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A key component to reentry for a person who was formerly incarcerated is employment. The following online and print resources provide information and services aimed at assisting justice-involved individuals with locating employment. Check your local employment laws External for guidance on how to report a criminal history on employment applications.
The following online resources reflect a mix of public and private programs and services addressing employment assistance for ex-offenders.
Employment opportunities for the justice-involved have been traditionally available in the following industries: trucking, construction, landscaping, fast food restaurants, drilling and oil, temporary agencies, newspaper delivery, computer and information technology, apprenticeship programs, as well as work at home/online careers.
The General Collections of the Library of Congress contain some materials on resources justice-involved individuals seeking employment opportunities. Many titles on this subject are printed by small and independent presses.
The following titles link to fuller bibliographic information in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. Links to additional online content are provided when available.
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