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Romania: Address and Telephone Directories

Telephone and address directories are used by genealogists and historians to identify people and businesses from a particular place and era. This guide lists directories from Romania in the Library of Congress collection.


Lista abonaților S.A.R. de Telefoane din București. 1947. Library of Congress General Collections.

Most residential and general organizational telephone directories in the Library of Congress are not cataloged, even though the Library maintains a large collection of foreign and domestic directories. We have therefore compiled this list of directories from Romania as a finding aid for our staff and researchers.

This finding aid covers telephone directories from Romania between the years 1937-1975, some of which the Library has digitized. It also lists address directories, such as the 1923 directory of Greater Romania, also digitized and available online. All of these materials can be requested for use in the Main Reading Room or in the European Reading Room.

When looking for listings of a smaller village in Romania, keep in mind that a nearby city or larger village (comună) might include listings for that smaller village. Therefore, a researcher should consult a map to locate a larger town nearest to the desired village, and then use the directories for that place. When town names have changed over the years, we list in the table both names, such as Stalin and Brașov.

In addition to uncataloged phone books listed in this guide, the Library also holds a handful of directories that are cataloged, and may be requested using the online catalog. To locate these directories, search the Library of Congress Online Catalog using subject keywords such as "Romania" or the name of a city, and "directories." This kind of search also yields business/address directories from Romania, a selection of which we are listing in this guide. For genealogical research it can be helpful to use some of the Library's hundreds of registers from Romania, including army registers, birth registers, concentration camp inmates, lists of students, registers of officials, lawyers, and more than 40 church records and registers.

Please note, that currently Romania does not allow information to be made public about private persons in either online or printed directories. Current data is only available about services and companies.

Related materials on the Library of Congress web site:

Romanian Collections at the Library of Congress
This collection is undoubtedly the largest in the Americas and probably the largest outside of Romania and Moldova. Monographic works either published in Romania or which pertain to Romania total more than 45,000 titles.

Cartographic Resources for Genealogical Research: Eastern Europe and Russia
This guide provides researchers information about geographic feature names in East Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and Russia among the collections of the Geography and Map Division at the Library of Congress.