Residential real estate is an area developed for people to live on, and may be restricted by local zoning ordinances. The following selected books titles, associations, government resources, real estate web sites, and statistical information and reports, provide insight into this real estate sector. If you are doing research on the history of your home, consider consulting our library guide House History: A Guide to Uncovering the Stories of Local Buildings and Properties
The general collections of the Library of Congress are rich in print materials on the topic of residential real estate research. The book listed below link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Links to additional online content are provided when available.
The following list of external websites includes both U.S. and overseas associations and organizations involved in the real estate field.
Real estate and mortgages are heavily regulated on the local, regional, and federal level. The following government websites can enhance your research on these topics.
These freely available websites provide authoritative information related to the real estate industry, including construction and housing markets.
The following links to government information, print resources, and external websites provide information on demographics, statistics, and other data related to the U.S. real estate industry. The Library of Congress has extensive Census collections. Refer to "Locating U.S. Census Publications in the Library of Congress," for additional information, or consult with Business Reference Services or submit a inquiry to Ask A Librarian.