Anfossi, Pasquale (1727-1797)
Gli artigiani by Pasquale AnfossiCall Number: M1500.A75 A6 [MUSIC 1919, Item 2, Reel 1]
Published/Created: 1795 [Copied 1911]
Ariosti, Attilio (1666-1729)
La fede ne’ tradimenti by Attilio AriostiCall Number: M1500.A76 F3 [MUSIC 3166, Item 3, Reel 1]
Published/Created: circa 1701 [Copied 1909]
Bach, Johann Christian (1735-1782)
Bianchi, Francesco (1752-1810)
B[u]ononcini, Giovanni (1670-1747) [Bononcini]
Bortnians’ky, Dmytro Stepanovich (1751-1825)
Le faucon by Dmytro Stepanovich Bortnians’kyCall Number: M1500.B748 F3 [MUSIC 3182, Item 1, Reel 1; MUSIC 3183, Item 2]
Published/Created: 1786 [Copied 1924]
Cesti, Antonio (1623-1669)
Cimarosa, Domenico (1749-1801)
Cornacchioli, Giacinto (1598-1673)
Diana schernita by Giacinto CornacchioliCall Number: M1500.C74 D4 [MUSIC 3277, Item 2]
Published/Created: 1629 [Copied 1915]
Feo, Francesco (1691-1761)
Andromaca by Francesco FeoCall Number: M1500.F34 A4
Published/Created: 1730 [Copied 1912]
Galuppi, Baldassare (1706-1785)
Gluck, Christoph Willibald Ritter von (1714-1787)
Gnecco, Francesco (1769-1811)
Guglielmi, Pietro Alessandro (1728-1804)
Guglielmi, Pietro Carlo (1772-1817)
La scelta dello sposo by Pietro Carlo GuglielmiCall Number: M1500.G845 S2 [MUSIC 3385, item 5, Reel 3]
Published/Created: 1805 [Copied 1915]
Librettist: Giuseppe Maria Foppa
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM: Not reported
Hasse, Johann Adolf (1699-1783)
Il Ruggièro by Johann Adolf HasseCall Number: M1500.H35 R8 [MUSIC 2067, Item 1, Reel 1]
Published/Created: 1771 [Copied 1907]
Jommelli, Niccolò (1714-1774)
Merope by Niccolò JommelliCall Number: M1500.J72 M4 [MUSIC 1930, Item 13, Reel 6]
Published/Created: 1741 [Copied 1907]
Semiramide by Niccolò JommelliCall Number: M1500.J72 S4 [MUSIC 1930, Item 16, Reel 7]
Published/Created: 1742 [Copied 1910]
Temistocle by Niccolò JommelliCall Number: M1500.J72 T3 [MUSIC 1930, Item 18, Reel 8]
Published/Created: 1757 [Copied 1910]
Landi, Stefano (1587-1639)
Latilla, Gaetano (1711-1788)
Angelica ed Orlando by Gaetano LatillaCall Number: M1500.L36 A5
Published/Created: 1735 [1910]
Leo, Leonardo (1694-1744)
Lotti, Antonio (1666-1740)
Martín y Soler, Vicente (1754-1806)
Una cosa rara by Vicente Martin y SolerCall Number: M1500.M35 C5 [MUSIC 3164, Item 5]
Published/Created: 1786 [Copied 1907]
Additional call number: M1500.M35 C6 (supplement from A-Wn)
Librettists: Lorenzo Da Ponte and Luis Vélez de Guevara
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM ID: 900011159 External
[Mattei, Filippo] / Amadei, Filippo (1665c-1725c); (G. Bononcini, Act 3; G. F. Handel, Act 2)
Muzio ScevolaCall Number: M1500.M435 M7 [MUSIC 3505, Item 2]
Published/Created: 1721 [Copied 1909]
Librettist: Paolo Rolli
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM: Not reported
Mayr, Johann Simon (1763-1845)
L’avaro by Johann Simon MayrCall Number: M1500.M46 A8 [MUSIC 1878, Item 6, Reel 5]
Published/Created: 1799 [Copied 1908]
Il segreto by Johann Simon MayrCall Number: M1500.M46 S4 [MUSIC 1878, Item 16, Reel 11]
Published/Created: circa 1798 [Copied 1910]
Librettist: Giuseppe Maria Foppa
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM: Not reported
Melani, Jacopo (1623-1676)
Nasolini, Sebastiano (1768c-1799c)
Orlandini, Giuseppe Maria (1676-1760)
AntigonaCall Number: M1500.O73 A5 [MUSIC 1880, Item 1, Reel 1]
Published/Created: 1727 [Copied 1908]
Perez, Davide (1711-1778)
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista (1710-1736)
Lo frate ‘nnamorato by Giovanni Battista PergolesiCall Number: M1500.P42 F5 [MUSIC 3587, Item 2, Reel 1]
Published/Created: circa 1732 [Copied 1908]
Le musiche sopra l’Euridice by Jacopo PeriCall Number: M1500.P425 E8 [MUSIC 3589, Item 2]
Published/Created: 1608 [Copied 1915]
Librettist: Ottavio Rinuccini
Copyist: Not ascertained
RISM: Not reported
Pescetti, Giovanni Battista (1704-1766)
[La conquista del] velo d’oro by Giovanni Battista PescettiCall Number: M1500.P438 V3 [MUSIC 3593, Item 5]
Published/Created: 1737-38 [Copied 1911]
Librettist: Angelo Maria Cori
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM: Not reported
Porpora, Nicola (Antonio) (1686-1750)
Meride e Selinunte by Nicola (Antonio) PorporaCall Number: M1500.P82 M3 [MUSIC 1896, Item 4, Reel 2]
Published/Created: 1727 [Copied 1911]
Portugal, Marcos António (1762-1830)
Righini, Vincenzo (1756-1812)
Armida by Vincenzo RighiniCall Number: M1500.R564 A5 [MUSIC 3645, Item 1]
Published/Created: 1782 [Copied 1914]
Librettist: Marco Coltellini and Torquato Tasso
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM: Not reported
Rinaldo di Capua (1710c-1771p)
La donna vendicativa by Rinaldo di CapuaCall Number: M1500.R59 D5 [MUSIC 3647, Item 4]
Published/Created: 1771 [Copied 1910]
Librettist: Alessandro Pioli
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM: Not reported
Sacchini, Antonio (Maria Gasparo Gioacchino) (1730-1786)
Lucio Vero by Antonio Maria Gasparo SacchiniCall Number: M1500.S12 L5 [MUSIC 3661, Item 15, Reel 5]
Published/Created: 1764 [Copied 1912]
Librettist: Apostolo Zeno
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM: Not reported
Sarti, Giuseppe (1729-1802)
Scarlatti, Alessandro (1660-1725)
L’amor generoso by Alessandro ScarlattiCall Number: M1500.S28 A5 [MUSIC 1894, Item 1, Reel 1]
Published/Created: 1714 [Copied 1913]
Librettists: Giuseppe Papis and Silvio Stampiglia
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM ID: Not reported
Marco Attilio Regolo by Alessandro ScarlattiCall Number: M1500.S28 A7 [MUSIC 1894, Item 2, Reel 1]
Published/Created: 1719 [Copied 1912]
Librettist: Matteo Noris
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM ID: Not reported
La Rosaura by Alessandro ScarlattiCall Number: M1500.S28 R5 [MUSIC 1894, Item 17, Reel 6]
Published/Created: 1690 [Copied 1909]
Librettist: Giovanni Battista Lucini
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM ID: Not reported
La Statira by Alessandro ScarlattiCall Number: M1500.S28 S6 [MUSIC 1894, Item 18, Reel 6]
Published/Created: 1690 [Copied 1908]
Librettist: Pietro Ottoboni
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM ID: Not reported
Smith, John Christopher (1712-1795)
Issipile by John Christopher SmithCall Number: M1500.S64 I6 [MUSIC 3195, Item 3]
Published/Created: 1743 [Copied 1911]
Librettist: Pietro Metastasio
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM ID: Not reported (806046807 - GB-Lbl)
The Enchanter by John Christopher SmithCall Number: M1500.S64 E5 [MUSIC 3195, Item 1, Reel 1]
Published/Created: 1760 [Copied 1912?]
Librettist: David Garrick
RISM ID: Not reported
Steffani, Agostino (1654-1728)
Henrico Leone by Agostino SteffaniCall Number: M1500.S82 H3 [MUSIC 3702, Item 1, Reel 1]
Published/Created: 1689 [Copied 1911]
Librettist: Bartholomeo Ortensio Mauro
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM ID: Not reported
La liberta contentà by Agostino SteffaniCall Number: M1500.S82 L3 [MUSIC 3702, Item 2, Reel 1]
Published/Created: 1693 [Copied 1912]
Librettist: Bartholomeo Ortensio Mauro
Copyist: [Hugo Willemsen]
RISM ID: Not reported
Marco Aurelio by Agostino SteffaniCall Number: M1500.S82 M3 [MUSIC 3702, Item 4, Reel 2]
Published/Created: 1681 [Copied 1911]
Librettist: Ventura Terzago
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM ID: Not reported
Orlando generoso by Agostino SteffaniCall Number: M1500.S82 O6 [MUSIC 3702, Item 5, Reel 2]
Published/Created: 1692 [Copied 1912]
Librettists: Ortensio Mauro and Ludovico Ariosto
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM ID: Not reported
Le rivali concordi by Agostino SteffaniCall Number: M1500.S82 R4 [MUSIC 3702, Item 6, Reel 3]
Published/Created: 1693 [Copied 1911]
Librettist: Ortensio Mauro
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM ID: Not reported
Torri, Pietro (1650c-1737)
Briseide by Pietro TorriCall Number: M1500.T69 B6 [MUSIC 3726, Item 3]
Published/Created: 1696 [Copied 1910]
Librettist: Francesco Palmieri
Copyist: Edmund Sebastian Joseph van der Straeten
RISM ID: Not reported
Vinci, Leonardo (1696-1730)
Partenope by Leonardo VinciCall Number: M1500.V64 P4 [MUSIC 1892, Item 7, Reel 3]
Published/Created: 1723 [Copied 1911]
Librettist: Silvio Stampiglia
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM ID: Not reported
Vittori, Loreto (1600-1670)
Galatea by Loreto VittoriCall Number: M1500.V68 G3 [MUSIC 3741, Item 1]
Published/Created: 1639 [Copied 1915]
Librettist: Loreto Vittori
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM ID: Not reported
Guglielmi, Pietro Carlo (1772-1817)
La distruzione di Gerusalemme by Pietro Carlo GuglielmiCall Number: M1500.G945 D4 [MUSIC 3385, Item 2, Reel 1]
Published/Created: 1803 [Copied 1916]
Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732-1809)
Perez, Davide (1711-1778)
Artaserse by Davide PerezCall Number: M1500.P41 A7 [MUSIC 3584, Item 3, Reel 1]
Published/Created: 1748 [Copied 1914]
L’eroe cinese by Davide PerezCall Number: M1500.P41 E6 [MUSIC 3584, Item 6, Reel 2]
Published/Created: 1753 [Copied 1913]
Librettist: Pietro Metastasio
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM: Not reported
L’Ipermestra by Davide PerezCall Number: M1500.P41 I5 [MUSIC 3584, Item 8, Reel 3]
Published/Created: 1754 [Copied 1913]
Pollarolo, Carlo Francesco (1653c-1723)
Gli inganni felici by Carlo Francesco PollaroloCall Number: M1500.P74 I5 [MUSIC 1895, Item 4, Reel 2]
Published/Created: 1695 [Copied 1911]
Rossi, Luigi (1598c-1653)
Il palazzo incantato by Luigi RossiCall Number: M1500.R83 P3 [MUSIC 3653, Item 2]
Published/Created: 1642 [Copied 1915]
Librettist: Giulio Rospigliosi and Ludovico Ariosto
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM: Not reported
Sellitto, Giuseppe (1700-1777)
L'orazio e Curiazio by Giuseppe SellittoCall Number: M1500.S465 O6 [MUSIC 3689, Item 3]
Published/Created: 1746 [Copied 1913]
Librettist: Not ascertained
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM: Not reported
Smith, John Christopher (1712-1795)
Teraminta by John Christopher SmithCall Number: M1500.S64 T4 [MUSIC 3195, Item 5]
Published/Created: 1732 [Copied 1908]
Librettist: Henry Carey
Copyist: Hugo Willemsen
RISM: Not reported