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Russia and its Empire in Eurasia: Cartographic Resources in the Library of Congress


Boris L. Bruk, cartographer. Karta selʹskokhozi︠a︡ĭstvennykh raĭonov Evreĭskoĭ Avtonomnoĭ oblasti.. No date. Map of the agricultural regions of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast. Original held by Jewish Autonomous Region Museum of Regional History and Folklife. Digital image available through the Library. of Congress website.

The division holds several uncataloged maps depicting agriculture in Russia and the former Soviet Union. They vary in content and quality. A few, like the very unique one illustrated at right, emphasize agricultural regions. Uncataloged materials are noted below. Several cataloged maps depicting agriculture in Russia and various regions can be identified on the Library of Congress online catalog by way of the standard search term "Agriculture Russia Federation maps."

Single Maps

There are twelve uncataloged maps depicting agriculture in Russia and the former Soviet Union. They range in date from 1926 through 1959. One informative item is described below.


U.S.S.R. Village & Collective Farm. (Leicester, UK: Pictorial Charts, 1944). Offset lithograph, color. No scale. Filed under USSR -- Agriculture -- "Collective Farm" -- 1944 -- Pictorial

Pictorial map illustrating a typical Soviet collective farm from a bird's-eye view. Illustrated are the standard facilities associated with a collective farm, i.e. park of culture, shops, dining room, school, hospital, laundry, dairy, stables and piggery, tractor shed, etc. Key indexed by number to facilities. Includes an inset, "How the Farm is Managed," essentially a pictorial schematic of farm organization. Includes pictorial legend depicting the distribution of produce (across an average of 173,000 collectives inspected in 1938) and the distribution of money (across a range of distributions and expenses). Map copyrighted by Pictorial Charts of Leicester.

There are twelve uncataloged maps depicting agriculture in European Russia ranging in date from the 1880s to 1932. Two unique items are described below.


Karta Raionov Nailushikh Selektsionnykh Sortov Irovoi Pshenitsy dlia Stepnoi i Lesostepnoi Chasti Soiuza S.S.R. / Map of the of the Regions of the Best Improved Varieties of Spring Wheat in the Steppe and Forest Steppe Belts of the U.S.S.R. by V. V. Talanov. ([Leningrad]: izdanie Vceeiuzn. Inet. Prikl. Botaniki pri S.N.K. S.S.S.R. i Gos. Inet. Op. Argonom. N.K.Z. R.S.F.S.R., (1924-27). Colored map. Scale 1:4,000,000. Filed under Russia -- European -- Agriculture (sub.) -- [192-] -- 1:4,000,000 -- Talanov

Per the title, map illustrates the regions of the best improved varieties of spring wheat in the steppe and forest steppe belts in the USSR in the mid 1920s. Shows nine botanico-geographical regions, boundary lines of the regions and sub-regions of the varieties of spring wheat, isogietes of total summer rainfall, isotherms of July, and experimental fields of variety testing. Also shows cities and towns; state, oblast, and uyezd boundaries; and place names. Includes legend, and an alpha-numerical index of the best varieties of spring wheat by raion. Titles and legends in Russian and English.

Raspredelenie Posevnoi Ploshchadi Iarovoi Pshenitsy v % - kh k posevnoi ploshchadi vsekh kul'tur v Evropeiskoi chasti SSSR / Distribution of the Acreage Under Spring Wheat in percentage of the total acreage under crops in the European part of U.S.S.R. According to the data of 1924-25. ([Leningrad]: Institut NTU-VSNKh-USSR, 1925). Colored map. Scale 1:400,000. Filed under Russia -- European -- Agriculture (sub.) -- 1925 -- 1:4,000,000 -- D. Barskov / Institut NTU-VSNX -- USSR

Per the title, map shows the distribution of acreage under spring wheat in percentage of the total acreage under crops in the European part of the USSR. Map indicates, via density shading, the distribution of acreage under spring wheat in percentage of total acreage under crops according to 1924-25 data. Also shows state, republic, autonomous republic, gubernia, and uyezd boundaries, as well as the border of the Ural Territory and the North Caucasian Region; administrative centers; and place names. Numerical figures within circles denote acreage under wheat in thousands of hectares and in the percentage of the total sown acreage. Includes legends. Title and legends in Russian and English.

There is one uncataloged map depicting agriculture in the RSFSR from 1959.

There is a single uncataloged map depicting agriculture in the Caucasus for the period 1928-33. It is described below.


Karta Perspektivnogo Plana Irrigatsionykh Rabot v E.S.F.S.R. (S.l.: s.n., [1932]). Lithograph, colored. Scale 1" = 20 versts. Filed under USSR -- Caucasus -- Agriculture (irrigation) -- 1928-29/1932-33 -- no scale -- no author

Map illustrating areas in the Caucasus to be affected by agricultural irrigation projects during and beyond the first five year plan, 1928-32. Irrigated areas, in addition to projected standard and optimal success rates, are indicated by color and hatching, which also indicates those areas under research and development. Includes a list of twenty-four (24) irrigation projects by name, keyed by number to the map. Also shows railroads; rivers; place names; and state, republic, oblast, and county boundaries.

There are four uncataloged maps depicting agriculture in Siberia for the years 1912 to 1932, and five maps depicting fisheries in Siberia for the years 1925 to 1941. One informative item, available as a digital image through the Library's website, is described below.


Karta sel'skokhoziaistvennykh raoinov Sibirskogo kraia. (Map of Agricultural Areas of the Siberian Region.) (Novosibirsk, Russia: Publication of the Siberian Regional Agricultural Administration, 1926). Scale 1 centimeter = 50 kilometers. Original map at: Russian State Library.

Soviet-era map, published a few years prior to the implementation of Collectivization, shows the agricultural areas of Siberia, district borders, district centers, place names, railroads, rivers, lakes, and cities and towns. Emphasis is on the forest steppe region of southwestern Siberia and parts of southern Siberia, which experience conditions suitable for agriculture. It also attests to the success of the Siberian dairy industry, whose thousands of creameries supplied sixty percent of Russia's exports of butter in the years leading up to the Revolution.

Original map at the Russian State Library, but is available as a digital image through the Library website.

There are four uncataloged maps depicting agriculture in Ukraine for the period 1940 to 1944. One additional item cataloged and housed in the division's vault is described below.


Karta sveklo-sakharnykh i rafinadnykh zavodov iugo-zapadnago kraia : [Kīevskaia, Zhitomirskaia i Kamenets-Podolʹskaia gubernīi Rossiiskoi imperii] / ėtu kartu sostavlialo, pod rukovodstvom dieistvitelʹnago chlena Imperatorskago russkago geograficheskago obshchestva P.P. Chubinskago, chastnyi zemlemier K.L. Marzhetskii. (S.l.: s.n., 188-). Manuscript map, pen-and-ink, colored inks, and watercolor. Scale 1:840,000. 20 versts = 1 English in. Filed under LC call number G7101 .M8 188- .M3 Vault

Late nineteenth century map of right bank Ukraine (Kiev, Zhitmor, and Kamenets-Podol'skii gubernias) depicting sugar beet processing plants, beet-sugar refineries, sugar beet production by uyezd, and existing and planned railroads. Also shows roads, railway stations, place names, and cities, towns, and villages. Includes legend.

Set Maps

[Karty zernosovkhozov Bashkirskoi A.S.S. Respubliki R.S.F.S.R.].([Ufa?]: Bashsoiuzzernotrest, [1936-39?]). Maps, uncolored. Scale [1:100,000] or 1 cm. = 1 km. Filed under LC call number G7063 .B4J1 s100 .B3 MLC

Incomplete set of six maps depicting state grain farms in Bashkortostan in the late 1930s.   Each sheet depicts numbered fields, farm divisions, settlements, and paved and unpaved roads. Also show lakes and streams; bridges; farmstations; petroleum stations; wells; and grain elevators. Sheets included indexed statistical table, or "eksplikatsiia," of land structure by numbered sections. Some maps also include insets and notes. Library holds the following sheets depicting Bashsoiuzzernotresta B.A.S.R. grain farms: Karta Buzdiakskogo no. 4; Karta Zilairskogo no. 6; Karta zernosovkhoza "Krasnaia Bashkiriia" no. 7; Karta Mesiagutovskogo no. 8; Karta Zabel'skogo no. 11; and Karta Davlekanovskogo no. 13.
