Agricola, Johann Friedrich (1720-1774)
Anfossi, Pasquale (1727-1797)
Gli amanti canuti by Pasquale AnfossiCall Number: M1500.A75 A4 Case [MUSIC 1919, Item 1, Reel 1]
Published/Created: 1783 [Copied 1911]
Bontempi, Giovanni Andrea [collaboration with Peranda] (1624-1705)
Dafne by Giovanni Andrea BontempiCall Number: M1500.B725 D3 Case
Published/Created: circa 1672-1678 [Copied 1911]
B[u]ononcini, Antonio Maria (1677-1726) [Bononcini]
B[u]ononcini, Giovanni (1670-1747) [Bononcini]
Cimarosa, Domenico (1749-1801)
Il matrimonio per raggiro by Domenico CimarosaCall Number: M1500.C57 M2 Case
Published/Created: 1804 [Copied 1910]
Dittersdorf, Carl Ditters von (1739-1799)
Don Quixot der Zweÿte by Carl Ditters von DittersdorfCall Number: M1500.D61 D5 Case [MUSIC 3299, Item 5]
Published/Created: 1795 [Copied 1913]
Fischietti, Domenico (1725c-1783p)
Fux, Johann Joseph (1660-1741)
Elisa by Johann Joseph FuxCall Number: M1500.F95 E5 Case [MUSIC 3343, Item 3]
Published/Created: 1719 [Copied 1911]
Galuppi, Baldassare (1706-1785)
Alessandro nell’Indie by Baldassare GaluppiCall Number: M1500.G2 A4 Case [MUSIC 1898, Item 2, Reel 1]
Published/Created: Undated [Copied 1911]
Li tre anamti ridicoli by Baldassare GaluppiCall Number: M1500.G2 T5 Case [MUSIC 1898, Item 30, Reel 8]
Published/Created: 1761 [Copied 1911]
Gasparini, Francesco (1661-1727)
Gazzaniga, Giuseppe (1743-1818)
La locanda by Giuseppe GazzanigaCall Number: M1500.G29 L5 Case [MUSIC 3351, Item 5, Reel 2]
Published/Created: circa 1771 [Copied 1912]
Gluck, Christoph Willibald Ritter von (1714-1787)
Telemaco by Christoph Willibald Ritter von GluckCall Number: M1500.G56 T3 Case [MUSIC 3126, Item 48, Reel 10]
Published/Created: 1765 [Copied 1910]
Guglielmi, Pietro Alessandro (1728-1804)
La pastorella nobile by Pietro Alessandro GuglielmiCall Number: M1500.G94 P5 Case [MUSIC 3384, Item 11, Reel 5]
Published/Created: 1791 [Copied 1909]
Hasse, Johann Adolf (1699-1783)
Demofoonte by Johann Adolf HasseCall Number: M1500.H35 D3 Case [MUSIC 2057, Item 1, Reel 1]
Published/Created: 1748 [Copied 1913]
Hiller, Johann Adam (1728-1804)
Lottchen am Hofe by Johann Adam HillerCall Number: M1500.H65 L5 Case [MUSIC 3404, Item 3, Reel 2]
Published/Created: 1767 [Copied 1911]
Himmel, Friedrich Heinrich (1765-1814)
Leo, Leonardo (1694-1744)
Il trionfo di Camilla by Leonardo LeoCall Number: M1500.L57 T7 Case
Published/Created: 1726 [Copied 1910]
Lotti, Antonio (1666-1740)
Ascanio by Antonio LottiCall Number: M1500.L88 A6 Case [MUSIC 1891, Item 2, Reel 1]
Published/Created: 1718 [Copied 1907]
Teofane by Antonio LottiCall Number: M1500.L88 T4 Case [MUSIC 1891, Item 6, Reel 2]
Published/Created: 1719 [Copied 1908]
Majo, Gian Francesco (de) (1732-1770)
Mayr, Johann Simon (1763-1845)
Müller, Wenzel (1759-1835)
Das Sonnenfest der Braminen by Wenzel MüllerCall Number: M1500.M87 S5 Case [MUSIC 3539, Item 5, Reel 3]
Published/Created: 1790 [Copied 1910]
Naumann, Johann Gottlieb (1741-1801)
Neefe, Christian Gottlob (1748-1798)
Pallavicino, Carlo (1630c-1688)
L’Antiope by Carlo PallavicinoCall Number: M1500.P273 A6 Case [MUSIC 3571, Item 2]
Published/Created: 1689 [Copied 1913; incomplete]
Piccinni, Niccolò (1728-1800)
Le finte gemelle by Niccolò PiccinniCall Number: M1500.P58 F5 Case [MUSIC 3599, Item 14, Reel 5]
Published/Created: 1773 [Copied 1913]
Pollarolo, Carlo Francesco (1653c-1723)
Porpora, Nicola (Antonio) (1686-1768)
Porsile, Giuseppe (1680-1750)
Porta, Giovanni (1675c-1755)
L’Argippo by Giovanni PortaCall Number: M1500.P84 A4 Case [MUSIC 1897, Item 1, Reel 1]
Published/Created: 1717 [Copied 1909]
Transcribed from RISM #212008590
Librettist: Domenico Lalli
Copyist: Carl Schrickel
RISM ID: Not reported
Portugal, Marcos António (1762-1830)
Rutini, Giovanni Marco (1723-1797)
Semiramide by Giovanni Marco RutiniCall Number: M1500.R97 S3 Case [MUSIC 3660, Item 3]
Published/Created: Undated [Copied 1912]
Transcribed from RISM #212008901
Librettist: Pietro Metastasio
Copyist: Max Schiller
RISM ID: Not reported
Sacchini, Antonio (Maria Gasparo Gioacchino) (1730-1786)
La contadina in corte by Antonio Maria Gasparo Gioacchino SacchiniCall Number: M1500.S12 C65 Case [MUSIC 3661, Item 6, Reel 1]
Published/Created: 1765 [Copied 1911]
Librettist: Niccolò Tassi
Copyist: Carl Schrickel
RISM ID: Not reported
Sarti, Giuseppe (1729-1802)
Le gelosie villane by Giuseppe SartiCall Number: M1500.S27 G3 Case [MUSIC 3669, Item 6, Reel 3]
Published/Created: 1778 [Copied 1911]
Librettist: Tommaso Grandi
Copyist: Carl Schrickel
RISM ID: Not reported
Schürer, Johann Georg (1720c-1786)
Doris by Johann Georg SchürerCall Number: M1500.S45 D5 Case [MUSIC 3683, Item 2]
Published/Created: 1747 [Copied 1910]
Transcribed from D-Dl: RISM ID #212009108
Librettist: Not ascertained
Copyist: Carl Schrickel
RISM: Not reported
La Galatea by Johann Georg SchürerCall Number: M1500.S45 G3 Case [MUSIC 3683, Item 3]
Published/Created: 1746-47 [Copied 1912]
Librettist: Pietro Metastasio
Copyist: Arno Reichert
RISM: Not reported
Schuster, Ignaz (1779-1835)
Die falsche Primadonna by Ignaz SchusterCall Number: M1500.S455 F3 Case [MUSIC 3686, Item 3]
Published/Created: 1818 [Copied 1910]
Librettist: Julius von Voss
Copyist: Max Schiller
RISM ID: Not reported
Schuster, Joseph (1748-1812)
Demofoonte by Joseph SchusterCall Number: M1500.S457 D3 Case [MUSIC 3687, Item 2]
Published/Created: 1776 [Copied 1913]
Librettist: Pietro Metastasio
Copyist: Max Schiller
RISM ID: Not reported
Schweitzer, Anton (1737-1787)
Alceste by Anton SchweitzerCall Number: M1500.S46 A5 Case [MUSIC 3688, Item 1, Reel 1]
Published/Created: 1774 [Copied 1910]
Librettist: Christoph Martin Wieland
Copyist: Carl Schrickel
RISM: Not reported
Die Dorfgala by Anton SchweitzerCall Number: M1500.S46 D5 Case [MUSIC 3688, Item 2, Reel 1]
Published/Created: 1777? [Copied 1910]
Librettist: Friedrich Wilhelm Gotter
Copyrist: Carl Schrickel
RISM ID: Not reported
Zemire und Azor by Louis SpohrCall Number: M1500.S74 Z3 Case [MUSIC 3191, Item 5, Reel 4]
Published/Created: 1819 [Copied 1910]
Librettist: Johann Jakob Ihlée after Jean François Marmontel
Copyist: Arno Reichert
RISM ID: Not reported
Spontini, Gaspare (1774-1851)
La finta filosofa by Gaspare SpontiniCall Number: M1500.S76 F5 Case [MUSIC 3214, Item 5, Reel 3]
Published/Created: 1807 [Copied 1913]
LIbrettist: Domenico Piccinni
Copysit: Max Schiller
RISM ID: Not reported
Traetta, Tommaso (1727-1779)
Buovo d’Antona by Tommaso TraettaCall Number: M1500.T76 B7 Case [MUSIC 1899, Item 2, Reel 2]
Published/Created: 1758 [Copied 1911]
Librettist: [Carlo Goldoni] Polisseno Fegeio
Copyist: Arno Reichert
RISM ID: Not reported
Olimpiade by Tommaso TraettaCall Number: M1500.T76 O5 Case
Published/Created: 1758 [Copied 1922]
Librettist: Pietro Metastasio
Copysit: Max Schiller
RISM ID: Not reported
Le serve rivali by Tommaso TraettaCall Number: M1500.T76 S3 Case [MUSIC 1899, Item 11, Reel 7]
Published/Created: 1768 [Copied 1910]
Tritto, Giacomo (1733-1824)
Li disprezzatori delle donne by Giacomo TrittoCall Number: M1500.T84 D4 Case [MUSIC 3732, Item 1, Reel 1]
Published/Created: 1793 [Copied 1913]
Librettist: P.A. Timido
Copyist: Max Schiller
RISM: Not reported
Weber, Carl Maria (Friedrich Ernst) von (1786-1826)
Peter Schmoll und seine Nachbarn by Carl Maria von WeberCall Number: M1500.W37 P3 Case [MUSIC 3751, Item 9, Reel 3]
Published/Created: ca 1802 [Copied 1914]
Transcribed from D-Dl: RISM #1001067236
Librettists: Joseph Türk and Carl Gottlob Cramer
Copyist: Arno Reichert
RISM ID: Not reported
Weigl, Joseph (1766-1846)
L’amor marinaro by Joseph WeiglCall Number: M1500.W41 A5 Case [MUSIC 3753, Item 1, Reel 1]
Published/Created: 1797 [Copied 1921]
Librettist: Giovanni de Gamerra
Copyist: Max Schiller
RISM ID: Not reported
Die Schweizerfamilie by Joseph WeiglCall Number: M1500.W41 S2 Case [MUSIC 3753, Item 10, Reel 6]
Published/Created: 1809 [Copied 1910]
Librettists: Ignaz Franz Castelli and Claude Godard d'Aucourt de Saint-Just
Copyist: Max Schiller
RISM: Not reported
Winter, Peter (1754-1825)
I fratelli rivali by Peter WinterCall Number: M1500.W78 F6 Case [MUSIC 3764, Item 2, Reel 1]
Published/Created: 1795 [Copied 1914]
Librettist: Mattia Botturini
Copyist: Max Schiller
RISM ID: Not reported
Il Maometto by Peter WinterCall Number: M1500.W78 M2 Case [MUSIC 3764, Item 9, Reel 5]
Published/Created: 1817 [Copied 1911]
Librettists: Elice Romani and [François-Marie Arouet] Voltaire
Copyist: Max Schiller
RISM: Not reported
Zumsteeg, Johann Rudolf (1760-1802)
Die Geisterinsel by Johann Rudolf ZumsteegCall Number: M1500.Z95 G4 Case [MUSIC 3782, Item 3, Reel 2]
Published/Created: circa 1798 [Copied 1908]
Librettists: Friedrich Wilhelm Gotter and Friedrich Hildebrand von Einsiedel
Copyist: Carl Schrickel
RISM ID: Not reported