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There are maps depicting boundaries in Russia and the former Soviet Union. Those that are cataloged can be identified on the Library of Congress online catalog by various subject terms, such as "Russia (Federation) Boundaries Maps," or "Karelian Isthmus (Russia) Boundaries Maps," or "Russia (Federation) Boundaries China Maps," or "Boundary disputes Russia (Federation)," or even "Poland Boundaries Maps." Those few uncataloged materials are described below.
There are fourteen uncataloged maps depicting boundaries in Russia and the former Soviet Union, and range in date from 1870 to 1951.
There are two uncataloged maps depicting boundaries in European Russia for the years 1924 and 1941. One of them, in addition to an informative digitized item, are described below.
Treaty map shewing the boundaries of Russia & the Eastern European states : & the proposed boundary between Russia & Turkey. James Wyld. (London : Published by James Wyld, Geographer to the Queen & H.R.H. Prince Albert, February 25th 1856). 3 maps on on sheet, colored. Scales differ. Filed under LC call number G7001.F2 1856 .W9 Fil 94
Three maps on a single sheet titled Treaty map shewing the boundaries of Russia & the Eastern European states: & the proposed boundary between Russia & Turkey. The largest map, titled the Russian & Ottoman Empires, Sweden, Denmark, Prussia & Austria, shewing the Russian Territorial Enlargements of Various Treaties, covers European Russia. The second map, titled Map of the Proposed New Boundary [with the Ottoman Empire], covers Bessarabia and Moldavia. The third map indicates the extent of the Russian Empire in 1856. Margins include chronological tables of treaties and boundary agreements between Russian and Sweden, Poland, Turkey, Persia, and China; as well as text and statistical tables. Map is hand-colored to show existing and proposed boundaries, with boundaries of those territories acquired by Russia in dark red lines. Map also depicts settlements, place names, hydrography, and relief (mountain ranges) shown by land form drawings. Map from the Millard Fillmore collection.
Map is available as a digital image on the Library website.
The Treaties of Brest-Litovsk and Supplementary Agreements. L. Martin and A.L.P. Dennis. (S.l.: s.n., [1924]). Map, printed. Scale ca. 1:5,000,000. Filed under USSR -- European USSR -- Boundaries -- 1924 -- ca. 1:5,000,000 -- Martin and Dennis
Map showing the boundaries and territorial arrangements pertaining the 1918 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk between Bolshevik Russia and Imperial Germany. Depicts territories given up by Russia and territory retained by Russia under limitations. Also show international boundaries, approximate international boundaries, annulled boundaries of Russia, and other annulled boundaries. Includes indexed legend of affected territories.
The division holds two uncataloged maps depicting Estonia's boundaries in 1919, and holds eleven maps depicting Lithuania's boundaries for the period 1920 to 1954.
The division holds two uncataloged maps depicting boundaries in the Caucasus for the period 1918 to 1920s, and four in Armenia for the years 1920 to 1925. An additional item, filed elsewhere in the collections, is described below.
Karte der Russisch-Tükischen Grenzbebiete in Kleinasien nach den vorhandenen besten Quellen entworfen u. heraugegeben von J. J. Pauliny techn. Official im k. k. militätar-geografischen Institute zu Wien 1877. (Wien: k. k. militätar-geografischen Institute, 1877). Photolithograph, colored. scale 1:750,000. Filed under USSR -- USSR in Asia -- Boundaries (with Turkey) -- 1877 -- 1:750,000 -- J. J. Pauliny
Map depicting the Russo-Turkish border in 1877, presumably during the war between Russia and the Ottoman Empire in 1877-78. In addition to the border, the map shows provincial and county boundaries; cities, towns, and villages; place names; monasteries; ruins; post offices; forts, railroads; roads and paths; rivers and lakes; and relief by shading and spot heights.
There is a single uncataloged map depicting boundaries in Russian Central Asia from the early twentieth century.
There is a single uncataloged map depicting Siberia's boundaries from the year 1877.
There are two uncataloged maps depicting boundaries in Moldova/Bessarabia from ca. 1910 and 1925. One is described below.
The New Soviet Republic on the Frontier of Bessarabia. Compiled by Lawrence Martin. From Foreign Affairs, vol. 2, no. 3, April 1925, p. 511. Photostat map. Scale 1:1,300,000. Filed under USSR -- Moldavian SSR -- Boundaries -- 1925 -- 1:1,300,000 -- Martin
Map from Foreign Affairs journal depicting Transnistria, or the Moldavian A.S.S.R., just after it became an autonomous entity in 1924 between the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and Romanian Bessarabia.
There are two uncataloged maps of Ukraine's boundaries from ca. 1916 and 1919.
Karta Gosudarstvennoi Granitsy Souiza Sovetskikh Sotsiaisticheskikh Respublik i Finliandii. / Sosialistesten Neuvosto Tasavaltojen Liiton Ja Suomen Valtakunnan Rajan Kartta. ([Moscow]: Tsentral'naia Smeshannaia Souiza SSSR i Finliandii Pogranichnaia Kommissia, 194-). Maps, uncolored. Scale 1:20,000. Filed under LC call number G7001 .F2 s20 .T7
Set of thirty-three large-scale maps depicting the Soviet-Finnish border demarcated in the wake of World War II. In addition to the boundary line and boundary markers, maps also show cities, towns, and villages; highways, roads, and trails; railroads; telegraph and telephone lines; cemeteries; monument stones; rivers and lakes; wells; ditches and river beds; bridges; memorials; hills; forests, marshland, and scrub; and relief by form lines.