756-1808)

Zingarelli, Niccolò Antonio (1752-1837)