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Reentry and Employment Resources for Justice-Involved Individuals

Reentry Resources

In addition to finding employment, reentry after incarceration can be challenging. The following online resources provide information and services aimed at assisting justice-involved individuals with the many facets of reentry.

Following are links to information on educational programs and aid. Check with your educational institution for additional information and support.

The following information is provided on national disability programs. Check with your state to see if there area additional disability benefits programs available.

The following information primarily focuses on national programs. Check with your local government, faith-based institutions, and other networks for information on additional programs.

The following more general links may be of assistance.

Most grants are given on the institutional level, and those organizations then provide services to specific populations. There are limited grants available for individuals.

Following are links to government health resources.

There is a limited amount of information on federal organizations provided here, as much of the opportunities may be available on your local city, county, or state level governments or through local non-profits and faith-based organizations.

These resources provide information about assistance available on the local level through a state or zip code sort or search.

These organizations provide various support services, including those for addiction, mental health issues, and job training.